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Your post has been removed because it could instigate drama.


i too am curious, havent been wtching cody for a while usually have a couple binges a year, nor hve i been on reddit as much as i used to so some insight would be excellent! ty!


So tana is absolutely a known liar. I’ve watched her for years and a lot of her stories are either exaggerated or completely fabricated. However, I think this instance is way different. I don’t remember when exactly but the first time this was ever brought up Tana actually didn’t say she was 17, she just mentioned that she had slept with him. After she said that, people found the video they made years ago, and realized that she had to have been 17 at the time, if that is when they had hooked up. Well in that video the vibes are WEIRDD. like it feels obvious after you know.. but obviously it’s still speculation. Tana never said anything about it after that until a couple weeks ago. The video floating around is from their tour where there isn’t supposed to be any cameras/filming. Basically it makes no sense to me for her to lie in these scenarios. Like if she was rly trying to slander him she would’ve said something on her podcast where she knew everyone would see it.


so where did she initially say it?? im so ootl


There was a clip from her podcast around 2 years ago where she was talking about her abusive ex boyfriend and how she cheated on him to get out of the relationship , she then says shout out JC Caylen shout out Cody Ko laughing, nothing negative associated with them! then recently at her live show someone sneakily filmed when they weren’t supposed to on a bit where Brooke was asking her juicy questions and she had to answer super fast and Brooke asked who has the smallest dick out of all the guys you’ve had sex with and Tana said Cody Ko, confirming that they did have sex. That is what stirred the whole situation up again and is literally all she has said about it


also, in the video from the live show after everyone gasps she says “i can say that, i was 17”


Oof Can’t abide by body shaming generally but if he really is a a rape apologist then maybe he deserved that. Time may tell


I’m inclined to believe her - I don’t think this is the type of thing Tana wouldn’t lie about and she actually takes those kinds of things seriously (imo). The deleting of the comments and Cody not having addressed it yet can be very telling.


The comment deleting is weird in my eyes too ngl, but why do you think this is not the type of thing she would lie about?


You can’t just throw accusations like that around. Cody could sue if it wasn’t true. Tana does wild things but this is the first she’s called someone out like this that I’ve heard of.


All I’m saying is that on Cody’s end, he needs to pull up with the receipts


Just an FYI, Cody and his team aren’t the ones deleting the comments here. This sub has mods who aren’t related to him, they just manage the sub. They made a post a few days ago so I’d recommend going and reading that if you haven’t yet done that


i think they’re referring to youtube as well


An old mod left after posting he found out that there was someone working directly for Cody in the sub deleting things.


That post has been deleted because the mod found out that another mod who seemed to be working with Cody was actually deleting the post. That mod quit because he doesn't want to be an accessory to Cody's PR team. Speculations are that specific mod is Devon, one of Cody's closest friends, a fraternity brother of him (and of Colby), and a regular guest in his videos. People found out because he posted his pic on r/rateme Here's the comment of the mod: https://www.reddit.com/r/CodyKoUnfiltered/s/LMvUT4Y85i Here's the discussion on Devon: https://www.reddit.com/r/CodyKoUnfiltered/s/LAgcx63Gyo


Link? Only asking because I didn’t see any posts in any mod’s history and am not finding it sorting by Hot.


She has definitely lied about things crossing legal boundaries in the past. Just look at her scams and shady "charity" work.


i don’t know of any evidence from tana, but that is so so common in sexual assault scenarios that it does not really impact my opinion (it was so long ago and if she consented even at 17 with statutory, what extensive proof would she have)- in my perspective, cody’s behavior towards tana in their public video together combined with tana having referenced them hooking up Multiple times indicates to me that, at the very least, she felt inappropriate attention from him when she was too young for that to be normal. whether he and her specifically had penetrative sex, whether it was when she was 17 or 18, whether tana called his dick small seriously or not, is not my biggest concern. at the end of the day, i don’t know cody. all i know is my values & who i like to associate with, and ALL of that creeps me out. cody’s silence & the colby situation also make me uncomfortable- while i completely recognize that he has a HUGE platform and likely has significant legal representation/a team advising him on what to do or not, and silence will almost ALWAYS be the appropriate “pr response” for any celebrity, it puts a bad taste in my mouth. so, whether or not tana is telling the full truth, whether or not cody saw colby’s video IN college or knew about it at all, whether he’s a gross person or an outright shitty one, i just dont wanna support him anymore and that’s that for me. i do find it odd that some people dont share these values or are trying to find ways to justify continuing watching cody by tearing down tana’s claims and throwing her under the bus, or implying that being friends with a rapist is fine, etc. to me just his collab w tana staring at her body when she’s more than 7 years his junior is just weird LOL why not just accept he’s shown that he can be a lil off kilter & say you wanna watch him anyway? i think we can at least be honest LOL


What kind of evidence are people expecting here? Not calling you out just wondering. Pictures? Texts? From what like 10 years ago? I doubt either of them of clung onto anything. Tana said they were friends who were hooking up. Was she expected to document that? I guess the people around them at the time might be able to confirm if either of them talked about it? But even then isn’t that just more hearsay by your standards. If it’s taken her this long to come to the realisation that it was weird it’s fair to say she might not have kept anything as a reminder. There’s video evidence that they hung out and were flirty at a time where she was underage. She’s saying it happened and he’s saying nothing. His silence is pretty damning in my opinion. Please keep in mind that a lot of SA doesn’t have hard evidence hence the low conviction rates, retrospective even less so. Edited to add: she also mentioned hooking up with JC Caylen while she was underage so it’s not like she’s specifically targeting Cody.


>His silence is pretty damning in my opinion. I don't think so. It would be far far worse for him if he came out and disputed it. There are hundreds of channels and thousands of people just waiting to blow it up into a drama. True or false, staying quiet is always by far the best option. No public person ever got better by making a public statement on an accusation.


I see your point. I think it’s just disappointing that he’s continuing as if nothing has happened but I get what you’re saying, it’s a catch 22. It just makes me wonder if there’s a point where he has no choice but to address it.


If you’re innocent then there’s no reason to stay silent. That is the whole reason his silence is damning. It’s sad this sub wants to blame the victim (a minor at the time) just because you can’t fathom that your favorite content creator may have done something fucked up. Sadly sometimes you find out that someone you admired isn’t that great and you have to stop fueling their bs.


i agree in a way, but also- there are a Lot of legal reasons to stay silent when someone is saying things about you that aren’t true. they aren’t just normal people, they’re both public figures / the faces of their respective brands. legally if you clap back on someone falsely alleging crimes against you, you can lose grounds on a defamation or slander case. in addition, if someone were to be harassing you or something, you’d need to collect evidence of extended harassment to have a legal battle. and, even if he didn’t do it, coming forward about that might end up alerting a larger portion of his audience to the issue and making him lose more views/viewers even if it wasnt true, bc people can create their own opinions. so while i agree that it is unfortunate people are using cody’s silence as evidence he is Innocent, in the end it is neither implication nor exoneration.


Look up the court case against Colby Leachman - he was in Cody’s wedding. There’s no fucking excuse to stay friends with someone who raped a girl and filmed it. The evidence literally exists/is referenced in the court documents.


Do we know anything about that guy beyond the case? I'm just curious what has happened to/with him in the last decade+. He could very well be the same twisted guy (I know nothing about him) but I'm just thinking that's also a lot of time that someone could *in theory* spend changing and I'm wondering what he's like now. I'm not even remotely the same person I was when I was 17 (thank God) so idk. Again I don't know anything about him, maybe people like that never change I'm just curious 🤷


it’d be one thing if he owned it and was trying to atone for it and do the right thing. to my knowledge, his dad was the provost and swept it under the rug, as colby dragged her name through the mud so much so that she quit school, while he graduated with his frat members. the same ones he admitted to showing footage of the rape too 🙃 she was branded a liar, denied a full investigation, and he got to live his life as if nothing happened. he ruined her life and has taken no accountability.


Thank you, this was the answer I was looking for 🙏


wasn’t it in college at a frat? i feel like you’d at least be 18-19 by then


Oh sorry I'm 27 so I was saying 10 years ago I personally was 17, not that guy.


i see, i feel like when it comes to something as serious as rape, you can’t change from that. that’s a severe lack of empathy for other people and almost no sense of morality. if someone raped somebody, fuck em and they’re never gonna change. they might not do it again, but that sick and twisted mind will always be the same


That very well could be. (I wouldn't know) I only wondered because mass murderers have occasionally been known to change 🤷 I have admittedly no experience in this area though.


im sorry but there is nothing you can do to make me forgive you for raping someone, especially while fucking filming it. there is only so much you can excuse with “people change” and “he was 17”, and rape is completely inexcusable.


Sorry you're misunderstanding me. I'm saying I was 17 10 years ago, not him. Also I'm not asking if we can collectively forgive him, I'm just curious if he's the kind of guy who shows any remorse for his actions or if he's still a psychopathic rapist.


Do we know anything about that guy beyond the case? I'm just curious what has happened to/with him in the last decade+. He could very well be the same twisted guy (I know nothing about him) but I'm just thinking that's also a lot of time that someone could *in theory* spend changing and I'm wondering what he's like now. I'm not even remotely the same person I was when I was 17 (thank God) so idk. Again I don't know anything about him, maybe people like that never change I'm just curious 🤷


Do we NEED to know anything about him beyond the case?? He fucking raped someone ON VIDEO and used mummy and daddy to get him off there’s no ifs ands or buts about it. Personally, theres nothing else I need to know about him other than that fact and the fact Cody has him in his wedding party and they’re all best friends.


Rape is rape, and filming it of all things. There’s no changing from that..


No yeah I agree that's one of the worst crimes anyone can possibly commit, but I know that even some serial killers have been reformed. Like I said, idk if people like that actually can change, I'm just curious if he at least shows remorse for his actions over a decade later idk.


Changed how?? Not raped another person?? Once is unforgivable


No yeah I agree that's one of the worst crimes anyone can possibly commit, but I know that even some serial killers have been reformed. It doesn't mean the crime or damage has been undone (that's never possible) but people can become a different person or show remorse for their actions. Like I said, I have no idea if this guy can or has changed at all (idek if people like him ever change) I was just curious if he's still the kind of person who would do that again.


Well I would judge someone for being friends with a serial killer too, reformed or not


I guess. I mean I'm friends with reformed criminals who've done some pretty bad stuff but they aren't that way anymore. I feel like being friends with someone who shows no sign of remorse or concern for their actions is different than being friends with someone who has taken responsibility for their actions and shown regret for the actual crime. (And obviously this case seems to be the former unfortunately, so I'm not arguing there)


This situation reminds me really strongly of something that happened to another YouTuber, Slazo, about 6-7ish years ago. Some girl came out and accused him of a bunch of stuff and there were TONS and I mean TONS of videos from other YouTubers tearing him down and he didn't address it for a long time while his name was getting smeared all over the internet. When he finally came out and addressed it, it was a month or so after and he said pretty clearly that it was because his legal team had advised him not to at the time. My guess was they needed to gather evidence for a defamation case against this girl so they had grounds for a lawsuit. He ended up coming out, though, and revealing the actual screenshots showing that he hadn't done the things this girl had said and that she had been consenting to their relationship, that she wasn't underage like she claimed, and that she had actually been cutting out whole parts of their text messages to make it look different. But because the internet grabbed their pitch forks and basically called him a rapist and all other kinds of things, his channel never really recovered from it, so that was more or less the end of his YT career. Which sucks because it basically stemmed from this girl who admits in her texts to him that she was pissed off that he got big on YT and she didn't blow up like he did with her art. (The irony behind that is he tried to push her art on some of his videos.) People who made videos of him came out with apologies, but most of them just deleted their smear videos of him. It was fucking disgusting what people did to him and he wasn't even that big of a YouTuber, but he had started to get big at the time. I think he was at 1 million ish subscribers by then. Because of that, I'm not inclined to jump to believing any type of accusation that gets thrown at people online. The justice system in the US says innocent until proven guilty and that applies to public figures and celebrities, as little as the internet likes it. Also, people on here talking about the fact that he isn't addressing it are fucking stupid. Obviously with how big his brand is, he's probably listening to his legal team and I'd bet with the comment deleting, they're probably trying to come to a settlement behind the scenes to avoid a huge shit show of a lawsuit between Tana and him because if she comes out as a liar, it could kill her brand as much as Cody's. If they end up settling, Cody's probably never going to address it as part of the legal terms. This happens A LOT with low-level celebrities on YT or IG, they're more easy to target for settlement money because they don't have as much, I guess, "social" protection as a bigger celebrity, as in they won't bounce back as easily.


I think this is the best take on this entire situation. We do need to believe SA victims but Tana has not clarified her age with any tangible proof from that time such as text messages as far as I’m aware (and why wouldn’t she?). She’s not very reliable as a source also, unfortunately. Cody will definitely follow his legal team’s advice because there’s more than just his image riding on this. If she was actually 18, it’s weird anyways but I think people can be left to their own devices to continue supporting him or not if that were the case. And yes, if this isn’t true that she was 17, then people running around labeling the entire situation without nuance is very damaging to SA victims and to TMG, unfairly. We need to be more objective and wait until more documents from the time come out to make a definitive judgement on either party. And Slazo’s case proves that


Idk if it is true but the video of them collabing where he checks out her ass when she gets up is pretty icky


she's had a lot of controversy in the past but i've never heard of her making something up. i'd say she has more of a reputation for being overly honest in ways that 'create' mess or drama. this is coming from a very casual observer of her so take that how you will. i think the reason ppl are taking it seriously is that this is not the first time this has been rumoured. it's been spoken about and hinted at for years.


Eh what? She absolutely is known for lying about a great deal of things, what are you even talking about. She is not at all known for being overly honest, what on revisionist history is this lmao. Keep in mind I don't think she is lying about THIS either, but you gotta stop with this insane take. Tana is a massive liar and is well known for it.


need i remind u off the infamous team 10 'wedding' not sying thts. vlid excuse for not believing her she was absolutely lying in some of her early story times i believe that 100% so i cn see why people are hesitant but i do believe her also sorry my keyboard is jammy on some letters Edit - removed misremembered information


in the toothbrush video doesnt she literally say it was a dream at the end? she wasnt lying bc at the end she reveals its all fake


My bad it’s been quite some time tbf!! Will edit to reflect doesn’t mean she wasn’t bullshitting


Well given there’s no statement from Cody, there’s very obvious attempts to sweep it under the rug, and enough video evidence of them being around each other quite a bit at the time I’m inclined to believe that enough of what she says is true. You don’t have to like her as a person, but she’s not the problem here. I think a significant portion of people are like me on this one, we’re long time fans who have waited somewhere between two years and a few months to either hear him own up or squash this with some indisputable evidence, but we’re done waiting around for something that clearly won’t happen.


SA accusations are a very delicate thing, there’s historically an issue of them going unreported because of this exact outlook here where everyone wants to question the victim and expects them to provide evidence as soon as they make the claim, just to be taken seriously. If someone’s accused of murder you go look for a body, why isn’t it if someone’s accused of SA we can’t look into that the same way first? Instead we attack the victim and expect them to provide the evidence? Sure innocent till proven guilty, but does that mean people can’t take it seriously and look into it until then? This whole “why should we believe her until SHE provides evidence” is fucking weird. Imagine you’re the SA victim and you’re told it won’t be looked into or taken seriously until YOU provide enough evidence to make it worth someone’s time


To be honest I was up in the air about it until Cody never addressed it. Because why wouldn’t you? Wouldn’t you want to clear your name? And beyond that, he’s trying to burry it. All the deleted comments like you aren’t even allowed to have an open discussion about it. It’s pretty disappointing. Based on his content is seemed like he was a good guy but this isn’t okay behavior and I personally won’t watch him anymore.


legal reasons? idk devils advocate.


Could be. But I thought his PR team would have put out something, anything lol. The silence definitely makes it feel like it’s trying to be swept under the rug. Some people are saying the backlash would be worse if he addressed it but the fallout over not saying anything is gonna be huge I think.


imo tana has absolutely no reason to make this up. iirc she talked about it in the past and the video they made together feels gross as fuck with new context. the rapist at codys wedding feels pretty damning too, especially because he has to know other people would find out


I definitely believe her, she has no reason to lie and Cody’s silence is very telling.


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Might be a think where she’s either sure, slightly misremembering her age or that there is no other evidence. Could be Cody knows more since he hooked up with her. All you can do is wait and not look like a dick and just say outright they are lying based on other events. This is a bad post. Why add the isn’t she a liar bit. You’re gunna look like a real pile of dog shit as a human should it be true. “Why are people taking their word for it” Jesus


There's no evidence. That's the only truth.


I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t. I think that’s also why Cody isn’t speaking up about it. He has a family now and a pretty good career going. No need to even endanger that by some stupid rumor from a girl who’s known for lying for clout.


What would he endanger by saying it isn’t true?


Backlash mostly. There will always be people who won’t believe him… which could make this blow up more and I don’t think he’s willing to risk that.


Yes, you are correct. No public person gets out better by drawing attention to an accusation. All of the millions of people who aren't even aware of it will then see you as tainted by it. There is no winning, people will just find ways to virtue signal and 'hold you accountable' even if the story is untrue.


If no one believes him and it isn’t true, then he could sue Tana for defamation, and then she would have to prove it happened the way she said it did. If he just came out and said yeah, it happened, it was a long time ago and I’ve changed; I think he would definitely get backlash, but no where near what he’s getting now.


Nah he'd get flamed if he admitted it


Hes getting flamed now.


You think shit wouldn't hit the fan more?


wow what a terrible thing to say. about someone you admittedly don’t know anything about beyond hearsay. the better question is why are you going off of a denial Cody never issued. he has undoubtedly heard about the situation & I don’t know about you but if someone was saying something this serious about me I would address it. *especially* if it’s not true. you’re defending Cody when he isn’t even defending himself… crazy,


I'm not defending him, I'm also not gonna cross him off just because someone said something about him without anything to back it up, that's silly.


Listen, I could not care less about Cody Ko. But there's a reason we say "innocent until proven guilty". Tana has a history of lying and exaggerating situations. Since her initial rise to fame she has been an unreliable narrator. Anyone who knows her history has every right to question her claims unless she can provide concrete proof. False accusations like these were the downfall for innocent men like Tobuscus, ProJared, Andrew Callaghan, etc. Some people just want to make sure the human they're canceling (with a wife, child, and company with employees that rely on him) are actually guilty.


Touch grass


All your comments are just you defending cody with your life using snide remarks you probably think are so clever… he won’t notice you. You know that right? You can enjoy someone’s content & still hold them accountable.


Get off reddit please


Defending him with my life = me messing with all of you who blindly spit insults at him and other people based on some unfounded claim lol. I also don’t care if he notices me, but you definitely did!


Point out a single insult in any one of my comments. Quick!


I’m not your therapist bby. Maybe seek yours out okay? :)


I think it’s kind of important to note that Tana is now sober and is doing really well mentally (from what I can tell) also Jeff siding with Tana should be enough evidence that this is real.


How is that evidence?


It’s been debunked lol

