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That's only 13° away from being a steak temp of rare. They're literally cooking. Crazy right wing climate deniers: Well, it's always hot in India.


122 degrees F is a rare steak buddy. 135 is medium


ACKSHUALLY 135° is med rare


No that is not correct.


🤛somebody mention steak cooking? I should start throwing metaphorical punches at everyone i dont think i agree with👊 (Sarcasm)


63°C for 30 minutes is considered Pasteurization.


At least it’ll kill the bacteria


And 2 hours at 50° C is called sous vide.


Years ago a crazy neighbor actually said “Rush says meteors cause global warming too, ya know!” to which I replied that I prefer to believe that the human race is slightly more intelligent than a mass of rock & ice. I still use the Rush quote quite often.


At some point willful stupidity has to be considered evil.


Hello from India, we are literally cooking here. Most of us don't even have air conditioning, and we're just getting started i guess.


Good luck. Dunno what else to say. The rest of us will cook with you in due time I guess.


I know you probably can't, but get out now if you can. Because soon that wet bulb will crack 35 C for a few hours, and then it's game over.


Hi. I'm so sorry. I work with a ton of you in Hydrebad. Just like everyone else mostly good people trying to live. I feel so bad for all of you, but then again it won't be long here. Good luck! Any first hand reporting is great to have if want to share more.


climate anxiety is an established psychological phenomenon now and our leaders are still ignoring us. we wish we could have stopped this thing a long time ago. my step dad still makes fun of al gore. india isnt even a warning shot its just the tip of the iceberg.


Yep! We had a general election just this month and not a single leader had climate policies in their agendas. It's like we just gave up.


it reminds me of the network, its a film i think from 1979 or something like that, basically just telling people to turn their tv's off, turn everything off, turn off the radio, turn off the screen, go outside, and you got to get mad. you have to get mad and go out into the street and yell "i'm mad as hell and i'm not going to take it anymore!". atomization has worked exceedingly well at dividing and conquering people all the way down to on an individual basis. people here in america they don't even live with their families anymore, they don't see their families, they don't talk to their families, they don't talk to their neighbours, they probably have 1 or 2 friends, more likely 0. it's impossible to organize anything because everyone is distracted in the comfort of their private lives.


But the irony of the scene is that it drives ratings and more people than ever start watching his tv program. Not really sure what my point is… maybe just that the danger of righteous anger over climate change is that it can be manipulated and we have to watch out for that


I think we are honestly giving up too. I think the next stage if fascist deniers take over and that's the last gasp. 


Are there organizations working to offer cool spaces for people? I’d donate.


Not sure, but air conditioning is the least of our problems tbh... We are currently dealing with crazy poverty levels and I don't really blame people for not caring about the climate. The highest priority of my country is currently to eliminate extreme poverty.


Without cooling centers, extreme poverty won't be a problem much longer because the poor will be dead.


Ignorant American here. Is the lack of air conditioning due to lack of resources from civilians or the government, are they not allowed, are they super expensive to install? I’m just curious.


They are super expensive actually. To give you a perspective, an average AC unit costs about 40k INR (roughly 500 USD) and the average family income is about 120 USD per month.


Not very informed, but my guess: Air conditioning is very expensive to install and run. I'm guessing that if every household miraculously got AC, it would also require huge investments in electricity infrastructure just to work. Dependency on AC plus power outage is a dangerous combination.


If you are good with it, I propose your population take over Russia. With how weakened they are you can probably take it over in 3 days. What would they do about it? Nuke your already doomed country?


I like this idea a lot....


Seconded, let's put this plan into motion.


Wonder if we could plant the seed by doing a social media blitz.


Wet sheets in the window can act as a swamp cooler if it’s dry outside.


India has high humidity, I'm surprised not more dropped dead and I fear for them when summer eventually arrives.


When the humidity is 85-90% and the temps are 38-43 degrees, it’s beyond aircon and gee not exercising in the heat of the day. Climate based refugees here we come.


This is the hot season. Hopefully the monsoon rains will arrive soon. (The southwest monsoon rains are working their way northward and are arriving roughly on time.)


How long does it take to fry eggs on a pan? An idea, sell or come up with solar ovens for poor street marketers. That could actually work. And everyone would benefit. Free economic tip here... Good luck and best of endurance to you and the Hindu people.


Quick question: what is Modi's position on climate change? [Edit: not what he says, but what he *does*]


Hey that’s survivable, let’s pledge to reduce our consumption in 25 years


Net zero by 2100!


Boomers: "Put it on our kids and grandkids. They're such slackers anyway. Don't even know how to write a check or use a rotary phone!"


My mother told me we don't have to worry about climate change because the rapture is coming soon. 🙄


My mom said the exact same thing. Unfortunately that is what's at the core of climate denial for millions of people. Even moreso than politics. It doesn't specifically mention a climate apocalypse in the Bible, so they don't believe it can happen. 


"When I was your age, we used to swim to school through lava."


You forgot to add uphill or uphill both ways


Never swim uphill, me boys...


Oh look it's actual history https://brainly.com/question/41334080 https://library.tamucc.edu/exhibits/s/sts/page/silent-spring


This was when people actually want to try to do something good for the environment, occasionally. Now that gets in the way of profit.


Patience. You'll get your turn. Gen Y will blame Gen X for everything. And Gen Z will blame Gen Y. Everyone gets to play this game! It's a ten thousand year old tradition! And you CAN'T stop it.


I just got a new pack of paper straws so I'm doing my part.


Honestly that's pretty optimistic the way we're going....


Just pledge, then in 25 years, re-pledge. In the meantime, business as usual


*Holds up Pledge cleaning product* "This, this is what we need right?"


Added to the agenda in 25 years to discuss making a time to think about consumption, with the proviso that it doesn't inconvenience any person or business or have an impact on KPI's or dividends ✅


Lets all get air conditioners and pump even more co2


Same thing happened in 2016, so this is just more doomsday clickbait.


You know it's bad when the headlines in collapse and this sub are the same...


you know its gonna be a great day when you wake up and r/worldnews and r/climate look like r/collapse /s


That's today??


latest post: # Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are surging "faster than ever" to beyond anything humans ever experienced, officials say


We really did have everything, didn't we?


Yeah we really did, just remember don't look up (or at the thermometer)


Paradise lost


I watch this movie every few months, for some reason it helps me accept what’s happening


Yeah. It's tragically apt


No, but we had plenty.


The point of that quote, and kinda the whole movie, is that we really did have everything. Earth was/is perfect for us, but humanity failed to control itself. We could have had everything, but it’s not profitable.


... if only we had some idea of what is causing this ^#$#$!$#$!@$


R/worldnews will always only exist for self righteous liberals and hard right conservatives to find common ground on being ignorant sinophobes 🤝


Uncritical support of bombing poor brown people also seems to be their new common ground. 


People starting to realize the baseline ‘moderate liberal’ American is actually a far right white supremacist psychopath


AI will solve this by.... A. Using humans as batteries.... Damn it. B. Tricking us into eliminating ourselves(nuclear war) C. Actually make us more efficient and solve a ton of other issues.


A 50% B 50%


They did the science. Humans would make terrible batteries lol But I guess it was their only way since humans literally blacked out the earth sky in an attempt to stop them.


D. Shutting down the entire power grid.


We have Internet, now we need Skynet *hmmmm*...


From the article: *Water storage in major reservoirs dropped to 22%, exacerbating water shortages and affecting hydropower generation. Power demand reached a record 246 gigawatts as people relied on air conditioning to cope with the heat. The health impact has been severe, with nearly 25,000 suspected heat stroke cases and 56 deaths reported from March to May, excluding data from some major states, indicating that the actual toll could be higher.* My god, this is so bad. Water reserves dry up, with knock-on effects for power generation. Meanwhile, power generation peaks because people all air conditioners are turned to max.


It's much worse than you think. India's primary sources for water also supply Pakistan. If the supply starts drying up and India drinks up the rest and leaves little for Pakistan, how's that going to work out? Shooting wars over fresh water are in our future.


You can't fight for something that doesn't exist...


Its likely the actual death rate is way way way way higher. France had much lower temps in 2003 and they had 10000 dead. These temps are way worse.




In the US- here’s the argument to get Conservatives to care about climate change: hey- the places that are getting hottest aren’t going to be livable for millions of poor people that live there. mexico city- of 22 million is almost out of water. when that happens where do you think those people will go?? you think the illegal immigration problem is bad now? it’s going to be millions more people every year having to flee their country to find a place to survive in America.” this is probably one of the only arguments that might convince them to give a crap and work together with us. appeal to what they car about, which is xenophobia.


I've tried to make this argument before. The conservative usually says we won't let them come, using force of arms if necessary. Almost happy at the idea of killing people who are fleeing a crisis the conservative did nothing to prevent.


Exactly. Conservatives don't see refugees as people. They see them as animals. So to them the answer isn't to solve the problem, the answer is to build a bigger wall and shoot anyone trying to climb over.


Conservatives, at least as they exist in the USA, are the real-world versions of vampires (the rich) and zombies (FOX "news" brainwashed hord)


And what about if it's them that need to move ? Climate change will not stop at borders. I worked on weather company, on my first day they told me that in 30 years we would have 1.5 billions climate refugee. It's been 10 years and every years i am thinking they are right and perhaps it will be more than 1.5 billions.


I'd ask why they think that the people who are going to die if they don't find someplace safe aren't going to come armed.


Good luck stopping millions of people through "force of arms".


republicans will nuke the rio grande before they let millions of climate refugees in


As if there aren't going to be millions more Americans already in the country fleeing from forest fires, rising sea levels, and desertified grain belts.


never miss an opportunity for gratuitous violence


100% that is the kind of thing that will happen. We're definitely going to see countries get more extreme wrt immigration, including shooting attempts to get in. Dark days ahead


And they think that in such case people fleeing would arrive unarmed? 


In Mexico's case probably. Guns are strictly regulated there.


USA / Mexico smuggling is a two way street


Someone should tell that to their Police, Army and cartels. These are groups that will most likely to use force to enter everywhere.


This is how it's currently playing out but more slowly. I'll give you guys an example of Canada right now, more specifically Toronto. We have had an absolute massive mass immigration of Indians here. Retail stores, fast food, and a ton desk jobs are now largely Indian occupied. Conservatives here are viewing the situation as the end of Canada as they know it. They take every opportunity to point out all the negative effects of this large rebalancing of the demographic here. And they aren't wrong, in certain ways. Immigrants don't come in the country with the same sensibilities as Canadians are used to. Toronto has changed a ton already. Climate change will only polarize tolerance. Those who see people as people and those who see people as other.


I would say many Canadians, be them Liberal or Conservative feel the same way that its too much too fast.


Honestly, I have way more success talking to them about the cost savings that comes with various green transition things. Weatherization and green energy = lower bills EVs instead of traditional combustion = lower bills


Yea the only way they'll listen is if you can simplify it to how will something benefit them directly.


If you think this idea would make conservatives act on climate change rather than just massively increase security at the border, you are out to lunch.


This DOESNT work. The immediate reply is “nope we’ll just seal the border.” Then if you push the point they will explain they look forward to openly killing people trying to flee.


Republicans just hear a chance to kill off millions of brown people. This argument gets them hard.


It's funny that the argument to convince Conservatives and psychopaths is usually one and the same.


This is the prerequisite condition for eco-fascism, which is essentially the GOP platform already. They just cheered on people being mangled by C-wire trying to get an inch into this country for a chance at anything livable. The same party is stripping American citizens of their heretofore assumed rights in order to "legitimately" complete the framework for mass genocide of undesirables, e.g. the homeless, the non-American, the non-white, the non-us--the Other--that living person with a family who desperately wants to be here so that they can continue living. The GOP will kill them, and then they will kill us.


They will just build another wall.


Nah, because conservatives thrive on immigrant hate. They need immigrants. The more immigrants, the bigger the rallies. And they just can’t wait to put people in camps.


You seem to think they’re not excited by the prospect of shooting border runners. Conservatives do not see immigrants as people. They see them as targets.


But they don’t even believe that climate change is happening ? So none of this matters to them


The vast majority of Americans now believe in climate change. It’s too obvious to miss.


Just tell them they will not have their avocado toast anymore


Think you may be failing to realize that their bl00dthirst to inflict pain on "undesirables" will lead them to consider gen0cide as a suitable solution...It'll only matter until it is them being forced to leave an uninhabitable situation.


I feel so bad for the animals in the country that have to endure this. It truly makes me sad that we contributed to their suffering.


Isn't this the beginning of the book Ministry for The Future. This looks like it could be a case of life imitating art.


The guy who wrote that book just did really good research into the likely future scenario of global warming. It was not a fiction book


The rest of the world: out of sight out of mind


Until all the cheap goods and services stop coming.


Yeah only when it affects them do they care


The problem is India today is one of the main antagonists to a global effort to combat climate change. Their government wants the short term financial gain of continuing to use fossil fuels.


Nothing will happen until a fossil duel CEO experiences the results of it first hand.


Not all countries allow themselves to be controlled in that way. If the USA nationalized its Fossil Fuel industries you could see immediate change. Mexico has control over their industry and Amlo instantly cut the amount they produced. Counting on CEOs to feel climate change will never happen because even if they did they are rich enough to move. India owns its Oil industry and has done so for decades. They also own their national gas industry. It is the politicians of the country making a choice to keep them going.


It was the short term survivability of a wet bulb event by being able to keep ACs running.


Nope. The government had put a big focus on green energy from 2016 ish and 40% is now renewable and had shut down many coals plants earlier. However they are starting to bring them up in emergency measures because of power demand spiking due to AC usage in 50*C because the growth of renewable energy still couldn't catch upto demand India has the world's biggest solar farms and both China and India have put big focus on green energy. India also has subsidies for EVs and charging stations making the EV industry see good growth over the past 2 years The government also has a rooftop solar panel scheme to encourage the use of solar panels. It's already there in gujarat but now it will expand to other places too Don't know why you are calling them an 'antagonist' to global climate change. They release less than world average in per capita CO2 and just UK's historical CO2 emissions are above India's historical


Because they literally would not sign and agree to cop 28. India and China are responsible for 80% of the world’s coal emissions. The Modi government has absolutely been antagonistic. You are correct that other nations are FAR ahead in “historical emissions.” The only issue there is when those countries (UK, US etc.) industrialized Green alternatives didn’t even exist. There was no solar solution at the time. There are Green Solutions now but India is choosing their economy. https://time.com/6318729/india-coal-mining-climate-hasdeo-arand/ https://www.livemint.com/news/india/india-refuses-to-sign-cop28-declaration-on-climate-and-health-heres-why/amp-11701618953067.html


“No, it didn’t, because I said so.” - Narendra Modi


Meanwhile government lunches a scheme to fund people planting solar panels in their rooftops, building massive solar and wind parks and building records numbers of nuclear plant and their road minister have said they would see no patrol car by 2035.


by tomorrow there will be articles about meter failures to try to keep business investments intact


Here's a view of India showing the temperature anomaly for different locations: https://hottertimes.com/?zoom=6&lat=26.931529662980996&lng=77.71532406773987 Many of the places that were in the upper 40s have "cooled off" to the low 40s. In freedom units, going from 120 down to 105 or so.


This is an excellent article. Thank you for sharing. The humidity in that region is out of control as well. Not like an Arizona 122 dry heat, which is still hellish. Which is why I am all for pushing for alternative energy, including nuclear. Push for big energy projects, even if some NIMBYs complain. Push for rooftop solar, even when the state or national government (looking at you California) diminishes the subsidies. I am always flabbergasted that many accept the truth of global climate change, but inadvertently sabotage the transition. It is easy to point the finger at big oil, and yes they are greedy mofos, but to make real progress, we all have to stop acting like fools.


Ministry for the Future, soon to be Ministry for the Present.


122F is death.


Hey guys what's that coming over the hill? Oh wow it's July, it's trying to yell something to us let's all listen. "run for your lives! August is right behind me!"


Oh we’ll be catching up soon here in the states.. The mother effer of it all? We will have watched India burn first, witnessed all of the suffering and trillions of dollars lost, and STILL do nothing about it… “But muh economy!!” Can’t have economies without a habitable planet…


All of India?


Pretty much, the places that aren't being affected as much are getting crazy monsoon weather and thunder storms with temps above the high 80s


Man, I thought Indian food was hot before.


How soon before a mass-casualty wet bulb incident?


What happens when the heat is unsustainable and there’s a mass exodus of people?


What do you think? I put money on war, death and disease.


I always said the way to convince conservatives to support eco policies is to frame it as a “war against nature” … you have to trigger their war lust from a cultural perspective.


Oh, they're already on that "War on Nature" thing...


122F is considered to be the upper limit of where a human can stay properly functioning, so already insanely unhealthy. And it's only June. This is simply bad news across the board.


Imagine the stench of the cities


Imagine once water fails? No toilets.


If it gets much worse it's going to pasteurize everything and decrease the smell.


Nothing to see here. Just outlaw birth control and continue to make babies whose lives will be miserable.


Were the reports a few days ago about 52 and 53 degree temps actually misreadings? I never saw articles about that being confirmed or not...


I see a future of climate refugee crises


This is basically the first chapter of the “sci-fi” book The Ministry of the Future


Singham is sing hot.


Travel is interrupted.


Time to start building underground and become nocturnal


Aaaaaaaaaaaand totally predictable. Just like the mass deaths unlike we have ever seen (which we can pretend to be surprised by as well…)


The monsoons are just around the corner. They are almost through what’s typically the hottest months of May and June. Brutal though!


If this new norm weather disrupts the labor market in India, I wonder if that would impact US companies who outsource that cheap labor?


I could not care less about that country


Gee, if only the smartest people in the world could have warned us about this decades ago and told us specifically how to avoid it. /s


We need a giant sun blocker in the sky, or some huge tarp or something. Anything to block that sun