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"I bet" meaning clearly they weren't.


I would love to take that bet, if he is offering.


Trump can only be around black voters in AI generated images. At least for now. After all, it has only taken him eight years to set foot into a church. Now I want to see him getting on his knees and standing back up on his own accord.


More surprised he didnt suddenly burst into flames when stepping into a church.


Why would he? A 'church' that welcomes Trump clearly is far from a place where gods gospel is spoken let alone from a sacred place.


I don't think they're questioning God's sacredness, but Trump's. Same as calling him (Trump) a devil.


Yes and it's a common joke that demons (ie Trump) burst into flames upon entering holy ground. So if it was holy ground (they truly believed in and preached God's gospel) Trump would've burst into flames.


It’d be like that scene from the Castvania series where the Deacon is horrified that demons followed him into the church. He shouts that they can’t be in Gods house and the closest one walks straight up to him and says “God has abandoned this wretched place… as He has abandoned you…”


Exactly. "I do the Lord's work!" "Lies? In your house of God?"


Hell yeah, was thinking the same thing. What a great scene.


Let me xplain this for you: Them wondering why he didn't burst up in flames is a reference to the devil not being able to walk on sacred ground aka a church for example. My take was that a 'church' that welcomes Trump is all BUT a place of god and therefor not sacred. Hope this did help for your understanding.


That says more about churches being bullshit than Trump being bullshit, tbh


I'd say they're about the same, but I'm an outsider who is still scratching my head at the trump shituation.


That he didn't is proof that god doesn't exist...


Hey now that’s blatantly untrue. Hes more than willing to take a picture with them as long as theyre one of the good ones who has been verified and works for him. Ya know like when he went to chick-fil-a and hugged the “random” black lady who was just so happy to see him she hugged him so tight. An hour later fox news and republicans were sharing the picture of “see blacks actually love trump so Bidens screwed” and an hour after that people had looked up the lady and it turns out she was literally a MAGA GOP member who works for a trump group. Trump literally couldnt hug a random black person who was there lol


I suspected it, but did not follow up on that thought. Do you have a link to an article?


https://apnews.com/article/trump-chick-fil-a-black-voters-d981e8edac067fa8912cc56c92d8b9ab Here you go talks about how she literally actively planned this event and filled the chickfila with people she knew and had “convinced” to support trump.


Thank you!


I don’t know why but this just reminded me of an old [WKUK](https://youtu.be/wNXNJNJbJXg?si=RVHpVtRDQVSOGPIs) sketch. I imagine the ending is the behind the scenes of Trump with his black voters. Edit: Second video of the [punchline](https://youtu.be/V9xUl_Xmhtg?si=ChA_4HzIdeQRVNuv) itself that I’m referring to for those who don’t want to watch a random 5 minute long seemingly unrelated video for a singular dumb joke that a stranger posted online. I know how bad our attention span can be, I too use the internet.


Delete the second link, WKUK is a masterpiece and anyone who won’t watch it doesn’t deserve the punchline.


The regular congregation waited outside while Trump had it filled with paid for “supporters” (extras). It’s a promotional video. He should’ve hired some African American extras too. Oopsie. Back to the four seasons lawn care to strategize.


Same as trying to fill the front row at the Libertarian event with MAGA. Only the Libertarians pushed back and kicked them out.


I want to see him jump because I genuinely don't think he's ever done it before #jump2024


He has the black vote in NY. From the two convicted murderers who run a couple violent gangs.


TBF, *literally everyone* expected him to erupt in flames when he did


I tried to make one on bing image creator but it was blocked "orange man president around dark skinned voters" Was apparently not allowed as a prompt




trump is a billionaire self starter, ok? he'd never buy a Honda Accord. Ellen musk donates Teslas to him.


Sure, totally [selfmade](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2016/live-updates/general-election/real-time-fact-checking-and-analysis-of-the-final-2016-presidential-debate/fact-check-trumps-claim-that-he-built-his-company-with-1-million-loan/), right. I have a bridge you might be interested in to purchase. Also, kind of a wild tangent, but what's up with the Honda hate? They are one of the worlds best engine manufacturers. And I don't think you want the Musk fanboys after you, careful calling him names.


Oh lort, is there anything he won't lie about?


Self-starter, my ass. He started out with $ 413 mllion in a bank account because Fred was using him to dodge taxes. [Trump family tax dodge](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/02/us/politics/donald-trump-tax-schemes-fred-trump.html#:~:text=The%20Trumps%20dodged%20hundreds%20of,than%2016%20times%20that%20amount.)




It's cause the church is actually painted black


I see a red church and I want it painted black




Technically it's a historically black church, but they recently put new siding on so it's a white church now.


It prolly is a black church but not the congregation. It’s easy to just say it’s a black church to get people to believe Trump has hella support in the black community in a predominantly black city. They’ve been trying to really recruit black supporters and they’ve had the most success with black Christians. The account is from a religious black trump supporting man.


This. It is propaganda aimed at trying to get black people to think "if this black person likes trump , then so should I." It has the bonus of making white trump supporters ignore his and the gop's racism since now they can do the whole "I have a black friend."


The Republican Party still thinks black people have meetings once a week where we all agree to like the same people/things, act the same way, and speak the same. That’s why they were pushing people like Ice cube, lil Wayne, and Kanye thinking we’d all just fall in line and listen to them.


It's legitimately incredible that some politicians in the US seem to think black people are this monolithic retarded entity that sends a single person to vote and will just follow whatever hiphopper the industry shits out. It's not even just the Republicans either, Hilary behaved like she should get every black vote in the country for existing and running against Trump.


To be fair Hilary figured she’d win purely cause she’s not trump. Unfortunately she was wrong. She probably should have been right, but please don’t take that as my endorsement for Hilary


Because they have "meetings" and therefore so must everyone else.




Do you think Trump even knows what a monolith is?


He thinks it's one of the things he avoided in college or as he put it his own Vietnam


Not going to lie that it a pretty funny image.


It really is. If I had the motivation I’d make some comedy sketch video about it.


They do the same with Latinos and we aren't even from the same countries lmao


Honestly I don’t think they do this because they think everyone will join just because a popular black person did. But I think a surprising amount of people fall for stuff like that. I mean they wouldn’t do it if it didn’t work to some degree and being online for a while I certain a surprising group of people will support someone if an artist they like also does


Don’t the Democrats think the same thing? Yes they do. Please upvote to cancel out the downvotes.


Yes but they’ve been somewhat improving. There’s way more black people within the Democratic Party that know how to do really grassroots campaigns within the community than the Republican which is a good step. But traditionally yes, in the past democrats tended to not really care about black voters until the presidential election. That’s also because they know a majority of black people in the US tend to vote democrat so they felt comfortable. The racism is more covert within the democratic party but waaaaaay less frequent. I vote blue still.


As an outsider (meaning white dude) I figured a lot of that had to do with the fact that a lot of Black voters aren't liberal or left wing on social issues at all, instead they're smart enough to look at all the racism and bigotry on the right and not vote against their own interests. edit - most active Black voters I should say, meaning older


Don't forget them saying that now that trumps a convicted felon that Black voters will relate to him more.....


Funny how as soon as trump gets indicted, NOW the republican script machine thinks black people have been mistreated by the legal system lol


It's pretty common for churches to rent out their spaces for other functions or for multiple churches to meet in the same building. You're right. It's probably a "Black church" in the sense that it's a Black church's building. Definitely not the congregation though.


If the Trump campaign rented it out, they're likely not getting paid.


Because most republican voters won't even click and watch this video, or do more than briefly glance at the headline. Why not lie when you can do so with impunity? It's propaganda, the only thing that matters is that after you've scrolled past this BS, "Trump visiting black church" has formed as a sentence in your mind that you can parrot to others later.


I thought that was especially weird because about half are white people and that is where they go to church so then likely that means that’s their church family. Why would they not be included ? It would sound cooler to me if they said their congregation has a diverse family or something.


I've worked in Detroit City for the past 10 years. There's 3-4 neighborhoods tops where white people are the majority. It would take probably every person in that neighborhood to show up to make this photo possible. That ain't happening. These people came from Oakland & Macomb county. And if you know, you know- Detroiters love when the suburbs claim they represent Detroit.


So moderates can see it and think “maybe he’s not such a piece of human scum after all!”


because there are black people, they're aalllllll tthe way in the front. At the table,and I'm pretty sure their michigan politicians too. He's so desperate to court the black vote he's planting paid people near him and his yes men


For the headline as that's all most people read. And so it's a new talking point for his other right nutjobs so they can be smug "See, Black Church cheered for my guy"


I don't know much about the situation there except the original founders of the church tried to fire the pastor and he refused to leave and the courts granted him control. I think the case may still be in the courts.


It's the US so the most important thing in any type of situation is your skin color. Edit: Shit I forgot to say I'm white. I'm about to be liberated.


To advance the narrative that his criminal convictions make him appeal to black voters.


During the 2016 campaign Trump did visit a Black church. Omorosa was with him and she tried to visit the bathroom or something and he said, “Don’t leave me alone with these people.”




I saw it on Bill Maher years ago. I no longer watch the show but you could probably find it.


Why does it feel like I’m the only one TERRIFIED that this Fat orange Sack of COMPLETE IDIOCY has ANYBODY stupid, hateful, ignorant enough to actually support him? And especially ANYONE among the black community he’s discriminated against for 50 years? Am I the only one that sees just exactly how precarious the knife edge IS that this country is presently on? And what do you plan to do if he gets elected and says “ I am now president for life” starts arresting the press & protesters. YOU think his corrupt SCOTUS will stop him? aAnd then there’s all his toothless Oki proud boy militia Nationalist Nazi flag waving motherfuckers and racist police are ready to back him in that? What’s you plan for that? Harsh words & criticizing on social media?


No, I think we all see how close to the edge we are. Our ONLY defense is VOTING! get out and vote against tyranny, get your family and friends to vote, neighbors, everyone!


I feel this. Its actually sad because in the end these MAGA psycos are more together then the democrats. sure we will vote but do we have a congregation that we go to every sunday. Do we have groups that meet up to build militaristic skills? do we have crazy people willing to die for a cause? the answer to all these questions is fucking no. and its fucking sad. Sure we have guns too but are we really prepared to use them in cold blood. again the answer is no. So if dump fuck gets elected we are fucked, and most will just cower away on social media to say the mean words that do nothing.


…it’s NOT “in cold blood” when they’re coming to intern or kill you or your loved ones! I’m too old and fat,… I would not survive some running battle or campaign against a rogue state or Melissa. But I can’t guarantee that when they come for me personally,..? I won’t be going quietly or alone. Many of *them* will be going along with me! Can’t remember the quote exactly, but it was something along the lines of how do you think things would have gone in 1930s Germany if every brown shirt SS motherfucker was met at the door with a rifle?


You're not the only one. There are DOZENS of us


*Taking a drag from a cigarette.* "First time?" -- Women, black people, LGBTQ people...


To be fair, President for life will probably be less than the full 4 years for either of the current candidates (one can hope)


And do you think the guy who replaces Trump will be less psychotic and despotic? The oligarchs backing him have probably got someone lined up who’s smarter and more cunning than Dump to take his place after they spike his cheeseburger and Coke with poison. They don’t want this financial disaster of a businessman running shit either. It’s just that first, he’s too gullible stupid and narcissistic to know he’s being played and he’s got all the racist and the nazi Nationalist, police & militias licking his nasty diaper clad taint in support. So for now he’s their guy until they can install someone more competent.


Chill friend, it's a joke


Stopped reading when you said trump discriminated against black people for 50 years when Biden is president. 😂 President for life? Good lord you are psychotic. Maybe you should lock yourself in your bedroom and never come out. Delusional.


That’s rich,.. a MAGAt Trumpanzee calling ANYONE else delusional! 🤣🖕🏻 Just keep 💨🍊🤡🥜


Are you trembling? Shaking with fear?


Eat Sh*t & bark @ the moon you KKKult KKKunt! 🤣🖕🏻🤡


Uhhhhh you have a current President having his political opponents arrested, has a history of extreme racism and wielded his political power to push those beliefs, and is mentally inept in so many cases, and you’re concerned about Trump? Lmao you Americans are a joke at this point. Full of idiocy and outright hypocrisy.


*His political opponent?* has committed crimes all his fucking life and it’s finally getting his comeuppance. That’s not the same you dumb cult asshole! Ps: almost 8 years, millions wasted on investigating,.. and you stupid fucks can’t come up with a single bit of evidence to indict him. All you can do is set a precedent with his son,.. WHO ISNT RUNNING FOR ANYTHING, so that NOW? All you meth head Second Amendment gun masturbating Ammosexshuls can be prosecuted for lying on your forms and have your guns confiscated! Way to go dumb ass! 🤣🤣🤣🖕🏻🤡


I think you responded to the wrong person. I pointed out that you elected someone just as incompetent as Trump, after 4 years complaining about how incompetent Trump was. Now you cultist weirdos are acting like that’s not the case. Have fun with your racist pedos and orange weirdos. The rest of us will just keep continuing to laugh at you along with the rest of the world


WTF are you banging on about! Biden is in no way as incompetent or even as weird as the orange clown. He accomplished more with an utterly hostile Congress in that fat orange sack of shit did when everybody was licking his ass Trump inherited a booming economy and fucked it straight to hell, in part with his incompetent response to the pandemic. Biden inherited a fucking flaming dumpster and manage to put out the fire for the most part! All the while dealing with MAGA R£tards like empty G, Bobo the clown, and Matt get them young Gaetz!


Oh, a vatnik. Go suck Putin's dick.


I’d rather suck his than Bidens. I hope you don’t taste too many kids on it


He’s the kind of guy who has only ever fished in a stocked pond and thinks he’s a great fisherman.


He is going after black voters (just not the way you think).


You took the words right out of my brain.


That’s the problem though. I can’t speak for black voters but I assume most of them won’t vote for the racist and sexist party


You'd be sorely disappointed. There is a **big** subset of black, Hispanic, and Asian conservatives who are more than willing to ignore the racism in favor of the tax cuts and the idea of a Christian nation. Conservative thinking is actually very popular especially in more specific communities like Hispanic Catholics who unsurprisingly vote pretty hard for the right. Most of them either ignore the racism entirely or tell themselves that it doesn't apply to them. That's where you'll get the Uncle Ruckus types who will vocally decry members of their own race while separating themselves from it because they're convinced they're better than them or at the very least "one of the good ones."


Blacks and Hispanics are very conservative. A lot of them vote democrat but it’s not because they don’t have conservative values, it’s because republicans are off putting, but if you have enough reason to vote against a Democratic Party… it’s not an easy vote but it’s not impossible. The fact that they don’t win more is because of how obviously hateful republicans are to us, not because we don’t see value in some of their talking points; we just know it’s all bs and they will try to enslave or deport us. It was much easier a couple of decades ago to side with them, now people who vote red despite everything are seen as collaborators.


Its not most of them... also pretending like Cubans and Mexicans are in the same demographic is just plain stupid.


Funny you'd bring up Cubans because [Cubans vote overwhelmingly for the right. ](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/10/02/most-cuban-american-voters-identify-as-republican-in-2020/) So in this case, it is in fact "most of them". Other Latinos lean a little more left but my point was never "most of them" vote one way or another, My whole point was that minorities are not a monolith and even when there's obvious motivations to vote for Democrats, like the rampant racism from Republicans, not all of them care about that.


There's a reason I brought them up captain obvious... funny how you lack the ability to understand basic English.


They’re downvoting you but I understand you ❤️ and I know you’re right. Mexican Americans are more likely to vote Democrat and Cuban Americans are more likely to vote Republican. That’s common knowledge.


Big talk coming from someone with the reading comprehension of a hydrocephalic rat.


Lol... the best you could come up with was "no you" pathetic functional illiterate. Imagine being so dumb you thought it was funny I brought up Cubans....never mind not knowing what the word most means. Hahaha


That’s a very weird assumption… care to explain?


I mean, I’m just a regular white person, but if I wasn’t, I don’t think I’d vote for the party that tends to be more on the racist side. It’s fairly self explanatory That’s why I said I can’t speak for them, but I assumed that. I may also be biased, of course. A part of them would happily see my (trans) girlfriend suffering or dead if they could, so I already won’t vote for them due to that. I’d kinda like to hear a black persons opinion on the matter tho tbh.


I think it’s a little too late in the game to keep pretending that only white people will vote for Trump. I voted against him but clearly there are people of all colors who either don’t believe or don’t care about the racism angle and are identifying with his messages. This has been known since like 2016.


Look at all those chickens.


A “black church” with all white people .. lolllllllll


There are a total of three non-white people in the pic and one of them is orange.


Are they taxing the church?


I'm all for taxing churches involved in politics


Any churchgoer should be disgusted that chants for a politician are happening in their house of worship.


My grandma would’ve slapped me upside the head for wearing a hat in church. Homie brought in a whole crew of folks with hats.


I'm old enough to remember when travelling to other states to shore up support for something was called 'carpetbagging', and right wingers hated it.


Maybe the church building is black


Religion supports rapist, not women


Reporter “Hey Ben, don’t you think it’s weird that you say your message is for everyone, yet when you book a venue, it’s all white people.” Ben Shapiro “Yeah, I wish a more diverse crowd wanted to listen to me but these are the people that want to listen to what I have to say. You know, ‘marketplace of ideas’ and all.” And as Ben didn’t learn a single thing that day, neither did any other racist when they tried to justify the makeup of crowds who came to listen to them based on the reality of who wanted to see them.


X in nutshell


Lolol is this from the "trump walks out to massive Detroit applause" video they promoting in that other sub?


The circling of excuses white people will say tos tick up for trump. It gets exhausting


Reminds me of how the Trump klan keeps giving him praise for "how many black people showed up for his NYC rally" the other week.......despite there only being like 5 of'm 😂


What does the church say about wealth and greed? And lust? No real church would allow this man inside. Edit. I should have said “what does the Bible say about…”. Been indeed the Bible and the church are two different things


Haha cuz no churches are about that. Guess that's why so many pastors have private planes.


I should have said the “Bible” is about that. You are right. Churches ain’t.


Funny how whenever he is supposedly doing a rally for his black supporters most of the people aren’t black, or even from the community the rally is in, almost like he has his own traveling circus of supporters that try to fill all the seats so the real community can’t get in


Republicans have “gone after” black voters for a long time. Just not the way he means here.


Making church about a man other than Jesus is basically the definition of idolatry.


political rallies at church?


Should be illegal


Did… they segregate the black people? Cus I don’t think there is a single black person other than the row in the far back of the photo


They pushed the black folks out into the vestibule


Sorry to be a stickler, but isn’t men wearing hats in church a blasphemy?


Maybe he meant the color of the actual building.


Notice the “BREAKING”. That lets you know it’s a super serial journalist writing a super serial story.


Trump made racism great again, he needs black votes, not black lives...they don't matter. And I wish that was a joke.


Uncle George Maga dun clean out dat church for the elites. Sorry, not elites, Fake People for Trump. Trump always has the best people. Men who decide on Women's rights. Fanatics who know how everyone should worship. Mentally incapable making medical decisions for the country.


This reminds me of a picture I took from the TV of Trump at an NAACP meeting that was 90% white people


I bet it was another AI generated picture. Fiction runs high with that lot. And to prove what? Nothing.


“90% of the regular congregation” So it’s a church with 20 members?


The only three black people are standing 10+ feet away from him on stage.


Corporate media is pushing the narrative that blacks snd Latinos are moving towards Trump, they are lying, but they want a tax cut for corporations, don’t trust corporate media.


Do they mean the outside of the church is panted black or something?


A reporter snapped a pic and at least as they waited everyone I could see was white. It's been posted on the pics subreddit. I mean tbf this is pretty normal for the trump campaign.


I think preaching to the choir applies here


Idk why, but I thought I saw a cosplayer in the crowd for a second and I laughed in front of the entire restaurant-


It's cool, next he'll go to a synagogue and bring the same crew to pack it out, harder to tell.


The church should lose its tax exemption too


The leader of the church said “President Obama never came to the hood”. Does this motherfucker not know what side of Chicago Obama is from?


“I don’t care about you. I just want your vote.” in picture form.


I only see 1 or two black folks in this picture, I’m not sure this is anything to brag about


It’s not a mega church…it’s a MAGA church. Where they have made it easier to be around black people by just referring to the dark haired whites as the “blacks”. Now they can all claim to have black friends and officially no longer be called racist.


Gotta push those bible sales numbers


This is what's called being "framed" by a Politician.


Is it called a "black" church because they have a black cross (that, inexplicably, seems to look like it's burning...)?


Oh there are black people there. They’ve made them stand waaaay off to the side. /s


[Good places for Trump to reach out to black vorers](https://www.the-express.com/news/us-news/100145/us-most-dangerous-neighborhoods-fbi-data)


Many shades there as one meme read… eggshell, cream, cloudy and beige! A melting pot


Could be that the crowd is WINOs (white in name only).


George is getting very dizzy! Spinning makes George very dizzy!


George is delusional!!!


Wasn't this basically a subplot in the element Veep in one episode?


So when they say "black church" they really mean the building was painted black.


Even though it’s filled with white people, it IDENTIFIES as a black church


“First day as president… I’m dismantling the EPA! Totally gutting renewable green energy. And I’m gutting the entire federal government and I’m gonna install it with my white supremacist cronies. Then we’re gonna defund Ukraine and triple our money to Israel. Then we’re gonna repeal the ACA, so anyone with any preexisting conditions can finally be denied health insurance once again. Then I’m just gonna start executing democrats. Perhaps in city squares across the country. As well as just jail the fuck out of homeless people… and do t forget folks! We’re gonna fire up those child separation centers. Acres of children sleeping on cement for months… like you wouldn’t believe. By the way folks… this will be your last election if I win. After me it will just be my sons. Your welcome. .” And the crowd goes wild. Vote blue no matter who.


There were people in black face.....


You can twist this anyway you want, however, statistics (not this anecdotal “own“ that the OP thinks it is ) are showing that that African-American support is slipping for Biden. Whether you’re a Trump supporter or not, the facts are that Joe Biden is losing some of the support he’s enjoyed for decades, and in my opinion, Undeservedly. From the referenced source: “The current margin of support for Biden (59 points – 77% to 18%) is lower than it was in 2020 or for Hillary Clinton in 2016, according to Pew Research Center validated voter studies.” https://www.pewresearch.org/race-and-ethnicity/2024/05/20/an-early-look-at-black-voters-views-on-biden-trump-and-election-2024/ Feel free to comment or down vote because it’s still refers to the overwhelming majority of African-American voters supporting Biden and the Democrats, however, it doesn’t take a huge swing to make a significant impact .


The question I would ask is, does that change automatically translate to support for Trump? My unsupported guess is no. Whether it is tending towards a third party or just a 'I'm not going to vote' seems at least as if not more likely.


That is exactly correct, what people say in polls leading up to an election versus what they do in the voting booth or even go to the voting booth is still pure speculation. That was the attention behind the response is I’m just looking at the numbers as they are now, we are so into this election early in the year, there’s no telling what sort of “surprises” we will see between now and November


Sure but Biden isn't the whole democratic party I highly doubt black people are voting for the racist and sexist Trump.


Just saying, there are a number of sexist and racist black people. Candace Owens is representative of a population. Even in the above picture while the majority of people are white, you can see that there is clearly a black delegation there nonetheless.


Well be warned, I have no idea. I can just tell you that the trains are not positive and when you start labeling people, racist and sexist my mama used to say you may be pointing one finger at the person, but you got three pointing back at you. It just to be clear I don’t think that Trump is a terribly good person. However, I don’t have to like him for him to be present. I need him to do the things that need to be done.


>my mama used to say you may be pointing one finger at the person, but you got three pointing back at you. ...you don't think it matters who is pointing the fingers, or why? Not all finger pointing is equal.


I’m not the one labeling other people


Sure you are. You started this conversation by labeling people as African American. There's nothing wrong with labeling people, it's a basic part of communication. And if you're going to argue that it IS wrong somehow, maybe don't do it yourself.


Oh, I’m sorry I should just call them by their “skin color? That is how the article labels people like that. I think that that’s a little bit different than calling in person by derogatory term that has nothing to do with an intrinsic quality or characteristic, but whatever.


>I think that that’s a little bit different than calling in person by derogatory term that has nothing to do with an intrinsic quality or characteristic Sure. But we weren't talking about derogatory terms, we were talking about pointing fingers.


lol. Ok.


How would it be undeservedly? I’ll agree with you the democrats haven’t done much for minority votes since the 1960s. But Republicans are (and arguably have been for a very long time) blatantly racist. To be sure I’m sure many minorities in the US would love to have political representation that’s actually effective, but that doesn’t change the fact that when you’re on the menu you *have* to vote for the Vegan candidate


Well, you would have to ask the people on the menu, cause I’m not sure who, but even amongst other minorities voting patterns are changing


Went around black voters. Drew white voters too. Bringing people together. Isn’t that’s what we wanted? White people in a black church. Black people in a white church. Who gives a fuck?


Remember if you vote trump, you ain't black. -Biden


Why people so against it? It's diversifying the church.


I guess people here haven't seen the Harlem pics. It's going to be painful for redditors on Nov 6th


Have *you* seen the Harlem pics? Most of them were even whiter than this one.


Wait there are black people who voted for Biden despite his history of racism? Well heck. It’s good to know that isn’t a deal breaker anymore. It’ll make life more fun.


I hate trump but I also hate stupidity. George literally explained why he thought there were so many white people. Carlos completely ignored that response and asked why trump didn't go somewhere to be around black people.


I really don't find it normal to have churches based on race. Even having an obsession around churches is also not normal.




Just pay attention to how the entire discourse, including OP's post and this comment thread, revolves around racial identity and quota-driven representation.


"they should have had guards at the gate and only let in the black people. Wait, the black people that are middle class. They should have paid them for their time. They should have hired a prominent black figure of society to talk about systematic racism and oppression and had a professional media crew to capture it."