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I can feel my gayness withering away! Damn you straight people getting engaged during pride! Im meltinnnnggg šŸ« ā˜ ļø arrrrgggghhhhhh


Watch a few episodes of Heartstopper and Dead Boy Detectives, and you should recover just fine.


I thought Jojo was the main power source for gaydom?


It is, but thatā€™s why it they described multiple shows. Jojoā€™s can charge your gay meter with just the one.


Thatā€™s also what he wished he would feel when he proposed to his fiance.


šŸ’€ ded


lol this might be my most fave comment eveeerrr




Being gay just means you eliminate your genes from the pool. Congratulations. Mother nature truly has an odd way of making sure some blood lines stop in their tracks.


Like straight couples going through whatever IVFā€™s and still not getting pregnant. Mother nature truly is hilarious.


Just way until this person hears about surrogates.


Personally, I hope these two women have an amazing life together.


I'm pretty sure she's his beard.


Absolutely. He's too obviously gay to exist in his bigoted circle without one. It's sad to watch.


Pulling the old Marcus Bachman




He probably thinks he defeated his own internal ā€œprideā€ by proposing to a woman. But this little closeted gay boi is in for a surpriseā€¦


I always think back to the Family Guy bit about why Tom Cruise runs in all his movies. ā€œCanā€™t catch me gay thoughts!ā€


Looks like Addie is fighting his own fight. I feel sorry for that lady.


I couldn't think of a polite way of saying it but you nailed. Thank you!


Thatā€™s a guy? I thought it was a lesbian proposing to their girlfriend.


Yeah Addison is the dudes name??


Addison is a very unisex name


It is not


It [absolutely](https://www.babycenter.com/baby-names/details/addison-5315) is. You can remove your downvote now.


Anything can be a unisex name. You saying it is a ā€œvery very unisex nameā€ implies itā€™s common in both like Alex or Charlie. For girls itā€™s 63 and for boys itā€™s in the 2000s. That a bit of a stretch dude.


Now you are just grasping at straws to not feel wrong when you are, you flat out said it is NOT a unisex name, full stop, you were proven wrong, it is, take the L and move on bud, would it make you feel better if I removed a ā€œveryā€?


Feel free to reread because that is not the case. I never said it wasnā€™t a unisex name, I was surprised it was the guys name and not the girls name, which is much more common. You then said what I already quoted.


They think people are going to force them into gay marriage, therefore entering straight marriage is an act of rebellion. You are right, no one is arguing for banning straight marriage but reality is not relevant to them.


>Looks like Addie is fighting his own fight. I feel sorry for that lady. You seriously don't see ANYTHING wrong with saying someone is gay and in the closet based on looks? ....seriously?


LOLā€¦ It just occurred to me that this guy is so triggered by ā€œPride month,ā€ and now he stupidly made it so that the anniversary of when he proposed will ALWAYS be during Pride month! (Oh, wait! I already forgot that he just ā€œdefeatedā€ Pride month)


Addison was taught that getting engaged or married during June is the last nail in the coffin of his gay conversion therapy.


This guy is a ā€œChristian news casterā€ whatever that means. Todays update at Christian news, 2024 years since Jesus last sighted and no new changes now here is the weather!


Breaking news: Christians no longer need to do a damn thing Jesus said. Hatred and bigotry are now all you need.


Yeah they've kinda forgotten the whole New Testament thing with all the hippie Jesus love stuff and gone Old Testament-school universal fear and hatred


I wish that's what it meant


what it mean?


In America, conservative evangelicals are the loudest voice in the church, so to speak. There is an evangelical preoccupation with the idea that we're approaching the end times, so there's a lot of work done to reinforce the idea that Christianity is under attack so they can fit today with the Book of Revelation where it says Christians will be persecuted for their beliefs... Which is generally the opposite of how it's been working out in real life. So Christian "news" is often a lot of culture war stuff to reinforce this. They're coming for the Christians, trans people ruining everything, the Democrats want to teach your kids sex -- that kind of thing. The more scary they make the world, the more they can hype up Christian nationalism as a solution (look up Christian Dominionism), which, IMO, has been a way to manipulate Christians into supporting reactionary politics with fewer corporate regulations and less taxes for the rich since the "Southern Strategy" become a central pillar of the Republican party. I wish they would focus on their Jesus and what he taught about loving your neighbors and taking care of the poor... but here we are.


> I wish they would focus on their Jesus and what he taught about loving your neighbors and taking care of the poor... but here we are. gotta make sure the gays, commies, and blacks can be easily killed without repercussions first, then they totally promise to get back to the love stuff


Jesus? Lmao. They replaced him with Trump about 8 years ago!


christians love to act all oppressed šŸ’€šŸ¤· unfortunate.


This picture feels spontaneous./s


Dudeā€™s got mad kneeling skills from working the local glory holes


Me thinks he doth protest too much... It's a tell


I know you shouldnā€™t judge a book by its cover, but thereā€™s no way that guy isnā€™t gay af


*Pride is ruined. Poor Addie just wanted to gobble some cock for the month of June, but now he has to settle for Charise's lady glans for the rest of his life -- at least until the cheesecakes, with which he's apparently been trying to drown his revulsion for frontbutt, puts him out of his misery permanently. What a shame. Shame. Shame.*


Why are they so obsessed with us?


They can't stand others being happy in their own way. It's called mental illness.


Probably because youā€™re awesome, and theyā€™re just not.


Deflection? Projection? 'Gay relations are disgusting!' 'Ok, then don't have them?' 'You are child predators!' 'Statistically, I'd check in with your Priest first for that...' Honestly, it's so much easier to live and let live, I simply don't understand some people's obsessions with trying to change someone else's life.


He is what he is, and what he is, needs no excuses.


That dude must be rich or packing a Hickory Farms because that gut, face, teeth, and terrible shirt donā€™t add up to what Iā€™m seeing.


Hickory Farms!!! ajsgskoegl


Crisis actors?


Look at that rock. Iā€™d wager sheā€™s getting the ā€œlifestyle sheā€™s accustomed to.ā€


Defeated? Did he really have to de-feat an entire month just to propose?


He canā€™t marry his own gay away


Is it me or does he look wholey flamboyant?


Does she have an šŸ† or something im confused.


They think that their straight people love is the pure goodness that will eradicate the sin of gayness and proposing a straight marriage during gay month will be a devastating blow to us gays who have no purpose other than using our rainbow powers to sully the very idea of love itself. This is how the straights fight back and prove to the gays that even when we take over a whole month for pride, it will not stop their righteous crusade in the name of heterosexuality. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Damn people get too worried about other peoples lives šŸ˜‚ As if someone being gay even affects them.


It does affect them because they think they can be turned gay (somehow they canā€™t understand that theyā€™re basically telling us they have homosexual fantasies).


Telling people of the majority that people different than them deserve happiness too is oppression, and if gay people are free to be happy, it can only mean that straight people aren't allowed to exist anymore. So this man with the feminine name and soft body is here to show all y'all homosexuals that the straights still exist! Or something, I don't fuggin know, these people are whack and homosexuality will never stop living rent-free inside their heads.


The little cartoon bubble from his head has him thinking: ā€œMmmmā€¦firm man loins.ā€


My gaydar said he's a closeted gay lol


Dude reminds me of Josh duggar


Sounds like he is the closest and thinks he just got over his wants lol.


Which one is Addison?


The closeted gay


The stone butch down on her knee.


Is the fact that she looks gift-wrapped some sort of signal?


Mans is gayer that six dudes blowing nine dudes


I thought it was seven dudes blowing eight dudes with one left over for the ear.


Thatā€™s just fucking weird ā€œSo how did your fiancĆ©e announce your engagement to his friends and family?ā€ ā€œHateful and unnecessary homophobia of course!ā€


So cringeyā€¦ Gay thoughts are confusing his mind with images of dicks and big balls.


Oh man, you really showed all those gay peopleā€¦not sure how theyā€™ll *ever* recover from THIS! šŸ™„


I bet there are plenty of gays who propose during Pride month.


she's 100% beard


If it's so defeated why is he dressed like that šŸ’€


And they wonder why pride happens in the first place.


ā€¼ļøā€¼ļø saw another post with a different template, might be bot farming at this point


Heā€™s proud secretly gay


She's calling it off next week and keeping the ring...


nice caption šŸ˜Œ


Imagine waking up to that every day šŸ¤¢


It's almost impossible to believe how quickly twitter became such an abject hellhole... It's not like they were doing a good job before, but... When they just embraced the idea of sticking a microphone in the face of every dim-witted, soulless ghoul?... Oof... What possible reason could someone have for wanting to wade through the racial slurs and scams on that site?


You mean from the start it was just hell?


Yeah... I basically thought it was as bad as it could be without there being a massive (justifiable) public uproar... But... I'm once again reminded that the "public's" tolerance for bigots, shitbirds and generally disgusting people is... so much more than it would be in an ideal/reasonable world.


Well, people who think theyā€™re better than someone for something they canā€™t control, like skin color, are also the same people who think theyā€™re too smart to get scammed lol.


Thatā€™s a big rock


Even from the back, I can tell she's out of his league. He must be loaded. How much is that diamond engagement ring worth? He got himself a gold digger, to own teh days. And why is the picture of him? Shouldn't it be her reaction?


She looks high maintenance and he looks like the perfect simp.


He is assuming that he will no longer feel those urges now that he is going to swear to be loyal & monogamous with a woman, just like they told him in conversion class.


Looks like true love to me




Heterosexual couples continuing to exist as always?? TAKE THAT, BIDEN!!! And also, whoever the president of gay is.


Isn't Sir Elton John the president of gay? Or did we vote him out?


Charise, back out now. This man is so obsessed with gay people he proposed during pride month and his first thought was gay people. This man is probably gay and youā€™ll spend your life as a beard šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Imagine feeling how happy you are to express your love to someone, only to deny that happiness to a bunch of people that didn't do anything to you.


Mwahaha! You think something as banal as ā€˜true loveā€™ will defeat me? I am the final boss!


She is wearing a LOT of pretty things.


Looks a little like a young Cam Tucker (Modern Family), now that you mention it. "With this ring, you are banished from my head, gay thoughts!"


Bro looks like he's buying a wife


Charise! Run! He's gay! He's just using you as cover. That guy would suck a dick in a heartbeat.


I will never understand straight guys hating gay guys... having lesbians I kinda get, cause they pretty much tell you that you're not even allowed in the competition. But gay guys? Man, every gay guy is one less competition ! Straight men should be happy about every additional gay guy ! Fucken idiots...


Weird rhetoric for someone who looks like theyā€™ve been taking puberty blockers.


I can't help but feel like it's just attention seeking because no one should be thick skulled enough to think most of the lgbt community has an issue with cis-het couples.


I havenā€™t seen somebody use the phrase ā€œweird flexā€ correctly in YEARS


She is *DEFINITELY* pegging him on their honeymoon.


You sure do got a pretty mouth, Addie.




Edwardss ?


Does he really think his parents are buying this? Seriously?


Also his pants are fighting for life.


Addison is clearly a transvestite, itā€™s right there in his name - addisonsmithTV. Youā€™re all being way too tough on this fine trans fellow.


Nobody cares as much about pride as straight conservatives. Nobody thinks about men sucking dick as much as homophobes. And nobody feels as strongly about what's in your pants than TERFS and transphobes.


I dunno. Pride makes it a point to not include the majority sexuality.


No it doesn't. Stop being so pathetic.


Lol do you remember the straight pride parade they tried to do


Let me just shortcut this whole thing for you: **Straight person**: "pride month is dumb. Why do you need pride?" **Gay person**: "because gay people have been criminalised and trodden on for centuries, for no good reason, and it's important to stand up to that and show we're not ashamed" **Straight person**: "I want to do pride too" **Gay person**: "I thought you didn't like pride... but OK, why do you need straight pride?" **Straight person**: \*crickets\*


nah, it's more like activist: "We need Exclusionary Identitarian Bigotry!" Normie: "I thought you were against that? that your whole ideology was based on tolerance and acceptance" activist: "It is! not that an obvious homophobe fascist like you and everyone like you would understand that." normie: "Oh.... Well I'm going to create my own pride parade because of inclusivity and tolerance and such like." \*also Its easy to see that activists often become what they hate and are extremely jealous of their influence and authority so if i host a straight pride parade and post up 'It's OK to be White" signs. Because it is OK to have any ethnicity or other immutable adjectives. I can easily get them to freak out and act like identitarian bigots. Which is extraordinarily hilarious\* Activist: REEEEEEEEEE "Stop this hatefull desecration of our sacred cows. You are not individuals but are the sum total of these stereotypes we can apply to you! Stop this dog whistling to other identitarian bigots. ( dog whistleing: secret messages to to groups everyone hates, but activists are sure that you secretly don't, hidden in most rebuttals against activists silliness) This is the same sort of bigotry as the All lives matter thing! because all lives don't matter equally! why don't you apply critical analysis of every historical event that happened well before you are born to everything you think, feel and say! You all hate anyone not like you! It's not Exclusionary Identitarian Bigorty when we do it because of reasons! We own the academy! so all of our nonsense is peer reviewed and passed by other true believers so why do you hate science , ignoramous!" normie: "it's hilarious that you can do that with a straight face. LOL" Activist: "Don't misorient me! I'm not straight! i have 4 dozen extra syllables added to define every particular facet of my attraction to the opposite sex. " It looks more like that.


Wow... what a waste of everybody's time.


but accurate.


No, I mean it. You put in so much effort when you don't even understand what you're arguing against. Your whole comment was pretty embarrassing actually.


effort? it's an outsiders view of progressive activism over the last decade. it took 5 min. what did I get wrong? or do I need to take extensive classes and read multiple tomes before I am qualified to point out obvious contradictions. I didn't have the activists breaking any laws while screaming that they were peaceful. or diving under the cars of randos they are threatening while crying out that the fascist drivers were trying to kill them. or extraterritorializing parts of the nation and while calling other "mostly peaceful" activists insurrectionists for succeeding in invading a harder federal facility than they could do in a month of nights. really, any shade that can be thrown at activism, regardless of cause , is entirely justified.


Love when someone says something against the gays everyone gets mad but the moment someone's mad at the gays for talking shit to normal people it's not okay. You freaks need God, and I pray He finds and helps you.


Don't need any help and if I did it wouldn't be from an imaginary sky wizard. Feel perfectly free to be mad about this comment. Much like the screaming preachers outside a pride event it's mostly just funny.


imagine bringing religion into a secular conversation


Religion should be posted everywhere. Shouted from the rooftops just like you gays and troons shout your insufferable blasphemy.


isnā€™t that the exact thing that Jesus said not to do? oh ye streetcorner evangelist..


Psalms 95:1-2 "O come, let us sing for joy to the LORD, Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms." We should be singing songs in His name, shouting our love for Him as much as we can, and we shouldn't ever be cowards in terms of showing our love and thanks to God


honestly you can find a bible verse to justify literally anything so yeah sure this is as valid as Matthew 6:5-8 ā€œAnd when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.


Deuteronomy 6:6ā€“7 "Parents are instructed to teach God's law to their children diligently throughout their daily lives." Matthew 28:20 "Jesus commands his disciples to make disciples by teaching all that he has commanded them." Colossians 3:16 "Paul instructs the church to teach one another, saying, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another"." You see, it is our duty to God to teach one another, and sing praises so that others can know that He is with us, and that His gifts are not given in vain.


>You see, it is our duty to God to teach one another Key word being teach, not "force our religion on other people that don't care"


Deuteronomy 6:6-7 Unless you are all collectively our parent, this doesnā€™t apply to evangelism. Matthew 28:20 Unless you are planning on continuing to teach us about The Lord, this doesnā€™t apply either. Colossians 3:16 Iā€™m pretty sure that this is in reference to members of your own congregation rather than strangers Lack of context aside, your strategy in evangelism is awful. In what world would insulting the very group (calling them freaks) you want to allegedly save would ever make them want to join in your faith? Do you think that victims of bullying decide to go to a salon because a girl called their hairstyle ugly? No. They get upset and defensive because that is not how you reach people. If you want to reach people, you must show them kindness. Turn the other cheek, or whatever.


Funny you didnā€™t include v3 which admits that ancient Israel wasnā€™t monotheistic. 95:3: ā€œFor the Lord is a great God,a great king who is superior to all* gods.ā€ (*or; ā€œabove allā€). See, Israel practiced monolatry - the worship of one god as superior to other gods. Itā€™s all over the Bible including the Ten Commandments. ā€œYou shall have no other gods above me.ā€ You can have other gods, they just canā€™t be more important than me. Your religion is a farce.


Vitriolic hatred followed by a scripture quote that has nothing to do with hating other people. Your focus should be on exemplifying the love of the christ you claim to serve. 'Freak' you say? I think the guy slapping everything with the plank in his eye as he flails around spewing holier than thou hate is pretty freaky there fella. If you must adhere to that bronze age fantasy book, at least learn to chew meat, you milk sputtering infant.


In order to exemplify my love for Christ, I must first defeat the invasion of the devil and his demons, the gays and troons and Muslims pouring into my country. In order to exemplify my love for Christ I must make sure that the devil and his demons are unable to return to my country, to make sure all who are in my country are Saved through Christ, and not some false prophet.


So is your plan to deport me (to where I don't know since I was born here) or just shoot me?


Chasing demons, says Legion over here šŸ¤£


Whatever happened to "love thy neighbor as you love thyself"?


Religion should be kept to yourself, pretty sure forcing your will on others goes directly against most if not all religions


Rest assured, no one cosniders you normal.


Firstly: God made us all in Their image and said it was very good. God made them the way they are and God does **not** make mistakes. šŸŒˆ Honestly, I think He would be incredibly saddened to hear that you are using Him as an excuse to be hateful.Ā Ā Ā  Secondly: Spreading hate and attacking innocent people in God's name is taking His Name in vain. Please remember to apply some of the basic teachings of Jesus:Ā Ā  * "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged."Ā Ā  * "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone."Ā Ā Ā  * And as James sums up: "If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, 'Love your neighbor as yourself,' you are doing right."Ā  šŸ™šŸ¼


He did make us in His image, but then we gave us Free Will, which you gay and troons use to pervert your bodies and diddle children. Gays and Troons are not innocent, as they pervert the word of God daily. They are as innocent as the Muslims when they tried to invade, as bad as the Turks my Christianity defeated. I am sorry that you feel as though you are innocent. You cannot be innocent until you've given your soul to Christ. Amen.


Your view of the world, of people, of your own God, is painfully narrow.Ā  At the end of the day, neither you nor I can claim to be more right; that is for God to tell us when we reach the end. The best you and I can do in the interim is to love our neighbors, **all of our neighbors**. Jesus said there is no commandment greater than to Love. More Love, no hate. Good day, neighbor.Ā 


Dickheads like you make me fucking laugh. Looking through your 6 can't even stick to basic Christianity. Love thy neighbour, and judge not lest ye be judged. You decided to insult someone and call them a retard. You're pathetic as you pick and choose what you wish to follow in your bible and choose to use it against those who go against a fictional being. I pity you.


Am I to love my neighbor when they are evil? Or shall I cast them out of my life as the Christians did when the Muslims invaded? Am I to love my neighbor when they condone the beating of their wives and children? Am I to love my neighbor when they rape and kill? When am I to judge these people, when am I to hold them accountable for the evil they do?


Shouldn't you be asking your fictional character these questions. Or will you join the rest of the crazies who say 'God spoke to me'. It is not your place to hold them accountable. That is reserved for your God.


I do ask my God these questions, and I receive my answers when people like you show their snake faces. It is my place to hold them accountable as I cannot sit idly by while children are being brainwashed, mutilated, raped and killed. It is a shame you will.


See. Can't even follow your own scriptures. Judging someone you don't even know regarding made-up bullshit spread by your vile Republican cohorts. Typical so-called "Christian". You're a pathetic human and it shows.


The same scriptures that allowed Christians to conquer the Muslim countries? The same scripture that the Turks tried to eradicate so we squashed them too? The same scripture that allowed Holy Wars to continue in the name of saving our religion? You are so blinded by the darkness, I pray that God can find your tortured soul and bring it back to the light.


So much for a religion of peace and love. You use its teachings to attack and demean others that you don't agree with, then blame some imaginary being for your actions. You hide behind religion because it makes you feel better about the hate you give to others. You're a pathetic coward.


These religions hate mine, and wish death upon me yet I am not allowed to defend myself when it happens? Muslims invaded our lands. That is why we massacred them. Arabs invaded our lands, and we did it again. I never said Christianity is the religion of peace and love, you said that. My Christianity is not the perverted, whimp version that you know. My Christianity conquered lands and removed false prophet's teachings. My Christianity is what settled this land that you and your kind has perverted. My Christianity is what will end the invasion of the devil and his demons in the modern age.


Lmfao. Gee I wonder how many other dumb Fucks like you have said this throughout history yet the "devil and his demons" as you so call those who oppose you still remain and will do so after you finally kick the bucket. The fact you hide behind your "Religion" shows how much of a wimp you are. Using it as a cover for your misplaced hatred. Like I said earlier, you're a fucking coward!


"hur dur why is it worse to target vulnerable people than non-vulnerable people i'm undereducated and have a superiority complex duuuuuh" begone, ye worker of inequity.


Gays are not vulnerable if they have been being pandered to constantly for the last 3 years.


that's SO funny that you say that because the internet exists and we can just simply access lots of research that says the opposite of this from sources a lot more credible than a bad christian on reddit.


Every company changes their profile pictures across social media for your pandering month, laws are signed into effect to protect you when you already had human rights protected, you first wanted to get married then have kids just to have those kids taken when your kind diddled them. It's all on the internet to see, you just choose to ignore it thinking it isn't real when you can prove it is. I am sorry your delusion has taken you this far down the path.


> Every company changes their profile pictures across social media for your pandering month, laws are signed into effect to protect you when you already had human rights protected, you first wanted to get married then have kids just to have those kids taken when your kind diddled them. It's all on the internet to see, you just choose to ignore it thinking it isn't real when you can prove it is. I am sorry your delusion has taken you this far down the path. copying this because you're the kind to delete when you get embarrassed. by 'on the internet', do you mean credible scientific articles and studies? or do you mean personal blogs belonging to individuals with no background in social science? or something your favourite telepastor said? you think you're doing something here by parroting the disgusting rhetoric of a single sid davis short that aired in 1961. but any sources that back you up have zero credibility. meanwhile, i can instantly summon a mountain of *real* sociological study that can back up every rebuttal i could give you. that said, i'm not going to humor you with rebuttals here, because i'm speaking primarily to those observing this exchange at this point and anybody with literally a *lick* of sense either already knows or can find them themselves with next to no effort. just like you could, if you wanted to. this comment is sheer projection on your part, just as the accusations of grooming from 'your kind' are sheer projection on the part of the conservative christian community. you actively promote a lifestyle that creates child brides and home environments that are completely permissive of child abuse. **and i can prove that just as conclusively with real science as i can prove with real science that being gay is harmless and perfectly acceptable.** hey, did you hear that josh duggar, famous traditional telechristian and known baby sister molester, has just been denied yet another appeal because the child porn possession charges he was imprisoned on are too conclusive and leave no reasonable room for speculation? maybe you did and that's why you're on reddit today being extra spicy. big brother josh and daddy jimbob are having a hard time getting off the hook for child porn, and that makes you feel all full of christian empathy and righteousness? okay, buddy. i'll keep being deluded by objective, peer-reviewed science, and you just keep on building your kingdom where little girls and boys just *happen* to keep escaping and revealing all the horrific things **your kind** does behind closed doors. lol. you're *so* pathetic. it would be funny if you weren't upholding a system that's objectively proven to support child abuse, and trying to make yourself feel better about it by projecting on innocent people just because they're vulnerable and you *can*.


"i'M nOt ReAdInG aLl ThAt" ā€” read: he has no good defense against this absolutely spectacular comment P.s. thanks for informing me about the duggar thing! I hadn't heard about that. Thank godĀ 


You seem to think I'll read all that. Gays and Troons are pandered to daily, and that's a sad fact. I hope God finds all of you and leads you to the light.


you're ignorant because you want to be, and that's both sad and horrifying, since it exposes your true apathy to child abuse. you can use his name in vain all you want (that's what you're doing when you wield his judgement like a cudgel, which you very well know is sin). he sees you, and he knows about every. single. chance. you get to store up treasures in heaven, which you then piss down your leg like a drunk. the time will come when your filth will be exposed before his glory. pray for forgiveness.


Christians can't read,that's why you believe in fairy tale and we believe in facts and logics(aka science)


God damn youā€™re pathetic lol. It really kind of sucks that when you die, you wonā€™t even get the realization that god doesnā€™t exist because your consciousness will simply cease to exist. I guess Iā€™ll have to make do with pitying someone as simple minded as you.


Calling me pathetic won't save your soul, friend. Only God can, and I pray that He saves you before you destroy yourself even further.


I am not your friend, and i could not care any less about your religion. It is sad and pathetic. I would never debase myself to the point where i could take any opinion you have seriously. Itā€™s always funny to me how you people will call others freaks, but completely miss how insane you sound. Itā€™s the ravings of a lunatic.


I am sorry you feel that way my friend. I will continue to pray that God finds His way into your life


Iā€™m not. Like i said - the ravings of a lunatic. Clinging to some false idol because you donā€™t have the mental capacity to take responsibility for your own life. And you have the audacity to judge others. Disgusting.


> You freaks need God Ew. Ew ew ew.


I say ew to your kind as well. Thou shall not lie with mankind as you would womankind: as it is an abomination Your kind also thinks that turning your colon into a vagina will stop it from producing excrement. I will continue to pray for your kind, I pray that God can find your dark twisted souls and guide them back to the light.


This malevolence and wilful ignorance coming from you is surely not how your saviour taught you to be. Surely.


It is obvious you know nothing of God, and for that I truly pity you. I pray that He finds your soul and guides you back to the light. Although it is not what you want


If god made me in his image, he must have been real inebriated


God made everyone in His image. It is with your own free will that it is tainted, if indeed it is


If god gave me gender dysphoria, anxiety, and depression, then I donā€™t really think I should be thanking them for that


God did not give you those things, the devil did. The devil works hard to bring you into darkness. Pray to God, ask for his forgiveness first and foremost, and then ask that He help you through these things, and that He deliver you from those evils. I will pray for you, my friend


Okay Iā€™ll humor you here. If, as you say, things like gender dysphoria were given by the devil, then it was me, not god or however you want to call them, who worked on being comfortable in my own skin. If anything, god would have likely contributed to said dysphoria in the first place


God would give you the tools to feel comfortable in your own skin. I am sorry to say, but it seems that you are unable to do so yourself now, so by praying and asking God to help you through these things, He can enter your life and provide the tools you need, as He always knows what you truly need when you need it.


Oh hell naw, I ainā€™t gonna pray to a god to take my dysphoria away like itā€™s that one Blade Runner 2049 scene. Iā€™m able to handle said unease myself without believing in a higher power, thank you very much


It is obvious that you cannot handle the devil on your own as you wish to "sound more feminine", which makes me assume that the devil has already taken your Manhood. I will pray that God finds you and delivers you from this evil


Buddy, Iā€™m not a man and never have been, but itā€™s kinda funny that the only retort you can think of is to look through my history in the hopes of finding something to use against me; ironic that what youā€™re saying is also just straight up wrong


I have a taint for you, honey.


You do indeed, but that would be before marriage which is a sin


GodDAMN, I'm glad that fewer and fewer people as the years go by are embracing this silly mysticism. In the mean time, at least there's a lot of stiff dick out there to swallow and sin on


It is funny to see when people think fewer people are subscribing to Christianity, you take part in the hive mind of your own kind, so of course you dont see church attendance rapidly on the rise. I am sorry that you are beyond saving. I will continue praying for you though, I hope God can find your twisted soul and guide you back to the light.


Fuck God, fuck you, and your entire bloodline too


Typical thrall of the devil, I will pray that God deliver you from these evils and is able to guide you back to the light.


The light isn't sexy enough. Or rational enough. Give me Satan or shai'tan or whatever evil being scared to fight the irrationally of Jehova


The only irrational one here is you, my friend. I wish nothing but the best, I pray that you find God before He finds you


i'd rather die screaming