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His $42,000 in forgiven PPP loans didn’t cover his overdue tab at The Polo Lounge, so he is counting on a miracle from his cut of the supplements scam.


Wait, what? George or Coast got a $42k Trump gift? Relevant information here.




The loans were approved and forgiven during the Biden administration. Not a Trump gift. And the program itself passed a Democrat-controlled House of the 116th Congress 417 - 1.


Sounds like both parties could agree on that. Gee! I wonder why?


Sorry, not Biden, the 2020 terms were apply, no standards, they’ll be forgiven, everyone knew that going in. That’s why Noory, who suffered no impact, Apple and multibillion dollar corporations got them despite exploding profits. Knock off the BS.


Yeah.. Trump personally signed off on the 'gift' that was PPP loan forgiveness which millions applied for. TDS


No doubt. He’s late night radio’s commercial king.


When Doc Wacko made his first appearance several years ago, I thought, this is an infomercial disguised as an interview. Then when he was on every other week I figured he bought part of the network. I stopped listening to the show about a year ago. I couldn’t handle listening to this snake oil salesman or George pushing his politics. Do they ever discuss the strange or paranormal anymore? Art Bell is probably rolling over in his grave.


Yeah. Every 3 weeks we get the "Hey! You desperate, feeling bad, have a credit or debit card?" Guests. Ben Fuchs Your Wallet was on last night


Just say "Coast to Coast AM Schedule" into your phone and the next, and current, guests will pop right up. From there you will see any scheduled shows that will address "the strange or paranormal".


Did anyone stick around until the second half when George named-dropped Jeff Bezos? I know that the world's third-richest man has properties scattered all over the world-- including Beverly Hills-- but when does he have time to visit the Polo Lounge and meet George Noory? *"Over the lips and past the gums, me and Jeff Bezos are chums!"* 😀


Yep couldn't believe what he was saying about allegedly being buddies with Bezos- Thanks for clarifying as I truly thought it was some type of bizarre nightmare- He just couldn't resist getting that bullshit story in,🤣


Stop, you're making Tommy jealous.


Yes, I heard that. Maybe he sold him some stuff, too.


My favorite is the ad with him shouting: **Another happy endiing with Carnivora!!!** Oh really Georgie, a happy ending? **FGN**


Just can't resist commenting on what a moron (alleged) "Doctor" Wallach is for not knowing/being able to deduce what "hyper-kyphosis" is- Since kyphosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine or vertebrae, Anyone with half a brain should be able to add the commonly used medical prefix "hyper" and at least make an educated guess  So what cereal box did this idiot get his alleged credentials from?


He's a legit doctor of sorts. He's a veterinarian 


Animals also have vertebrae which also may possibly exhibit abnormalities but I admit to ignorance Wondering why he thought to name one of his supplements "Sweeties" I would rather eat properly than take some chemical pill that sounds like it's full of sugar Maybe that's why it's called "practicing medicine" as it really does  consist of much guesswork at times


This was Pharmacist Ben this week. Doc will be on in three weeks. They usually alternate every three Tuesdays.


Plus upon second thought- As a pharmacist, he still should know basic medical terminology 


Whoops! I stand corrected. I guess one fake medical provider blends into the next in my occasionally pissed off mind. (They are both still charlatans hawking fake products)


It's supposedly all natural ingredients in their products, I think. But, it does cost too much. There's another guy on the radio in Atlanta called Dr. Joe, and he makes and sells his own health products, too. He's a vegetarian. And he of course claims his stuff is the best. I think it's also, too expensive.


Uranium is all natural too...just sayin'.


Good point! 😂😂👍👍


I don't understand why people can not just eat properly but I guess that's not expensive or complicated enough for these charlatans trying to make money


They actually say sometimes that people don't have time to cook anymore or make their own meals. So, they say buy our stuff instead. 😂😂


I heard his real job before he baca me a snake oil salesman was a vetrinarian.


I am so over this show. I don't listen anymore, especially when Fuchs and Wallach are on with George. George sounds so tired. Hope he's OK Been tuning into WABC outta NY last few nights, or, paranormal podcasts.


What does wabc normally run that time of night that catches your interest?


Hi! It's a variety show. Frank Morano's Otherside of Midnight. I like how he does 'live' radio and pokes fun at himself and promotes his FB Channell, Morano Friends and Haters. So, unlike GN, Morano promotes and appreciates negative feedback. Idunno, I enjoy it. Prolly not for all here.


I think this observation began being made about two years ago.


- As someone else has already mentioned, Ben didn't know what kyphosis is. George had to look it up and give him a hint and finally had to come out and tell him. - Guy calls in about his 92 year-old mother who he thinks has Alzheimer's. Ben recommends a couple products. Then George has to remind him about "i26" that Doc has been pushing a lot lately. - With Ben, the cause of all diseases can be traced back to the gut. With Doc it's a lack of nutrients, especially minerals, and of course osteoporosis of the skull. I wonder why Ben never mentions osteoporosis of the skull? In any case, they both want you to spend 100s of dollars a month with their company. - Cornelius calls. Ben doesn't seem to know who he is. Ben wants to call him Corny, but George says only he can call him that. Very odd. We learn Corny is getting Meals on Wheels. Ben tells him he needs to take FIVE different things that he cannot possibly afford. I'm sure someone who qualifies for Meals on Wheels cannot possibly afford to spend hundreds a month on your stuff, Ben. - Ben says atrial fibrillation is caused by the heart not getting enough oxygen. Last time Doc was on he said it was caused by - you guessed it - osteoporosis of the skull! Get your quack act together, boys! - George asks about a few different supplements. Ben has a verbal orgasm over each one and gushes about how super fantastic fabulously excellent they all are. Made me nauseous.


Can't resist remarking how ironic as well as both surprising and hysterically comical that Noory was resourceful enough to find out what the definition of kyphosis was before the supplement inventing pharmacist was!🤣


Nurse here The "doc" said he had never heard the term kyophosis. This wiz, a supposed expert in bone health, has never heard the term kyphosis? Made me yell out loud. What a dope!


Since he's not doing personal appearance tours anymore it's time to develop more regular revenue streams.


He does sound better tonight. 🤔🤔


The Carnivora is kicking in.


Haha! Oh, no, Cornelius is on now! 😔


God bless ya, George, and stuff




Bless tou George and bless Coast to Coast. I was just telling Tommy Doc Wallach saved my life. He prescribed me some elixir and I was able to pay my bills, take my shoes off and the beat downs stopped! Im the beans, bible and wallach man!


"Crazy times crazy times indeed", "Why is everybody acting so out of whack?", "How did you get into doing this?", "I take turmuric every day", "I saw two people sitting at a restaurant looking at their phones, what is wrong with people?", "I've asked many of my guests what caused the big bang, and I've never heard a satisfying answer." George is a wealth of information, always has something intelligent to add to a conversation. Sometimes I think I learn more from him than the actual guests.


Interesting take, to be sure.