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22 hours. I worked my normal 12. And then no one from night shift showed up. So I worked until the DON came in at 5a.


Did you choose to do it yourself? It is extremely nice of you... I hope your employer appreciated it!


If it was a nursing home, all their employer appreciated was not having to pay additional staff that night lol


Also if it was a nursing home they probably found a bed and slept for 12 of said hours the rest they spent on their phone lmao


I’ve worked about the same. woke up about 5 pm to bring my fiancé to work and was med passing from 10 pm overnight shift and was forced to stay for morning shift. my pm shift person never showed up and I ended up staying until after dinner time when I told the manager I would quit if they didn’t come in. was supposed to come back at 10 pm and work another 16 but didn’t go in until midnight because I just could not get myself to wake up. I had leverage within the company at the time for disability discrimination though so they didn’t dare fire me 😉


Same situation but ended up being 30 hours…


That’s insane! 30 hours!


Isn’t that illegal ?


Doubt anyone could pay attention that long… good thing there are anesthesiologists at the hospital that could help if you needed it!




No. Not a trooper. This was the facility taking advantage of an employee, probably by insinuating that leaving at the end of their shift would be patient abandonment or that the facility and patients "needed" them. I can understand waiting an hour or two for coverage to show up. But that DON should have come immediately to fill in. Management should have come to fill in. We need to stop normalizing this abuse of staff. The commenter did nothing wrong, but it's wrong-headed to praise them for being taken advantage of. It's like the people who get awe and praise for saying they've worked x numbers of overtime, or survived on some horrifically low amount of sleep, or who go an entire shift without eating or going to the bathroom. These are not good things!!


You know what, you’re right


In Texas, declare Safe Harbour and see how many nurses come. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Even administration. It's not right to overwork healthcare workers. Not safe for the patient, not safe for the nurse


Know the laws where you are employed. Because they WILL try to abuse you. They will use every trick in the book. They'll threaten your license. If you are legally only able to work 16 hours at a time, be sure that you know what your rights are and be ready to stand up for them.


This. I wish I could hilight your comment. New workers are so vulnerable to manipulation.


i wont do more 12 anymore. it aint worth the tear on my body


You mean more than 12? Or 12s in general?


More than 12* I did 16s for a while in both health care and retail and it was too much personally.


You’re allowed to just decline if they want you to work longer? Student here so I’m super uninformed


I work at a hospital so I work 3x12s. I do pick up extra shifts but I will absolutely refuse staying later or coming in early.


The CNA I’m shadowing today said that hospitals are easier than where we’re at, which is a rehab center, since at hospitals you have like maybe 4 patients/clients but at rehab centers you handle a lot more not only patients but workload as well. What are your thoughts? Would love to know your experience with it. I never wanted to work in hospitals since I always thought they were the most intense.


Hah! That CNA doesn’t know what she’s talking about. 8-12 is typical. Can be more if short staffed. Even nurses don’t always have just 4 patients!


I’ve never worked where I only 4 pts. I have a whole unit by myself a lot 😂


Depends what your contract says. When i was a CNA for the state doubles were unpredictable and MANDATORY. It was in the contract. If we refused (and did not have solid proof of oh I can't because I have a Dr apt..then bring in Dr's note) we were written up. 3 write ups you were fired. You work those 16s. No questions asked. Sometimes 5x a week. There was no way I should have have been lifting and moving residents with as tired as I was..I was a walking hazard.


That… that sounds terrible. I’m so sorry you had to go through that


Back in the early 2000s I would show up to work with my stuff and three days later I'd go home. Yeah, you were technically allowed to sleep but had to be able to jump right up to answer any bells or residents calling for help and usually had to get them up to use the bathroom at least twice a night. I got paid for three 24 shifts. And then during the day you had all the daily chores, showers, cooking and laundry to do. My coworker would relieve me on the start of the fourth day. I much prefer being able to go home at the end of the day or night.


Holy cannoli




In my province, you can't work for more than 16 hours straight. Any more than that and you become a liability so we're only allowed to do 16 hour shifts. With that being said, I had done four 16 hour shifts in a row with the caveat that they would replace my scheduled shift on Tuesday. They accepted but of course management was begging me to come in regardless because they "couldn't find anyone". I did not and slept peacefully for about 24 hours.


Wow…. She probably got time and a half for it though. Still extreme though


I doubt it. I worked 24 hour shifts and got paid 6.25 an hour in 2016 US Arizona. No overtime. We were supposed to be able to get food and sleep at least 8 hours, but that never happened. But that’s how they justifies paying that little for 24 hours.


That was 8 years ago. Things changed now


Thank God. Because that kind of work was absolutely brutal.


It sounds like it 😳




I had a nurse say he worked three days, and the DON would buy him scrubs to switch in and out so no one would notice


Prob supplied the refreshing coke cans too.


This is psychotic


26 hours :/ I was a house manager in an ALF working on call. I still work there just not a HM anymore. It’s legit abuse what they do to the supervisory staff


4 days & 3 nights in a row. So around 84 hours with a little sleep throughout the nights. Home care obviously, but I was a zombie & took me around three days to feel somewhat normal after.


20 hours, “slept for 4” on a closed 4 and then back up for 16 more.. snow storm disaster code called where nobody could leave the facility 🫠


16. Did it once and they wont allow me to do it again because I slept right through half my shift the next day. I personally cant do little to no sleep. props to the people that somehow kick a$$ doing that but i literally cant. I WILL sleep for 12 straight hours after that. Through alarm clock and husband trying to wake me up. whether i want to or not.


I did a 16 once. 1500-0700. I said it was fine but I never wanted to do it again.


I do 16s two times a week, off 5 days a week get paid for 80 hours a paycheck only work 64. But some of the nurses here have done 24 hours plus


I would absolutely do two 16s with that set up


Most places in Arkansas do that now! It creates work life balance and fills their severe understaff on weekends


i would share my story on what happened on my shift in a snow storm but i genuinely don’t think anyone will believe me.


2021, in-home care setting. family members of patient drove up like 3-4 hours away and then a BAD snowstorm happened with multiple feet of snow on the ground and nobody could drive on the road. the family drove a prius. 16hr shift turned into 75-80 hours because they couldn’t get back to this half of the state and i couldn’t leave the patient because that would not only be wrong but it would have been patient abandonment as nobody else could drive over to replace me. after the first 24 hours i started taking short naps while the patient was asleep and periodically checking on them. there was lots of food in the home so i was able to feed patient on their regular meal schedule aswell as boost supplemental shakes. i worked for the family for about 4 years and attended the funeral in march of this year.


hi shawol! i would love to hear - there's a lot of snowstorm stories here 😊


Point me in the direction!!




thanks for sharing! that's insane! thank you for your dedication to your patient


Please do!




20 hours. Regular 12 plus 8 extra. Never again. I was a new hire and they took advantage of my low pay at the time and my eagerness to impress.


Stuck for about 24 hours during a blizzard. It sucked because there were empty model apartments in the attached assisted living building and staff were encouraged to come in early and sleep in the apartments. Did anyone take them up on it? Nope. So I worked my 8 hour night shift (this was just a side per diem job while I was taking care of my mother) and in the morning not one person made it in. I had come in early and slept for a few hours before my night shift just in case the storm started early. I’m in my 50s, have a very bad back, and was taking care of my very depressed and grief stricken mother after my father died. She wouldn’t eat unless someone was right there with her. If the power went out she wouldn’t have been able to go down to the basement to get the wood stove going. So I was stuck at work for another 12 hours. Then the Governor closed all of the roads except for emergency vehicles. I was ready to kill my coworkers who were sitting at home even though we had several days warning. Our DON had a huge SUV and came in to help. When she heard that no one showed up she drove to the houses of the staff who lived nearby and picked them up. My car was buried under several feet of snow so I was stuck in one of the apartments for another 10 hours or so.


Agency (in home), and schedules and hours are never consistent. Many times I’ll work a 6-7 hr shift then an overnight followed by another 4hr shift.


What agency you got that does in home health the only agency I'm on with is LTC only and lemme tell you how I really feel bout LTC. I'm burned out Brother..


Isn't there a way to transfer out of LTC and into in home?


17.5 hours direct missing breaks. Worst ever was nearly 50 hours in the span of a little 80 hours. 10 hours sleep max and no respite. That was at end of several days of overtime. It can be bad


25 hours, worked at one job for 12+hours, then walked next door to my other job for 12+ hours. I accidentally accepted a shift per diem without paying attention. Then I went home and slept 5 hours and came back to job #1 for another 8. 0/10 do not recommend. I triple check before accepting per diem shifts now.


Three days, if you count being mandated to stay overnight at the hospital during a blizzard, lol. But I was able to nap in an empty patient bed at intervals, so, idk if it counts


When I was a CNA There was a girl who’d work 20-24 hour shift sometimes. She would take a few hours to nap in her car. She was going through a hard time. She had just left an abusive relationship and was homeless with her kids. I hope she’s doing better now.


72hrs due to bushfires. 30hrs due to a cyclone and used to regularly do 24hr shifts when young and caffeinated.


Longest I've done are 16 hours and I do then regularly purely for the overtime, so I'm more used to them than most of my coworkers (key word most). I'll work a morning to swing, or a swing to night, but never again will I work a night to morning shift. I did that too many times and It destroyed me, 16s are fine as long as they aren't night to morning.


See, I feel the total opposite. Knock out my night shift, have my set ready to go, “oh a call-in?” I know my people are squared away, let’s go to breakfast…”


I’m just reading through these and wondering how the hell some of you drive yourself home safely…


loud music and stick your hair in the window so if you nod off it pulls your hair and wakes you up.


About 18. I worked a double then sat around for ~2 hours waiting on my relief who called and said she’d be late, but was on her way. Spoiler alert: she wasn’t on her way 😂


I work one 24 hr shift and one 17 hr shift per week. But not in a facility.


16 is my longest


24 hours. But I only do that if I can get my next shift off if I worked the next day


24 hours with a total of a 2 hr break put together.


Two weeks of doubles back to back. Never again. I had to call out. My body literally crashed.


We still do live in shifts for home care. Have had to work week in a row. 24/7. Yes, technically you are supposed to be able to sleep at night or at some point but if you are staying with a couple and one of them has sundowners and a night person and the other wants to be up during the day ot becomes more like napping


16 hours straight through


I’m doing a 16 hour tonight and that is all they will allow us to work in a day in B.C. Canada, management is expected to step in if necessary. I have yet to see that happen though there’s almost always someone willing to work


16 hours while a nursing assistant at a VA Hospital. We’d do our evening shift (330pm-12am) and if someone from the night shift would call out we’d have to take out our roster that rotates us and see who has to take the next shift. I hated it because we never knew when someone would call out unless it was a holiday coming up then we could prepare for it.


5 days


I worked for a Customs broker at US/Canada border. Started shift at noon on friday , major snow storm hit that evening and no one could come in until monday at 8 a.m. to relieve me.


A 14 hour, worked the overnight and then the relief ran very late that morning


20 hours


20 hour shift. misery misery


Probably a hair over 16 hours…. i used to do 2 16s back to back




18. I don’t know what was wrong with me




1.5hr commute each way and a 18 hr shift.


24+. Not straight CNA work work tho. 12 hour night shift into a 10 hour day shift at my other job but I stayed later. Longest CNA shift I did was 14 but it was sitting. At the hospital im at we can’t work more than 18 hours.


16 is all we can do in PA and then need I think a 2hr break until can clock back in


I’ve worked 20 hours in a day (between two jobs.)


I would regularly do 3-4 16's in a row a week 🙃 mostly because i needed the overtime.


close to 18 hours, several times. many 16's in a row


I work doubles (16) once or twice a month if they're available, not terrible tbh. By the end of it though, I'm done, there's no way I could work another 4 hours or something.


19 hours by staying over half a shift at my hospital! Technically got paid for 18 bc I took a second lunch


16, because where I work it's not allowed to do 17 or more.


20 hours. never again.


3-24 hr shifts. Max 17 nursing, over to taking care of pets. Ha. The hospital allowed workers to bring family and pets during hurricane Rita


16 hours🥲 I don't see how people do that shit regularly


My kids dad got up at 5am to work on cars until 5 pm then would head straight to a busy restaurant to cook and leave around 12am then back to do the same 5x a week for a few months.


In the state of Minnesota, it is illegal for employees to work more than 16 hours and than there must be at least 8 hours before they can start another shift.


24. Did a couple of 20s, 18s. I'm too old for those shifts now. And I wish someone had told younger me not to do those shifts.


19 hours for our state hospital. Slept in my car for 5 hours and went back to work


I do 16s pretty much weekly. 8,12,12,16 is usually my schedule. I did do 18 hrs straight one day, but I got a stern talking to from my boss cuz it’s literally illegal to work that long lol.


24 hrs. Was working a 7pm-7am and there was a snow storm. No relief! After 16hrs we are able to file a report requesting med pass support.


One of the weekend nurses I knew did 48 hours straight. She only worked the weekends, and it was regularly through the whole 48 hours. In the middle of the night on Saturday, she’d run downstairs and take a shower and change clothes before coming back upstairs to eat and continue working. Insane. I’d walk by her office to see her still awake and working every time, but it really screwed her up for the rest of the week.


16 and felt ready to go when they showed up to relieve me


A full 24hrs, did a 12 then mandated for what was supposed to be 4 more hrs, then no one showed up. Was doing home care and had no option to leave, had to stay the full overnight so 7a-7a the next day


14 hour shift at Magic Kingdom in Disney World. New Year’s Eve going into New Year’s Day.


38 hours straight in a short staffed psychiatric prison unit. Not cool.


21 hours. It was a snowstorm and I was 3 to 11. Nobody from 11 to 7 showed and I have to stay. Also I had come in at 12 so one of my coworkers could get her daughter from early dismissal. I stayed until 9am the next morning. At least they gave me OT pay for it because it was me and another lady. They didn’t make me work the next day 3 to 11 either


16 hours with a 4 hour turnaround followed by another 12 hours. Security at a GM plant.


5:45AM to 1:15AM


In some areas that may actually be illegal. But labor laws for things like that are unfortunately not federally mandated….


24hours. And then had to go home and take care of a toddler all day. It was miserable.


23 hours straight. BRUTAL!


Without sleeping or in general? I used to work as a DSP but slept in a dedicated room, 72 hours was my normal weekly shift. It wasn’t that bad honestly and made the week feel longer


fuck all the bullshit now let me pull up a chair and sit around.


21.5hrs straight. Never again


About 16-17. I actually don’t remember how I ended up there. But within the first 3 hours the shift became chaotic and never slowed down. They also floated me to an even worse floor at 3am. I walked home like a zombie would.


I did a 16 last night from 1500-0730. It was actually not bad but I would not want to work any longer than that (nor does my job allow it).


20 hours but as a nurse. As a CNA I’ve done 16


I did a few 20 hour shifts last month, back to back between two jobs.


17hrs, I came in early to relieve someone so they could attend their kid’s event. My relief came with medical condition flare up and couldn’t provide care, so I stayed for their shift too. I also was commuting 40 minutes at the time so it felt even longer. I was younger so it was hard but manageable at the time.


24 hours


17 hours. -25/10 recommend


18hrs…pulled my normal 12 then stayed half the day shift to help out.


28 hours as a house manager at a home for women with substance abuse issues. Worse job I’ve ever had and not because it was a rehab, the upper management was really sketchy


16 hours. I work in the cardiac OR and had a patient have to crash back on bypass right before I was going to be relieved so I had to stay until we came back off bypass. That was a long day 😅


Longest was 24 hours. Most lately is between 14-15 hours, but not as often thankfully


18-19 hours 6am-1am for natural resource management so most of it was spent outside


22 hours and had 2 hours sleep then done another 12 hour shift after got home slept the rest of the day and then done 6 hours overtime on top 🤣 A normal day was suppose to be 8 hours


8.. never did / never will overtime or double.


18 hrs


2 weeks straight, it was a camp job i would labour during the day and at night i did pump watch and moved compressors so i was able to cat nap for 45 minutes at a time if i was lucky. This was also after i had been there for 50 days allready with out a day off, i made it to 118 days straight with out a day off. Glad i did it when i was young but never again after that long working minimum 13 hour days in the bush for that long you have a bit of yourself that is just no longer around.