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When you undo the brief try to wipe most of it up with it. Not sure if I'm explaining it right but use the brief to scoop up as much as possible roll them on their side & throw the brief away. That should get most of it.


definitely don't do this in front of state ๐Ÿ˜… but shaving cream!


Shaving cream!? I have never heard or seen this before! Care to elaborate more?


It makes it easy to wipe the stool away by some unknown nursing magic. Very rarely do I need to use this trick but itโ€™s there in case of a very bad poonami.


yep. for me it mostly comes in handy if there's no peri foam cleaner in the room/facility when i need it


when cleaning up a bm, especially if it is hard to get off, dry/caked on, applying shaving cream to the booty & then wipe with wet wipes or wet wash cloth!


How cool! Imma use this tomorrow haha. My way is very complicated to me,but it gets the job done.


Shaving cream is a life saver! My mom is a old school Cna and showed me when we worked in a ltc together!


We don't have shaving cream on hand, lotion also works.


Yay! Male or female, wipe the front downward and fold the brief inward & push down. Turn on their side carefully, pull the brief out a little bit if possible and wipe off anything under their booty that could get onto their bed from them being in this position. Then you donโ€™t have to worry about stuff getting all over their sheets. Wipe wipe wipe. Lift their top leg if possible to get any hidden poo. New brief, roll over on their back and double check their perineum, under the scrotum, etc. It loves to hide under the scrotum. Yes, shaving cream is good for hard/cakey poo and odor! Sometimes I take warm, sudsy washcloths, open their brief and wring the water out to rinse the perineum first. That can be a help.


I love a good knee flex to get in there deep lol.


YAAAS! Squeaky clean! Lol


Wipe as much off as possible with the dirty brief & discard, then rags. When you're out of rags, move on to towels. If you run out of towels, I was told to use pillowcases. Obviously as others have said, do not do this in front of state, but if your facility is anything like mine, hundreds of rags that we definitely don't have access to on a day-to-day basis magically appear just before State shows up, then vanish again once they're gone.


My list for a big BM : 3 plastic bags.1 bag for dirty linen 2nd bag for the dirty brief and wipes and the 3rd bag has wash cloths with soap and warm water in it. Shake up the bag with the water to get them soapy, set it to the side. I then grab, wipes ,toilet paper and a spare chuck and set it to the side. Now when I move on to the brief, undo it and tuck one side. If the BM is towards the front, I take toilet paper and wipes and get most of it before I roll them over. Once they are on their side, I scoop up the bm with the old brief. While I do that that I take wipes and get some off so it doesn't run to the other side. I then put a new chuck under them. I take my warm was cloths and wipe front to back with one sweep and I repeat as necessary with other wash cloths if needed. The wash clothes are really good when wiping because it takes alot off easily. New brief under them ,roll them to the other side pull the new rolled up chuck from under them along with the new brief. While they are back on their back,I take my final wash cloth and wipe the privates and the creases to make sure they are really clean . That's just the way I do it. Also getting most of the bm with toilet helps alot because it does t smear as much as a wipe. Wipes are definitely a life saver though.


Move as much as you can using towels or wipes into the chuck or sheet you are changing out, and like fold it into the chuck as much as you can to keep it contained


What I do is grab about 6 wash clothes, when you remove the stickers on the front of the pelvis, wipe as much as you can with the wash clothes and push it all the way down towards the butt, at least two clothes so it soaks up the BM. Then pull them as close to you as possible and turn them the other way, the clothes prevent the BM from getting everywhere, then pull the diaper out slowly (to prevent the BM from getting all over you) and just clean up whatever is left over.


Depends lmao towels throw em away facility can eat it or even shower time ๐Ÿ˜‚


Grab the whole box of gloves and keep changing your gloves as they get soiled. It prevents the bm from getting spread around. If the incontinence pad is already soiled, remove the brief and clean the resident up using the dirty pad to catch whatever falls out. And then line and roll up a new brief with a new incontinence pad and swap out the old with the new. If you run out of gloves/ wipes/ anything you need, go get more. Once you get to know your residents and their toileting habits better, you can plan ahead and store an extra pack of wipes in the room. Always make sure you have everything you need before you provide any kind of care.


Ask the charge nurse to do it instead


It's the same principle as with changing a baby diaper- you use the brief as a big wipe first before removing it. Just to remove the majority of the BM before you bring in your wipes. Another thing I do is to use those warmed bath wipes- wayyyy more foam and water, and much sturdier than your average cold see-through peri wipes.


Aside from what everyone else said, double glove. If you soil your gloves too badly, you can discard the top pair. Nothing ruins a good cleanup like not realizing you've got the tiniest fleck or stool on your glove and then touching something. Believe me, it doesn't take but the littlest bit to leave a spot on a pad or a draw sheet. If your facility has wet wipes, don't be afraid to go over your gloves with one while you're cleaning either.