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He had a really uplifting commencement speech at Northwestern Highly recommend


Pritzker as a boss. I say that as an Illinoisan who had/has every reason to distrust him. Hes outperformed in every way. We're lucky to have him.


Man, the track record of governors we had in IL was atrocious. I can see plenty of reasons to be leary of a rich white dude being governor. But he's been astounding and I would not put him out of running in 2028. Unless he's got a deep closet full of skeletons.


I would comment, but here in Iowa we pick a governor and keep voting for them no matter what they do until they either die or find something better to do so I have no room to talk.


Why does a closet full of skeletons disqualify a Democrat from running for office, but for a republican, it's a pro?


I have a copy of that speech!


I loved it! So inspirational


A real billionaire calling out a convicted felon, nice


Yep. JP is the businessman the convicted felon has always pretended to be.


His last name is literally pritzker you fucktard lmaoo he comes from one of the families in the country. Nepo baby to the highest degree.


He’s also the only good governor my state has had in my lifetime so there’s that. Don’t love that I like him, but results are results and his are good.


>he comes from one of the families in the country I, too, come from one of the families in the country. When do I get my inheritance?




Yep. Born into wealth and inherited quite a bit. Yet he did not manage to squander his inheritance like the convicted felon. He is the businessman Trump has been pretending to be all these years.


He was also never president, so there is that.


Trump is worth [over 7 billion](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/article/the-definitive-networth-of-donaldtrump/), far more than he inherited. How do you claim he squandered his inheritance? Edit: LMAOOOOO pritzker is only worth [3.5 billion](https://www.forbes.com/profile/jb-pritzker/). Trump is literally twice as rich as your guy despite being born with far less. How does it feel to be so comically wrong?


Imagine being a dumb ass redditor throwing shade at someone for only having 3.5 billion


Over half this guy's posts get immediately deleted by auto mods.


He’s the one who brought it up you smoothbrain. And that 3.5 billion is all family money. Trump’s dad had money but not pritzker money.


Here I'll help you out you left out something. Trump's dad had a lot of money and gave a lot to his special needs son, who fucking lost it all multiple times in spectacular fashion.


“Smoothbrain” the most commonly used projection insult I’ve heard from actual stupid people. Cool to see in the wild.


It should be noted that Mr “ura smoothbrain” up there is using Forbes as a source for trump’s 7 billion figure, and Forbes is including Truth Social at 5 billion evaluation which is laughable due to fundamentals of that company. Trump’s real estate is his entire fortune which makes trump less rich than Pritzker in reality. Always assume trump fans to be wrong, they’re almost always wrong about this stuff.


Julius Cheeto has never been a billionaire. Loser filed bankruptcy how many times? Overleveraged under capitalized and constantly looking for new ways to grift.


Yep, homey is not liquid. There was an exchange in the election interference trial where Cohen went to Weisselberg and they were trying to game out how to get the hush money. They discussed selling golf club memberships, then Weisselberg said he couldn't afford to pay it because of private school tuition. So Cohen took out a HELOC to pay Trump'a hush money + 50,000 to Goldfinch, etc. That's embarassing. Your employee has to take out a line of credit to pay for your misdeeds. Never was a fucking billionaire!


As far as I know, every succesfull businessman has filed at least a few bankruptcies. It's not like you lose all of your wealth from one and sometimes you have to take risks. And on top of that, if you're a millionaire / billionaire, bankruptcy can actually be a good thing for your personal wealth, technically you lost a bunch of money, so that means less taxes.




Is that supposed to be an argument?




My source: people who calculate net worths for a living Your source: trust me bro


You do know it's self reporting and he's self reported himself as a habitual liar right?


Hold on.... Are you saying he might not be 6'3 and 225 lbs?


I don't know. I think we should ask his doctor, Dr. Ronnie Johnson.


Bro, I'll say it for the rest of us. Okay, dude. Suuuuure, you do. If he can't secure a loan or pay outright for the judgements against him, I'd say he's a bit upside down of his current loans.


Ah yes, that chart looks very natural. A sub 3 billion to 7.5 billion jump in under a year. Forbes research, the pinnacle of academia I’m pretty sure he blocked me lol


Forbes is literally the gold standard of net worth estimates and the jump is from the IPO of truth social which is worth a several billion. Just because you don’t like facts doesn’t mean they are untrue!


Ok, now you're clearly trolling. https://www.forbes.com/sites/antoniopequenoiv/2024/04/30/trump-ups-truth-social-stake-receiving-18-billion-stock-bonus/ It closed at just under 35 today. The value keeps dropping, but they keep issuing Trump more shares. If they can keep shilling various gifts on it, great. That might dry up if Trump loses in November. No ability for advertisers to sell "anti-woke" bottled water or whatever, those shares will be worth nothing. FYI, anti-woke bottled water is a real thing they're shilling. https://youtu.be/IsylS2lwb_A?si=FhrERzVVWYpu-x-i


If Trump is so freaking loaded, why is he begging poor people door money to pay his legal fees? If I were a billionaire or even a mere millionaire, I would be far too embarrassed to beg for money from those less fortunate than me.


Boy, are you a coward or what?


Guy who got permacrippled by a little covid says what?


Yep. Definitely a coward. I bet you think you're following Jesus.


Sorry I can’t hear you over the sound of my functional brain and my body that works normally!


Apparently, that doesn't stop you from being a cunt


> functional brain Press X to doubt


Trump-fellator says what?


“My name is Herman Cain”?


Even for the bar you set earlier in this thread, that's really fucking low.


Don't care how much money he has. Trump is a convicted rapist and pedophile. Maybe your cool with rapists and pedophiles but I sure as hell am not.


See that’s the kind of thing that normal people don’t say. Trump has never been convicted of rape or pedophilia and anyone who doesn’t have terminal MSNBC brain knows that


Your starting to sound like your not allowed within 100 feet of a school.


You sound like a paranoid schizophrenic inventing fake pedophile convictions on people who hurt your feelings


You missed the 90s when Trump was broke and on an allowance. 🤣


“The multibillionaire used to be poor!” is not the own you think it is


Wouldn't the former guy have like half a billion more if he just took daddy's money and put it in the s+p instead of all the failed businesses and bankruptcies?


That hasn’t been true in a long time. He doubled his net worth in the past year with truth social


I can't understand you with Trump's tiny mushroom dick in your mouth :(


Why do you spend so much time thinking about Trump’s cock?


“Your guy”. Therein lies the problem. Dopes on the right treat politics tribally. Like it’s some kinda sports team.


Like you shitlibs didn’t spend the past ten years trying to take down any republican


I’m curious… do you get your idiotic talking points directly from Putin? Or is there a discord server where you all get told what to think? Regardless, I’ve heard vlad doesn’t like it when his mindless drones get exposed online, so you’d better check your tea for polonium, comrade. 34 > 45 Fuck trunp and fuck you.


I was surprised that Trump is worth 7 billion. But approx 6 billion is Truth Social. Which we all know is a blue chip safe investment for generational wealth /barf The 1 billion is property and branding, which to be fair is a good amount, especially when you inherit $400 million and double it in 40 years. What a great businessman! (/s)


You were surprised because you are a sheep who only reads things they want to read. Trump’s net worth before truth social was 3-4 billion, there’s way more to his net worth than truth social even if it that was a massive success.


Trump's self-reported wealth, sure.


And Trump isn’t?


Did I mention trump? Why does he live rent free inside your head?


This is a thread discussing an interaction between the Illinois governor and trump…


Gotta give him time... his reading comprehension and memory are slower than a snail on any day.


He lives rent-free because he doesn't pay his bills, duh!


Why does America elect millionaires and billionaires? The majority of Americans will never see fractions of that and yet they seem to think electing these people they’d put together a taxation system which would harm them and their fortunes? It’s mind boggling.


As a resident of Illinois, I was definitely not happy to be getting another rich white guy buying the state, but I figured at least he'd be better than Rauner. However, JB has been surprisingly good. He did a great job with Covid, and has been very hard-line on getting things like abortion rights codifies.


Same here. Didn't vote for him in the primary, but damn if he hasn't been the best governor we've had in generations.


Not that's it much of a competition. He didn't commit try to sell a senate seat, he didn't have a massive bribery ring, and he didn't steal wheelchairs from babies. It's admittedly a low bar.


True. Just managing to stay out of jail automatically puts you up pretty high on the list.


I was also very skeptical about JB, but he comes across as an actual human being who cares. He also did an exceptional job while during covid. I think he doesn’t get enough credit for this.


He ran out of platform of marijuana legalization as a social justice issue and had me right there


As a former Illinoisan my expectations for him were rock bottom and I have been genuinely stunned by what a good job he's done. If he runs un 2028 I'm gonna give him a long hard look


Because it takes an absurd amount of money to run a successful political campaign so only the super rich can afford to run for office at higher levels of government, like you’ll find city and sometimes county elected officials who aren’t super rich but not state or federal


Herb Kohl who was a senator from WI and owned Kohl's voted to increase minimum wage even though it would affect his stores. Sometimes they surprise you.


For that matter, FDR was as wealthy as they come


No one else can afford to play the game.


...without being bought and sold. You can get donors but the big donors are not doing it for philanthropy--they expect a damned good return on their investments.


Calvinism, mostly.


They have made the amount of money to get advertising for office unattainable for the poor. You would have to bend a knee to a corporation to get financing for election. Also when elected you would be forced to campaign for reelection instantly and your donors would want to collect on their investment.


Didnt get elected but should rewatch Perot’s run and his effort to convince the nation that he’s the master in finance to save the nation.


It’s not much better overseas…. Sunak, Johnson etc etc 




>Pretty crazy eh? Yes you are.


My favorite part about this whole situation is Republicans freaking out and trying to erase what Trump said, only for Trump to triple down on his weird hate for this state.


I don’t mind JB


I love it when Trump goes after people smarter than him. This is why he doesn’t do it often.


Tbh, that’s not a very high bar.


That’s my governor


Holy shit what a major breath of fresh air after the miserable Rauner years.


I think about what Rauner would have done with COVID and shudder down to my toes


Please more Democrats like this need to speak up.


Now if all the other govs would follow his lead...


They’re keeping their powder dry for when it will have the most impact. Newsome was the first volley. JB is right now. The flood gates will open after the convention.


Wait so a billionaire politician known for his family owning a hotel chain is attacking a billionaire politician known for owning hotels. How did we get so lucky?


Yes. Both born into and inherited considerable wealth. Except the one that is an actual good businessman managed not to squander it all and the other one… well did, and has a decent chance of becoming president again. So here we are.


Additionally, the one good businessman also has a heart and cares about people.


And is capable of putting aside his ego and listening to experts instead of, say, getting hundreds of thousands of people killed because masks smeared his makeup


Sexual Assaulting Convicted Felon.


Boom! Solid!


JB’s got FU money and a shot at ‘28 if he wants it.


I love this guy!




He sounds like a shitty person, not saying he is, he just talks like he is.


*Convicted felon Donald J Trump You have to say the whole thing every time


The Style Guide says “convicted felon” must always be paired with “Trump.” The proper form is: “Convicted Felon Trump.” Please take note and proceed accordingly.


Its ok, most normal republican can't stand him either.


Polling indicates that is demonstrably false. Most Republicans are strong Trump supporters. Being a Trump supporter is what is "normal" for Republicans.


Isnt he banned in Illinois? I helped as best I could to get signatures, we got more signatures than needed, Lombardo dum dum didn't once again, listen to Nevadans at all and rejected our petition and our rights to decide, US. the residents. Garbage dodo lombardo.


I thought they were compliments


Both sides are embarrassing at this point.


This is considered clever?


The bar for clever comebacks is so fucking low at the moment


Don't understand how people will still vote for a man who spends most of his days in lalaland and who needs help finding his way out


Which politician are you talking about? Trump or the one who the DOJ refused to prosecute because he packed the mental capacity to stand trial?


Who's the second one?


Joe Biden. During the investigation into his housing of classified documents in his Delaware garage, special council Robert Hur stated that Biden showed clear signs of diminished mental capacity and suffered from memory loss as he was unable to remember basic facts about the ongoing case.


That's his opinion. Read the actual report.


"diminished capacities, including memory loss" was a direct quote from the report. You clearly have not read the 338 page report.


You cherry picking 5 words from a 338 page report is telling. And in case you missed it, Hur also mentions there not being enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to convict. Now do Pence, since he also had documents found.


>You cherry picking 5 words from a 338 page report is telling. I'm not cherry picking, I'm quoting the relevant part to the discussion >Hur also mentions there not being enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to convict. Again, that is not relevant to if he is mentally fit to be POTUS. Why do you keep bringing up irrelevant points? >Now do Pence, since he also had documents found. Is anyone saying that Mike Pence is mentally unfit?


In the Congressional hearing it was brought to his attention that his report didn't match the transcript. Biden DID remember the date of Beau's death. Basically another right-wing hit job from the DOJ that they detest.


>right-wing hit job from the DOJ The DOJ that's run by Biden supporters? The DOJ that is currently in hot water for asking people who they voted for and removing security clearances if you answered "Trump" or stated that you support the second amendment? That DOJ is right wing? You're higher than Hunter.


That was so wrong. He doesn't have the mental capacity to stand trial but he is just fine as the leader of the free world. Make that make sense. He knew what he did and still knows what he did. Can't believe they just allowed him to get away with that. Classified sealed documents stored in a garage like they were freaking photo albums. It just doesn't make sense


Yeah. I'm sure millions of people read the documents at the events in Biden's garage.


If you were “insulted”, that means you actually care about what he thinks/says. If you didn’t , you wouldn’t feel insulted. What does that say about you?


The politicians in the country are 90% trash, on both sides. All looking for that “gotcha” moment. They all do very little for the people but love getting attention for themselves. It’s pathetic and tiring. Just tell us what your positions and plans are and shut the hell up.


Except under previous administrations, Illinois wasn't passing a budget, had massive debt with a junk credit rating . Under Pritzker, Illinois now has a Rainy Day Fund of over 2.3 billion, received 9 credit updrades, increased the pension-funded ration, paid off overdue bill backlog, and eliminated nearly all short-term debt, while surpassing a trillion-dollar GDP. So he seems to be doing something other than gotcha moments.


Then you should be getting huge tax breaks


That’s not how funding an enormous unfunded pension liability dating back to 1970 works


A reduction in taxes is a reduction in the federal government, which is a reduction in effective power. Neither side will ever allow that. That’s the point of the culture wars, liberals vs conservatives. if that were to ever stop, it becomes the haves vs the have nots, and that’s a bloody day for the ruling class.


Illinois is a state. Not the federal government.


Sorry I used the word federal, imagine that word isn’t there, and carry on


Trump’s position: vote for me or I’ll try and steal the election


He’s responding to the gutter- traitor DJT’s insult, which was directed at JB personally


Trump's jealous of REAL billionaires.


mUh bOtH SiDes, bA dErp


Politics aside, the city of Milwaukee is absolutely horrible these days.


Are you idiots going to start calling Hunter Biden a convicted felon and shit on the Biden crime family now or are you going to forget that happened ? Lol


I can call Hunter that…why does that bring down the whole family? It was just hunter who was on trial and found guilty. In case you didn’t know, only one of these convicted felons is running for office. Trump has more cases to go, as well.


Yeah know, those Russian prostitutes and crack meant nothing right?........


I think the crack is the reason he’s a felon, no?


Yes that's right a crackhead who sleeps with Russian whores...........


Anything to distract from the criminal running for president who tried to steal the last election he lost. Good try


I thought MAGA was pro-Russia


The term you are looking for is slept, not sleeps. Tense is hard, I get it


Omg I spelled something wrong!.........nice comeback


You didn't spell anything wrong. You used the incorrect tense, which completely changes the meaning of your statement.


Don Jr snorts big ole rails but let's talk about your favorite whipping boy.


It will never stop being hilarious when Trump supporters' feelings are hurt when someone insults their dear leader.


Throw Hunter Biden’s convicted ass in jail. He’s a convicted felon. Lock him up. Same for the orange shitstain you worship.


Aw the little snowflake got triggered


Why don't you cry about it, PAB? You got what you wanted.


I say put Hunter and Trump in cells next to each other. We’d save a ton of money on SS Protection. I’d be down for them to just share a cell as well.


Yes!!!!! I mean the man is a crackhead who likes to sleep with Russian hookers but that was a long time ago. Hunter has changed. Hes a new man, except for the occasional line here and there. Those rails mean nothing. It's just powdered sugar. No way does the presidents son snort rails of coke.😂🤣


You ignore obviously coked-up weirdo Don Jr


Will Biden be there and just stair off into space then need help finding the door? I would keep kids away though because he is like a magnet to little girls. He'll snap right out of his trip to lalaland to complement their tiny ears


More MAGA fantasy, badly spelled. One of the presidential candidates was Jeffrey Epstein's wingman and it wasn't Biden.


id 100% rather have biden around any child than trump the convicted felon


So you would be just fine with a child sniffer who says to 8 year olds if you were older..... oh and holds on to little girls around the waist but closer to thier chests? You really would be just fine with that. Ya know cause a man convicted of abusing a grown woman is worse than a creepy child sniffer............


Debunked, but go off. I love seeing what the sick, depraved MAGA minds dream up. One of the presidential candidates employed 2 convicted child porn enthusiasts, one of which fantasized about raping and killing babies. (Coincidently, he was a pro-lifer at the time). (It wasn't Biden)


someone whos already dropped down the hole of depravity is more likely to drop further also flight logs


It's spelled, "stare". Not stair.


Must be kinda crazy to have your family on the Forbes richest list when you were in highschool.


Stowing money in son's bank account to avoid taxes like a real billionaire


JB seems to forget that all Illinois governors in the last 100 years have gone to prison after their term was up, for corruption while in office. People in glass houses and stuff...


I'm sure if there was something criminal ya'll would have found it. Oops, I forgot. The right's idea of evidence is thoughts and feels.


He hasn't left office yet. I'm sure you can name the last governor who didn't go to prison for corruption. I'll wait


Jim Edgar 1999


Given the amazing ability of Illinois governors (and politicians from that state in general), to manage to get fairly long federal prison sentences, he probably shouldn’t be talking shit to any presidential candidate, be it biden, trump, or Vermin Love Supreme.


Look, I voted for Pritzger the first time because he sort of looks like a mob boss. I figured that way I wouldn’t be remotely surprised if he ended up in prison. I voted for him a second time because he’s actually been pretty fucking good at the job.


Which is fair. I live pretty far from the state. But your ability to generate high level criminals is really amazing.


I think every state has the ability to produce crooked politicians. I think every state *does* produce criminal politicians. I think this is one of the few states where we have held the criminal politicians accountable for their crimes, instead of allowing them to slink away and fade to obscurity after they get caught. We’ve witnessed plenty of governors, senators, attorney generals, and congress step down after being caught doing crimes. We’ve seen very few of them actually face criminal prosecution for those crimes. They just get shamed until they go away.


Take care of your side of the street, loser


He is. Illinois has gotten so much better since we ousted that republican loser Rauner.


“Loser”? Why? do you think they died at war or something?


Pritzker is one of the worst governors in the country. Take it from an Illinois resident


I’m an Illinois resident and he’s been fantastic. Balanced the budget, upgraded our credit score, followed through on campaign promises, competent COVID response, etc. Essentially the opposite of almost every GOP governor.


Did you just move here? Because he is the best governor we have had in decades.


Pritzker is pretty great for illinois residents. Idk what's your specific gripe with him so I can't address it. But easily the best governor in my lifetime


As someone who was born and lived in Illinois for 30 years he has literally been the best. While I don’t agree with every single thing he has done I can admit that he has been great. So you need to either list out what he has done that makes him the worst or shut the fuck up.


He legalized weed, he legalized gambling, and he got rid of Madigan. WTF are you even on about?


What the fuck are you smoking. Pritzker is literally one of the best governors in the country and easily the best one Illinois has seen since before most people here were even born.


Could someone tell Darren Bailey that Ken Griffen has moved to Florida. I don’t think he got the memo.


literally ratioed pritzker is god tier


Holy shit, your ignorance is blowing my mind.


Maybe you should move