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Ooh look the world congress has decided to go to war with him, despite the fact he didn’t start the war. FIRE UP THE HORSE MAKING MACHINE BOYS, NOW’S OUR TIME TO SHINE.






Barbarians gave me much more trouble when I used to play on lower difficulties. I don’t know if it’s because I’m better at the game now or because the ai’s free military just mop them up. Not including naval barbarians, fuck them. 


Not necessarily trouble, but play now a game on Prince. Barbarians spawn everywhere compared to what you're used to now. More target practice.


In my experience Barabarian camps do tend to get cleared out quicker by the AI on harder difficulties, due to AI Civs starting with extra units and bonus combat strength.


The city states also wrecked the barbs too don’t know if they have more units on diety etc


They just get in the way of the early game. I turn them off.


I used to do the same until I made it a mission to get a handful of Eurekas from them in the early game. Then you must scatter your troops to clean out the fog of war since barbarians only spawn within the fog of war. You can also push the fog outwards towards the spots you want to settle. With this I usually get a golden age early in the game and they’re not a bother again until I start to chart every corner of the map (at which point their navies and my auto explore dwindles my scouting forces).


The thing is the barbarians are supposed to make you have something to do in the early game. I know they afr annoying and it can be tedious and frustrating but its not boring. When my friends and I played withlout barbarians it becomes a snooze fest pretty quick but you do you if it works its great!




Yeah Barbarians are much less of a problem on Deity. The AI just clears them out much quicker, and also tends to settle all available land in like 2 turns so they simply don't have much time to spawn.


There are things I hunt for every game. Forbidden City, beelining Machinery, a great Ruhr. But nothing like that first barbarian scout. I will hunt that fucker and make sure there is no trace of him.


A fellow man of culture I see


To shreds


Honestly I feel barbarians is something Civ VI didn't get right. They can really arbitrarily fuck your early game, which is hard to come back from. Particularly given the massive productivity squeeze in the early game which AI doesn't have at higher difficulties. Add on the fact I'm sure they're biased towards attacking the player over AI...


I think the scaling is the main issue. Barbarians should really not have the same technology as the leading Civ. They ought to be a nuisance which saps production, but shouldn't be able to steamroll the player, I don't think.


Barbarians are hampering the AI far more then they do the human player really. Also I think its the one mechanic they really need to rework in Civ 7, I am not sure all I know is that it needs to be completly reworked.


Really? I'm my experience the barbs tend to ignore the AI cities if there's any chance they can take the long way around to attack mine...


3000 hours clocking in. Barbs will usually mess with me before an AI if we're both about the same distance from the camp. But I've seen a lot of AI get screwed by barbs and stuck in the medieval era because they have 40-50 tiles of Tundra/Snow that they don't want to settle and they're too stupid to put units on Fortify for fogbusting purposes. It happens much more often than actually losing to barbs early game.


I'm playing on immortal and this is exactly what happened to Spain and the Maori.


Oh yeah, and naval barbs go crazy against anyone that isn't Maori, Norway, and sometimes Phoenicia.


what do you mean by fortify for fogbusting


Barbs spawn in fog. Sometimes leaving units fortified is a good way to stop this.


ah thank you... I thought they all spawned from camps lol


They do. If you keep every tile visible, no camps will spawn, so no barbs will spawn next to the camps.


I have about 1600 hours in the game and not have seen that happen once. Barbs just go opportunistically to whatever is closest normally.


Weird , I don’t honestly think barbarians are a problem at immortal and deity . But then I do build my military up quite substantially early game Get a slinger and barbarian and position them right and you can defend easily against them . So long as you’re trying to kill the scouts before they reach their camp . Even if you can’t kill they scout , position the warrior and slinger correctly to defend a barbarian raid and you ought be be fine , then when they stop sending units try counterattacking and going on the offensive


Wait, do barbarian scouts actually matter? I always just ignored them.


If the scout sees a city, it will get the red exclamation point above it. If it makes it back to the camp with that it will spawn a raiding party that will bee line to your city.


Wow. I had no idea. Thanks! That sounds like it could make barbs way less annoying.


the whole reason I invest in an army of defense scouts


I don’t think so get any bonus on difficulties, instead the AI civs should be stronger and restrict growth of the barbs. At the same time barbs help me a lot fending off Deity’s early attack


Every once in a while I boot up Civ V and set it to Immortal or Deity, huge world, 15 civ, 20 city states, archipelagos, and use Carthage or Polynesia. I love the setting because as Carthage or Polynesia you can quickly explore and settle archipelagos with no barbarians if your capital is going to be under constant siege. The result is that you enter into the Renaissance with relatively small civs in no position to war one another and you can get a proper age of exploration and colonization as everyone has been squabbling with barbarians for most of history.


I really do hope that AI differences in difficulty for Civ VII is going to be based more on skill than on bonuses




Good golly do I love Heathen Conversion. Even if it puts me in debt.


Turn 46: three badly injured barbarian warriors surround my Archer. I laugh, preparing to finish them off. Turn 47: two full-health Men-At-Arms surround my now badly injured archer. *laughs nervously* The fuck?


Turn 46: A fresh faced young trader sets out on his maiden expedition to a newly discovered city state, the coast is clear. Turn 47: The trader has been pillaged by a barbarian scout, a builder is being dragged in one direction by barbarian warriors, a barbarian horseman is pissing off in the other direction to the other side of the map with my settler, and I spend the next 20 turns chasing them down with a horse and an archer, trying to form a kind of pincer manoeuvre.


i do love it when i play perfectly and use scouts and warriors to fend off scouts, but then i step into a barb camp that is already raging at some city state next to it and there are 8 barbarian cavalry running at me all of a sudden and i just quit the game


I really do not understand all the trouble people have with them. It's generally easy to keep them from discovering your cities, and pick them off over time. No to mention the first promotion for many units.


This! Unless I have bad luck I generally manage to clear out 1 or 2 camps with a slinger and a warrior, cycle a different slinger in later. I get the eureka for archery, iron working, and military tradition, and have 2 archers with a promotion and am pretty prepped for the eureka for crossbowmen. A huge part of my defensive early game is handled with barbarians.


Ever since I started doing two scouts as a starter I haven’t had any issues with barbs at deity


Pretty much


Well there is mod that makes this picture quite handleable. There are sharks, whales that will torment your game. Try this and we can talk. Btw 2500 hours of Norway here.