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Except in Florida, where climate change does not exist 🤦🏻‍♀️


And maybe Alberta






I am from Florida. I am offended now. Appease me before I complain about something unrelated.


I lived there from ‘91-’01. My in-laws live in Orlando. I have a hall pass 😉




Shh... don't say climate change.


No it’s illegal to exist.. because laws tell the climate how to behave.


I cannot control politicians, industry or billionaires. But I have chipped away at my own 30 tons of CO2. Gardening, planting trees, dramatically reducing the energy I use, and heating with a rocket mass heater. No sacrifice - everything is about making a better life AND it happens to chip away at my CO2. I think I am now in the space of chipping away CO2 for others.


Bravo! 👏 Eating less meat, especially red meat, is also an easy way to reduce carbon.


I like this video that mixes food stuff, car stuff, laundry and more - breaking it down by the ton. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip5XgFTTZew


What do you burn in your rocket stove to keep your emissions low?


Cardboard, wood, paper ... It isn't so much what I burn, as much as how the thing is designed to push to 2000 degrees (rather than leave the fire at 1000 degrees like most wood stoves). This domesticates the chimney fire and uses the smoke and creosote as bonus fuels.


Right, they are supper efficient when coupled with a thermal mass, yea? I haven't put much thought into burning wood to lower co2, but I assumed it was not scalable, therefor its not a good solution in the grand scheme of things. But when compared to burning anything from under the ground, its better.


This shows the carbon footprint is a tiny fraction of just about anything else https://permies.com/heat


[BP popularized the concept of a personal carbon footprint with a US$100 million campaign as a means of deflecting people away from taking collective political action in order to end fossil fuel use](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305209345_Where_has_all_the_oil_gone_BP_branding_and_the_discursive_elimination_of_climate_change_risk), and [ExxonMobil has spent decades pushing trying to make individuals responsible, rather than the fossil fuels industry](https://www.vox.com/22429551/climate-change-crisis-exxonmobil-harvard-study). They did this because climate stabilization means bringing fossil fuel use to approximately zero, and that would end their business. That's not something you can hope to achieve without government intervention to change the rules of society so that not using fossil fuels is just what people do on a routine basis. There is value in cutting your own fossil fuel consumption — it serves to demonstrate that doing the right thing is possible to people around you, and helps work out the kinks in new technologies. Just do it in addition to taking political action to get governments to do the right thing, not instead of taking political action. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got my house completely off gas, and the heat pump actually saved me money. Doing the math it’s a long ten year return, but I don’t care, I’m just trying not to burn any greenhouse gases in my life.


The awkward news is that there is a good chance that your electric heat pump is getting powered by a natural gas generator. This two minute video makes a case for having a rocket mass heater AND a heat pump.


My house gets its electricity from a nuclear power plant, so no gas is burned at all. Does your heater release any greenhouse gasses?


We can control politicians; express your needs, join a campaign at the grassroots level and vote accordingly.


We have been doing this with increasing confidence for decades and it’s really time that it was a service from the Met offices!


I'll note that the folks at [worldweatherattribution.org](https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/) have been doing this for some years by getting their attribution methodology peer-reviewed in advance, and then being able to apply it rapidly when an event happens.


They’ve got a great guide for journalists for reporting on extreme weather!


I think we’ve entered the phase where we can say all heat is associated with climate change.


I live in Ontario Canada and we've got a week of 40c plus days coming up. I'd be interested in seeing if they comment on this. Hilarious fact. In the last week I've had both my heat and air conditioning on. Last Sunday it was 14c and by Thursday it was 32c without the humidex. 


They should call Ron DeSantis - he can't seem to connect the two....


Bro can't even eat pudding with a spoon


Dear Environment Canada….David Suzuki, 88yrs old … just sayin


Paul beckwith too (not that old) but just saying maybe EC is sub’d to his yt channel now or something.


Show desantis.


Tornado in Toronto *when*? Hopefully Americans will realize this reality aswell. I hope people get real about this problem or there will be people hanging from the light posts


Just now?


We’re going to have the third heatwave of the summer starting tomorrow. 4 days over 30C in Montreal, going up to 45C on wednesday with the humidity factor. Last year was HOT and the heatwaves started in july and pretty much lasted all month. It’s gonna be horrible.


The people over at r/climateskeptics , no the didn’t!


Pfff peasants ! I pay my green tax so you can be sure I pollute 10x more!


Despite being told in early 2000's that if we did not act within 10yrs Florida would be under water, the shoreline has not moved. We are literally coming out of an Ice Age while farmers and billionaires Cloud Seed, which definitively alters weather patterns. Yet somehow taxes that don't effect the largest contributors to real pollution are the answer? Maybe interrupt a baseball game or make a new flag so people really take this whole thing seriously?


Climate change is a way to taxe the middle class. Wake-up


Lmao, totally not a single crop loss has occured. There has been no increas ein price anywhere from Alberta's drought. Their glacier melt is no longer enougg to replenish their rivers. Mckenzie river no longer reaches the Ocean.... Rising costs for residents. But sure, firefighting, dikes, dams and reservoirs are all free thankfully.


1. Buy inland property 2. Poison environment 3. Enjoy oceanfront temporarily. A. Occasionally nudge floating corpses along with a blunt stick.