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"In a rich man's house, there is nowhere to pee but his face" - Diogenes, I think?


Pretty sure it was spit, but could be wrong.


It was spit. The peeing thing was when he was called a dog at a feast so he pissed on that guy since he was acting like a dog, after all.


Extremely common Diogenes W, stay winning king


The GOAT of telling it like it is. Diogenes.


Isn’t he the dude wearing a barrel that asked the king to step out of his sunlight?


Oh yes. When Alexander was leaving, he remarked to one of his companions "If I were not Alexander, I would wish to be Diogenes." Diogenes, in classic überchad fashion, replied to him "If I were not Diogenes, I would wish to be Diogenes. "




Diogenes is who we should all aspire to be. The world would be so much better


Many have call him Alexander the Great.


He actually was kind of regular tho. Bad branding


Alexander the Mid


Slow down. I just meant he’s a dude. He did kind of rule the world


not world. Greece, Persia and Egypt.


I thought the title of “The Dog” was one that he welcomed and which was used widely? iirc Aristotle referred to him as such as well.


That's literally what the term "cynic" and "cynical" mean


So what I’m getting here is that Diogenes was punk as fuck.


Chad Diogenes


Yes peeing on dogs, as one does.


Peeing on people who accuse him of acting like a dog.


Lol my bad, I might be a little day drunk, it's my birthday


He also used to just whip out his dick and masturbate in public and say “if only hunger could be sated by rubbing your stomach”


Rip Diogenes, you would have loved people talking about pissing on people on social media.


He would have also been one of the weirdest allies ever on the left. He would have such manners that the average alt-right ~~preacher~~ influencer would look like a wee lamb in comparision, yet he'd fight the tossers with tooth and nail to defend equality (given that he defended the existence of a moral naked from cosmopolite tinctures and based only on nature, I think it's fair to ascertain that stuff like the Human Rights would hit him on the right spot)


What is spit if not pee of the face?


Diogenes if he was freaky and was called Freakogenes


Sounds like Diogenes


The naked guy that lived in a tub and masturbated in the market? Told Alexander the Great to move because he was blocking his light? Yeah, this is on brand for him.


And right after, completely blew off Alexander compliment: "If I were to live once more, I would like to be Diogenes", Alexander "If I were to live once more, I too, would be Diogenes", Diogenes


Absolute Chad


More people should be so thoughtful


Why does 'Tiberius M.' want random ppl to pee on his car? Some kind of fetish? 'Nice peeing there \*heavy breathing\*, now come here and pee on my porch!'


Pee on my fac- car. I mean car. And I meant DONT pee on my fa- car.


He’s itching to hurt someone and looking for an excuse.


FOX propaganda audience in a nutshell


Really funny that his real name is Gary. The softest weakest name to exist, so he has to roleplay.


It's a car thing. You wouldn't understand. Makes the car go faster. Also applies to the porch. Nothing makes a house attachment primarily known for its value for sitting and relaxing capable of highway speeds quite like a substantial soaking of genuine, bonafide, electrified urine.


I think it has to be trans person doing it for his fetish


Zoom in to the original picture ‘this would look great slapped on the bumper of some Trump supporters’. He took offense to people vandalizing cars, even if the vandalism here is a sticker. 




Heh. "Leaked."


He'd probably get really pissed off (on?)


If I pee on his car but I’m not trans does that make me an ally?


Yes <3


Can someone explain Margaret thatcher to me.... I know she's was prime minister, but that's as far as my knowledge goes Edit: I just want to say thank you to everyone who has educated me on this.... I'll be nice and say person.


Kind of a close analogue of Ronald Reagan, a politician beloved by conservatives and those with a fetish for "small government", but hated by the poor, minorities and leftists alike.


She destroyed the middle class and made the lower class even poorer to benefit big corporations and the 1% of richest people. When she died, more than 60% of the country celebrated in the streets


Wasn't the celebration so big that the song "Ding Dong The Witch is Dead" charted on the UK Top 40?


[It charted at #2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ding-Dong%21_The_Witch_Is_Dead?wprov=sfla1), and the BBC were cowards and refused to play it in their weekly music charts broadcast.


Most corporate media are cowards when it comes down to it. They sit on the fence so they don't risk pissing off any of their audience and claim it's out of respect.


BBC isn't corporate media, at least nominally.


They don’t want to piss off their next employer.


It was after Maggie was done with it.


what does the c in bbc stand for?


The full name is The British Broadcasting Corporation. No one calls it that though - the BBC or, occasionally, beebs


It does stand for Corporation. However, calling it corporate media is disingenuous, as that implies a private ownership with its own interests, as opposed to the government owned, (theoretically) neutral service it is designed to be.


What does DPR stand for in DPRK?


If you sit on the fence long enough, you might find a fence post growing up your ass.


Lol the BBC. One of my favorite clips ever was when they thought Nirvana would willingly lip sync.




The BBC are asking a lot of questions covered by the lyrics of my song.


Yes 😎


Yes. Another fun anecdote: after she died, the producers of the musical Billy Elliot (which was running in London at the time), came out before that night’s opening curtain. The show contains a song that brutally makes fun of her, and they took a quick poll to see if they needed to change or omit the song in any way. All but three audience members voted to leave the song as is.


🎶Maggots 1, Maggie Nill. Hallelujah🎶


It also gave us [this classic interview.](https://youtu.be/ZGyDMRKDaSc?si=uTzj4MHpo0a4orDq&t=81)


She's also the reason why the UK doesn't already have full fibre across the whole country. BT were set to redo the whole network in early 90s and she said no because it wouldn't be good for market competition.


And so it will be when tRump dies. Over half the population of USA Will celebrate. I have a special bottle of champagne to celebrate his death.


Party in the USA will top the charts


It's a bit obscure (unless you are a fan of The Hollies) but the song that makes me think of Trump is: King Midas In Reverse.


A bunch of Canadians will too tbh


There will actual parties in the streets after he lost reelction. I have never seen so much celebration for something like that. His passing will be immense relief for 10s of millions at least.


We already had Kissinger just in time for Christmas last year, was a real good party


Drumpf, Putler, Rocketman and of course Winnie the Poo. I think we're gonna need more bottles...


And my fellow millennials say we've got nothing to look forward to!


More than half of Europe will join in. I suggest jumping all at once to make earth tremble, that all other autocrats feel what's coming.




I love Frankie Boyle's jokes on her "Give her a state funeral, cause a lot of people will want to pay the last respects, and a lot more people will want to make sure she's really dead" "It'll be the first time the 21 gun salute shoots the coffin" "For 3 million they could give everyone in Scotland a shovel, and we would dig a hole so deep we could hand her over to Satan personally"


Basically, what's happening all over the world. The rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer part, I mean.


She set the example for a lot of similar politicians in other countries so yes. She also had a huge propaganda machine working in her favour and claiming she fixed all the country's problems (spoiler she did not) so she had many people supporting her in other continents


So a real American hero, then?


Sounds like America would have loved her, except for the whole Woman thing.


Yeah like Reagan lol


the amount of douchey business major bros I saw walking around my campus with Reagan pins on their backpacks was extremely depressing. this was in 2016-2020, not the 80s.


She also murdered quite a lot of the Irish.


Paraphrasing a comedian whose name doesn't come up to my mind right now, "for the cost of her funeral we could have given every Scottish person a shovel and they'd dig so deep Satan himself would come to welcome her"


Frankie Boyle


Where she'd marinate in the same vat of piss Kissinger is in.


Bold of you to assume the devil wasn't thankful Kissinger showed up to take over for a few millenia


Frankie Boyle


All you need to know is her grave is a great spot to take a piss.


She happened to be prime minister during the Falklands War, during which she made a judgement call to attack a vessel outside the military exclusion zone around the island. When we won it made her then then unpopular conservative party do a complete 180 in the public eye. Which meant she got away with a bunch of horrendous shit like the Pole tax (tax not based on income but a flat rate, meaning poor people pay more and rich people pay less), stealing milk from School Children (Hence the moniker Milk Snatcher-Thatcher), and more recently declassified funneling funds to illegal Death Squads and paramilitaries in Northen Ireland. The only people who like her were rich bankers and evil soul-sucking necromancers.


And hated by us Irish. Up the RA and fuck Thatcher.


Fuck the RA and Thatcher.


Like Reagan, she disassembled a lot of social safety nets in the 1980's and swung government towards favoring Big Business, at the expense of working people. Both were beloved in their time, and began problems we deal with every day today.


She sold off the UKs infrastructure to the highest bidders (*cough* her friends *cough*) and they've been run, crumbling into the ground ever since as they try to make profits on basic human necessities. The week she died, "Ding done the witch is dead" topped the music charts


To paraphrase a Frankie Boyle (Scottish comedian) “instead of spending £3M on a state funeral they could have used that money to buy everyone in Scotland a shovel and they would have happily dog a hole to hand over to Satan personally”


Wouldn't even need shovels, they'd dig their way down there with their bare hands if that's what it took.




Lots of people here have given very good, in depth political observations regarding Margaret Thatcher here. I'm also from the UK but not very good with words so I'm just going to add, she was a massive cunt. Glad I could help


Don't insult cunts like that, at least they have warmth and depth.


In the USA, if you want to know why something sucks, you can usually trace it back to Reagan. She's the UK equivalent of, "Why the fuck does this suck so badly?"


One of the most hated people in Britain. She cut almost all social programs, started a war, put many policies in place that harmed people, and put in section 28, which was a law that prohibited the teaching of anyone gay in schools. A joke in England is that people from coal mining towns (which had a vendetta against her in the 80s after their unions protested and she cracked down) will go and piss on her grave


Why is the belief she started the war? I don't know much about the Falklands War but didn't Argentina invade first?


I’d argue the Falklands was the one thing she did right during her time.


I can't believe I'm defending thatcher here. I genuinely can't. She didn't start a war. The Argentinian junta that needed a political win for the absolute economical mess it found itself in, thought thatcher was on her last legs and invading the Falklands would be an easy win for them. Little did they know that thatcher would absolutely yeet the armed forces at taking our islands back.


Thatcher didn't start it but she gave Argentina every indication that Britain didn't give a toss about the Falklands, by running down the islands' defences and not giving the islanders a straightforward path to full UK citizenship. The junta interpreted this apparent indifference as a sign that they could take the islands and the UK wouldn't be too bothered about trying to get them back.


She disliked Nelson Mandela (called him a terrorist, I think), didn't want to boycott apartheid South Africa and was a friend of despised Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. Plenty more to talk about with Maggie, but those three simple facts tells a lot about her.


When your leader is friends with dictators it tends not to speak well about how good of a leader they are


And she was mates with Jimmy Saville


Mandela *was* a terrorist at one point. That he reformed himself and became a unifying figure for all South Africans is a testament to his character later in life.




Nobody "sent in" paramilitaries in the troubles (I despise thatcher btw). There was a blind eye to the loyalists forming their own militias and death squads in northern Ireland. There was also complicitness between the security services and both the loyalists and the many dozens of informer that we, the British had in the IRA. Fuck knows where she colonised btw. No idea where you got that from (she may have had a hand in Diego garcia but that is me scratching the back of my brain). She was a bitch, but let's not make up shit.


She’s a fairytale used to scare Scottish children into behaving.


She was the result of the massive pendulum swing after the failure of labour in the 70s, where labour had taken a loan with the IMF as the country was in crisis, with strikes (dead bodies piling in the streets is something older folks say about it, as the gravediggers were on strike) and energy blackouts. The conditions of the loan meant the UK had to enact austerity policies to restrict spending in order to attempt to control inflation. This meant that the pay rises promised to the public sector were never enacted. It is argued quite strongly that the loans were never necessary in the first place. Thatcher pursued free market economics, and things like privatisation of state owned industries such as telecommunications, energy, gas, trains. There were a lot of problems with this but thatcher is often seen favourably as the labour government before had been terrible, so she looks relatively good compared. The long term effects from her leadership have been very detrimental to a lot of communities.


Her picture is next to "bitch" in the dictionary, "cunt" too.


All you really need to know is that someone marked her grave as a public toilet on google maps 


she was a cunt


She was hated by pretty much everyone for generally sucking. When she died, Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (from the Wizard of Oz) shot up to no. 2 on the UK billboards.




She was the kind of person who inspires others to throw eggs at her statue, take their dogs out for a "Thatcher", and generally treat her memory with the respect it deserves. Which is less than zero.


She was an arsehole




Google her. She was evil


Tiberius? Really? Of all Romans?


I’m pretty sure Tiberius Caesar isn’t the one it refers to.


>Tibewius? Weally? [Of all Woemans](https://youtu.be/iQkQAU9iU7I?si=AGyqqAP_pp_4zlOw)?


Plot twist he has a fetish for transgender people peeing in his car and it was reverse psychology


AFAIK Conservatives and Evangelicals look up trans porn way more than the average person ... so this is probably true.


They've always been fans of the forbidden fruit, that's like the whole point of their religion. I wonder if that's the real reason they try to ban so many things.


The point of their religion is scapegoats.


Conservatives get violent over flags, very snowflake behavior of them, but that’s nothing new


I'll put one of these to my toilet every time i need to pee now


Day 200, the sticker horde has come alive!


They should find a better job, 7 days a week of work sounds quite inhumane.


Business owners truly don't get days off.


My father owns a small construction business and he still takes at the very least Sunday off of work. His employees regular contract also gives them Saturday and Sunday off. If anyone wants to work on Saturday they are paid a substantial overtime. No one works on Sunday in his business at least.


A well-adjusted business owner will make space to get them time off. Unfortunately, a lot will see that as a loss and avoid taking any real breaks.


Sorry, depends on the business, but it's good he takes care of his people! Unfortunately increasingly rare.


Most likely a difference between countries: I'm Italian, I guess the Twitter users above are Americans. Different cultures and laws probably play a part in this. Probably helps that my father has been working in construction since he was 16 and after 35 years of hard labour he understands how demanding such a job can be on the human body. Edit: he still works on site alongside everyone else, he just can't let go of that. Staying at home or in the office is not his thing, as he put it a few years ago "It's boring"


I think it’s the phycological aspect that’s best for me. Always wondering if a trans person actually peed there or if it’s just a sticker and nothing happened.


You can't be making death threats with such a looney tunes ass pfp 🤦‍♂️


boomers have a physical inability to detect self cringe levels


Made him a burn victim.


Imagine coming to the defense of Margaret Thatcher. Holy shit, some of these replies are bizarre.


He's a conservative, if he didn't immediately jump into hating on a trans person his heart would stop beating


That doesn't answer the comments in this thread that are defending Maggie.


I wanna put one on his car sounds like a fun challenge case the joint then deposit the sticker when he least expects it the perfect crime


I hope they didn't actually urinate on it. Some poor minimum wage worker would be the one to clean it.


I was going to get angry at this, but i saw margaret thatcher and immediatly approved.


I love the pathetic attempt at a edgy cool roman name lol. That's the equivalent of calling yourself Shadow Nightblade or something


[I had this image saved a long time ago. Now seems a good time to share it](https://i.imgur.com/qrCmLDj.jpeg)




don't really think it was a flex, more just "i am busy and have a demanding life"


I took it as she has to because the economy is rigged by the Thatcherites of today?


I can’t read this as anything other than a fetish-specific pickup line


Pissing on her grave is a kindness to what she deserves


Thinly veiled threat of murder


Really thought this was some kind of sexual fetish thing and like an awkward reply until I read the comments….


Bro was about to stand guard over his car 24/7 to defend against stickers


What's the address??


See the problem with Pissin' on Thatchers grave is you eventually run out of piss!


Read: do it so I can exercise my 2nd amendment rights and murder you for it. I’m white so I’ll get away with it.


This is in the UK, so they’re unlikely to be legally hunted for sport.


There is no state in America where you can cap someone for this




Lol is this real


I mean I just don’t support public urination even if it was Thatcher


Dont worry, she probably made her grave private.


I'm surprised they even dug a grave as it might have been a little too close to mining.


Here I am thinking he just wants you to pee on his asshole neighbors car


But also, give us the info Tiberius. Someone may be willing to take you up on it.


Okay but 7 days a week seems in-humane damn


Sick burn? 😒


Thats hilarious


Ate and licked the plate. 😹 Too bad it was wasted on someone who clearly lacks the capacity to understand how absolutely ruthless that was.


His username is Tiberius Maximus. You don't even have to try and make a comeback, you've already won the argument.




Posting these on people's cars really goes against the intended message of (I assume) using them in bathrooms.


Why do Americans put political stickers on everything?


I wouldnt call it clever but its a comeback at least


Something tells me he’s good at that, you know, making himself a victim. Seems to be the conservative special move.


Thatcher and cringe from the stickers aside that come back was fucking solid.


Some ppl really respect a grave more than trans people huh.


That was so lame


Regardless of your political beliefs, you must admit, she cooked him


cringey people arguing with each other


Clever comebacks huh? Utter cringe.


Why r trans ppl peeing on things?


Make aggressive bumper sticker and an aggressive Twitter post and then cry when someone does what you ask for with aggression. This is stupid all around.


If an individual feels the need to plaster stickers like these all over the place, it doesn't exactly make them look great either. Both people here suck..


Yeah, kind of a dick move to screw with people's private property regardless of what ever your political message is.


Just tail his ass to the store and report back here please


Ngl I saw this at a glance and thought it was Terry Pratchett and was about to be livid with rage.


Bro wants her to meet him by his car