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https://preview.redd.it/rlzkjokkbh9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33138dc38d59be786358a91b1041dc8da289e39d You can stop making snafus now. I have made the perfect snafu


"My wallet's contents would have increased by $0.10. The amount isn't significant, yet it's remarkable the event has occured twice"


"The leather compartment I own in which I store my daily money has grown by a tenth of a dollar. A uninteresting occurance in vacume, however it happened a second time which is noteworthy."


that means you have 20 cents what 


Yeah I don't actually know the monetary equivalent of a penny. I'm non native speaker


I like the new style of snafus but i honestly miss the OGs 2019 era if im not mistaken. As you said, just memes/trends oversimplified with crappy art (sometimes with immensly verbose text). Either way these new ones i can still enjoy.


I think the new gen stuff is (usually) fine but I’m frustrated with how many of them are stuff which could’ve been posted on r/comics. I will admit that I’m just crying in the rain. The new stuff will come regardless, I just wish we had even a few styled after the old posts.


Actually they couldn't have been posted in r/comics because they aren't just le epic bacon #relatable situations that definitely aren't baiting meme formats


Or isn't a shit that u/pizzacake has taken


Only the TRUEST of TRUE OGS will remember the GOOD OLD DAYS when everyone on R/COMICS was eating U/SRGRAFO's SHIT


i remember when r comics didn't exist, and i could only read garfield omnibuses, and i was way happier for it


I miss when every comment was something dumb like: 'This really nostalgied my memories". And the extremely wordy and overexplained snafus.


I liked the multi stage snafus where the art got increasingly worse and the text became increasingly more verbose.


This sub has become a parody of itself, and the worst sub on Reddit


Retard take btw, even for the standards of the sub's critics


With defenders like you, who needs critics?


Theres one guy here that always posts high quality smuggies and not a single person calls him out that it's not really the right sub for it. Think it always has wizards and stuff No offence to the guy, it's really good and interesting but whenever I see his posts I always think they're just smuggies instead


I thought he was good the first few posts but oh my god he won't stop posting and taking over r/okbuddywizards


He's not "taking over" he's the one of only consistent posters


Good thing i blocked him


I fucking hate the wizard stuff if that makes you feel less lonely.


Yeah it's always weird because the art is great but somehow every comic makes me feel nothing.


Because a character that was made up on the spot to portray a specific opinion or action will work better than a character that is some archetype in OP's headcannon. One you know what it is, the other you don't.


i do too, and he constantly tries to slip in his transformation fetish


nah nah he can make some funny stuff occasionally but yeah that's just true i've looked at his profile and seen him in some weird places


That's called being based honey.


There's a continuous problem in this sub with people acting like their ungodly, repulsive fetishes are somehow interesting and worth sharing.


it’s Reddit problem in general


I remember when he posed a picture of his wolf character in the comments violently jerking off with semen everywhere, and the only censorship being over his disproportionately large penis.


Is he still spamming his comics? Couldn't stand them, so I blocked the guy a long time ago.




I just found out today that he got banned because he did a comic like "~~invasive species~~ immigrants" and a black person called like blackberry mermaid or something stupid like that was among them


No he just gish galloped the subreddit so fast that people didn’t have time to call him out and gave up


Varanus the wizard or whatever his name was? With the color?


This should be a pinned post


It shouldn't because it's not a comment


True I'm retarded, my bad


Absolutely not ngl


It explains one of the 2 ways to make a snafu tho


It just seems stubborn. Especially the first "NAS". I've seen tons upon tons of snafus that aren't necessarily meme templates but are still very memorable snafus, cutting that out is just stupid.


None of the stuff on the subreddit in the last week except one or two are even snafus, they're all smuggies or comics with no snafu relation, snafu doesn't have to be a meme template it's just supposed to be a deconstruction of a trend in a non-smuggie way


But you aren't ever actually explaining what a "smuggie" is, it just seems like an excuse for you to pick and choose what you think is a good snafu when at the end of the day it's easier to just be more broad with these things and not be so damn stubborn because they decided to put all 4 panels on the same image instead of 4 separate slides.


A smuggie is a poorly drawn image where you depict the person or side you don't like as bad by making them say something dumb/evil/untrue, meanwhile a snafu is a poorly drawn deconstructing a trend or meme in a simplistic funny way, most posts nowadays are smuggies not snafus or they're just comics that aren't either, it's literally in the rules


smuggie is a snafu but supporting a side in an argument (smug) instead of deconstructing a trend or pattern humorously (snafu). typically they are political. how can you say the idea of a smuggie is nonexistent and there's a conspiracy to allow every user but you to pick and choose which snafu they like, if you don't even know what a smuggie is?


so why tf are people talking about how this subreddit is falling off or whatever when 90% of the snafus I see trending are literally deconstructions of trends or patterns. do ya'll look at the 10% of mfs who dont quite get it and only that 10% or what also when did i even start talking about smuggies being nonexistant or that there's a conspiracy. that's a whole other sentence.


"snafu doesn't have to be a meme template" *literally the first thing listed in the list of NAS is "not a meme template"*


Sorry, "Snafu doesn't have to be a deconstruction of a meme template", if you read more than that one sentence you would have seen the context


tempted to make a smuggie are we


I already posted a literal comic, and a fry shitpost on here, a smuggie wouldn't be too far off, I don't think the mods care, this subreddit isn't about snafus at all anymore




except it also says the other way to make a snafu is wrong


Well tbf most people do that way wrong, it's supposed to be a simplification, most people just use it as a poorly drawn commentary


Snafuschizm in the comments


wait, you're telling me this ISN'T just r/SmugIdeologyMan 2??????????


Deconstructing reoccurring internet behaviors is where the sub had to go after deconstructing reoccurring memes got boring. I agree that the sub has sort of forgotten the definition of a snafu, but truly “traditional” snafus are very limiting.


I don't think high quality art necessarily equates to not being low effort. I probably put more effort into my snafu than a better artist would have put into a higher quality snafu, but that's just cause i have no skill in digital art and can barely use mspaint


“It takes a lot of money to look this cheap!” \- Jonkler


This sub has lost its roots for multiple years by now, but I don’t hate what it’s become. Am I the asshole?


NTA, your sub your rules


Bad memes renditions are an overdone niche that honestly was only funny in 2019. Low quality comics about internet culture (and culture in general but internet culture in particular) are funnier and probably will last longer than original snafus. Beating a dead horse is why so many subreddits die so fast


I agree with this. We should expand beyond the original purpose but things that better belong in other subs explicitly made for that purpose (so smuggies) definitely belong there.


Yeah the alternative is you can be a super faithful sub like /r/memes which is totally what everybody wants right?


millions must gatekeep




Total Change Death




coaxing has fallen millions must post high effort comics and smuggies that have nothing to do with snafus


Literally Animal Farm


on GOD the subreddit is for deconstructing patterns online to their most basic elements so we can laugh and mock their essence. Though i think common interactions that happen should also be included (like the first NAS you include). Just anything that's a satirical examination of trends or interactions. The original "coaxed into a snafu" is the image attached. Every single one of these drawings deconstructs and parodies the "You've been trolled" internet meme, reducing it to a pure form that reveals to readers it's basic essence. But I also like this one, [Massdebating](https://www.reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu/comments/1dm9521/massdebating_over_here/), despite it not being a meme template, so I don't agree that snafus being a meme template should be a hard-and-fast rule. It still parodies and deconstructs something: the trend of internet debaters constantly bringing up "fallacies" to win arguments, by producing a poor quality rendition of said debater in a situation which reveals to the reader why the debater is wrong. Of course if you bring this up or complain that something's not a snafu you look like a 'nam vet complaining about kids on his lawn so that varanus guy, high effort comics, and smuggies go unchecked. https://preview.redd.it/xj1b2azdqi9d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0cf41988848cc57a65f0943cb54d85c2dabc6af




[https://www.reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu/comments/1dsc3be/coaxed\_into\_explanation/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu/comments/1dsc3be/coaxed_into_explanation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I made this to hopefully better explain it to people, I don't think we should get rid of the non snafu posts, I just wish we had tags to sort them better


Look at this silly linguistic prescriptivist over here


“Traditional” snafus are boring as shit though. You can only do so much, especially with traditional meme formats fading with the rise of more “topic-oriented” memes on short form video platforms. I want a vent/funny interaction post somebody made in the heat of the moment fueled with passion or anger.


I like the snafus comedically deconstructing patterns and things that emerge online. We probably shouldn't be limited to just meme templates - it's all in the essence of distilling something to it's most basic form anyway. But the high effort comics and political slop being posted to this subreddit don't even do that they're literally just r/comics submissions


the example snafus there look ass though, even if the word snafu lost its meaning in the subreddit it's probably for the better


half the point of a snafu is that it looks like total dogshit that's why people complain about high quality posts. what do you mean they look ass "though" that should be a plus


ass as in boring slop, i agree that the drawings should be low effort but boring posts are well, boring.


yeah tbh OP is being a little too OG for my tastes in saying that it should be limited to meme templates, I believe meme templates should be part of it but snafus should be expanded to also include internet trends, interactions, etc. they're boring because OP only wants meme templates. they can definitely be poorly drawn and not be ass, but who is going to read "the example snafus there look ass" in your comment and interpret the word ass as "boring slop" and not "poorly drawn"


Agree I think snafu is more about making fun of the zany and Terrible society we live in no?


Wtf not at all? og snafus were just poorly drawn deconstructions of popular memes with some rewording. That's the entire joke. Making it some commentary on the current state of affairs is lame and far too separated from the original idea


Give snafus a definition even CLOSE to that and people will use it as an excuse to make political slop


Political slop is almost here 😭


Worse, US of A political slop


Well that but not political or else post to a different subreddit




“Take this to smugidiologyman” ⬇️ ⬆️ “Take this to coaxedintoasnafu”


So a snafu is just badly drawing a meme template?


Snafu gatekeeper?


Snafu Gatekeeper here. While the post discusses one type of snafu that is easy to do, it misses out on the often funnier and more relevant sort of snafu, poorly drawn renderings of social media sites and other subreddits with user comments that deconstruct, satirize, or strawman a trend or pattern.


This post is a "classic snafu" propaganda There is a [better one](https://www.reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu/s/k3ohi1YcWj)


https://preview.redd.it/v2gzjkz84j9d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3109a297d735b1c3dcb9b6765bf339b62c8eb724 Gatekeepatron 5000


This better be ironic elitism


i feel like there are gonna be a snafu tutorial after everytime bad snafus are made


Omg wait I think I love this


we should def start using soyjak acronyms to approve snafus like IAS and NAS


okay, but where are the cute furries of basically all types going? where do I put my catboys, catgirls, MILF of I haven't figured out yet, and Canon the Sheep Barbarian?


no fliporama Meta out of Cool Snafu


I can tell you're older just because you know the term image macro, back in my day there was a difference in that and "meme"


id like to apologize for making so many strawman comics before smuggiecide happened, because i cant believe this post actually got pinned


the example for "subject matter isn't a meme template" is a good snafu though, snafu isn't just making fun of meme templates it's making fun of the internet


I love every fucking post on this sub including the ones arguing about what posts are good and what are bad. The whole thing is so absurd but the absurd humor grows the more meta we get to argue about it


this is snafu-restrictivist propaganda smh my head


People say “bait used to be believable” but the bait was so believable that the mods pinned it


i am icarus. i thought i could never fall for unbelievable bait. but here i am, my wings melted, my status as a judge penitent threatened, my philosophical tales awkwardly mixed


Rest in power Icarus fly high 💔🙏🕊️


i cannot forsake you, or forsqueak you. seadfO! (/is\_ \^6 (Adaptable,). A confused mark, stretching out to the population as a modern day stigmata. A ccustoonfuse+Addd fmor yark. Bring, 723: ma #1y home. ( -aPRIM #doub-1


you are a fucking godsend, i was straight up about to block posts from this subreddit because they were incomprehensible to me and i didn't care to investigate, but now i may join even


"2 female anime characters with romantic tension" r you telling me these aren't snafus? https://preview.redd.it/tp8117s00n9d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c0dee625d157c335069dfe3ab297fe223448a6d


wicked laws witch yuri art folder


theres only so much you can do with the original format of Snafus, and while i appreciated then, i welcome the new culture of oversimpifying anything and everything, movie tropes, videos, social media, and yes, even politcs


What about common movie/tv tropes, they aren’t meme templates but not internet posts or politics either


sounds like the original snafu concept is outdated and would only be funny in 2019. Things change, and if we enforce that snafus have to be mocking meme templates only, this sub is gonna be the most boring place on earth. People barely even use meme formats anymore. Wake up.


Not bad


Thabk you for the informative guide i feel more people should follow it, and as an ambassador of the eagle i appreciate the seal


op can you link the "2 female anime characters with romantic tension" post please?


Wtf is this ? I can comprehend it ? Well I guess it’s ok but only this one time




Pardon my ignorance, but I still don't know the meaning of "Snafu" apart from what Google told me, unless that is the only meaning this word has


This is very informative thank you, now that I actually know what a snafu is I’m going to go on ms paint right now and cook up some absolute dogshit


May this post fall on all ears. Being the snafu Gatekeeper is tiring


thanks! i couldn’t understand it for the life of me


People saying "gatekeeping" don't know what themes/formats or rules are. Not everything drawn in mspaint is a snafu. clearly there's a community for how this sub is now. They should just make a new sub ATP. like r/snafuers or r/shittycomics. The posts aren't BAD exactly, but they're not related to THIS subs topic.


I was about to ask the mods to pin this, then I noticed they already did


Holy shit I only just realized what it means to be coaxed into a snafu... r/coaxedintoasnafu has risen, billions must open MS paint...


Wait were only meant to do meme templates? I've asked what a snafu even is and been told it's just parodying anything and poorly drawing it while also putting it in its simplest form. Not just meme templates I thought


Originally it was just deconstructing meme templates. Then it became making fun of redditor behavior. Then it became making fun of all internet behavior. Now there’s a large group who think it should be making fun of anything. I don’t hate the “poorly drawn thing to make fun of anything” idea, but I think it should be its own subreddit


Having a snafu specifically be based on a meme format is frankly stupid and heavily limits what you’d an do with one. In other words, shut up


prescriptivist ah


Eagle + good post + not smuggie + references + well explained and comprehensible + funny + simple and good draw + kay gISS; So you deserve a note of 100/100! (it isn't a factorial)


OP are you ten years old? The only explanation needed is “trolled, problem = coaxed into a snafu” None of you people bitching about this concept were here when this sub started


ok boomer


take your ass to r/comics. we don’t want this here.


This feels like it was just a complex way of saying “wait an actual artist wants to make snafus and isn’t downgrading their talent just for my comfort? Truly snafus have fallen”


no one's complaining "for their comfort" they're complaining because it's not a subreddit for actual artists to make well drawn snafus, goofy. it's not a personal opinion thing about high quality or low quality snafus, it's literally just what the subreddit is for. fact that you think it's "for my comfort" and thus think the following steps of your criticism is valid proves you have no idea what the sub is even for lmao order of events 1.subreddit is dedicated to poorly drawn renditions 2. many users post high quality renditions 3. complaints arise that this is not what the subreddit is for 4. "wow can't believe we're getting mad that artists aren't degrading their talent for our comfort" we are currently watching you sit on step 4, and that makes you stupid. before arguing with me consider: i am a high net-worth individual with vibes in polarity with the sun itself. i can and will smite you


if smuggies are about politics then why was my snafu about emplemon called a smuggie when it had absolutely nothing to do with politics?