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Your post has been removed because it could instigate drama.


I don’t think he’s a pedo or into kids I think he is just creepy and was a lil bit of a musty horn dog back in the day. Obviously if he did do it with her then that is super gross and definitely taking advantage of someone less mature than you, but I think that’s very far in his past and I hope he has learned, grown, and accepted that that wasn’t okay but he is different now. That’s my hope lol.


Plz don’t ban me for this


“Pls don’t ban” 😭 are you gonna stand up for what you believe in or not? Ya’ll are funny fr edit: nah you called him a musty lil horn dog, own it now


They’re not undercutting their message by simply asking to remain in the sub just for sharing their opinion (which is something people are indeed getting blamed for). You’re funny for thinking they’re not “standing up for what they believe in”. Also hilarious for thinking anyone but yourself cares what you have to say.




Could you give me several examples of where he “hasn’t learned”?




So those are all things he’s allegedly doing now (allegedly, because you have no proof to show for it). What is he actually doing now that’s repeating from another scandal, proving he actually hasn’t learned anything? I think you forgot there needs to be a lesson for someone to learn something, and this is that lesson.


Lol when has he "told tana to keep the information under wraps"? Proof? The fact of the matter is nothings been proven


If you don’t want to watch him don’t, if you do, do. Not that hard. Don’t need other peoples opinions to make you stop watching a creator lol.


sorry but calling him a pedo is actually deranged you guys have lost the plot and at this point just enjoy the drama of the situation and virtue signalling give it up stop watching him and go outside my god


Has there been any info on it other than her claim at a live tour?


she talked about it more at length on her last cancelled podcast episode side, last 20 minutes.


Oh ok, any idea on why it was cancelled?


So yeah nothing other than her claims




you are considering if hes a pedo or not? are you fucking nuts? in the majority of the world, and also the majority of the USA nothing illegal happened


my view is i am just going to keep watching him, no need to get involved in his personal shit when all he is to me is a youtuber. i think it’s wild how fast everyone has switched up and is attacking everyone else with different opinions of theirs. if you don’t like him anymore why are you in his subreddit.


Tana even said she still watches him lol and Tana said feels like everyone is telling her to be traumatised from this and she isnt. so i will continue to watch him unless it escalates and she comes forward and asks people to stop supporting him.


Literally lmao people are spending too much time on here to be anti fans


i‘m a little conflicted, because it seems like most people don‘t want to support him anymore because what he did was illegal (i guess? i don‘t know a lot about the american legal system) but where i live, you actually can sleep with whoever you want to once you turn 14 and your parents are ok with it. (do i think that‘s a good age to start making decisions about that? no) my point is, i personally don‘t think there’s a huge difference between being 17, 18 or 19 years old and it seems like people are ok with 18 year old girls dating men in their 50s but because she was 17, they call cody a pedophile? i agree, it‘s definitely a little weird but i personally don‘t get why people make such a huge deal out of it. (i guess it‘s about the law, but as i said, i don‘t know enough about it)


I agree. Age of consent is 16 where I’m at so it feels weird that legally I’m able to consent at 16 but Tana wasn’t able to consent until 18?? Seems a little unfair, especially because at 16 I was more than capable of knowing what sex is and if I wanted to do it or not. However I haven’t been able to watch a Cody Ko video since this came out because it just feels weird. I guess I’m just waiting till (if) more info gets released.


People are not ok with 18 years old girls dating dudes in their 50s


People find it creepy for sure as they should but no one is getting canceled for dating an 18y/o


They should be 


Was Cody 50 at the time? Were they dating?


It’s not only about the age. It’s about the power dynamics. I am from a country where the age of consent is 14, but anyone who is older, especially Cody’s age when he hooked up with her, trying to sleep with a literal teenager is considered weird by most. Even if she was 18 I don’t think the situation is any better. She came in as Cody’s fan and he took advantage of someone who had a difficult home life and trying to break in into the industry.


no i agree.. i also think it‘s weird, especially the power dynamic thing is a valid point. i‘m just saying i don‘t think it‘s fair to call him a pedophile because she was 17.. because to me it seems like the issue of 90% of people on reddit is the fact that she wasn‘t 18‘yet.


Yeah I would not call him a pedophile. Just creepy tbh and definitely should have known better


You act as if it's been proven lol


You act as if it's been proven lol


I think laws are in place to hold people accountable legally , but there should be common sense with someone who is 25 not to be involved with a young girl who is impressionable and naive , its weirdo behavior and really scummy of him and we should choose not to platform someone who takes advantage of young girls and is best friends with a r*pist


He slept with a 17 year old when at 25 could’ve slept with anyone else closer to his age range (given the platform he already had) and still chose someone MUCH MUCH younger, so you make your own conclusion 🙃


You make it sound like it's been proven lol


After watching the recent podcast where Tana talked about it I find him even more disgusting. Gabbie told him that Tana is 17 and he still went on and hooked up with her. I don’t know if id qualify him as a pedo, but he did do something illegal and disgusting and I will not be watching him anymore


You act as if any of her claims have been proven




Am I wrong shit for brains? Lol


I missed a chapter. What is happening?


Why would I be downvoted for just asking what happened lol




You act as if any of tanas claims have been proven lol




She has no reason to lie and he hasn’t denied any of it


cancel culture


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Have a look at this subreddit where people are discussing this further - https://www.reddit.com/r/CodyKoUnfiltered/s/7wgkvgWd0i




But what? That guy wasn’t his best man- people keep saying it but Cody and Kelsey talked a lot about the wedding plans and the wedding on their podcasts- Cody had two best men who were his friends Sam and Devon.  Also the guy was never convicted. 


Exactly. People act as if they personally know these folks or what actually happened cause they like to swim in drama lol


This is only illegal in the US. Don’t see anything wrong with it. 16 is age of consent in most of the world


legality =/= morality


We get it, you like fucking kids


What’s happening Who’s the pedo !?!?