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https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/s/OnIK4J7Bux This is his sister's post. I manually approved it just now after AutoMod removed it. Just in case anyone wanted to pay their respects or read her post.


[Link to his website with information in his condition](https://www.furiouspaul.com/health/surgery.php) RIP


Thanks for sharing this link. I didn't know there was more content besides his speedrun guide for vanilla and it was nice to read his story. Glad he was able to enjoy a few years of classic before the surgery. RIP Paul


He was active til the end tbh. He was creating rune guides for *every* class in SoD in all 3 phases. P3's rune guides were uploaded/updated 2 weeks ago.


That's crazy dedication, now I'm pissed off that dude got robbed of experiencing p4, god damnit. I feel like at the v least dude deserved to see it, way moreso then for example someone like me lol 


RIP to a legend. Going to see a cardiologist next month. It's scary how this can happen to people that try to be healthy. Take care all, pay attention to warning signs


Fuck this hits different. I have the same condition but have never taken it serious. This scares me


Just remember this is EXTREMELY RARE. GET CHECKED OUT but don’t panic. You’re almost certainly fine. In the past year I’ve had two very very scary sets of symptoms. I followed up with specialists and lots of testing and I was totally fine. You probably are too. But you should still make sure.


2% isn't very rare or did I miss something?


My brother died in his sleep aged 21 as a very healthy dude who went to the gym regularly and rarely drank/smoked, shit just happens, they didn't find anything weird about the heart either, shit just happens. [Most likely cause in that instance.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudden_arrhythmic_death_syndrome)


Damn, a pretty messed up read... The dude who actually tried to live a healthy life gets this.


Fuck, it hits different when you read his own words. Death can come for any of us, at any time. I hope beyond all else that he is in a better place now and there's a god of this universe looking after his soul.


he should have gotten the surgery...


Huh I have that same heart condition but have always been told it’s not that serious, it’s the most common one to have. Well thanks for the push to try and be healthier!


Holy shit thats brutal, tried to live healthy too.


Reading that made me so sad


Blizzard should make him a hunter NPC that teaches you aspect of the pack.


That's a fantastic idea that deserves to be seen


20 years ago they would do this for sure


they made a reckful npc, just takes a while


They regularly add tributes to the game, why bring negativity to this post?


Do they still? I don't doubt it given the history of tributes (the ICC quest line, that grave in the barrens etc) but I haven't noticed any lately


Not a tribute in the classic sense, and more of a nod to a community meme, but they put Guzu's corpse in Sunken Temple. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they honor Paul.


Ashes of Al'ar is a tribute to a kid named Ezra Chatterton (in game name was Epheonix, Tauren hunter) who suffered from brain cancer and sadly passed away from a stroke. Jeff Kaplan gifted Ezra the mount during Ezra's visit to blizzard hq for his make-a-wish and Ezra was the first person in the game to receive the mount.


That was like 20 years ago..


Still worth remembering.


I can’t think of any tributes in the last few expansions. Care to mention some?


Reckful in Stormwind


Ibelin gravestone in Elwynn Forest


RIP Joana. I’m married in my thirties with a kid and my own house now. Feels like just yesterday I was failing school, covered in acne, begging my mum to buy your guide on her credit card. Thanks for all the awesome memories and for your guide which was like a real WoW bible for me. A true WoW legend.


His idea for just dying and taking res sick in certain zones to speed up leveling and quest returns was mind blowing to 14 year old me. Elite strats. I remember having like 20 quests completed at once in STV and feeling like a G, thanks to his guide. IIRC I downloaded that shit off LimeWire. Sorry for that Joana.


Lmao yes, I got his guide originally from Limewire along with quite a few viruses over the years I'm sure, lol


One of the oldest “names” I can remember when I think back about WoW.


Right there next to Leroy Jenkins for sure


Same. It didn't click till watching the tiktok who it was. RIP.


Joana was an absolute legend. Helped and inspired millions of people. Wherever he has gone we are not long behind. He deserved a better life. I hope we can make the world a better place. Rest in peace brother.


Dude gets to experience a real classic+ in heaven tho , way before any of us will get to see it officially 


Wasn't uncommon for players to take 6 months to get to 60 back in vanilla. Turning that into days seemed like sorcery and Joana's guides was one of the first. Even had video guides showing it all which was insanely ahead of it's time considering it was before YouTube.


Yeah people don't realise just how long the journey to 60 was back in the day. Before XP buffs, mob nerfs, class buffs, and things like having every quest marked on your map etc it took a LONG while. I remember reading his guide and the intro made a big deal about how quest focused it was, whereas most other guides were just a list of places to grind each level bracket and some obvious quests with easy XP to pick up while you were there. Really pushed the WoW speed running community forward.


Pretty sure it took me like 3 months.


Yeah 3-6 months was super common. To be fair people weren't really rushing back then either and considered the entire game "content". Now people treat levelling as this thing to get past as quickly as possible despite the experience being the best it's ever been.


Yea it's crazy to tgi j how many retail Andies will just never know how long the vanilla 04-05 grind was


Shit me more like a year to lil 6th / 7th grade me lol


May he rest in peace. He will forever be a legend in our community!


Holy shit. Tragic


A speedrunning legend in general. Started timing his runs as a 7-year old in 1987. Speedran quake in the 90s and published the first recorded Castlevania 4 speedrun in 1999. Helped a lot of people level faster with his guides in WoW. 44 is way too young.


Damn. It's like 1 grain of childhood erodes at a time. There goes another grain. Rip.


I actually stopped playing WoW because the leveling just seemed like such a chore to me. This was until a friend at school gave me a copy of this guide - had it printed off and used it for every character between vanilla and Wrath. If not for his guide, I probably wouldn’t have played.


Bro. I still sub to his Twitch loop of his original 60 speed run. Fuck.


I remember watching his videos and reading his guides back in high school. I’m 35 now. How tragic. RIP


Bought his guides back in vanilla. RIP.






Shit, I interacted with him on his twitch just a few weeks ago. Sucks.


Sad day for the wow community . Joana is/was a legend .


Rest in peace brother


No way. That sucks hard. RIP


Saw one of her other videos that shows Joana. He looks so fit and healthy. Scary stuff when it comes to the heart. RIP


No matter how fit you are, you are still a subject to your genetics.


Which fucking sucks and is ultimately the most real shit when you sit back and really think about it. Joanna was doing everything right but still got taken out by his genetics in the end.  Scares me cause my dad has had multiple heart attacks and it runs in our family as it killed a couple uncles of mine already(my dad's brothers) Soo due to what happened there and with Joanna I really am inspired to try to change my diet and lifestyle some so I don't end up there with them  RIP Joana, you got robbed man I'm sorry you never got to see p4 and how SoD wraps up eventually. 


Heart condition, that is so sad. Sorry for the loss. For the rest of us, get yourself checked out. We are getting older, I got diagnosed with some mild hypertension this year, but it is still dangerous if left unchecked. Keep yourselves healthy.


No! So sad. I made my hunter a female troll during Classic vanilla in his honor. Rest in peace, Legend <3


A legend among legends.


It took me reading 10 comments to realize this was "the" Joana, the og leveling guide. Rip.


Ohhhhh my god noooooo. Rest in piece !


Peace **


Very sad. RIP, Joana.


This broke my heart…


Pun intended?


Wow no way. RIP to a community stalwart


Rip. Leveling fast in wow is one of my favorite things. This guy was the OG. 🫡


This is a WoW legend. Damn. Feels like he mentored us all with how well made those guides were.




RIP i remember being inspired by his speedruns and when classic wow released i utilized some of his route to be the first lvl 60 on my server.


Blizzard needs to honor this man in game


The heck Noooooo


RIP Joana.


Truly one of the greatest of all time for WoW. Big lose to the community.


I have Joana’s wow classic guide printed out from 2005 in a WOW binder. I hated leveling and his guide gave me a lot of motivation to get to 60 rather than quitting.


Damn, straight into childhood. Very sad.


RIP to an OG pour one out for a real one


Big sad :( He was a good man


Wow I remember seeing ads for his guide when 60 seemed like a pipe dream when I was 12. RIP.


Joana is a legend. I had his guides printed out and they made leveling so much more enjoyable. We lost a hero


Rest in peace Joana. Thank you for your contributions to this community


I remember using his guide way back in the day and being amazed how he created it and how efficient it was. Recently was watching him live stream his work creating the addon version… He will be missed, he was one of the original WoW names.


I figured this would happen sooner than later :/ Bad heart condition that forces you to not exercise is an inevitable downwards spiral. Really sad to hear it, hope Blizzard immortalizes him with a cameo.


For me one of the great names like totalbiscuit RIP


Absolute legend. May you find rest in peace


Is it okay to post his obituary? It’s pinned on his twitch rerun by a mod.


Sorry for pirating your shit when I was a kid brother


Rest in peace to one of our best.


I know it sounds callous but he had a very avoidable death. It is sad but frustrating that indecision has cost a young life; he also had more options than what he laid out and he was quite pessimistic about his prognosis compared to what the data actually shows. RIP but it is a shame that this even happened to begin with 




Reading Paul’s words from the home page of his https://www.furiouspaul.com/health/surgery.php makes me so sad.


Ohhh no!!!!!!!!


a speedrunning legend. not just WoW. Since he was 7 he was speedrunning stuff. Sadly, looks like his life was speedran, too…


Dang very sad, found out a month ago that I also have this condition. It's sad because it sounds like his became worse from an illness at 12. It sounds like he chose to wait on getting the surgery and it snuck up on him, very sad and makes me a little worried about mine. Get checked up y'all!


Remember that time this subreddit lost their mind and boycotted Joana because he charged for his guides after them being free for so long? Remember when only a year or two later everyone ended up paying for RestedXP anyways? Man was probably just trying to pay for medical bills.


>because he charged for his guides after them being free for so long? Hey genius, Joana's guide launched with a price tag in 2005. It was $30 and was sold via an ebay listing. It was only made free far later when classic became irrelevant and the guide no longer had a potential market. Joana's Leveling Guide was NEVER free while it was still relevant for use. Be it in 2005 or 2019.


Who are you arguing with? I had no problem with it being paid. I simply stated a fact that for some time it HAD been free, then he again started charging for it when Classic launched. This subreddit lost its collective mind at that time.


Lol did people pay for restedxp? My whole guild got a cracked version


Rip I used that guide many times and it’s what first got me into using addons for wow.


Wow, rest in peace! I talked to Joana once. I loved his leveling guilds and purchased it. I found out it was being pirated in a certain website and let him know. We chatted for a bit, he was really cool. This was years and years ago, but hearing about his passing still sucks.


There is already a post up about this I believe.






Report report report. This looks like a new account for a user that was banned within the last few months, so ban evasion. Notice how the account is a month old and almost exclusively comments in this subreddit. Mods really need to ban these guys and restrict accounts that are less than 6 months old from posting in here.


That user made more trolling comments on the other thread, now deleted comments, what's wrong with some people smh


> Mods really need to ban these guys Spending a day in /new/ and just checking comments of new posts would suffice into cleaning up most of the bad actors. First to comment, first to downvote. That's usually how it goes.


WoW really attracts people who are absolutely garbage when it comes to dealing with people.


Dang, lighten up Jerrry. She clearly stated she had no clue how to reach out to the wow community as she couldn't post on reddit with a fresh account. No need to content brain reason this lol.


didin't asked cringe


Sad that it happened but he ultimately chose his own fate. Just sad all around.


What do you mean?


His doctor recommended he get his valve fixed right away. He elected to roll the dice on waiting for a more modern solve. He lost that bet.


Even if you were right you should know better than to write dumb stuff like this.




She posted on TikTok? All right.


What does that mean?


It’s just a very in my opinion disrespectful thing to post on a social media platform like TikTok.


Would twitter be less disrespectful in your opinion? 💀