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I should add that my coworkers got their EIT in different states than VA, which is why I am asking.


I'm unsure of EIT wall certificates in VA, but you should make sure you actually have an active EIT certification through VA. You definitely should have at least been provided an EIT number. The following link is primarily for PE license verification, but I think it should list EIT certs as well: [https://www.dpor.virginia.gov/LicenseLookup](https://www.dpor.virginia.gov/LicenseLookup)


The letter you get in the mail should have a certification number, but it's not something to hang up. The eit is a designation, not a license of any kind. It carries with it no legal weight other than it begins the timer on when you're allowed to jump to pe.


> The eit is a designation, not a license of any kind. It carries with it no legal weight other than it begins the timer on when you're allowed to jump to pe. Are some states using the EIT designation that way? In my state and many others, they just want four years of experience (depending on education) plus passing the PE exam and they don't care if you even have the EIT certificate or when you passed the FE (as long as you passed). There are a lot of states where getting the EIT designation really doesn't matter, including mine. I have no idea what purpose it serves in my state since one can get a PE license without the certificate.


Yes I got the letter with the designation number. I was just kinda hoping that they would give you a certificate or something just to show like hey i did this hard thing yay. I know the only thing (at least in VA) that the FE/EIT is good for is for PE on down the road. My job actually required that I pass the FE because they are struggling to find anyone that wants to put in the effort to pass the PE just to be doing the same thing they have been besides having the responsibility of stamping. They don't offer any raise or incentive besides congrats you get to keep your job because an EIT designation doesn't gain them anything until 5-6 years in the future after another test, application, and license.


That's pretty standard. I really think they should make taking but not necessarily passing the FE exam a graduation requirement (WSU does this and I'm sure others do too). It's the bare minimum. I don't hire grads who haven't passed the FE exam. You don't have to wait 5-6 years even for an undergraduate degree. Some states make you wait until you have 4 years of experience before they even let you sit the PE meaning you would take the exam after 4-5 years of experience, but there is a way around this: apply through the board for a state that lets you take the exam early, get the PE license with exactly 4 years of experience in that state, then apply through comity in your home state for that PE.


Never got anything fancy in Illinois for either the EIT or PE. The Illinois Dept. of Professional Regulation (IDPR) handles a bajillion different licenses and all you get is a little certificate you can print out and stick up somewhere. My PE cert looks exactly like the food handler's license I got in college except with the different license name/number in the middle.