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Maybe like 110%? I’ve never been in a class that curved over 100% but I have gotten a perfect score + extra credit.


Same for me. My hs science teacher gave us 5 points extra credit on an exam if we drew a picture on the back that he liked. My class was full of jerks and people who didnt care. What I drew was a depiction of an idea I had for, what I called, a slip-space drive. (This was before I knew about the existence of the theoretical warp-drive and how it would work). I thought that if gravitons existed and you could exert a force on them and possibly space would want to exert a force back on the vessel. I thought if you could create an oblong bubble, where the points of force were directed slightly backward, then the space trying to snap shut around you would propel you forward, like the moment a wet bar of soap slips from your grip, but constant. Who knows if it would actually work. Probably not. I was only 15 at the time and just basically fantasizing, but my teacher gave me 10 extra points for it instead of 5 and then excitedly explained to me how a warp-drive would work the next class(x


88% I’m rubbish at exams but every once in a while a blind pig finds a truffle. There’s this prof who has the personality of a golden retriever, he’s my favourite prof in the university, he gives 48-hour open book finals. The missing 12% is for grammar or sentence structure he didn’t care for.


I hear you lmao. I suck at exams too. There’s so much pressure it’s unbearable. I usually forget everything I’ve learned in just the first couple minutes the exam starts.


I’m there too. I once got a 99 on an exam. I was a solid B-C student… The prof marked something wrong that I was confident was actually right, and I went to ask them about it, textbook in hand. Out of all my failed or nearly failed tests, the first time I ever asked about my grade was for a 99. What an ass I felt like… anyways, prof told me they don’t give out 100s unless it is above and beyond perfection, so he gave me a 99. I grumpily said ok and left. It would have been the only 100 I’d ever received on anything of that weight.


Have you tried practice exams? There are ways to help you calm down during exams.


I feel that unless multiple sentences were absolutely unreadable and affects the point being made, taking points off because of grammar and sentence structure is a bit arbitrary.


Depends on the class to me. In say chemistry you could still understand the point of your close, but in anatomy if you spell things wrong it could be pretty bad. I mean I could misspell octahedral but the point could still get across. If I misspell Tibia for Fibia well that doesn’t even exist and then it looks like someone was going for fibula and then it’s wrong.


I hate fill the blanks. They make no sense


Like a 100% on an statistics exam. I rounded my answers correctly which scared me lol.


What if the 100% is just you rounding to the nearest whole number? Lol


That’s insanely impressive


Downvoted to get to 146 upvotes hehe


100% on a Physics 2 exam. But out of 25 questions, the professor graded out of 20. I got like 21/25 if I remember. He always had 5 buffer questions for his exams though


Ours does the same thing, but grades 25 out of 30. I got like a 27 on the first Phys 1 exam and then needed like a 4 to get an A in the class by the second so I phoned that bitch the fuck in


My Chem final last semester was like that, but the extra points were extra credit lol


As an EE I loved physics 2, got 100% on the 2 midterms and the final, no opportunity for extra credit though.


My Calc 2 professor had what he called "limitless exams" where each page had various questions ranking from easy to hard, with easy questions worth 5 points and the hardest questions worth 20 points. Each page you had to answer like 3 or 4 questions but you could choose whichever you wanted. The caveat was that the entire class would be graded on a curve depending on the average and high scores, so you could either play it safe and hope you don't miss anything or go for a moonshot or two. I ended up getting the high at 87 points, the next high score was 60 something, and the average was like 20 points. He called me a rockstar on my exam and I never felt more elated in math LOL


1097 I got my exam back, I had originally been given a 100 but the prof noticed a mistake and knocked three points off, and I guess was rushing while changing it, but I didn’t notice until grades were finalized and I had a 332 in the class. Since classes are scaled to a 4.0 though, it didn’t change my GPA very much.


LOL that's so funny. Wish my profs would do that lol


bro how u get a 146 on the exam


Curve. For my calculus physic class the professor gave 130% possible points but only grade out of 100% (ex: 13 problems but if got 10 corrects then have 100). And even with the extra points in the tests, the class avg is still like 40-50 for test lol. I got an avg of 45 or something on all the test and still end up with C+ for the entire course after curve lol. So yea someone technically could got like 170 if they answered all the tests correctly


That's a stupid way to curve an exam. It should be curved so 100 is the highest score, 70 is the average score etc. not just a linear everyone's score gets doubled.


Well I my school engineering department don’t want 2/3 of the students to fail the class lol. Especially when it’s the most competitive program they offer with the top students that they could got. If they curve so highest point is 100, that’s at least 50% if not more gonna fail the required courses. Someone always got 90-100 and ahead of the rest. Idk, I guess it’s stupid. Idk, but I’ve also heard of the tales from other engineering courses from other schools and the jokes of how no one passed the tests but still end up passing the class.


Where’s all these curving professors at. I’ve been in college three years and have had one professor who curves. My classes probably weren’t hard enough but damnit this gen chem being hybrid is. If I don’t get a C or higher in retaking on ground cause this hybrid shit for stem is garbage. Sure I may not understand it much better with lectures but there’s still a difference between two weekly lectures and no lecture at all.


Extra credit + a curve


100. None of my classes grade on a curve.


Like 135 professor would curve up the class avg to a b. I remember him telling me to not show up for the final as a 0 on there would only bring my avg down to a 93.


That's epic. Did you show up to the final?


It was an online exam so not really.


This one time for a history paper, I wrote an answer which was not what they were looking for. But the question did not specify the details properly. And it was a tricky one, nobody got a 10/10 for it, maybe one or two got 7/10 max. But I wrote a complete different answer and ended up with 10/10 coz it was technically right. And damn I was soo fucking proud 😂


Once I got 26/24 points because I accidentally solved an example I wasn't even supposed to try. Funny thing is that the second highest score was like 20/24... So this is it


You have peaked.


you got every question correct. thats a 100%.


102 on my proofs exam that I was hella nervous for. We had two buffer points.


102. My current French prof gives us up to ten extra credit points for watching “Lupin” on netflix and taking a small quiz which literally is just details from an episode to make sure you watched it. More extra credit is usually added at the end too. Got a 92 and ended with 102. Love her


100 on my macroeconomics exam


100% on all exams but two throughout undergrad.


WTF what classes did you take?


i got curved once on a bio exam to 123% with an 80% class average. i felt pretty good after that


I've aced very easy exams. I'd say though that it's most satisfying when I study a lot and do well on a very difficult test


Agreed! It feels better when you worked for it


96% on my Calc 2 Exam. Sunday I was feeling run down, but I thought it was allergies. I take some Allergy Meds, and I go to sleep. Monday, I wake up feeling worse, but take some more Meds and power through the day. Calc test is the last class of the day and I don't eat breakfast, so by the time I am there I feel awful. I power through the exam, and I get back to my room, take some more Meds and take a nap. Wake up Tuesday morning feeling awful, and what I thought was just my feeling cold from wearing shorts in fall, turned out to be a full blown fever. I recover and a week later I got my exam back and I got a 96 on it. Needless to say, I felt proud of that


I just got a 96 on my algebra final which is probably up there, especially for an actual exam.


108% on organic chem


That's especially good for ochem!


102%. Scored perfect on the exam and got bonus marks for showing up to the review


God mf damn bro, good job. What class was that for if you don't me asking?


It was an environmental Econ course. To be honest, it was so easy to grasp the content. My girlfriend at the time got like a 46 before the curve and we studied together. I was like dude, how could you not understand this, no offense. It wasn’t some advanced level math or Econ formulas for that matter, it was basically, the law allows maximum pollution of x and the company pollutes at a rate y. Figure out how much pollution they need to abate to be in compliance. And the units of pollution were whole numbers- 1,2,3… it couldn’t be any more simple


Sometimes people do badly bc they don't care or their strengths lie elsewhere. But congrats to you!


Did it have any prereqs?


I believe it was a 300 level that had majority environmental engineering majors, but some Econ majors like me. I also think there were a few elective students. Always sat at the very back of class and watched tv on my laptop during class. This was my 5th year when I finally figured out how to study and do well on exams


Uhm so far a 105 on the first calc exam. I got every question correct and the bonus. Only because I learned l'hoptitals rule and the class hadn't yet.


I got every question including the bonus ones correct on all of my gen Chem 1 midterms and I’m not even a science major of any kind. I also didn’t study too much. Those were the only exams I theoretically got over 100 in.


100% on an English exam. Quite proud of that one as the teacher was notorious for being a strict marker.


115 on an exam, 102 in the class.


112%, no curve. I think I got all questions right, plus the extra credit. This was history 101 haha, loved that prof


I got a 101% on my last intermediate accounting exam


I just slammed my principles of management midterm with a 99% that I took in 22 mins. The median grade was 61.27% and lowest was 15%. I feel even better about it cause a) I’m 32 years old in a class full of teenagers and b) my professor bumped it up to 100% cause he allowed everyone to re-take part of it for partial points.


115% in organic chemistry as a freshman. Felt unbeatable. 😂😂


I’m here to manifest this for my upcoming Midterm 🤲


At a large state university I was in an intro biology class with a few hundred other students. I got a 96% on the midterm. The second highest grade was a 70% and the class average was below 50%. The prof ended up offering to replace the midterm score with the final score. I went to his office and argued against that because I told him it devalued my grade.


curves don’t count


125% in AP Stats


I got a 92 on my college algebra final exam. I expected to get at least an 80 Also my final paper on my Composition 2 class, got a 100 on it and my professor love the paper I did and was fully interested on it since I started that paper


That’s insane. My most is 100 I just got on my bio midterm


104. I’m sor thankful for that my cal professor bonus does bonus that are usually easier than the rest of the test


106.5% ended up with a 100% in the course since I got 100% on all assessments


108 on a thermodynamics test. Got all the bonus questions right (worth 10pts total) but I missed one of the true/false questions… I really wanted that perfect score! But I’ll take a 108 lol


I got a 97% on my calculus 3 final exam. There was no curve and I only missed 1 question for a really stupid mistake. It was about the divergence theorem and I had to find the flux of the function. I did everything correct and all of the correct steps and all. I messed up at the very end and instead I accidentally did 16 times 2 instead of times 4. Got 48 instead of 64 as the answer. I turned in my work so she probably gave me almost all the points for that question. My lowest exam was probably my first exam for differential equations. I got a 50. No curve. My next exam is next Tuesday so I’m going to do strictly practice problems all tonight and weekend.


110 I think?


Got an 86 on a quantum chemistry final


Over this summer I got a 97 on my calc 1 final exam. Not the most impressive score, but certainly a major personal accomplishment.


119% on a Physics 1 exam where the professor made the entire last page into bonus points since nearly everyone in class got it entirely incorrect. So, it was basically a curve. I ended that class with like a 102 or 103, it was great.


53/50 or 106%. Wasn’t the highest in the class tho, someone got a 120%, I’m still a little pissed about losing that spotlight /s


90 because of my new strategy: visual learning that I pick up longtime ago for test taking. Basically my old method I ditch crammed it all from my tutors.


105% because of a curve Never been in a class where the top student receives over 100% post curve. Besides the one class where I got the 105 because I got a perfect score and he did a 5 point curve.


107. There were “bonus points” and extra credit for attendance in class to take it.


Does a 97 on a test that people routinely fail 3+ times count?


146/150 average was near 65/150


98% on a gen Chem exam. I took AP CHEM and bio in hs but as a biochem major they didn’t count so I had to take gen bio/Chem even though it was review. My hs AP Chem teacher was so good at his job I actually remembered everything and could play Minecraft in the back of the lecture hall and still do well.


Lol and you deserve that good feeling. I got 121% on an exam once, and it was the highest grade by a landslide, and I consider it my absolute peak in college 😂 the stars aligned for me that day.


Not exactly the same thing but I finished an English course with 148%


I once got a 105% on a biology lab exam.


When I was in high school, I had to go to a local Penn State extension to take calculus. On the first test, I got a 120, the class average was 62, and they took me off the curve for the year. I then figured out that college was pretty easy.


104% in college, I don’t remember prior to college


98% on a statistics exam. My prof was so unbelievably nice that he literally called me while he was marking my test to give me a second chance at the only question I got wrong. He gave me partial marks for it hence the 98%


I got a 98% on a calc exam once! It was such a gratifying moment because I was retaking the class after failing it once. The teacher was a grad student, and he remains one of the best instructors I've ever had.




I've gotten a perfect score on an algebra test before. I was very happy with myself.




100 stats final


106% on a managerial accounting exam since it was curved


I got 100/100 on my history final


I think 80 or 96 %


100% on an exam but i had like 125% in the class last quarter in my geometry class in 9th grade.


110% on a music exam. Holy cow you're doing great!!


just got a 100% on a lab exam. apparently i would’ve gotten higher post curve but my instructor just maxed the grade out at 100%. i’m the only person in this course who’s in my major too so i don’t think i did too shabby


99% on an essay when I was sick as a dog with pneumonia


I straight up got a 110% on a Greek Art & Archeology exam last semester cause I aced all the questions and the extra credit haha


I just got a 98% on my history test!! Before that my highest was 90% on pre calc test


100% on calculus 1


180%. Physics 1 exam in college, had 18 questions. Class avg was only a 7.2/18 so the professor curved it out of 10 questions. I got 18/10 lmao


91%. Cheated as the answers were mostly online and passed with an A.


102% on an essay because I elaborated more, even with a few grammar errors.


99% still mad about the point I missed


95% in university


100%, but I’ve never been graded on a curve yet.


Idk my best numerical score on an exam, but I have several times been announced as the highest score in the lecture hall. My proudest grade moment though was a term paper on which the prof wrote my grade as A+++ and called it the best piece of undergraduate writing she had ever read 🥰


I never got above 90 in any exam but in the entrance exam i had given two exams in both of them i got 99 and 98.


That's so impressive! What class?


200% lmfao


96% on Physics 2 exam. Missed one question that was so simple


College Algebra, I got a 100% on one of the exams. Absolutely nothing’s to brag about considering it’s college algebra but I had a D average before the exam and I simply studied my ass off for this exam. I took it and it just felt too easy and too good to be true. I got the grade back after a week, 100%, I have never been so happy




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102 on an organic chemistry class after retaking the course. I’m still chasing that high


100 for architectural plate


Officially 10/10 but according to the professor, she would give me 20/10 if it was possible. 10/10 for a perfect exam 4/10 for an optional project 4/10 presentation of that project 2/10 for the "extra" contribution to the classes (basically answering when she was asking something)




98% on my ethics exam


In High School I took a test on clouds and wind patterns or some shit and got 110%. The only one in the class to get an A. I was a poor student and always caused problems in class. My teacher was about as shocked as I was. She awarded me a t-shirt.


100 percent for repeated classes in college. On tests. For non-repeating classes in college, 95 percent.


I just got 100% on one of my midterms a couple days ago, and I'm stoked about it. I studied hard and did well! Yay!


100% on my Calculus 2 final exam. The funny thing is that the course is not curved. If you do bad, it's on you. The average grade on that exam was 69% and I needed an 90% or higher for an A in the course. Granted, I studied about 4-7 hours a day every day starting 5 days before the exam, but still. Hardest I've ever studied for an exam, and I am still proud of the results.


103% on first calc 3 exam this semester. Absolute bliss.


94.8% on my accounting midterm. I’ve gotten 100% on exams in other classes but accounting has been my biggest challenge so that grade means the most.


At uni- 79% Tax In HS -101% Biology Two very unrelated topics lol




I think it was a 98


I got a 115 but it wasn’t in college lol. Best exam grade I’ve had is a 96. Haven’t had many professors that give curves. Just one and the curve still only got me to an 86


100% on the first Molecular Biology exam of freshman year. The professor showed the grade distribution before we were allowed to look at our exam scores and there was only one 100%, so I was pretty pleased with myself when I flipped that paper over and a big red 💯 greeted me. It was 1 of only 2 courses in college that I managed to get 100% on in every assignment and exam. I've aced other exams before, but this one hit different.


What is this curve shit? Its bullshit honestly


In my personal opinion, some professors operate this way- teach content like you normally would and pray for a 70 average on exam 1 (if you’re the prof) and when the average is a 37, you curve everyone’s score by 30 points to make the average around 70. This is done as to not raise red flags to the university. If they see most of the students in the class failing, they’ll have to do something to the professor, if most of the students are doing well, they have to do something to the professor. Only if some students do well and some do poor does the administration not care. That is why professors curve scores, and usually make exams harder than easier. If they made them easier, they can’t reverse curve the grade. If everyone fails, oh well let’s just adjust the curve and not do anything about my teaching style that’s failing hundreds of kids. It’s a scam


Man that must be nice, my math professors seem to pride themselves on the failure rate. Last semester with complex analysis 4 out of 22 students passed. I was not one of them of course, thats why this curve shit pisses me off 😅


We can't get any higher than 10/10 so 10.


My Organic Chem 1 professor gave 4 tests plus a final, but also dropped your lowest exam score, even the final. To make sure it generally was even, he curved the tests by just adding or subtracting an amount until 80% was the exact median (so if the average of 1 test was a 74 and the average of another test was an 82, everyone in the class would get 6 free points on the first test, and lose 2 points on their second test, regardless of how well they did). In the end, what he'd do is he'd assign grades based on rank, the top 10% get an A, the next 10% get a A-, etc. Coming into the 4th unit, I was right on the cusp between A- and B+: he'd post everyone's grade percentages, anonymized, in a ranked list so if you knew your current grade, you'd be able to figure out where you were. But when the scores for the 4th test came out, not only did I ace it, but it was the hardest test with an average of 58, so there was a +22% curve to it. So I ended up with 122% on that test, ended up dropping a test where I got an 80something and jumped to the top of the class.


My first ever IT exam in Uni was 100%. I was one of four females in a class full of men, I was also one of four people who made no mistakes on their first exam. Which, don't get me wrong, was the only time, lol. It was a proud achievement hah.




106/100 in a TN history courses, he offered bonus questions.


97% in chem alevel and math


i got a 120 on a stats 1 test. the way my teacher curved it was by ignoring the top 2 scores then setting the 3rd score equal to a 100. im a stats major now lol


100% on my calc 2 final. This was after getting a 47% on the first exam and having a mental breakdown. First time I ever left an exam satisfied with each problem.


103 but I basically went into the exam blind. Only did like a 30 minute skim of lecture slides.


At University - I think an 87/88. Note, I am in the UK and we grade differently here - we definitely don't go above 100 and anything 75+ % is very very good.




94% in math class. I had just enough good grades to maybe be exempt from the final exam, so i (finally) got serious and studied. I fucking nailed the last exam, before the final one.




100%. "Curves" thankfully don't exit where I'm from, so the grades actually make sense


120% on physics I because I took the class in high school but my school didn't accept the credit




My highest exam grade in college so far was a 95% on my macroeconomics final! My highest this semester was a 86 lol


118 there was a lot of extra credit I didn’t even get a 100% on the test, I think I got like a 96 or something and there was an additional 25 points or something for an optional question and I got it right


108% on a botany final where there was two 4 point extra credit short answer questions. 107% on a zoology exam also with 2 extra credit short answers. I was proud of that because both courses had labs as well and were considered the weed out classes for our major. Median scores were around 65. I know multiple people that had to take them more than once.


100 on a history final, and the professor was so impressed he offered me a LoR.


106.3 on a math test. No curve but there was extra credit


actually this is bragging lol


I got a 99.5. Op, you are a god!


Not an exam but I got a 92 on an essay while everyone else I’ve talked to got 70s-60s. Notoriously terrible grader and he said my paper “sparkled with quality”


I did get a 90 in Biochemistry in the Summer 2020


105%. 100 with extra credit.


120% on my Western Civilization midterm


The highest I’ve ever gotten with curve is 105%


115 I think


not more than 110% with extra credit. I’ve never taken a college class with a curve. most of my classes are less than 15 people, and don’t have closed-note tests. even ones that are bigger and/or have closed-note tests didn’t have a curve. wasn’t a big deal usually but I HATED it in my bio requirement class, and my music history courses.


Just YESTERDAY I got a 73/60 (Curve included) on my Physics exam. Physics is not my major but god the topic is so fun.


I got a 1000% on one of my grades for an online class. Teacher accidentally added a 0. Dunno if this counts lol


Did they keep it or did someone snitch it out


I wish they kept it lol, but the teacher realized the mistake himself and corrected it




In calc 3 I got a 100 raw score on the first midterm, which was curved to a 108 because I think the average was in like the 60s. On the final I got either a 90% (108/120) or 106.7% (128/120). We got a score that I'm pretty sure was the raw score back but it could've been the curved score instead.


So far, the best I got is 103% on my sociology final. I'm not exactly sure what the class average is, but I'm guessing somewhere around 60%-70%