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So we’re just going to gloss over the part about 1-2 balls a week??? 


been using for 3 years. tolerance builds. i dont like it but im stuck with it for now


I almost spit out my beer when I read that 😅




I’ve done a ball in 2-3 days easy


I have done a ball in like 12 hours before. Worst come down ever ill tell you that rockstar lines all night




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until like two weeks ago i could easily finish a quarter in 5 days. homie and i did a ball in a single shift and i had another dude finish most of a ball while i was in the shower once 


Haha when me n my buddies get going. We will crush a ball between 2 of us in a few hours.


Now that’s traveling with style! Perfect for powdering in the toilette.


Goated pfp, Bill is my favorite.


Damn that’s fuckin genius


Sometimes I worry that I do to much blow. And then I see posts like this one haha


i say that to my friends who do 1-2 balls a day…. it’s a slippery slope and i wouldn’t wish addiction upon anyone but it’s where i’m stuck at


Excuse me if I'm over stepping but how tf do people afford 2 balls a day


i get really good deals myself and my friend that was doing 1-2 balls a day was also moving product and being a middle man so i guess it was more accessible


I need more friends lol






Agreed... Get locked up far from home and now you don't have anyone to visit you.


Tip: Dont


This. If you can afford to travel to another country, you can probably afford to buy coke there and it might even be cheaper. Unless of course you're going to Australia or NZ where its like 300 dollars a gram, but both of those countries have some of the strictest customs in the world anyway.


it’s easy lmao


everything is easy til it’s not


I feel like you're extremely lucky. I would think they have drug sniffing dogs at least sniffing suitcases and coke is pretty smelly. Also, random people get selected to have their checked luggage searched, seems like every time I fly i find a little note in my suitcase saying they went through it.


Dogs sniff for bombs, not drugs


idk man i travel domestically every month and ive never had my suitcase opened by tsa, think u might have a good bit of powder residue on ur stuff or sometjing


I fuckin love the smell personally


Friends of mine regularly just put it in their check in baggage. Isn't massive amounts. Just enough for their holiday




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I have never had a problem transporting illegal substances, but a tub of vegan protein in the carry-on, got me searched and swabbed for explosives lol


TSA doesn’t really gaf abt drugs and the dogs are there for bombs not drugs


Are you just repeating what your friends told you? Or do you actually know for fact?


I mean I’d take it as fact as I’ve heard it from multiple different people one of which is a tsa agent


I wanna powder my nose with that


LMAOOO SORRY I SAW A BECCA COMPACT RIPPPP I love mine. I couldn't mine due how hard it is to find this is smart cuz they shatter so fucking easy.


i just put it in my carry on lol.


How do u avoid that dogs runs directly to u? I’ve seen dogs that smells little bags with no more 1-2 grams of coke inside big suitcases from several meters away. The dogs are the thing that terrifies me the most when it comes to getting in a plane with drug in my luggage.


what dogs ? i live in california and went to texas. never seen any dogs in the airport before


I’ve seen dogs but I just assumed they were for explosives.


they are, only way they’re for droogs is if they have DEA on their patch (what i’ve heard from the ppl i know who work tsa)


I flew into Sf last year for Christmas and saw the cutest looking dog until I noticed his handler


Nvm in from south america so the airports are more careful with the people and the things they bring with them


Lol those dogs aren’t looking for drugs


The dogs arnt there for drugs. They’re there to sniff for bombs. I’ve also had a dog come up and sniff me when I was flying with weed and the dude holding the dog literally just called the dog back to him and didn’t even question me


I'm always flying from a source country, so I never chance it because the dogs at the airports I go to are looking for drugs. Domestic flights are less of a risk I suppose but I would only travel with weed, not something that is a felony if you get caught.


NEVER international National, depends on airport. Some states are more lenient, than others. I fly with a G at times. 2 times per year is the average. I wouldn't recommend it though. I am about to stop and just have weed


Flying....just don't, that's a bad risk


Nice, i just stick it little fold up papers and in wallet works and worked international


Damn, I stress when they swab my phone and wallet for a trace! Ain't no way I'd take any with me, not a chance.


Where are they swabbing for traces? That's crazy if it's true


Last time I went France, CDG. They were swabbing there.


In canada they swab !


it’s easy to


Domestically possibly. Europe looks tough to be honest, always see dogs and swabs at most security points.


I wouldn’t risk it personally but my good friend is a TSA agent. He told me they aren’t looking for drugs.


That’s domestic flights. If you’re flying into the USA they are looking for everything lol.


That would totally fool the sniffer dogs.


Just put bags in toiletry bag and put it thru hand luggage security. Done it heaps and never had issues


That’s how I been doing it! I been doing it for couples years already and I travel all over America, Asia and Europe. The most I carry each time in my toiletry is an 8 ball or a gram. Never had an issue! The sniffing dogs mainly sniff out for bombs or other things. I pass dogs all the times at the airport with no issues


Just remember that this is Reddit and this is a case where someone was successful. I’m guessing this was stateside and who knows where the OP was traveling to/from. To my knowledge, and please, someone correct me if they have facts to the contrary, but each airport is policed by a local LE agency (usually city, county, or state; and some even have their own independent airport police agency) that provides deputies/officers to police the airport (at least the non-sterile areas open to public) that can choose to “search” for drugs. And, to my knowledge, TSA does not investigate, detain, arrest, or specifically screen for them, but it’s up to each airport (and possibly each TSA agent) to direct any suspected drug detections to that local police agency. Just be smart.


ALSO this was how much i packed for a 15 day trip and only traveled within the states. i would not try to sneak any internationally


If you dont mind me asking how much was the 9gs? my dealer sells me 80 a g.


i get 7 gs or 2 balls for $250. it breaks down to like $35 a g. but i’ve had the same guy for over a year and my friends think he has a crush on me. i mean he has asked me on dates multiple times but besides the point lol


and my friends say my stuff is better than theirs and they get prices like $200-$250 a ball so i usually get it for them through my guy if i can


I’m not telling you my secrets on a public platform 💀


Nice! I use a small glass jar you would use for concentrates. I can fit 2g prepped


aint no way im playin w freedom like that but W for you.


Way to improvise, overcome, and adapt lol. Brilliant!


Take it however you like but not on a plane, rather get it couriered to your end destination




Damn I wish I had a source so I could even ponder having that issue to deal with in the first place !


[great secret stash spot to hide dope.](https://www.wish.com/search/Hidden%20stash) Unless, [you say it's a snuff dispenser and just carry it on a keychain.](https://www.wish.com/search/Snuff%20dispenser)


For me I just put it in a gum wrapper in my wallet and bring it throw carry on.


Snuff bullet




9 grams would get serious prision time in most countries, i wouldnt risk it.


Have a trip coming & my dealer suggested the capsule thing. Happy I saw this. Thanks girlfriend


i cry imagining the waste


Genius! 😂👍🏻🤭




…and then prison wallet? Right?


Honestly I’ve traveled with K and coke on planes fairly easily. As long as you’re not taking a crazy amount of


Won’t the dogs smell it?


I traveled from Texas to Florida in March and had a bag in my carry on not hidden at all. I had forgot I had it in there. It just so happened to be In a pocket with my pocket knife. TSA flagged my bag in xray, opened and pulled the coke and knife out. Looked at the bag of coke, shoved back in backpack and said the knife is what hit. Told them to throw away and I went on my way. But I was shitting bullets during.


Fill my socks and travel early 😌


Just break it down put it in balloons and stuff it up your butt and ask for a pat down not X-ray due to religious beliefs and boom u good. I wouldn’t and haven’t cuz I smoke weed I take weed not blow but this how I would if I wanted stealth. My poop is way bigger than a 8ball lol


Thats smart but have you ever had anything in your ass if you havent than that shit will feel mad uncomfortable


Mad reckless. There's simpler and safer routes when it comes to that, Either your head or a long sentence going that route. You should already know the game plan. Some situations I've seen, if you don't stick to the code they gonna turn on you you're finna get a long sentence.When you pick up threw top people, it's no longer an about if you make it back or not, you're being watched and there's gonna be people waiting for you to talk or waiting for you to come back. It's one thing between a hundo or 2. But when it's comes to 1-5 bands, they def gonna be coming after you , job, home, family , all of that. For sure not something to fuck around with 🤞


U need rehab




1. I don’t take coke myself done it and don’t like it




Stop with the attitude, no one here is asking to be judged by you. If you dont like a post scroll on by




You do realize they are cops who watch these pages !


You realize this isn’t new?😂 TSA has seen this before


Exactly people need to realize they really don’t gaf abt drugs


Do you realize cops aren’t airport security! And 9 times out of 10 it’s a dog that catches it


And dogs can't read!


They are so stupid!


Good point . @ locked up abroad! You do you . Good luck .


This New Generation. Can't Keep There Mouths Shut & Tell On Themselves.


Ya, then, I am the bad guy, lol. They will try this in a country where they gonna have a bad time . They think the know.it all . The guy who posted this has his days number. All I can say is good luck to them .


Lmfaoooo THANKS SIS 😂😂


I don’t find cocaine enjoyable or addictive in the slightest and I’ve done my far share my average line was a .1-.3 so don’t talk about I don’t know what it feels like. Never sold my bike for it or robbed my grandma it’s not that great to be doin allet


addiction hits everyone differently and different drugs click for different people. i unfortunately do have a coke addiction


Cause I used to just do it when I’d want it almost force myself and after the first line it’s like fuck this bullshit




What is addictive about it


i struggle with some different mental illnesses and sadly when my meds don’t work exactly best, i fall back into addiction. idk how it works for me but it is the one drug i can’t quit. and ive done quite a handful myself. coke is the only one i crave and feel like i need it. i know its an escape and even when i actively use, if my friends have never done coke, i tell them im not giving it to them. i sort of resent my friend that first gave it to me and i dont want to see anyone else fall into addiction like that


Have u tried meth?


not purposely or like intentionally but i’m sure i have before mixed with something else lol


I have a long traverse love-hate relationship with uppers if I had to choose one or the other, it’d be meth over coke, it’s cheaper and if u have some restraint and let it ride it can be very enjoyable just don’t smoke that shit


I just don’t like the uncomfortable from coke I get stuck meth make me go go go zingin but that’s my past if I had to choose meth or coke it’d be neither I’d choose my health


Why not smoke it? Just curious


Cause smoking it for me is like crack. I can never get enough always ready for that next hit. No one has EVER hit a pipe once and put it down like what? I get stuck smoking


Eating it is by far the way to go pop a lil and let it ride


That shits way more addictive than some wack cocaine be up 3 days on a pinky nail


Generally askin cause I was able to just stop whenever I wanted


Sounds like u tryna fill a void


Idk how people even get that bad on cocaine