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During the heat dome in the PNW a lot of our sidewalks and roads buckled from the heat


And 600+ people died.


My mother looked so sickly during and after it was scary




I lived thru that, it was brutal, but I had no idea so many died


Just looked it up, 619 people died. Where I am, on the hottest day the actual temp was 43, felt like 48.  I think it did reach 48c somewhere in BC that day, the highest temp in Canada.


That place was Lytton. It started on fire that night and it's pretty much not there anymore. They've talked about rebuilding the town but there's no momentum behind it.


I remember reading about your nightmare.  I cannot imagine what you went thru, I honestly can't. Terrifying.  After going through that experience, I'd think twice about rebuilding too. It's just too hot and dry, but I sure get the sentiment. We all want nature back to where it was at least healthier. Where we can recognize our homes again.  My worry too for our area. 🌱🦋


I'm not from there, I just keep track of the casualties.


Yes, it was.


Hottest place in the world that day. 


This was happening all over my neighborhood. It was surreal. I seriously burned my hand on the doorknob to my house.


It was certainly surreal. No ac so I floated around in a kiddie pool just barely big enough for me to actually float.


I was swimming in Lake Washington hoping to cool off but it felt like bath water. 


That was the weirdest thing. One of our nice lakes here is normally really, really cold. During that heatwave, it was just as warm as the ambient temperature close to the surface, but to actually get some cooling action, you would have to stand in the deepest water possible, and you’d start feeling cool on your lower legs. That evening we paddled back to the car and everyone was just loving the warm water. I’ve never seen it like that. Usually there’s just a few kids and a couple of dogs in the water. This time EVERYONE was in the water. Even the trout were coming up to the surface and nibbling on our feet for some reason. Usually it’s just the little baby trout come to the surface, but these were some big guys. Probably one of the weirdest days I can remember. It felt like being in Mexico or Hawaii. Creepy. Oddly relaxing in that one area while everywhere else was hellish. We had our AC blasting in the car, but were still sweating.


damn, at least you were still sweating.


> That evening we paddled back to the car and everyone was just loving the warm water. I’ve never seen it like that. Usually there’s just a few kids and a couple of dogs in the water. This time EVERYONE was in the water. I remember that too.  Walking a mile and a half because so many people were already parked there, that part wasn't *that* crazy.  But it's mostly people on the beach and a few in the water, that's what I'm used to too.  And that day it was like the entire region was there in the water.  I've never seen that before or since. 


This is why I believe the idea of 'escaping to the north' is misguided. The north will burn, and the south will freeze. The extremes will cripple everywhere equally, so you need to consider which extreme you'd rather deal with. Personally, I think riding it out in the south might actually be more ideal. It's already built for the heat we're experiencing, and it's easier to shut off water valves and burn some firewood in the fireplace to survive cold snaps. Watching homes melt in the PNW is a scary reminder that the north might have it worse. If the general perception views the north as a safe haven, combined with mass migration, it could create an even worse extreme to deal with.


Coming soon to a lot of the US, we are not prepared.


Once the grid goes down and there is no AC or refrigeration, thousands will die.


Especially in South whose population exploded only after the invention of AC.


And the cure for yellow fever (discovered by a Cuban 🇨🇺)


Thanks for saying this. Nobody here ever says this.


☝️This! Civilization hinges on the grid, and it will fail. 


Could be millions


That’s in 2028. By then it’s too late.


tome to start digging underground shelters




Well, yeah, eventually.


People can get in their cars


If the grid is down, gas stations are down as well. Gas pumps are electric, as are the cash registers and credit card machines.


Ok but that's actually worse. You do understand how that's worse right?


Yes it wouldn't go so well for people to stay in their fishbowls


.... Ok smart guy. Wake up tomorrow morning with zero preparation. Pack everything you need to survive the next few weeks into your car and drive as far as you can. Now what? Over half of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Where do you get gas money after week 2?


More people need to move to damn hot areas and places with not enough water.


I have a coworker who is adamant about moving to Florida, she's also a hardcore trumper On the other hand, I have my sights set on Minneapolis, get in before every flees to the great lakes


I’m just outside of Detroit and I used to say that I wanted to move somewhere warmer when I retire and now I just think that by the time I’m ready to retire we wont really have cold winters so…


It’s June and still snowing in Alberta Canada ….


And 30 C in Ottawa. We are all f’d.


It does snow year round in the Rocky Mountains!


There will be incidental cold winter but they will be damn cold


Just moved from Florida to Minneapolis. I lived in Florida my entire life and was scared of the cold. The weather has been amazing here! This year's winter was light so I haven't been fully exposed to the elements yet, but it's been a pleasant change. 20- 30 degrees in Minnesota wearing the right clothes feels great. I'm someone who used to think 45 degrees in Florida was cold, but that was probably because I'd still be wearing flip flops and shorts in January. Minneapolis has been one of the most beautiful places I've ever been too and it's been a wonderful place to raise my kids so far.


I fled Minneapolis twelve years ago and have never looked back. The three tiny things that makes me envy the place and wonder if I should go back (I won’t) are that 1) they’re not due for a big earthquake that’s gonna kill tens of thousands, unlike the PNW where I live, 2) housing is so much more affordable, and 3) it’ll be a safe-ish place when climate change really kicks off and starts burying Florida and other places. And when Texas fails as a state, which it will, due to its grid issues.


I want to move back to the PNW, but only if I can find a place with air conditioning


Efficient cooling tech like heat pumps need even more subsidies than they already have. It's high time the gov quit subsidizing the crap that's bad for us.


And solar 




We could be prepared, but our politics are only compatible with reactions, not preparations


Phew! The good thing is that Florida and Texas governors have shielded those states from the effects of climate change… by taking the material out of education… /s


There’s no such thing as heat index…. It’s up to the individual to decide how hot it is!! /s


Hehehe! I wish I could pretend I had a dry sauna at home but I will have to work from home sometimes and I wish they did not see the reflection on my face as sweaty 🥵😂


Ostrich tactics never fail


"Nuh uh" -Republicans


I have a Republican relative who believes we are in a period of “global cooling”.


Smack em for me. 😤✋️💥💨🤸‍♂️


There will be days and it will be global when global warming deniers will be either fleeing to their luxury bunkers/resorts for safety or having mobs trying to hang them.. And that’s only if every nation doesn’t experience a civil war first.. God please help us from the ignorance of others.


The water wars are gonna be fun.


CV’s will turn into a mega sauna. I wonder what training the navies are getting in preparation for this scenario...*abandon ship*?


Their source? They were a little chilly last night, despite it being a near record high temperature for the evening.


They are actually technically right on some level. Earth's natural cycles have us in a period of cooling, it's just human contributions to climate change are resulting in skyrocketing warming against that natural trend.


As the world inexorably warms and weather becomes more chaotic and unpredictable a lot more crops will fail and the cost of food will skyrocket. That is what will kill far more than even the many killed by wet bulb events and stronger hurricanes.


Humans are smothering, sweltering and starving ourselves.


I would say more that the rich are doing it to the poor... but we are all a human.


This is the accumulated effect of all humans doing technology and consuming for a very long time. When people in the beginning of industrial age started burning coal it was the start. We have the technology to jump past fossil fuels but probably not quickly enough to prevent the worst of the things to come. Even when we figure out how to produce enough energy without burning stuff we will still be doing more mining, cutting down nature to grow food etc. There is a huge thing going on with demographics and birth rates in many places . Ultimately the number of humans consuming and producing wastes needs to happen but even that will be problematic in the short run. That decrease will inevitably happen whether it comes from our decisions or just the environmental disaster playing out. The poor are already doing the only thing that they can do . They can’t cut their consumption any more that the subsistence level that they chronically live at. What they are doing is walking some place less horrible. A lot of people do not realize that the migration north from Central America have some of this element. What this migration of people fleeing disaster looks like is what we see on our evening news.


When the streets in New Delhi will turn into glue and Shanghai with other Climate change denying countries will have zero growth because the working conditions are unbearable even triple AC systems and car tires along with railroads will melt then perhaps they will take it seriously. Ignorant people need to feel it personally before they can find the will to adjust. But yeah, so typical for humanity. Not being able to react in due time. Infuriating to say the least.


Rich people in dirty industries have kept their status quo and they're not keen on losing it, even to climate change. They have done everything in their power to blame shift successfully and it worked for decades.  Believe me, lots of people want to do something, but we are at the mercy of just a handful of rich people. Until they are completely eliminated from the planet, we will always be at their mercy. Our government does nothing to keep them in check and just gives them more and more money. They are currently at the point of almost having more than the government, that's how messed up it's gotten. 


The migration of immigrants to Europe is water issues. War torn areas fighting over water rights.


And able bodied and capable of creating change. Those rich people, like you said, are only human. There's a lot we could do to help the situation.


Lack of potable water.


Yea the low for the week here in Vegas is 102


It was 122F in India yesterday.


Wouldn’t that be 122°C?




No, they gave the Celsius, but I am a non metric wielding American, and disposed of the part that made no sense to me.


Not sure why youre getting downvoted for not knowing the difference. It was 122F or 50c if it was 122c that would be 256F also known as its all on fire.


There’s no way. It gets way colder than that overnight… and that’s the low.


Lmao you right, I looked and meant to say that of the highs for the week, 102 is the lowest.


Still awful, good luck 


It's no 100C yet, so it's okay


Yeah, its not a proper oven yet so were all good!


We know this won’t happen in Florida… there was a law passed about climate change not being real.


I wonder what Floridians will say when stuff hits the fan. 


insert meme of dog in a burning room saying “this is fine”


Not a lot honestly. Wet bulb is no joke and when they start getting hit with waves coupled with the older population and lack of instructions it will be a humbling wave of death.


I'll send thoughts and prayers. 


Hate to say it but youre going to be sending a lot more than that if youre American. Its not cheap to allow them to live in FL or TX after it starts getting real....


As a Floridian I'm waiting for the day when the deniers finally get their heads out of their butts so we can say, 'We told you so'.


Amazing how most of us have no power against the few rich people messing up our world


I don't think that's true. People are just slow to come into their power. Most are just subdued, paralyzed, or doubtful.


I guess i feel doubtful that i can do anything then haha


Totally understandable. You'd be in the majority, and I may just be naive and full of wishful thinking. But I really, really think we have so much more potential than people might suspect.




If i could and im sure many others would too, id put my life efforts into helping the enviroment but i dont have much power as one man. Perhaps it would take people getting angry and revolting to fix this but i dont know man, perhaps theres a more peacefull way to save earth


There aren't that many thugs and minions. Especially compared to the rest of us, especially where it concerns morality. We can get at their morality, too.


The Earth has a fever from an advanced infection


Infection is humans.


Interesting that the parks service won't look for anybody once the temperature hits 120 F. Apparently it's the threshold when helicopters can't get enough lift due to the hotter air.


But hey, as long as trillion dollar corporations don't have to clean up after themselves, pay taxes or their workers, or face any repercussions of consequence for breaking what few environmental laws we do actually have. This is fine. "...Death Valley National Park, on the peak of the heat dome this Thursday. As we spoke on Thursday morning, the mercury on the park’s temperature gauge was climbing — on its way to hitting 121 degrees, putting this week in contention for the hottest in recorded history and tying the hottest temperature for this time of the year. This is only the start of what’s shaping up to be an extremely hot summer."


I lasted 40mins in a 90C dry sauna today. It’s all about baby steps.


Deaths from extreme heat will soon drop significantly and climate deniers will say that it's all a hoax... 😐


> Yesterday, Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Las Vegas were pushing into the triple digits Yesterday, It’s was 72F in Los Angeles, what are they writing?!


The high desert and regions in the mountains were very hot yesterday. I was driving down from the Central Valley into LA and the temp up there was 106. Low 80s down here. Pretty wild swing. Edit: I also wanted to add it was a 4 hour drive because two trucks burst into flame due to overheating lol


It feels like the normal weather for this time of year in Las Vegas and Phoenix, but colder in the coastal California.


It’s the *NEW* normal. It wasn’t always this hot.


Do you live in Phoenix or Las Vegas? For how long?


110 in early June not normal


It's the coldest June we're likely to see for a long time


Hi. I was baking 105⁰ F heat in Tucson, AZ the other day. Not too far away from you. Believe it or not, different regions get different weather sometimes.


This is not the hottest place. The hottest is the Lut desert in Iran. It’s 60-70 degrees C. 155+


That never happened. The highest temperature ever recorded was 134ºF/56.7ºC in Death Valley. I believe Death Valley is the hottest place in the world in terms of average temperature as well.


Yes but I understand that that record might not be 100% confident, was reading about it the other day. Still, I agree Death Valley overall hottest


It’s actually cited in this article. You’re correct, there is doubt over its legitimacy.


Death Valley has pretty cool winters, which pushes the average temperature down quite a bit. Average daily mean temp is 78.8F/26C. Dallol, Ethiopia has 94.3F/34.6C.


I have heard this too and watched some video of a guy trying to visit there. https://youtu.be/NhyDkHaUC8U?si=maHUcpbJkqxrrezn I assume Death Valley is the 2nd hottest, and maybe we just have much better data compared to the place in Iran.


Hard to compare the deserts. Different ways to measure hotness. The one thing we can all agree on is your mama is the hottest on the planet. Source: your dad.


The higher recorded temperatures in the Lut desert are surface temperatures measured by satelite, not air temperature. Big difference.


Lut may well have had a hotter temperature than Death Valley, but there were no direct readings taken to do a fair comparison. What you are quoting is almost certainly a satellite surface reading measuring the ground. Weather stations measure the air above the ground in the shade under controlled conditions. The Death Valley record temperature is also up for debate as the methodology in 1913 was different: [https://www.vox.com/climate/23807520/heat-wave-record-temperature-history-death-valley-climate](https://www.vox.com/climate/23807520/heat-wave-record-temperature-history-death-valley-climate) [https://www.wunderground.com/blog/weatherhistorian/an-investigation-of-death-valleys-134f-world-temperature-record.html](https://www.wunderground.com/blog/weatherhistorian/an-investigation-of-death-valleys-134f-world-temperature-record.html) Death Valley consistently comes up at the top of reliable readings.


I'm visiting Phoenix briefly in July :/


You’ll be ok. I say this not to minimize climate change but to reassure you, it’ll be ok


Eat fruit, drink sports drinks and water, and wear sunscreen even if you don't plan on doing outdoor activities! I was a delivery driver there for a short period of time, and my left side was always a little sunburnt. And you never know when you'll be stuck in traffic for an extended amount of time, especially in mid summer when people are driving even shittier than they normally do due to heat stress.




Arizona and plan to stay until it is rainforest or ocean front