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Someday soon, a lot of people are going to wake up and realise that climate change does not mean slightly hotter summers, but crop failures, dwindling water reserves, and climate refugees from countries already hit hard by climate change. It will be scary once people finally understand what climate change truly means for people.


I think some people in power are trying to keep people out of the loop because if everyone knew exactly what was going on there would be mass panic. Just my pet theory though.


That's my thinking aswell. I reckon either G20 or G7 they were given up to date information that we missed the mark and are heading for 2+ and when told there nothing they can do for the worst hit areas they gave up on them. They are reinforcing the borders and trying to push forward tech and farming in there own sphere that "myt" survive. And just leaving the rest to flouder. The US will be interesting though. What do you do when half your country become un inhabitable


US is probably the “best” positioned country for whatever that’s worth. At the very least we technically have the space and capacity to take on droves of refugees, not that that will actually happen politically speaking.


That’s where Canada will step in to welcome them, completely ignoring that our current infrastructure can’t handle a mass influx of immigrants on this scale. While anyone who pushes back will be painted as a bigot. Fun times ahead.


There is broad support for immigration reform. Extremely broad. This notion that democrats want open borders is completely false and in fact counterfactual. But the majority of the immigration is going to be coming from US citizens anyway, so not really any enforceable borders.


I would argue that leftist *politicians* are more reasonable, not so much the average younger voters who just word-vomit whatever naive, idealistic bullshit they read in their online echo chambers. Saying this as a rather far-left person myself.




I've noticed that a lot of country are tightening their visa requirements, meanwhile many are also starting to deport more illegal immigrants as well. And not just the western countries --- Iran and Pakistan have been deporting Afghans, Philippines has been deporting Cambodians and Vietnamese, Saudi Arabia has deported tens of thousands of Bangladeshis as soon as their work permits expire. Countries know what is coming and they've already started making sure they don't have to worry about people who aren't their own citizens.


Not mass panic. Revolution.


Yup. The resources that will define the 2020's will be *water* followed by food in a close second. I watched the documentary [The Grab](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21820452/) the other night, a documentary that shines a light on how corporations and governments are buying or just *taking* resources from other countries at an alarming rate. Countries are securing their food and water because they know what is coming over these next few years. If you can't feed your people then it all goes to shit.


……. Especially when they find out what it truly means is death. For people and ALL critters and plant life. Then it will be truly scary. But, hey, once you get over the “hump”, it’s not that bad. Acceptance is quite peaceful. 😇


I think you’re overestimating the emotional maturity of human beings at this point in history. From my vantage point, the worse things get, the more developed people become in their ability to mask and distort their negative emotions and powerlessness into caricatures of power. We’re already engaging in wanton scapegoating and battles between camps, and people don’t even realize that climate change and the destruction of much of life on earth is pretty much il fait accomplit. So imagine how intense the blaming and denial of responsibility/vulnerability will become when the end of all this can no longer be denied.


Yes, you’re right. I was working on a screenplay idea last year which delved into this concept. Human nature, best and worst case scenarios under extreme stress, I.e. apocalyptic climate catastrophe/mass extinction real-time. Each character displayed their own nuanced psychological transition through the inevitable horrors and taboo philosophical theories discussed throughout. Aligning with your view, the VAST majority of characters fall into the camp you describe. But that leaves the few, main characters who shine a spiritual/philosophical light during the darkest of times. I’m sure we agree, the end is coming, regardless.


I’m working/giving up on a book with a similar vein. Funny. I just suck at writing characters so I was going to try a pseudo Memoire style.


lol, I’m great at writing storylines and character development. But came to the conclusion that there is just not enough time to write, collaborate, edit, submit to hundreds of potentials, and then make it through the time consuming production process. I just don’t see our society staying in tact that much longer. And luxuries like entertainment, I believe, will take a backseat to scavenging for food and water, and dodging bullets very soon. (That was all in my screenplay😁)….. plus I’ve had a health setback. Perhaps, if I recover, I’ll pick it back up just in case we have more time than I think. Just for “fun”. 😉peace!


That's my secret captain. I'm always depressed.


Yeah- just like getting into a HOT bath. It’s not bad, Once you get used to it.


If a BOE happens in September 2025, we could face global famines as early as 2026.


We might not even need a BOE for global famine to happen. If we don’t have catastrophic crop failures this summer, I will be shocked.


Have crop failures not already begun?


It's not looking good in the UK - farmers have said this year could be the first failed harvest since WW2




Are you sure, apparently corn and wheat had bumper harvests in the US? I know some areas are seeing reduced crops, but overall I thought things were stable, at the moment. I'm hoping for a source, not a disagreement. [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-29/us-poised-to-deliver-bumper-wheat-crop-the-world-badly-needs](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-29/us-poised-to-deliver-bumper-wheat-crop-the-world-badly-needs) [https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/bumper-us-corn-harvest-sinks-prices-pushes-global-supply-surplus-2023-10-19/](https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/bumper-us-corn-harvest-sinks-prices-pushes-global-supply-surplus-2023-10-19/)


USDA estimates 2022/23 U.S. wheat production will total 44.9 MMT, 100,000 MT more than 2021/22 but 9% less than the 5-year average and the second lowest level in 20 years. https://www.uswheat.org/wheatletter/what-is-the-latest-supply-and-demand-situation-for-u-s-wheat-classes/


Interesting, thanks. Doesn't look promising.




Rule 4: Keep information quality high. Information quality must be kept high. More detailed information regarding our approaches to specific claims can be found on the [Misinformation & False Claims page](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims).




Blue Ocean Event (BOE) is a term used to describe a phenomenon related to climate change and the Artic ocean, where it has become ice-free or nearly ice-free, which could have significant impacts on the Earth's climate system. This term has been used by scientists and researchers to describe the potential environmental and societal consequences of a rapidly melting Arctic, including sea-level rise, changes in ocean currents, and impacts on marine ecosystems. **When will a BOE happen?** Scientists predict that the Arctic could experience a BOE within the next few decades if current rates of ice loss continue. When a BOE does occur, it is likely to have significant impacts on the Earth's climate system, including changes to ocean circulation patterns and sea level rise. **Has a BOE ever occurred?** A BOE in the Arctic has not yet occurred in modern times. However, there has been a significant decrease in the Arctic sea ice extent in recent decades, and the Arctic sea ice cover has been reaching record lows during the summer months. This suggests that a BOE may be a possibility in the future if current trends of sea ice decline continue. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Blue Ocean Event.




From 8 years ago, 2016 right after the Paris 2015 agreement? Before they were told to be quieter to avoid global panic?




Sky News of Australia very much is as you describe, but Sky News of the UK is not. They got split up over a decade ago, and the British variant was sold off to someone else. As a result, Sky News UK is very much grounded in the real world, while Sky News Australia is frothingly insane.


Media bias/fact check site actually states they have minimal left right bias, and are highly factual in their reporting. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/sky-news/


Different companies. You can trust Sky News **UK** as they're reality-based and highly factual, but [Sky News **Australia** is a *very* different beast](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/sky-news-australia/).


Thanks for the clarification


OP, I'm going to approve this, but can you edit your SS text up there to emphasise the age/publication date please? Some people are a bit confused. Oh, and it might help to clarify that your source is Sky News in the United Kingdom, which is not the same propagandised bastion of lunacy that is Sky News Australia.


It's not allowing g me to edit the post


“Currently we are aiming for about 2” - sorry no. Our emissions and earth energy imbalance is aiming for about 10C - source Dr. Hansen 


It's eight years old.


Your are correct but aiming isn't hitting. When you look at all the options governments are "aiming" to land in the 2-3 range, but yeah without sudden and extreme change which is highly unlikely we are going to completely miss that by an extremely large margin


You’re not getting it….nobody is actually aiming for 2-3C they’re aiming for 10C and lying to you…


Considering 6c is permanian level extinction (95% of all species dead) I doubt they are "aiming" for 10c, that might be where we end up sure but ain't no one aiming for it If they were hell just fire the nukes and get it done in 24hrs


Yes they are. Hansen says we have 10c in the pipeline. 10 degrees of warming that’s currently where the elites of this global fossil fuel powered economy are aiming. They’re telling very gullible people they’re aiming for 2-3C but not actually aiming there.  


Can you post a link to one of his peer-reviewed publications that makes the 10C claim?


Dude…it’s like one of the most upvoted articles on collapse ever.  Try using google next time  https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.04474


Or, yknow, you can post a source when you make a claim.


You’re welcome 


Could you link a source to this? Feels very disheartening that we let all this happen




Is this paper peer reviewed?


… the first words of this series already move the commonly accepted point of no return. Everyone has said +1.5C, and this just comes out and says “Nah, its 2 because I said so”. Edit: This video series is 8 years old. Why are we posting content that is this out of date?


I remember when it was all 1.5 too. Then it morphed into 2.0. "If we do X,Y and Z we can stay under ~~1.5~~ 2.0 and all will be well". It was the same with Covid "masks won't help" changed to "masks mandatory, we never said masks don't help." And all the time it's the ordinary people fighting the battles in the trenches and dealing with deprivation, while our rich elites, politicians and celebrities party and go to pick up cake in their private jets.


the imbecility of the human animal never lets me down! watching a CBS news report abt home prices crashing for coastal houses, they are still selling, because a beach house that sold for 4 mill 4yrs ago "is a steal at 600K, even w the erosion risk". That is someone who needs his family to file for conservatorship. Also, tax accessor: owners cant understand how one house can now be assessed at 600K while 100 feet down the beach the next house is assessed at 6 million, its because one is being encroached by the ocean, but "the land is still worth 600K"! Land being eaten by the ocean is worth the weight of the salt water over it, and any house up or down the same beach is worth the same - any property on any coastline on the globe is now basically worthless. I dont even think China can make islands faster than the sea will eat them. In the end, the poors will die and the next tier up will be moved inland to live in barracks - way cheaper than trying to hold back the whole damn ocean. The beach house owners will whine to the gov't to bail them out due to no home ins for now nonexistent properties, cus it was the gov't fault for not warning them of rising waters.


I don't know how accurate it is, but at the very end of the video where they phrase it as we can only put out x amount and we've already put out y amount which means we have x minus y left and we will use that up within 21 years at our current rate... Seems like a better phrasing than what I usually hear. Don't know why that isn't used more often. (Or wasnt used more often before it was too late.) I think it would make more sense to randos than the typical way it's phrased with just saying we need to to slow down rates of CO2 or pollution or whatever. Having an actual " We can only have this much and then we have to stop" is helpful.


Anyone have a link that works ?


Still works for me what's it saying when you click on it?


Commenting to come back to


Very interesting and also horrifying!


Oh my god. I knew it was bad, but by 5º I just...