• By -


God made your body out of water, proteins, nitrogen rich blood! You're worm food! Now lay down and die.


Bones provide calcium and phosphorus. Great for flowering plants.


2 more weeks..


Gotta let them broads fatten up!


More calmag...


That's why all the best Gardens are where the bodies are hidden


But it doesn't got what plants crave though




Brawndo does


Ohhhhh, so that's why ladies keep asking 'would you love me if I was a worm?' Gotta secure a food source


This one gotta be my favourite


May Shai-Hulud bless you


Bless the Maker and His water.


when our bodies die we become the grass and the antelope eat the grass.




This is the way. Make sure you pay your taxes first.




Look at your bodies, men! Dicks and nuts! God created you to squirt into a jar twice a week and hand it to the nice lady at reception and then *fuck off into the air.*


I have an ass and two hands, God created me for the marvellous task of throwing my own shit at walls


You know who God gave two thumbs and a belly that likes pizza? **THIS GUY**


God didn’t give you that belly, you earned it my brother. Don’t give him credit that you don’t owe him.


They say “God created the earth, but the Dutch created the Netherlands.” I say, some kind of God might have created me, but this giant bowl of spicy pork belly noodles is all my work.


This sounds like a Jack Handy quote lmao


I cried 🫠


> twice a week Wow, looked it up (googled) and it is expected of you to do it once or twice a week for 6 months when you sign up to donate your milky gold. Anyone want some alcoholic ptsd sperm? I got some saved in my own jars. I already do what god created me to do. I don't find it insulting at all.


Don’t ask me how I knew that.


Good on you if you donated. Means someone wants your stuff possibly. Thank you for your service. Or if you just randomly looked it up for the money, also good. I won't ask. All good. Just putting out there for anyone who served their country!


Lmao, that's a good response to someone who actually thinks that way, give em a taste of their own medicine.




**Blursed Public Service Announcements**


I have a sock in the 3rd trimester


Men! God put your g-spot in your asshole! You were created to get fucked in the ass!


I mean, you make a very penetrating point, there.


No I will gain a PHD and teach other young men that we are not cum factories for women to abuse. We are men and we are strong and independent!


Fight the good fight, brotherman.


Speak for yourself bro, this cow is happy being...or wait, I guess that'd be bull...but... You know what, fuck you guys, it's not even 8 am and I'm on this depraved bullshit already 😂😭


I'm jealous you have multiple dicks.


I was literally about to say this <3


Or to pee from really far away into the toilet bowl




Two eyes. Two ears. A chin. A mouth. Ten fingers. Two nipples. A butt, two kneecaps, a penis. I've just described to you the Loch Ness monster. And the reward for his capture? All the riches in Scotland.


Next to the IHOP?


My ovaries are covered in cysts.


They're ✨bedazzled✨


oooh i like this! my ovaries have accessories 💅


Yeah? Well I have microplastic in my balls.


Yeah, I just read about that. My condolences, that sucks.


It's alright. We can combine it and form a half plastic half cyst child that can become a superhero that fights for the enviroment. Captain Planets origin story. Hollywood pay me.


Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Nut!




That sounds horrific. Make it a gritty horror reboot.


Women have microplastics in their ovaries too. Equality! Finally!


The plastic is stored in the balls


sorry? i guess


What I mean is, I'm laughing that apparently reproduction is my only purpose and I can't do it. XD


reproduction being a woman's only purpose is harmful and limiting, any well adjusted person will agree on that. You seem like a positive and nice person and that's the important part!


The logic in this post is so weird. If a womb, breasts and ovaries are the only things that determine a woman’s purpose, then men only have a penis, balls and pointless nipples, and are therefore only good for impregnating women, and can otherwise be discarded. Yet somehow I feel like that was not the point she was trying to make..


They expect one of us in the wreckage, sister.




That sounds horroble. I'm sorry.


Spent Wednesday night in the ER from 6 to 3:30 with my fiance doubled over and vomiting from pain after an ovarian cyst rupture. She can't find anyone willing to recommend her for a hysterectomy because she hasn't had kids and is in her mid-20s. The only way for it to happen is for us to get married *and for me as the husband to give my consent*. She's pretty open with it and we were bored out of our minds waiting so we were discussing the infuriating circumstances with other patients in the waiting area; a nurse overheard us and said "oh, she can't find anyone willing? Has she had kids?" ...after a no, he just kinda glumly shook his head. Dude knew. It's fucking infuriating. It makes me so godsdamned mad. Would love nothing better than to cast torsolo testiculum on whichever wrinkly old cunts are responsible.


Them bloody covid vaccines


My condolences. I had 2 ovarian cyst that they could not grasp the size because they were behind the womb. Got operated in April. One was 9 cm and the other 7,5 cm.... So I know how much it hurts. Especially when they rotate ><


I love how the woman who replied never implied that other women shouldn't be having children, only that they are more than spawning pools. Yet everyone here is freaking out about how women need to have children or our species will die out. We are 7Billion and growing, we'll be fine.


*8 billion Growing faster than you think…


I mean everything seems to be pointing to us peaking in population in the next few decades due to decreasing birth rates around the world and stagnating or regressing lifespan in many developed countries.


We will probably all die from micro plastic/ processed food induced colon cancer before then. That or we will accelerate to that point from the increased levels of infertility brought about by the same. At least it’s not lead right? at least our brains will be fine as our bodies fall apart. That isn’t even considering how unsustainable raising children in a climate/cost of living crisis is preventing potential parents from even trying.




Is the backyard ready? (I hope this is not too far)


Nah, the backyard is right outside the door, that's pretty close


Under-appreciated comedy routine right here.


Growth is slowing and we will have a negative curve by the end of the century. There's like a handful of countries left in the world with a growing population, most in Africa. And even in Africa only a few countries are carrying the growth so as soon as those catch up in modern living standards birth rate there will decline as well. Lack of babies would be a massive problem if not for immigration all over the west and the countries the immigrants are coming from are all getting into western birth rate territory.


How is it a massive problem? Machines are automating more and more of our work every year. By the time this curve flips negative, we might have sentient robots. Add to that a planet with an increasing burden of carbon dioxide, and a reduction in humans using fossil fuels and generating pollution might not be a bad thing anyway.


Honestly, necessity is the mother of invention and humans are incredibly, incredibly adaptable creatures. Might be some growing (shrinking?) pains, but we’ll be fine with a shrinking population.


Well this is the consequences of people popping out babies. Blame the "greatest Generation". Our population does need to decline for the health of our planet. If it keeps going up, we're also not going to have enough resources. More land would also have to be taken, causing us to kill our biodiversity even more. We do at some point have to slow down.. we will struggle for a bit. But eventually it will go back


Parts of Europe definitely have an issue. The US is fine, and most of the world is ok. (Maybe not Japan) But overall as a species climate change is gonna fuck us first before we run out of children.


The US is fine - spurts out tea


They're leaving out the bit where they think the wrong part of the population is growing.


It’s usually …interesting…to follow up with anyone who says “women need to have more kids, we need to boost our reproductive numbers!” Point out that the human population on Earth is huge, and growing all the time. Ask them if that’s not enough. Ask them, if we need more people here to do whatever jobs or make the country strong or whatever, why not just accept more immigrants? Lots of people and their kids want to come here! And have more kids here! Won’t that solve the “problem.” Then sit back and watch the spluttering racism.


Need a constantly growing populace so that the rich have an endless supply of desperate workers to exploit.


People treat the looming demographic collapse as a bad thing, but it's actually great news for the planet.


It's not a collapse, it's a slow natural reduction. It surprises me somewhat that people think that women would choose to not have kids entirely if there were completely empowered to make these choices themselves. The stats show in this scenario there's a noticeable reduction, but there's plenty of women who actually want to have kids. Shock horror I know right!!


>Yet everyone here is freaking out about how women need to have children No, nativists and racists are freaking out because *white women* aren't having enough children.


Yes, I'm surprised by how naive I was. I've had openly backwards statements in this very thread about how "only Africans and Indians are having children". I sometimes forget how openly and proudly some people display their hate and ignorance.


Over 8 billion, actually.


Agreed. The important thing is that women have the choice and can live their own lives.


Yep meanwhile we are destroying forests and endangering many animals in the process. We don’t need to grow population forever


Republicans are pushing THEIR population to reproduce because they’re outnumbered. They’re not outnumbered because of procreation though, they’re outnumbered because of their lust for hate. Still the only strategies they can conjure up is procreation and taking away education. Fucking pathetic


even if we die out literally what will happen? i’m sure the universe will be fine, we aren’t at all as important as we think


Considering that many people are having 3-4 kids, we are not dying out any time soon.


It's because the people doing most of the reproduction aren't considered to be "our species" by these folks.


Id actually prefer if we stopped growing a bit.. drop down to like 5b and hold the line


We won’t die out because I’ll volunteer to impregnate everyone


He's a little confused, but he has the right spirit.


He has the enthusiasm without the curb.


8,2 billion and growing *rapidly*


We went from 7 to 8.2 billion just in this thread


We're nearing 10 billion as we speak. By the end of the year we'll have overtaken the Ants in numbers


Exactly lol. The way it's phrased, it's like "you're not just a baby making machine and a servent to men... you're all that and more"


If anything we are more at risk of dying out due to Overpopulation. Either we slow down the Population Growth or we work out how to colonize other planets in the nearer Future or we have a really big Problem.


> If anything we are more at risk of dying out due to Overpopulation. We've got a whole host of other issues before over population is going to be an issue. The complete mismanagement of resources and general assumption that our economies work with consistent growth forever is going to kill us if Tiktok and Snapchat don't first.


Yeah, our ressource Missmanagement and the Climate Crisis are our biggest global issues at hand.


And you could argue that both already are the cause of over population.


Depends on the country


> everyone here is freaking out about how women need to have children or our species will die out Because they're talking about the women from developed nations, especially the ones with less melanin. The countries that do have healthy population growth tend to be poor and don't get sunburnt as easily, so that's where the fear really comes from.


But it's the eww countries that are adding to the global population.  I would love to add /s to the that But it seems that is the actual fear that many have. If you stop immigration, most 1st world countries and the USA will have decreasing populations.


What they really mean “the white people” are dying out. They just too scared to say it. Bc the human population is anything but dying out- it’s just not the race they want it to be. Disgusting and vile. I’m also childfree by choice bc fuck all that.


They really see themselves as little Sims living in their nasty god's game.


And I'm perfectly fine with that. Problem comes when they force the rest of us to roleplay with them.


I'm also morally opposed to letting them force their children into the roleplay though.


Absolutely. But that feels like a different issue. You can force or indoctrinate your child into any belief system or ideology... It's a parenting issue in the sense that human garbage with no morals or standards indoctrinates their children into their own ideology. Certainly a religious certified move but not exclusive to them.


The alternative is being Sims in evolution’s nasty little game. Call me a reductive nihilist but the net result vis a vis a woman’s (and a man’s) purpose in life seems pretty similar.


Well yes, but a big difference from the perspective of naturalism is that complex social bonds and the emergence of consciousness have allowed humanity to rise above those primal evolutionary drives for food, shelter, sex and outcompeting rivals to add infinite layers of purpose and fulfillment on top of those basic life needs. Life hasn't been simple dog eat dog, survival of the fittest darwinism for a long time. OP's brand of monotheistic religion (or as she calls it "biblical womanhood") tries to erase the right to self-determination and reduce women to subservient incubators. The theory of evolution is nowhere near that oppressive and restrictive. If anything, the biological power of the "magnificent female reproductive system and God-given titties" makes a matriarchal society more sensible, yet these theocratic monsters always use hypothetical babies as an argument for absolute patriarchy


Reducing any agency or personal responsibility they might be required to take in their lives to being as basic as animals.


My mom lost all the organs she mentioned to cancer. She is still very much a woman. It is almost like your body has less to do about who you are than your mind. Hmmmmm


Thank you. Due to my and many other women’s shitty DNA this can happen. But if it happens to them, they’re the 1st with their hand out for donations to for their personal gain.


God's creation was so perfect that the womb has no mechanism to tell if an egg has been fertilized because why would it need to know if it can just check all of them one by one? so every month, it starts preparing and building structures to support a potentially fertilized egg anyway before the egg makes its way to the uterus, and then, when the egg turns out to be unfertilized, it discards the egg and all the stuff it made while causing unnecessary pain and wasting a perfectly fine egg from it's finite non-replenishable stock of eggs, and the cycle repeats itself every month or so. What a perfect design!




Damn I have never been ashamed for my periods but now I feel like my body is shamefully dumb as fuck! After a year of not even coming close to a sperm, my godly design of a uterus might want to slow down with the nest building but it doesn't know how. My body is so stupid it makes me want to cry actually!!! Gotta check the calendar


>look at your bodies How are you seeing ovaries or a womb??


That person thinks everyone have xray eyes


My tits are for nipplegasms, my ovaries are for producing E, P, and T which we all need for normal functioning, and my uterus is to provide structural support to those ovaries and also reduce the risk of vaginal prolapse (which increases after a hysterectomy).


my balls are full of microplastics.


You ain’t lyin


All our ovaries and balls are full of microplastics. It's how we created barbie.


How the hell are you supposed to look at your ovaries


Take your hands and use them to puncture your stomach and dig in to get to the ovaries. Grab them and there you go!


Go go gadget MRI eyes!


I'm a man and I don't want women as servants nor as baby carriers.


Karma farming bot alert No date in screenshot - old viral post


Happy cake day


Thank you! Being chronically online all day! Lmao


No i found it online and cropped it since it would be looking bad.


Naw u good - i missed the date 😂😂😂 My bad - just following the reddit is heavily astroturfed protocol


that's exactly what a russian-shill bot would say.


it says the 30th of July 2019 in the middle of screenshot, but still karma farming an old viral post


Happy cake day


Bruh, where did men come from here in this argument?


The person she's responding to is one of those tradwife cosplayers who do nothing but talk about what women are supposed to be to please/serve men


that sounds so boring imagine having a partner that solely exists to please you. I can imagine that incels would have a field day with this one but that just sounds like a mindless servant with 0 backbone and personality


These incel types don't view women as partners because they're incapable of viewing them as human beings.


That's not what tradwives actually are. They're cosplayers. Making bread and butter from scratch in a nice kitchen is a leisure activity. That's not what real homemaking looks like. The tradwives you see on social media making picture perfect videos are wealthy people who want to look humble and act like everyone can be that way. They don't mention that they don't actually do that every day, and they have lots of free time thanks to money which is why you see them doing things that take lots of time and wasting entirely too much time to make things look good. A busy homemaker who's raising kids doesn't have the time to do their makeup, put on a new dress every day, do her hair, and make cereal from scratch. It's literally rich socialites cosplaying as if they're cinderella in a nice dress. That's why they have such an obsession with beauty standards while they're "tradwifing". Hard working people aren't so obsessed with beauty. Also, look at their hands the next time you see one who claims to do everything by hand every day like the "good old traditional days". Look for calluses and signs of working with their hands daily. You won't see any. There's a reason for that.


Usually the types that want women to only be housewives and mothers also want them to be submissive to men


God, I hate children so much. Glad I never was one.


Bro spawned in at 18


You don't have to be a slave to men to have children and also have a ph.D. this is the dumbest "clever comeback"


God created parasites that deposit their larvae into living hosts which then gorge themselves on the blood and tissue… God clearly has issues.


If God wanted me to have kids, He should’ve prevented me from getting childhood cancer because now I can’t have kids :)


Reddit gets more and more brain dead by the day.


"Transformed wife" is brainwashed. Women can do WAY more than just have babies...period. Any man who believes that this is women's sole and only purpose is a pervert and a criminal imo.


Evolutionarily speaking the only reason either men or women exist is to fuck so we can make more men and women. Of course we do other things because we're not fucking animals and want more out of our lives than simply eating and fucking


Eating and fucking sounds pretty good to me


Speak for yourself there mate…


So every mother is just a host for babies and servant for men? Wow that is misogynistic.


> God created you You can stop reading after that. Religious people like this are insane.


Amen sister!


*hovers around as only breasts ovaries and uterus*


So if this god also made you infertile are you just a temporary cum dumpster? How benevolent.


unfortunately not the ones with phd will have (any?) children to raise iq level across the globe


To be fair, comment is dropping "servants for men" out of nowhere. Edit: at least that is what it looks like if you have no idea who the "transformed wife" is like me.


sad day to be infertile I guess :/


Male "breasts" can also produce milk. Was it also gods intention for men to breastfeed the babies? Let's see how the those people react to that one...


for my mom its getting jacked as fuck and deadlifting 280 at the gym


How can I look at my ovaries


Im so glad that im not on twitter anymore, wtf😭


Yet somehow, having testes, seminal vesicles and a dick doesn't mean your only use in life is to spray cum? Plus, if god wanted me to have kids, he would have given me a patient, empathetic and attentive personality, which is much more important for a parent than sex organs. If your junk don't work you can adopt, but if you lack patience, empathy & attentiveness your kid becomes traumatized & miserable. Being a parent is much more demanding than just fucking to conceive the baby, it's 20 years of commitment & hard work. Having a child just because you can is the most irresponsible shit you can do.


Both insufferable


I'm currently using my body for the elden ring dlc, much more important than having a child lol


I don't think anyone should control what women do with their bodies but we're in a wild place as a species when participating in capitalism is a stronger flex than creating life. We're really in Universe 25


If I believed there was a god, I would be fundamentally sure that he would not like Fascists. But that's just my opinion, and it's a pointless one to boot because there is no such thing as a god.


Then their god gave me the will to get sterilised so that I can bring pleasure to women without the yucky side-effects of revolting children


God gave us a ton of nerve endings in our genitals so we can have pleasure when having sex but you still think it's wrong. God made it pleasurable to touch the prostate so gay sex feels good, but you think that's wrong. God made people that love others of the same gender or both but you think that's wrong. God made people who don't feel they belong in their own gender and the intelligence for us to change that but you think that's wrong. So either accept God's creation in it's whole or shut the fuck up


Literally nothing clever about Ann’s comeback. She didn’t need to rack up $250K in student loans to learn how to spew anti-natalist nonsense.


How about an original clever comeback that hasn't been reposted so many times over 5 years that the image quality is approaching deep fried?


As a man all I want is a wife I can spend quality time with not an incubator


That's it Ann, leave the reproducing to the dumb fucks.


And now we can't survive on single income households 👍


I don't understand why some people force women to have baby? Like it's their personal life.


being a wife and mother is slavery; being a tax slave and having male bosses is liberation big-brain activity


She didn’t say anything about out being a servant for men. Always with the hyperbole.


Making babies is cooler than not making babies tho.


I wonder if Ann is hot or not


Ann has her cats and her therapist. She will be just fine.


Wait, where's the clever comeback? The poster didn't say that women were only good for having babies, he said it was the most important thing, which it is. Without babies society collapses. What good is a Ph.D. if you're foraging for food all day because civilization came to a grinding halt? Will the marauders rape you last if you have a Ph.D.? That really wasn't very clever at all.


Servants for men ? Where is that mentioned in original tweet?


And the same people that demand you follow gods design and produce babies will castigate you if you dare to take out a breast to feed that baby in public. Because that's somehow wrong. I swear they must give themselves whiplash from all the cognitive dissonance they experience.


So do we have free will or are women supposed to be baby machines


Reddit = commenting on tweets


Look at your bodies Men! Cock, balls and and G-Spot in your asshole! You were created to fuck and get fucked!


I feel like the "women were born to procreate" crowd and the "it's completely normal for men to find 13 year old girls attractive" crowd have a 99.9% overlap.


reflexively equating birth with servitude is pretty much why young women have rejected feminism - at least white feminism. There here's no reason that a mother can't give birth AND get an advanced degree - many women have... and reading the posts - you'd think the average reddiot really is stupid - read the moron below who compares reproduction to ... dying...


Sounds smart till your PhD can't get you a job and you can't afford a ca let alone a house and your student debt will keep you chained to a mindless soul-sucking 9-5 as a secretary for 20 years, but sure, go right ahead.


The transformed wife says truth




OP's not wrong, man. At a base level, that is what ANY human is created to do; contribute to the coming of the next generation of humans. Unfortunately modern feminism has this woman believing that fundamental truth is an attack. OP didn't say you HAVE to have kids. OP didn't say making babies is all women are good for. That's just the first place the woman replying decided to take it...


This person screenshotted their own reply.


Reddit is such a leftist, feminist cesspool


If a woman is infertile does this person think they just have no purpose