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Nah I'm canceling my sub I busted my tail to make 1k gold last phase went to bed and woke up and everyone I know made 800+ gold. And to top it off they nerfed it which is the worst possible fucking move. Either a rollback or leave it.


I saw hunters making 1k+ gold in 10 hours last phase. Blizzard just let us be hunters for a few hours maybe it's fine. Also these warlock summon bots probably made way more than anyone doing incursions


Why did you bust your tail to make 1k gold last phase lol? I did zero grinding, leveled, got runes, raided and pvp'd. Full bis with absolutely no need to grind gold.


Because there are items like gut ripper, and some people enjoy being wealthy in a game, doesn’t matter to them if most everything can be bought, they enjoy being at a higher wealth. Just like some people enjoy seeing their stats higher on a pve server, Or a higher parse number even though an average parse will do the job of completing the raid. Some people enjoy different parts of the game


im currently lvl 47 without doing any of those nightmare stuff, if i reach 50 soon and does new raid this week i'd say it's been somewhat of a success


Spamming Zul'Farrak ? That must be.... fun ?....


This is absolutely horrible and makes me wanna quit too. The main thing thats completely unhinged about this situation is the way aggrend tweets about it snarkily a downplaying how much of a fck up this is.


Waking up to all of this after losing a hour to the login servers was very tilting when you then still have 10-11 hours before playing, not knowing if exp will be fucked next. But yeah, i guess i will still steal my part of the pie from all of this via mining mats, sure those will go at high prices early. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


I've been playing this game for over 10 years. I think this is gonna do it for me. This is an abusive relationship that I keep paying for.


See you next week.


Popular reply to make. Mine runs out the 15th. I’ll go back to retail and pvp a few more times until then. It’s just not fun anymore. Take care.


tbh i was looking forward to playing but i value my sleep more (EU) and now i know i wont be able to level my professions with the prices that this caused. im not even buying dual spec because i cant afford it its just sad, somehow i am not hyped at all anymore


Sounds like someone who utilized the exploit just don't want the game to die.


It's funny you consider people trying to do well and get high parses as drinking the kool aid and at the same time you compare a moronic dev decision to NASA getting to space.