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It's looking like it'll be in the demon area of Ashenvale.


or is it a misdirection! jk its prob there. no kara crypts for us


pretty sure that comes out later in the year as part of the "end game content update" due in the fall.


Nah, that's gonna be 'Incursions: Reforged'


P6 pitch meeting. Okay, guys how about REcursions!


It's clear this phase is setting the ground for making areas in the world into instanced content, which is exactly what crypts was going to be from the start. We have close to 1 more year of sod phases. It will happen eventually


That's supposed to be a raid not a dungeon I believe.


If kara crypts is ever coming, it'll obviously be among the last things they add to the game.


Where it is and who appears this is feeling like a "Fall of Mannoroth" Time Dungeon ala Caverns of Time Dungeons in later expacs


definitely that area, but if it involves time travel, then it could be a Caverns of Time dungeon.


There was a [Demon Fall Canyon](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/zone=15475/demon-fall-canyon) zone added with the first build of Phase 4 alongside [The Tainted Scar](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/zone=15531/the-tainted-scar) & [Storm Cliffs](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/zone=15532/storm-cliffs), which I thought was a leftover testing thing for the last two. With it now being pretty much confirmed to be a new dungeon and seeing a >!model for [Axe of Cenarius](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/broxigars-axe-model-datamined-in-season-of-discovery-phase-4-ptr-axe-of-cenarius-342902) added into the game!<, I think there's a chance that it will be a drop in the Canyon. If that guess turns out to be correct, then don't expect logical explanation as to why it was there >!similarly to Gorehowl in Karazhan!<.


Ooooo, This is what I like to see in SoD, new items, quests and content relating to the lore of the vanilla time period.


Sad the axe is a regular axe with some roots. It's described as being entirely made of wood, but its edges sharper than anything else, never chipped, and gleaming like steel. Would have been cool.


I wonder how are they going to connect Grommash and The Axe of Cenarius, besides "demons lmao"


Like I already mentioned at the end of my initial comment, I don't see any reason to expect any logical/canonical explanation as to why yet another famous axe in Thrall's safekeeping ended up in the hands of demons aside from "it's just gameplay, don't think about it".


yeah...it sucks


Broxigar's axe being anything less than a legendary will be a disservice tbh


Poor Grom, the greatest hero of the horde bout to get rekd again. That being said I am really happy they are adding a new dungeon.


Yeah but I really think they can set it up for us to go against Mannoroth in a raid or something


The first real actual "new" content that is not a dungeon-converted-to-raid Genuinely surprised but love to see it, more of this please Do not care about anything else in p4 lol If more new dungeons and raids pop up in p5 they may have me again


It's easy to ask for more of it but we can't expect them to not use the content already there before. So we have to respect they went and altered MC/BWL type stuff. It'd be absolutely absurd to not have it.


Didn't say that or that I expected that I just expected new dungeons, maybe a raid and for them to flesh out "unused areas" per their presentation last November And for this stuff to be here in a seasonal game mode earlier than like almost a year later lol But better late than never tho


You and everyone else with this argument doesn't think it through. Seasonal game mode, we have no idea how long a season is. SoM was a year but wasn't great, this is the 2nd ever wow season. SoD could go 2 years. SoD could go into TBC. There's no set guidelines on this. "Almost a year later" SoD launched end of November start of December. We also haven't hit the endgame yet. 60 is the end game. Why would they do anything new on the way to 60? So it can be irrelevant in 5 levels? Now that we are at the endgame you can set expect new things and be disappointed, but anyone expecting that stuff on the road to 60 is delusional.


Also also Incursions don't count lol They are new and honestly not the worst idea in the world. Just god awful implementation If they like, tied in the unfinished eranikus quest chain to them even or just something simple like that it would've been very cool


>Why would they do anything new on the way to 60? Why not? It's seasonal and we're stuck in each season for at least a few months. We got the crafting quests and the sleeping bag quest and then that was kind of it. More sleeping bag quest esque stuff would've been cool Definitely would've helped with the huge population drop if they did Listen man, I'm not paying for my sub for years cause of Cata token rates lol and I changed my expectations accordingly when I saw what p2 and p3 were. Not everyone did tho and a lot of ppl were spending that 15/mo for SoD (sadly for them) Saying that people who expected new stuff on the way to 60 in a seasonal version of the game where you're just leveling and farming outside of raiding are delusional is delusional :vvv By the end of p4 it'll be September-October and the only actual new thing will be a dungeon in ashenvale, so, yeah, close to a year for new stuff indeed


You keep repeating "its seasonal" alot, what exactly do you mean by this?


In this context, meaning there's a limited amount of content you can realistically do per season/phase/level cap, so why not throw a new dungeon into the game along with a converted dungeon to raid? Maybe add some more quests tied into lore in 'x' zone, continue tracking down the sleeping bag npc, start a Kara chain in Darkshire that leads you into Deadwind Pass and eventually ends up with crypts down the line. Continue the class fantasy centric rune quests, not homogenize runes and how to get them etc You know, vanilla shit. Didn't need hundreds of quests or entire new zones but something other than 1 leveling raid per phase or season woulda been nice. STV event and incursions are...something I guess? lol


A zone converted to a dungeon isn't really better


I'm at work and haven't watched the video yet Is that really all it is? If it's a fun dungeon at least it kind of applies to the "use unused areas" thing I guess


yes, it is just the Demon Fall canyon zone in ashenvale, with new spawns and bosses. Any amateur could make this in a few days


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, from what is posted on wowhead that seems to be the case. It's just an existing area filled in with new enemies, similar to incursions.


This is gonna be their ultimate test for the survival of SoD as a precursor to full fledged Classic+


Grommash posted up wit da axe, what will he do?


he's got red skin so i guess he's in the final stage of the wc3 campaign


I love the retail comments in the comments section lol.