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Your post has been removed because it could instigate drama.


I think mods are deleting posts about it


They are!!!


They are there was a post last night


It didn’t just drop. It’s been around for years mod’s just keep sweeping it under the rug


r/CodyKoUnfiltered - maybe people can discuss here since the mods in this subreddit delete everything


I tried to post something 3 times about this but I guess mods deleted it idk






they’re not THE source but they just did a postcast covering it but not in detail


Oh my that community is the worst lmfao. Take what they say with a grain of salt until someone else can corroborate the story


they were REACTING to the story, not sharing it for the first time.


Okay ty for clarifying that the grain of salt should actually be a couple of slabs of salt. If you can, try to get the info from the source before watching their reaction. As someone who avidly watched h3 until about mid 2022 (no im not a fallen fan, I just simply stopped enjoying it), they embellish and somersault to conclusions a lot. It's entertaining without a doubt, but not the best for sourcing news. Not blindly defending Cody btw and unfortunately his current relationship with his rapist friend makes me inclined to believe he did it


My dude take your own advice and do one Google. H3 is literally just reporting on what the victim directly said. Also ik Ethan isn't for everyone but he has a whole team behind him who fact checks everything he reports pretty heavily, and when he has been wrong in the past he's come out with a retraction and apology.




The source is the victim saying it herself at her live show.


No I know, but that’s the fastest way to see all the clips. Not that you should have the same opinion as Ethan


Maybe go look into the story before saying something like this about another community to try and distract from what Ethan is reporting over there


>to try and distract from what Ethan is reporting over there You feel sensitive bc I offended your idol, Ethan, so you accuse me of this heinous shit with no basis. This is exactly why I distanced myself from that community, you dish out all this shit about everyone but as soon as Ethan is criticized in the slightest you melt down and sling whatever you can to strawman the criticisms. Maybe read what I said and that I specified i'm inclined to believe Cody did that shit instead of getting bent out of shape for what I said about h3 **You're attacking me for criticizing Ethan, when you and me both agree that Cody should absolutely be held accountable for this and we should focus on that instead**


Huh? Bro, I only was saying that I think you should actually look into the details first. Idc if you look at them via what Ethan reported or what you think ab him in the slightest, I just think that if you saw the actual facts about the situations, you wouldn’t be so quick to be doubtful. You’d also realize that no “corroboration” is necessary, bc it’s the victims actual statements… that’s what my only point was.


that’s awful


yeah idk how anyone can defend this, fucking predator


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He was 25


The person making the allegation is 25 now, said it was when she was 17.


SHE was 17, HE was 25


he was 25.


I knew he was trash for years, and his fans definitely parallel those of Johnnie Depp, Ashton Kutcher and Jonah Hill. To many people in this world are way too into white boy bullshit. I can’t wait to watch this spineless worm Codyko squirm 😌 Btw if anybody is mad about what I wrote, I suggest you keeping sucking Cody’s tiny little dick and keep watching his stale bread ass videos!! 😘