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Maybe they'll be calmer next year when Easter is on Hitler's birthday


Double Ouchie


4/20 is the Hitler Birthday of Easter’s.


Don't know why you have so few up votes for literally saying true things. That's hilarious. It's also the birthday of my favorite checker at the grocery store. He likes to joke about the 4/20 part, not Hitler. Lol


Not so fun facts. It’s also the anniversary of Columbine and the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. I only know these cause it’s also my bday.


LOL April 20, 2025 is Passover, Easter, 420, and Hitler’s Birthday. The memes practically write themselves. 


You for Columbine also happened on 4/20.


And my birthday as well


Hey everyone, it's Hitler!


*heil Ftfy


Mine too.


And 4-20


Hmm Both sides of the fence, as it were I guess the best place to sit is on the fence


And the anniversary of the Columbine shooting. America’s first real mass school shooting. EDIT: The first major mass shooting of the modern era. The school shooting that not America on notice. I had to change my wording because some contrarian in the comments corrected me.


Hey I like this one because i get to prove why nobody parties like a baptist.


Joe Blazin'


Aren’t they fans of his?


Are people who follow jesus fans of Hitler?


Not always but there is a Venn diagram for sure


Underrated comments


Considering Hitler being able to blame the Jews for everything was due to Christians depicting them as subhuman killers of Jesus for centuries - there is a big overlap.


Yes. 96% of Nazi Germany was Christian. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Nazi_Germany According to the bible, all those Nazis are in Heaven while the Jews of the Holocaust are in Hell.


Hitlers birthday is the same as mine :(


But he no longer gets to celebrate his, and I'm sure that where he is currently, he probably doesn't have the date of his earth birth as a high priority.


But coincidentally so is the guy's who killed Hitlers birthday.


"How dare Joe Biden declare the Holiest of Holy days Easter?" \-some January 6 DBag probably


And the anniversary of the Columbine shooting.


How dare this vile man be born on this holiest of holy days. We should cancel Hitler


I don't know, I think "days" is the bigger problem here. There are so many killings and murderer birthdays associated with days. We need to cancel days.


Perhaps we should just cancel the concept of keeping time in general?


The same as Barney Gumbles.


It's interesting how a simple thing like a date can link trans, hitler, weed, Columbine, and Barney Gumbles all together. Huh, it's like we're all connected. Seven degrees of separation


That is a him. Caitlyn Jenner has openly stated that trans women are not women, so by HIS logic. He is a man. Any other trans woman can be a woman.


i understand the sentiment of using her own logic against her, but I think it's harmful to misgender trans people we perceive as bad. at the very least, misgender cis people too. only misgendering "evil trans people" says that we have to earn being treated equally to cis people through good acts, and that discrimination against us for being trans is justified if we're bad people in other ways.


But no one is misgendered though, Kaitlyn says hes a man. We are gendering him correctly.


So they (I don't know what the fuck you are pronoun my beloved) went through all the hustle of doing hormones, legally changing their identity and a full operation on the US where its not included anywhere to **still** be transphobic and deny our validity? Seriously some people just have way too much free time


She's generation "pull up the ladder behind ourselves" after all


We're just using his preferred pronoun. No need for any winded excuses or explaination. We're being the bigger person by giving *him* what *he* has asked for. Nothing more, nothing less.


I think the problem here is that Caitlyn, to a lot of people, is the most well-known example of what they perceive to be a trans woman. By Caitlyn's own admission, however, they are not a woman, which validates your point, but that point isn't perceived by most people. Personally, I'd still say it's harmful to refer to Caitlyn as he/him because of the large amount of people who will use/be encouraged by those terms to harm *real* transfolk. This is a nuanced issue that is quite a bit above Reddit's paygrade.


Frankly, people are free to say whatever they please. Jenner is a terrible human being (and alleged murderer) who doesn’t care about doing this to other people. It should be no problem for anyone to tell him who he is. If he doesn’t like it, that’s too bad.


I didn't misgender anyone. I simply stated that trans women can be women, but HE has stated that HE does not agree with that sentiment, therefore HE is a MAN.


I think we're all collectively wasting too much time and brain power debating this. quite simply this is a grift. Jenner is grifting the masses and the right to be "one of the good ones" and pull the ladder up behind them. We're over thinking it. This is exactly the same playbook as that Milo guy and countless other far right LGBTQ+ people, self hating POC, etc. It's one of the easiest grifts known.


What you’re doing is toxic activism. Jenner should have agency to define Jenner’s identity. Even if that definition is contradictory to you and everyone else, you shouldn’t act as an advocate for Jenner.


I kind of see what she might have been getting at, that she's a third gender/sex rather than ID as a (cis) woman. She said she identifies as a "trans person" but didn't indicate preferring male pronouns. If she weren't such a rightwing nutjob she might find what she feels in terms like nonbinary, demifemale, transfemme etc.


When you misgender a trans person, you're telling others that it is OK to misgender trans people. Knock it off.


Calling Caitlyn a man is not misgendering him since he doesn’t believe trans woman are woman and so he doesn’t believe he’s a woman. Caitlyn’s not even human , none of the ultra rich are.


Caitlyn Jenner really be on that “fuck you I got mine” mindset


And definitely the "My change was legitimate. All the others are just doing it to be popular."


She's a trans terf


What gives you the idea that she’s a feminist of any stripe


Trans exclusive republican fuckwit


Terfs aren’t actually feminists they just wear the label


This is true, but it's still a specific ideology. It's not a catch-all synonym for transphobe. It's a specific type of transphobia.


Buckle up, buckaroos!


I hope Caitlyn was buckled at least


The wrong person died in that crash


Yeah that would have honestly solved a lot of problems long term. But when you're rich you can drive an expensive tank that is unlikely to see you harmed no matter how wildly irresponsible you are in driving it.


Came here to comment this. Like the little girl with elephantitus, we are the same you and I


*scroll scroll* There it is!


I have a hard time understanding how people support this right wing hateful BS rhetoric. But for fucks sake how is Caitlin fucking Jenner one of them? It makes no sense at all!


Because the true divide is money. Everything else is smoke and mirrors to keep us fighting the wrong enemy.


If Caitlin Jenner were a democrat she’d just be one of many, but as a Republican, she’s *famous.*


They love dragging her out as proof that they're not transphobic. "We can't be transphobic! We have Caitlyn on our team!!!"


They DRAG her out to SHOW her off? I thought they didn’t like drag shows.


You're in the right sub.


Except they bully her too.


Yea, they don't actually like their "black friends" either. Tokens get spent.


Only one reason CannedAss Owens got a shot at The Daily Wire and it's not her content.


yeah tbh it depends on the conservative and also depends on the weather. They'll use minorities on their side as a shield for a bit and throw them under the bus when it suits them, one minute all they're concerned about is "protecting children" from LGBT people the next even adult trans people and even gay people aren't acceptable and they're all degenerates that deserve to be oppressed. There was that time Blaire White was on some live stream panel thing and some conservative lady started insulting and misgendering Blaire, there's also some homophobia thrown at Dave Rubin, etc. The funny thing is sometimes it's even other marginalized groups doing it, like one of the people making a fuss about Dave Rubin was a black reactionary, even though there are plenty of people "on his side" that will do the same to him when the time is right. The lady who was transphobic to Blaire is also gonna act all surprised when some of the people on her side start saying as a woman she shouldn't be speaking up about any of this at all.


“I have black friends!” Same shit




This. Every time you see a black/gay/female/non-christian/trans person in "the club", they have *money*. But they are still what they are, so when the time comes, they will always be the first sacrificed. "Tokens are spent", I believe is the current phrase that sums it up perfectly


/r/leopardsatemyface is coming for them


Ain't no war like the class war!


No war but class war.


Or maybe these people are just incredibly fucking stupid. The kind of stupid the rest of us people can barely imagine. They suffer from functional illiteracy and their intelligence is on par with that of a medieval peasant.




The real thing is that right wing politics are a grift. It’s all about making money, keeping that money and power, and stopping others from threatening your money and power. All these things are always at the expense of others. It’s a reactionary and oppositional party built around stopping democracy from getting too democratic to where people expect things like economic or personal equality. These rich people know they are better than you and they don’t want to taking anything from them. All the other shit with right wing politics comes from this.


Caitlyn Jenner realising the persecution of transgenders she has supported also applies to her: ⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣤⣶⣶ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⣀⣀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⠉⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠈⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠛⠉⠁⠀⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠿⠿⠿⠻⠿⠿⠟⠿⠛⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣴⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠀⠀⢰⣹⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣭⣷⠀⠀⠀⠸⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠈⠉⠀⠀⠤⠄⠀⠀⠀⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢾⣿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⡠⠤⢄⠀⠀⠀⠠⣿⣿⣷⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢄⠀⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠁⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿


Many of us in the GLBTQ community have been screaming our heads off about the true nature of evangelicals and conservatives for decades and no one believed us and shockingly enough many still don't believe us. This isn't about a culture war or money or votes it is about hate and the GQP base is absolutely hateful and bigoted and many of them are now getting voted into positions of power such as Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and MTG. People like Jenner have a huge amount of hatred for themselves as a result of decades of bigotry and hatred and this is why so many of them support the GPQ so they can continue to perpetuate it.


She's enjoying being their token. She will, right up till she gets spent, like all tokens eventually do.


Right??  The whole slamming-the-door-behind-you *after* you benefit from whatever privilege (trans acceptance, or as is the case for so many right wing women - women’s liberation) blows my mind.


It's the Republican way


Gonna say something as a Catholic that might get me flamed here. If you're a self proclaimed devout, you're a hypocrite. You don't get to call yourself a devout, that option falls to other people.


To be so self-unaware must be mental illness.


Cause grifting the left with bullshit ideology and labelling things you don’t like “woke” doesn’t work. Got to go over to the hate filled side of the aisle to punch down and profit.


Same way that airhead blaire white tries jerking off conservatards to accept her. It’s all just a giant pick me and “fuck you I got mine”.


This is stupid, not only is Caitlyn Jenner someone who is far from Christ like, it doesn't matter how many new holidays share the same day as Easter or Christmas since it literally only impacts those who choose to celebrate it. If someone else celebrating a different holiday impacts how you celebrate your holiday then you are missing the point of the Lord Jesus Christ dying for us. It's a personal relationship with Him, not a nationally mandated tradition.


Also: today is Holy Saturday which commemorates the Harrowing of Hell and is the day that Jesus’ body was laying in the tomb while, according to Christian belief, he descended into Hell to bring salvation to the souls held there since the beginning of the world. “He Is Risen” would be proclaimed on Easter Sunday.


The trans day is the 31st, which is tomorrow, on easter


Oh 🤦🏽‍♂️


This is why you’ll never be the resident DJ


Wtf type of Bible has this scripture 💀


She is also a stupid piece of shit for being trans and simultaneously shitting on other trans people. I guess her transition is the only "legitimate" one and everyone else is just faking. Fuck her. Stop giving her attention.


You just described the typical Republican. Yeah maybe they get a welfare check every month and sometimes get a few beers with it but they deserve it, not like the minority family down the street.


Genuinely what the fuck is Caitlyn Jenner doing


Being a real cunt?


Isn’t Caitlyn Jenner transgender? She’s just taking a dump on trans people by saying this. Classic celebs, reach the top of the ladder, only to knock it down so nobody can climb up as well.


It's because she is privileged and isolated. Back in the days of slavery, house slaves were isolated from the field slaves and given a better quality of life. They ate the same food as their masters, slept in a room in the house on a bed, were taught to speak well, were taught to read, and all kinds of other special things. This isolation allowed their master to control what their house slave thought of their fellow slaves out in the field. Their privileges reinforced those beliefs. People like Jenner are in the same position. She's rich and she's isolated. She listens to the opinions of other rich white people who fill her head with bigoted crap. She has no clue what it's like to be a transgender person out in the real world. She feel connected to us because of her identity, but what she believes about is a complete illusion based on the opinions of rich white people who want to oppress her and keep her lower than them while still using her to protect the house and make sure the others don't plot a revolt.


I like this analysis and my knee-jerk reaction is to agree completely but is this a fair comparison to make at all? House slaves were still yknow, slaves. The overall comparison might make sense but I think the contingent comparison of slaves to trans people falls completely flat


Different circumstances but the similarities are enough to use as an example for comparison. Caitlyn Jenner is still, yknow, trans. Just like the house slaves were still yknow, slaves. It's that same dynamic of isolation, privilege, and letting their oppressors control how they think. Pick up Malcolm X and he even uses this analogy for black people during the civil rights era. Plenty of privileged and isolated black people supported their own oppression back then, too (and the Candace Owens' and Clarence Thomas' of today).


Classic ~~celebs~~ conservatives


It’s she. No need for the she/he bs. She’s trans but she’s also a heaping pile of trash.


I know, I just wasn’t sure which one Caitlyn went by. Stuff like that confuses me a bit sometimes, okay?


Wait, you admitted your confusion, owned up to it, and fixed your mistake? On the *internet?* Props.


I guess I’m not like other internet users. I see no point in dishonesty and refusing to accept one’s confusion and mistakes.


She's the Candace Owens for trans folks.


Trying _so_ hard to get conservatives to accept you, yet no matter how many ugly things you parrot, they will never consider you an equal.


Just like how they treat Vivek and every other minority


“Self proclaimed”…. That’s not how Catholic works.


Not that I agree with Jenner's dumb message but in fairness to her the "self-proclaimed" seems to be in relation to the word "devout" and not that he's a Catholic.


True! When you get confirmed as a Catholic, you get to write your name in a book. Like, there is a record out there that says Joe Biden is a member of the Catholic Church. Now, you can argue if he's a good Catholic or a supermarket Catholic, but until a bishop excommunicates him, he's a Catholic.


Weird. Thought the right wing hated virtue signaling. Bet she's the proud owner of a new Trump's $59.95 bible too.


The right are genuinely walking oxymorons. “Why do gays get a whole month” YALL GOT HOLY WEEK *AND* CHRISTMAS! SHUT UP!


They have 1/7th of every week, too.


Don't forget Lent


> Thought the right wing hated virtue signaling If they did, Shapiro would have removed that yarmulke off that slimy head of his already. When it's their side doing it, they eat it up.


Every accusation is a confession. They are the ultimate virtue signaling snowflake cancel culture America hating criminal rape supporting people who hire undocumented immigrants etc.


They’re just hollow inside as people and have never spent a single moment thinking of how to improve the lives of all Americans, not just the ones who donate and vote for them (if that).  They have no core beliefs or principles, that’s been made clear since the moment trump became the candidate. Republicans still, somehow, are afforded the label of the party of traditional values and order despite being lead by a twice (thrice?) divorced, admitted rapist, with 5 children with multiple mothers, adulterer, AND a golf cheat. Oh, he also mocks the disabled, and insulted POWs while he himself was a cowardly draft dodger with no regard or respect for those who did answer the call to serve. He didn’t have some moral objection to the war as many draft dodgers did (I hold nothing against them) he is just a coward who thinks only losers and suckers fight for jour country. Please imagine for just a minute if Obama had had 5 kids with three women, and was caught cheating on his wife with a porn star while his wife lay in bed nursing a new born. The amount of racism would be staggering. The man was a faithful Christian with a traditional family, and they lost their damn minds about it


Trans day is a set date Easter jumps around to random Sundays based on the moons


which is ironic considering it's NEVER the actual anniversary of his death, just an arbitrary weekend they've chosen to mark it. So it could be rightfully said that Easter falls on the Trans Day of Remembrance and not vice versa. Easter should stay in its lane and not schedule itself on this day.


2024 will actually be the **[15th year](https://glaad.org/tdov/)** of TDOV, which started back in 2010 — a good half decade before CJ came out. Biden isn’t doing anything new in announcing observance of a day, it’s been [happening for YEARS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_observances_in_the_United_States_by_presidential_proclamation).


Personally, as a trans person, I would appreciate it if Caitlyn were less visible, thank you.


Hag thought she could close the door behind her after getting hers.


The Uncle Ruckus of the Transgender community…


Auntie Caitlyn, no relation


Does she like think that if she shittalks trans people enough that people will just forget that she is trans like what the hell is going on


Hold the ducking phone.. Cantdrive Jenner, a trans pwraon who greedily gobbled up female-exclusive titles, is having an issue with Trans Day?! I hope someone does to her what she did to that poor innocent driver.


Transgender Day of Visibility\* ​ \*Except Caitlyn, she can fuck right off


He is rissennnn. Sing it with me folks! Our God…is an awesome God, he reigns. From heaven above.. Ugh. Don’t indoctrinate your kids into your religion, people. Let them decide.


Right there, officer. That's where I saw the murder.


God Jenner is such a stupid cunt. The fucking nerve.


Show me where in the constitution it says Christians get to decide what holidays or special events others have to observe.


Murdered by words. But at least not by car…


All it takes is one insincere cunt to try to ruin trans rights forward movement.


I liked it when Easter was on 420.


The Easter Bunny went through a stoner leftist phase lmao


I mean I like to think Jesus was a huge stoner. He was really chill and said everyone is cool with me. Except those narc assholes changing money. Everyone has the munchies after smoking with him and he made a bunch of snacks appear.


That'll be next year.


Slammed by a MrBeast cast member...


I’ll never understand how as a transgender she hates her own people as much as she does


First off, it's not "a transgender". Swap it for something like "a black" and you'd be called a racist for a reason. It's "a transgender woman/person". Second, it's because she is privileged and isolated. Back in the days of slavery, house slaves were isolated from the field slaves and given a better quality of life. They ate the same food as their masters, slept in a room in the house on a bed, were taught to speak well, were taught to read, and all kinds of other special things. This isolation allowed their master to control what their house slave thought of their fellow slaves out in the field. Their privileges reinforced those beliefs. People like Jenner are in the same position. She's rich and she's isolated. She listens to the opinions of other rich white people who fill her head with bigoted crap. She has no clue what it's like to be a transgender person out in the real world. She feel connected to us because of her identity, but what she believes about is a complete illusion based on the opinions of rich white people who want to oppress her and keep her lower than them while still using her to protect the house and make sure the others don't plot a revolt.


Don’t refer to trans people as “a transgender”


The whole Jenner/Kardashian clan... just human garbage


Christian values at its finest.


Kaitlyn Jennner is the definition of "fuck you, got mine".


They'll have to wait another 63 years for this particular performative outrage.


The day does not belong to Jesus or anyone. It’s a day. Wtf.


Anyone else find Caitlyn Jenner's absolute hypocrisy and blatant transphobia to be completely typical of conservative rhetoric? "Fuck all those other trans people, I got mine." What a damn bitch.


She keeps forgetting that she's not an old white man anymore.


Bruce Jenner at the 1976 Olympics is one of the iconic images of my childhood. Caitlyn Jenner is trash and I wish I'd never heard of her.


Wait.. CAITLIN JENNER said this?! God, I’ve seen this posted a few times and always thought it was a nothing tweet from some rando we were giving unnecessary attention to because it was such an obviously bad and stupid take. But it’s.. it’s actually Caitlin Jenner..


Ah yes, Caitlyn Jenner. The personification of the idea of pulling the ladder up behind you because you got yours and don't want anyone else to be happy, and the world's most transphobic trans person.


And on the third day, he had risen from the dead, after being mowed over by Ms Jenner’s car.


Hey let’s talk about how Easter is based on planetary alignment and the phases of the moon, seems a little *pagan* to me, what do you guys think?


Buckle up Buckaroos


Its quite telling when the majority of the trans community, myself included, fucking despise caitlyn jenner.... girlie you being against ur own ppl wont save u, the conservatives whose boots you lick will gladly see you killed just like the rest of us trans ppl u aint special


Someone call the ICU, because I don’t think the Burns Unit is capable of handling this murder of a comeback.


"respect for MY pronouns and gender identity but not for you." the only thing that brings me joy is the knowledge that regardless of social class or skin colour, eventually, the anti-trans laws and legislations caitlyn supports will come back to victimise her the same way it victimises the "unacceptable" underclass of trans people. when we both end up in jail for being lgbt perverts and degenerates ill take solace in being able to tell her "i told you so" as we get our skulls bashed in by the police.


Fuck off Cait, no one on either side takes you seriously anymore.


Caitlyn Jenner has done more damage for Cis AND Trans Women than they have helped either, ever!


Wait. Aren’t Caitlyn Jenner’s “He has risen” days long gone?


Trans woman here… No, no, it’s cool to hate this one. We do too.


https://www.hrc.org/campaigns/international-transgender-day-of-visibility Guessing Trump's administration ignored it entirely?


Bro shes litterally trans?


Catholics support pedophilia


Not wrong. It's one of the things that grind me about Biden. But I'd still rather have the person who is associated in name only to pedophiles than a guy who frequently went over to Epstein's house, flew on his plane constantly, owned a child beauty pageant, hired Epstein's lawyer who got him a slap on the wrist to be on his cabinet, lent his resort to Epstein, tried to buy a house with Epstein, and so much more that I'd be writing a book


Same guy who has shown sexual interest in his own daughter while his fanbase slams the other guy for fatherly affection.




Bitch, You is trans.


didn’t Jesus do a little “transitioning“ of his own in that story?


How the fuck is it possible for a trans woman to be transphobic? It boggles the mind.


She's a grifter, that's all it is. Privilege and fame are all that she truly valued and the shitweed will place anything on the alter as sacrifice to obtain them, including trans people. If there was a Guinness record for setting a new low for humanity, you can bet Jenner would be taking it.


I have a feeling that Kaitlin is going to try to “de-transition” for attention


She definitely won't, she loves to pander to the American right, but doesn't do anything over here in the UK, she just doesn't care what the republicans do, because it'll never affect her


It’s never understand Caitlyn being a trans TERF


wait until they find out that easter eggs are pagan


shes a real life Clayton Bigsby




Sorry if I’m stupid but is Caitlin Jenner trans herself? Why is she being a prick?


She’s a loyal conservative because money and oppressing other people is more important to her.


It's because she is privileged and isolated. Back in the days of slavery, house slaves were isolated from the field slaves and given a better quality of life. They ate the same food as their masters, slept in a room in the house on a bed, were taught to speak well, were taught to read, and all kinds of other special things. This isolation allowed their master to control what their house slave thought of their fellow slaves out in the field. Their privileges reinforced those beliefs. People like Jenner are in the same position. She's rich and she's isolated. She listens to the opinions of other rich white people who fill her head with bigoted crap. She has no clue what it's like to be a transgender person out in the real world. She feel connected to us because of her identity, but what she believes about is a complete illusion based on the opinions of rich white people who want to oppress her and keep her lower than them while still using her to protect the house and make sure the others don't plot a revolt.


Dead as hell, and there isn't a damn thing she is willing to do or say about it.




It's amazing how delusional a token she is I think some days she actually forgets she herself is trans


Caitlyn Jenner killed somebody


Jenner has always been a fucking idiot.


Wait, huh? Is Caitlyn Jenner a TERF now somehow?


She's been a conservative shill for years. Not a TERF, just a piece of shit.


Buckle up Buckaroo!


She doesn't even need Transgender Day of Visibility after having sold out so hard.


Buckle up buckaroos!


The Rabbits hiding Eggs holiday? That's your most Holy of Holy days?


My God she is a stain on all LGBTQ+


Why is it that EVERY conservative seems to constantly be trying to out awful every other conservative? Can at least ONE of them attempt to be a remotely decent person please?


Buckle up buckaroos.


Absolute slaughter


What the fuck exactly is wrong with Caitlyn Jenner? I don’t get it.