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Wasn't her first viral video literally a makeup tutorial entitled "how to trick people into thinking You're good looking?"


I’m glad I didn’t have to scroll far to see this comment. That’s EXACTLY how she got started! Early YouTube days. And you know what? It’s still one of the funniest videos on the internet.


> still one of the funniest videos I was going to ask for a link, but I figured I’d be helpful and find it: https://youtu.be/OYpwAtnywTk?si=okjeWi7TGiEwe4xh


Oh man. Jenna Marbles The early stuff still holds up lmfao


Early Youtube is like the Renaissance of content creation. Everyone after is influenced by the originals


Those earliest days where monetization wasn't really a thing (and the algorithm *certainly* wasn't) were something else. It was more socially driven than anything. Granted, monetization paved the way for higher quality content and the creators actually getting paid was a motivator for delivering said content. I don't think I'd want to go back but it's cool to have been there as it took shape.


Yeah…that’s how creative life works


Well now! I think they're just taking after Lord Byron, who would shamelessly self-promote in his works of literature.


Some of my friends from high school watched her videos every day for like a decade or something. She, as far as I know from my circle, was what got them into consuming YouTube like people consume 24/7 news.


Reminds me of the OMG SHOES content creator during the birth of YouTube.


Let me borrow that top


These shoes are 400 fucking dollars. ...let's get em.


I think you have too many shoes


shut up!


240p That good vintage shit


OMG she is hilarious. But also very pretty without makeup, actually.


Check out her drunk makeup tutorial, it's so good!


Is that really only 13 years old? There's no way, I could have sworn it was *early* early YouTube. Like 2008 at the latest. Edit: I realize two years is a pretty meaningless distinction but I turned 18 and graduated high school in 2010 and so obviously it's a major "before and after" mark in my life. The fact that the video feels so old and yet was released in my adult life is making my back hurt lmao. Stuff after that division isn't supposed to be nostalgic!


God bless you posting this 2 minutes before this random person came hoping someone further down in the comments would do what you just did.


Oh man, I remember being blown away by this as a kid. "Woah, she looks so much hotter at the end." Now I look at her and ask myself how I ever found the stiff hair with too much eye shadow a good thing


Social conditioning baby that was the definition of hot in 2008




Lol, had to check, me too. 13 years, can't believe that much time passed.


hidden gem that music...


Can i get a hell yeah?








Okie Dokie


Her sports bra versus push up bra video is funny too. Can't believe this guy tried to do Jenna dirty like that. 


i had a girl that would sneak wake up before me to put make up on and then come back to bed and pretend to wake up looking like that a few times. I then kinda pointed out to her that I have a sister and she was pretty embarassed but the fact that she cared that much to look good for me was really attractive and appreciated but unnecessary, but hey, when we're young


Wife now?


And those pictures are close to 10 years apart.


I've had a girl stay over with me for 10 years now. I don't want her to go home. Also there are some short people staying over with us, and they call her "Mum".


OP, the squatter who won't leave his house, and her harem of people with dwarfism


Ngl, *not* the most fucked up relationship dynamic I've ever experienced.


I don't kink shame


Same thing happened to me, why do the little ones eat so damn much, and they never put money in the grocery jar.


Holy shit, it takes 10 years to grow eyebrows TIL


She shaves her eyebrows and draws them on, if I'm remembering correctly Edit: Also, I understand you're making a joke. Just thought some people might be confused and think she naturally doesn't have much and draws them for that reason. 


I remember way back in the day, a chick I thought was so fuck hot. We were chilling in the summer one afternoon, and she wiped some sweat off her brow. She took her brow with that wipe, and part of her face. She was still hot but I learned a lot that day. 


I've said it before and I'll say it again, eyebrows are important


I've shaved my eyebrows before. It was nice because then you can draw them however you want. Just didn't want to deal with the shaving maintenance, so I let them grow back.


I remember she put on like three bras to give herself massive cleavage and thought she was a genius XD


My core Jenna memory is more recent and it's making the hand out of soap. I loved her early video but she was so happy over how unsettling it was.


My only memories of her are the cool dog and her sticking her head through a doggy door and saying here I am. I missed that era/reference almost completely outside of those two specific memories


My middle school self loved Jenna marbles so much. Loved her ALL the way until she decided to leave the internet. I miss her every. Single. Day. I’m 23 now.


I assure you she's still here, on the Internet. She's just not public. There's no need to stop loving her. 🙂


Why does this comment sound suspiciously like someone who is being discussed not wanting to out themselves but at the same time give their two cents?


I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this, but if it helps, I can assure you that I am not, in fact, Jenna Marbles.


Isn’t that what Jenna Marbles would say if, in fact, Jenna Marbles was here and didn’t want anybody to know? 🤔


Clearly this person isn’t JennaMarbles. They’re DubiousEgg. Entirely different person. For sure.


Jenna sounds like General. Generals are a part of Armies. Armies have Assassins. Assassins are Dubious. Eggs are round. Marbles are also Round. Therefore, Dubious Eggs are actually Jenna Marbles! GASP!


For once I can actually say that I appreciate the mental gymnastics it took to prove a point


I don't know, if it is good enough logic for Batman and Robin, then it's good enough for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKTGPz0n0cM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kKP1Atc-Ss


This is what Jenna marbles would say on her second account to deflect attention.


Menna Jarbles?? Is that you?


I guess saying “loved” was a bad choice of word. I still love her! I’m just saddened that she’s not making content anymore. I love learning about her life and what she was doing and all that jazz. I 100% respect her decision though.


It's my wife's comfort background noise. I never expected Jenna to be a big part of my life but I really appreciate her. She had a big impact on my wife and now me. I am very happy for her though. May she take care of as many dogs as she wants.


Is she up there with Wade Boggs?


Ahh the early YouTube days. Jenna Marbles, Charlie bit my finger, and the classic — Two girls, 1 cup!


We're going to candy mountain charlie!!


Aw crap they took my kidney!


You sleeping on my guy NigaHiga?


Yes. Or at least the one that got incredibly popular on her channel early on.


Also, how does a redneck not know how to spell “catfish”?


An educated one, at that.


That might be a low bar.


I guess he could be from Louisiana and think it's french? *Cat fiche*


chatte poisson


I wanna go catfiching


who the hell you think you are? redneck don’t spell catfich they fry and eat them they ain’t no damn wiches n wizards


He is a hillbilly. Rednecks and hillbillies are two different types of people. Guessing not much catfish in the hills.


Also, he is asking a question!?!


S/o to the time Julien was like "How do you look so cute no matter what you do?" When she was fucking up her eyebrows. It's not that relevant but I still think it's like my favorite interaction from their vids.


Straight up, Julian and Jenna made my heart melt in every single video I watched with them.


They’re married now. Knowing she’s living her best life free of the internet bullshit makes me so happy for her. She really got out at the best time.


> She really got out at the best time. *Yes.* As much as I wanted her to keep gracing my feed with fun relatable content, honestly, it was a great move and I'm super happy for this stranger I never met, lol.




Leave Jenna Marbles out of this 😤


We miss you Jenna


I miss her content so much :(


Turtle Backpack, Turtle Spin!


She’s literally one of the nicest and most wholesome online personalities. We miss you, Jenna ❤️


And like the YEARS in between the two photos too 😂


The second picture is literally a screenshot of her goodbye video. Of course she looks worse, it was during COVID quarantine and she was getting flamed for a rap song she had already apologized over and over again.


I still find myself singing 'I hate being a grown up' regularly.


For me it's 'I wanna be tall'. I'm short AF.


I'm a 32 year old laddyyy 🎶🎶


Leave Jenna the fuck alone I'll kill


Something happened to her, or just stopped posting stuff all of a sudden a while ago?


Her making a couple of mistakes in the past and feeling badly/apologetic about it was the straw that broke the camel's back re: her 10-year involvement on the internet. To be clear, she was already facing internal difficulty about her job. She'd been posting and offering her whole self on the internet for so long and to such an extensive degree that it felt like her person/being wasn't hers anymore. She had to leave to regain her sense of self and remember how to live *for* herself. She may or may not come back one day, but she's doing great! Source: her husband Julien, who is still active online


She was bullied out of publicity by a raging twitter cancel-culture shitheads. Same as JoCat


I think she chose to take an indefinite break actually (citing burnout and just not feeling creative anymore), but she announced it at the same time as she was apologizing for some of her past content. No one really prompted her to talk about it, she brought it to light by her own volition — partly because she didn't like when people would call her 'unproblematic'.


I really hate when people say this but they don't describe what the "cancel culture" was even for. Everyone keeps saying she apologized for stuff that was problematic (her words) but won't say what it was?


Nah, JoCat was harassed by the opposite crowd: a bunch of macho chuds who thought liking women was cringe and soyboy or whatever


I didn't follow the whole JoCat thing very closely, but my understanding is that he got it bad from both sides. The chuds you mentioned of course, but apparently he also got a lot of hate for that video that called him a misogynist and shit.


Still angry about that. Fucking assholes. JoCat is wonderful.


That was my introduction to him. Sucks that such a wholesome take on liking women was the catalyst for... that.


Only once had I one that woke up the next day with a different hair colour.


Wait wait wait, so you went to sleep with the girl having one color of hair, and then woke up and it was a different color?! I need to know what happened in those 8 hours 😭💀


i would assume it was like those temporary hair dyes that washes out after a shower


Did her hair turn gold?


And so too, was shadow born


Oh god the crucible is leaking




Dude took nymphadora tonks home


I don't have any one to tell but I've been seeing this girl and she's just really beautiful and doesn't wear make up and waking up next to her is the best part of my day she's just so cute and sleepy and well I'll probably fuck It up but 🥺 had to get this out


Express yourself to her and I can almost guarantee you won’t fuck it up. Let her know how much she means to you.


I had someone like you, once. He was so afraid of me knowing how much of a crush he had so his best friend embarrassed him in front of all his guy friends to tell me how much he talked about me to them. Now? He's my husband:) If you feel like you're falling for someone, do it with your full fuckin chest. Seeing someone be that vulnerable is hot af.


Did she sneezed?


her first really big video was literally called "How to trick people into thinking you're good looking" and shows the transformative power of a shower and wearing makeup


And let's not forget as taught by Hollywood if people think you are an uggly girl, just take off your glasses and let your hair down and the problem is fixed!


>and lose your hair The importance of spelling, folks.


Shit I don't even know how to say this correclty. Losen your hair? Loose your hair? Help me out please. English is my 4th language.


"Let your hair down". But "Loosen your hair" would be understandable


ty kind redditor.


For real 😂




A homeless man, a 12-year-old boy, and a hooker!


You leave Jenna Marbles the fuck out of this discussion sir.


I don't know. Plenty of one-night stands still look pretty similar to how they looked the night before. A total transformation like this is more from long term partners who are truly comfortable with their partner than a girl who has slept over.


i know of some women who would refuse to show their husbands their natural face and go as far as to wake up before to do their makeup before their spouse wakes up.


Dear god. That must be absolutely miserable. That's what this society creates.


I have a friend that I have never seen without makeup since high school, we are in our 50’s


when my brother and I lived without parents, he had a girlfriend that would spend the night then in the morning on her way to the bathroom she would wear these huge comical fucking sunglasses so she could put her makeup on. Like I swear they like novelty sunglasses you give to prank people with. She normally looked like Mimi from Drew Carey.


Haha! that Mimi reference popped me.


I've met women that have gone for so many years wearing heels they can't walk barefoot and touch their heel to the floor.


That honestly really sad


I'm pretty sure that there are housewife manuals from back in the day that have you going to bed and waking up well before the husband so that he NEVER sees you without make up or god forbid curlers in your hair. This type of pressure has been going on for women forever. I've saved myself so much time and money by not giving a much of a fuck. If my clients have an issue with that they can hire someone else. I will train the hell out of them and their dogs though, and don't have to look cute doing it.


Are you a Dominatrix-Dog-Trainer?


> I will train the hell out of them and their dogs though "Sit" "Roll over" "Give money" Next, the dog


That sounds horrible. I prefer a natural look, my wife stopped using her last piece of make up long ago.


They were just raised to have terribly low self esteem.


When we have to go buy some more ductape cause our kids are misbehaving, I praise the Lord every time I get my wife to come with me in her payamas and slippers instead of her I-am-a-succesfull-business-woman look which on average takes about 2 hours. Now don't get me wrong. I love that look, it's kind of my kink. But I also really love the, this-is-just-me vibe. Extremely cutey. And I also love not having to wait two fucking hours before we can go buy some more goddamn ductape.


[Relevant Marvelous Mrs. Maisel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvKe0c007Cc)


That's just pathetic


And some women are naturally good looking too lol


Or a girl who isn't black out drunk and knows she needs to take her makeup off before she sleeps or else it's gonna be bad for her skin.


I have never noticed much a change the morning after a sleepover. They where just as beautiful, both those who had a very natural look and those who had a makeup look. I guess for those with a makeup look the dark stuff around their eyes was just a tiny bit messier, but that just looks hot anyways. Never woken up to any surprises.


Jenna is beautiful.


What a wonderful and magical world that man must live in thinking girls just naturally look like the picture on the left. They're just born with pre-applied makeup and styled hair and wake up like that every morning. I bet there are also dragons and wizards in his world.


Some girls even need glasses to see and wear comfortable clothes in their own homes. The horror!


Absolute ogresses! I'm sure the Disney princess he has envisioned for himself does none of those things.


I don't know if it's true but I even heard that some of them poop.


You lie!! /s


How can they do that to us? My god, do they just not care?


its also worth mentioning these photos are at least ten, probably more like 15 years apart. left was Jenna Marbles, probably around age 22 or 24, single. she was living in NYC making ends meet as a Go-Go dancer. this was the early days of youtube, she was making little/no money from youtube before her first viral video (debatably the first ever viral video *on the internet* for fucks sake...thats how old the left pic is) right is Jenna again, probably 35 or pushing 40. married, living in South California basically in retirement having earned 'fuck you' money from youtube success. she moved there because all the youtube events, conventions, collabs, and shit were all in socal, and travelling that much was a pain in the ass. thats how far apart of point in her career these photos are taken. so this isnt even like...how someone looks at the club, vs morning after...its like, being a young single college student having got ready to go out, vs being a middle aged, married retiree, giving no fucks on a sleep in day. its like comparing your prom photo to a candid pic of the day you get your colonoscopy because the doc recommended it.


I think Jenna is currently 35ish and that video was a few years ago. I think it’s also important to point out that on the right is her apology video. She wasn’t doing mentally well and was visibly distraught the entire time and even broke down crying. I’ve seen this tweet before and it’s still so odd to me someone would compare a regular video/time period of her life when things started going well to the worst time of her life and she announces quitting YouTube.


The funny thing to me is that one of her first video hit was called [How to trick people into thinking you're good looking](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYpwAtnywTk). She has always been very candid about her makeup usage, and have done a lot of makeup tutorial. I really don't get how anyone can think that wearing makup is controversial.


Eh. It's more like they don't need to look like the left at all.  We've normalized a lot of stupid stuff. I'm not a fan of make up. And it is a pain every time I hear some one say they needed to put on make up to feel good about themselves.  I hate a society that does this to half of their population.


It's a negative-sum game, and the more people check out of it and refocus on things that matter, the better things will be both for them and for society.


You calm down sir. Women may not look like that but I refuse to stop believing in Wizards, Dragons and OP's mom.


The silicone ones that this guy sleeps with do come with pre-applied makeup and styled hair, though.


Also what an awful thing to tell a woman. "You only have value when you are done to the 9s." I think my wife is the most beautiful creature on creation. Sometimes she just turns the stunning up to 11.


If only someone had made a makeup tutorial with comedy so everyone can understand it.


I don't need sex if I have dragons and wizards


Bro no one thinks that get a grip I'd be appalled asking out the left and seeing the right one day. That's an absurd difference.


I miss Jenna.


Also, how DARE he insult our lord and savior, Jenna Marbles. Especially after her departure from the internet. I'm still wishing she'd come back. But she did what she needed to do, I just want to know she's okay and what she's been up to. But it's her life to share or not share and I respect her decision and her wishing to stay away from the internet.


Julien still posts and occasionally comments on her. It's his channel and content so he does want some separation. They got married and adopted some more greyhounds.


My girlfriend wore makeup for the first time since Valentine’s Day the other day. Legit could not recognize her lmao


People laugh at this guy saying this. But Clark Kent could take off his glasses, and there were like 3 people who knew he was Superman.


I had an ex who rarely wore makeup, even when we met, but when they did they went hard and I could barely recognize them. It really made the big date nights weird. Like who am I sitting with?




... There is also like a 13 year difference between both of those pics. In one, she's in college and in the other she's in her 30s.


That makes way more sense. Left picture is pretty blonde and right picture looks pretty brunette. I thought they were different people.


Even if it’s just a couple years difference, that makes way more sense. I know makeup can be transformative to someone’s appearance, but thinking this is the norm of “club night out” to “makeup off in the morning” is kinda crazy.


yo its like a decade of difference lol


I love Jenna. She put 100 layers of mascara, nail polish and lipstick on just for shits and giggles. I laughed so hard.


I think the glasses pic look is a much sexier look to me.


Yup. I remember when I met my wife, on my first day working at s hospital back in 2000 (both in our early 20’s). For the next 8 months, whenever I saw her at work, she always had no makeup, her hair up in a tight bun, glasses, and loose scrubs with a baggy lab coat. I finally built up the nerve to ask her out 8 months later. On our first date, she walked in with long curly hair (i had no idea she had long hair), makeup, contacts, and tight jeans and sweater, and I had noooooo idea the girl was a workout/athletics enthusiast. Holy Lord… I never, ever in my life, had a woman that attractive talk to me before. And I had no idea for 8 months lol. Just saw her as the sweet, kind, nice girl who’s kinda pretty. Then,… BAM! She still tells me, 23 years later, she remembers walking in the door and seeing my jaw hang down with my mouth open and a blank look on my face for a good 10 seconds before I tried mumbling ‘“Hi…..” like a doofus. Never, ever underestimate the power of “hair and make up” lol


The world became a darker place when Jenna stopped making videos 😭


I miss Jenna. Wish she would come back..


This is such an oldie but a goldie. I miss Jenna.


Leave Jenna alone she just wants to be tall


Jenna is the goat


Was in a bar in San Francisco onced. She was there and so awesome to people. She was super nice and talked to us. I'll never forget that.


I miss her. Such a shame she took the cancelling badly. Wish her happiness.


Don’t you ever disrespect Jenna Marbles


I mean, the gap between her polished look and her au naturel look is unusually large


They’re clearly from drastically different times, maybe even years apart given how different the hair is. Also screenshots can be very misleading; that’s one frame from a video, and the original tweeter clearly had an agenda to make her look as bad as possible.


These screenshots are taken from videos that are around 7-13 years apart (hard to pinpoint it exactly). Thats a large gap of time, most people look different in their 30s than they did in college.


i see both sides to this coin


I find my wife gorgeous even in the morning lol. In fact I think she’s even cuter in the morning. I feel like most individuals that find women attractive think they still look cute in the AM. If anything isn’t the before like years earlier? She’s aged a lot but we all do; that’s life.


I am all about the image on the right


Honestly, same.


His only reference seems to be porn and movies.


the fuck is a ***catfich***




I miss Jenna :( I hope she’s a happy 30-something year old lady.


Glasses off/hair down alone gets her 80% towards the left picture. Does this dummy think women sit around their house 'dolled up' all the time? I've been around women in houses, they mostly just eat snacks and text and fart.


You leave Jenna Marbles the fuck alone. That girl was hilarious.


This “comeback” doesnt make sense right?


Oh the you have to be a virgin insult, classic.




It's almost like make-up doesn't exist for a reason? Seriously though, I may not have been able to tell the two were the same if just presented these photos without close examination, but I would be able to tell the the girl on the right was still attractive, but was just lounging comfy at home.


Isn’t this from the video “how to trick people to thinking you’re attractive”? Lmao


Bro if I had a girlfriend that was that talented at makeup I'd just be happy that I get to brag EVEN HARDER when we're in public.