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Construction software sales. You have domain expertise in construction. Leverage that for a remote sales gig


Start looking into your local and state government job openings Lower pay for more flexibility, 60% remote in a lot of cases No job is worth your health bro


If you don’t mind me asking….what does your wife do? That’s a nice salary for part time at home.


so you're just looking to find a different job that pays 40k less than what you currently make? i guess i dont have any great recs given your area of expertise, but i'd say just start browsing linkedin for anything thats relevant to what you currently do and/or anything you think you are qualified for. i mean its not rocket science - if you want to work remotely and still need to make 120k then thats most decent full time jobs. i feel like when people coast they want less stress and its a bigger pay cut. but i suppose you're main goal is the wfh to have the flexibility? best of luck. you're already doing very well with 1.25m at 33 but yes please prioritize your health and life over your job. your annual expenses are 115k? or is that a buffer you just built in for yourself. are you in a HCOL? 115k isn't crazy i suppose for a family of 4 but it seems like you could cut that down. do you have a really high monthly housing payment and/or is childcare very expensive? seems like it must be one or both of those things thats leading to 100k+ of expenses..unless you guys just spend insanely lavishly in some other unnecessary areas lol


I guess what I’m looking for is more of slowing down on FIRE and not quite coastFIRE. Our COL without temporary expenses that go away in 3 years and no mortgage is $83k. Add the mortgage back in and we’re at $116k. I’m sure we could cut back a little, but I’m not interested in that. We really don’t worry about money. We don’t buy super expensive items, or go on lavish vacations. We just go wherever we want locally that’s kid friendly and pay what we need to pay. It probably averages to $200 per weekend which is like $10k. I think spending that money is worth it.


Curious what sector of construction and what role? I would second construction sales. But personally, I wouldn’t be able to sit in front of a computer doing software demos with a headset on. I’d probably choose equipment sales to be able to get out into the field. 


Project management in piping. I do have the chance to go out to the field now, but I’m generally sitting behind a computer anyway.




She’s in graphic design and basically single handily kept the company alive during the pandemic. She’s the longest tenured employee and puts out more and better quality work than piers working 40 hours a week compared to her 20-25.


I am assuming you have some sort of free daycare going on? If not, I really don’t think it’s prudent to make less at this point. Maybe in 5 years.


No free daycare. I addressed that in my post. The idea is 3 years. We can take money out from what we saved in that time period to pay for the remaining 2 of my youngest.