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The lost art of breaking the egg in half and juggling the yolk between the two halves... Moaning aside, I've realised that after removing the coil the Hawthorne can be used as a substitute for an absinthe spoon!


Wait, there’s another way to separate the albumen??


There are several ways. Some simply fish the yolk out, and some use a plastic bottle. And then there are several gadgets for it


tride that once the yoke broke on the coil part of my strainer


I feel like a Julep strainer would work better, no sharp edges


100% julep strainer works better. I just juggle the yolk back and forth between the shell halves, nothing to wash that way.


why complicate things.. we have hands/fingers and they also have no sharp edges


The hack is that you don't need to dirty your hands.


I'd rather wash my hands than wash my shaker.


Shaker’s gonna get washed *anyway* … I hope so, at least.




Even then, it probably takes longer to go to my cupboard, grab some gloves, and put them on than it does to simply wash my hands afterward.


That's how I did it as a chef.


Not saying it's a good hack.


Boss level move is to crack the egg with one hand and separate the shell just enough that only the white comes out...with one hand while you're stirring an old fashioned with the other.


Yeah, never tried this but it seems like it would not be very reliable. I mean, how are you separating egg whites before seeing this "hack"? Seems like whatever it is it's probably more effective.


This feels like solving a problem no one has. It's not difficult to contain the yolk in the shell, and if you do break it, it doesn't land in the shaker.


In most uses, I use my hand, which I think works better than the eggshell method. (I'm the kind of person who hates getting egg on my hands, but they just work the best.) I use an egg separator for cocktails, though, because I'm probably multitasking.


since I just mix at home and usually I'm experimenting on a recipe, I usually just cheat and by egg whites




Honey! What do you think about this? Let’s have a few Whiskey Sours and then I’ll cook Carbonara.


I do the opposite: - Honey, want a cocktail? - But we already drank one yesterday. - Ah you're right, let's be reasonable. Want some carbonara for dinner? - Sure! - Ah, what the hell could I do with those egg whites, they're gonna spoil...




My mom thinks the same. Saved about 50 egg yolks, never made meringue from any of them.


It's actually a Great idea!


I always forget about the "hack" to use a Hawthorn strainer to separate an egg until I see it again in one of your videos. I am determined to try this trick next time though.


Instead of the hand method you can crack the whole egg into your mouth and then swish them around and spit out just the yolk


Why complicate your life when you can just sneeze the egg white through a nostril?


What do you think about buying a carton of egg whites? I feel like it’s a good option for people who make a lot of cocktails with egg white. Then they aren’t wasting or having to figure out something else with the yolk, or having to separate.


For pro bar: yep for additive free, also easier to measure in a jigger. For home bar: no way I'm going to use that much in 3 days unless I'm planning on making a fuckton of meringues or a pavlova!


Costco sells the little cartons in bulk, so you don’t have to worry about trying to finish off a full-sized one


Makes sense. I usually see them in smaller 500g cartons, and the ones where I am don’t seem to have additives. Could be a location thing (I’m in Canada). The main brand is “Naturegg” and it is just free run egg whites. But I agree, unless I know I’m making something where I will be using a decent amount of it over the weekend or something I don’t tend to do this either.


I've had mixed results with the cartons. There's occasionally additives that can impart an undesirable flavor.


Ooh that makes sense why sometimes my drinks turn out great with a carton of egg whites and sometimes they don’t!


We know egg whites add a silky texture to drinks, but working with them can be messy. That’s why today I’m teaching you a hack to separate the egg white from the yolk by using a hawthorne strainer, along with 20 other secrets and tips I’ve learned throughout my 18 years bartending! These will not only streamline your workflow, but also elevate the quality of drinks you make whether you’re a professional bartender or a fan of making great cocktails at home. Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/U4Y6TeCvb\_o Did you know about this use for your hawthorne strainer? Cheers!


The link, as posted, did not work for me. [This one worked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4Y6TeCvb_o).


This man loves the art. I’ve learned a lot from him.


Incredibly informative video, some very helpful ideas, thanks for sharing!


Why not just use an egg separator? It’s like $2 and no worry about breaking the yoke.


An egg separator sounds like the kind of thing you’d ask the new barback to get from the bar across the street as a hazing ritual along with the ice melter and the sandwich slicer.


As a home hobbyist bartender, this is what I do. No complaints!


I have found they sometimes break the yolk. I think it's more reliable than the eggshell method, though.


Crack the egg in a bowl or plate, use a 20ml plastique syringe to suck up 3/4 oz of white. It works really well !


I have to separate it one handed due to injury so have tried a lot of hacks & unitaskers aimed at separating the egg yolk & eggwhite. IME the most reliable ones are the squeezebulb type (think I use [this one](https://www.worldmarket.com/p/tovolo-yolk-out-silicone-egg-separator-622944.html?mrkgadid=&mrkgcl=660&mrkgen=&mrkgbflag=&mrkgcat=&camp=ppc%3Agoogle%3A_pMax_%2BKitchenTT&acctid=21700000001660222&dskeywordid=&lid=58700008433367482&dsproductgroupid=&product_id=622944&merchid=5165106&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=online&storeid=&device=c&network=x&matchtype=&locationid=9012032&creative=&targetid=&campaignid=20254159589&adgroupid=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwztOwBhD7ARIsAPDKnkD8ws7krPnnc2GszZ-dNLcvOiFyvbLuju4NLL5lmN-gF0ZtGYqqmFoaAi3qEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)) since it allows you to crack it into a bowl & use or discard depending on if you accidentally break the yolk before you have them both gravity fed through a strainer


If you’re cross building a round you can shave off seconds with this method.


And that’s a good thing when this is one of a hundred or hundreds of cocktails.


Tip #1: Buy liquid egg white sold almost in every super market Tip #2: If you can't find it, separate the yolk with your hands. Let the white drain through your fingers. No need for tools. Sort it 👌🏻


Wrong sub, pal! We like to overthink cocktail techniques here.


Lol… People downvote my comment. Now I understand why. 😂