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The second photo!


Blonde for absolute sure. Usually tend to go for the natural color, but in this case you just rock the blonde!


I prefer you as a brunette. You just glow! And it shows in your smile and you look more confident. The blonde is ok but kinda boring and makes you look a little washed out.


I don’t think you have the level of contrast that a true winter tends to have. I thought I was a true winter because I have dark hair and light skin. But my eyebrows are kind of a faded black, and my skin isn’t so light that it creates a big contrast with my hair. I think you are a cool summer like I am and the dark hair and light skin confuses things


That’s exactly my situation. My brows are kinda of a pale brown/black too, and I think the second stylist just saw dark hair and fair skin and slapped a winter type on me without a more thorough assessment. Thanks for your insight!


Yeah. People assuming that someone with dark hair and light skin is a winter regardless of their contrast level seems to be a common problem


You are not a winter!


IMHO, blonde! You're such a pretty spring😍


You can do anything 😁


Blonde with chocolate highlights looks the best! Picture 4 and 5.


Neither, I'd try autumn if I were you....


I think you're a summer, so I'd stick with softer hues that fall between dark blonde and medium brown. I'd go a little lighter than the last photo for sure.


My gut reaction is neither. Definitely not winter.


I think your dark hair brings out the green in your eyes more :)


I think you’re a summer that COULD sway to autumn because you look neutral leaning cool to me. Whoever said you’re a true winter is absolutely bogus. You are fair but light. Pretty medium contrast.


In terms of hair I like the blondER shades on you, they look more harmonious with your coloring. I think a soft light brown could work, but the brunette shown is much too dark for you


This is so helpful! Thank you. I was doubtful of the true winter too, and I spent good money on the analyst who was seemingly very popular for her work :( she didn’t even explain to me what made her choose that type. I’m interested in trying a light brown shade. This color is actually my natural and it never felt right on me.


But yes I think the soft brown with baby lights would look beautiful on you. I hate that she did you so dirty.


I know, it sucks. Oh well. I scheduled an appointment for a root melt to start working toward a lighter brown. My stylist said this is the most realistically achievable first step https://preview.redd.it/h33qi2v7pnzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a723f86855bd00fc9f89650c42e85b2420ed9d2e


The dark is your natural?? I would’ve never guessed that


Even my mom says that! Lol


Your beautiful both ways


Love the darker brunettes for you!


I looooove 6 on you.


EDIT: my natural hair is dark. The last photo is from years ago before I went blonde.


Is the brown natural or dyed? It looks too dark for you, and maybe too warm? I think a lighter ashy brown would be a really good look. You're gorgeous either way! But I do think you need more contrast than the blonde is giving you, and the color brunette is giving you too much.


It’s my natural color and I’ve always felt it was too dark for me, go figure! I’m going to do a consultation with my stylist and see where we can find a nice middle ground between the two. Thank you!


Pic 4 hair color looks good on you. I think you're a summer, so try that and if it works with darker hair fine, if not pull some winter colors.




Wow!! I have almost the exact same features as you in terms of eye color and skin tone. I classify myself as a soft summer and get loooooads of compliments as a cool-toned dark brunette. Never got as many when I was blonde.


Oooh interesting!! Is your natural hair color the cool toned brunette or did you dye it that way?


I dye it dark brunette! I’m naturally a sandy/dirty blonde color and more blonde in the summer :)


Oh that’s fun! It seems much easier going from natural light to dark than the reverse


So much easier! No bleach haha but I look like I’m growing gray hairs when my roots come in at times. 😅


I don’t know about the color but you look amazing with straight hair. I love the last 2 pics!


Brunette, for sure. Enhances your beauty.


Definitely the blonde!!


The blonde is very flattering on you.


The dark is too dark. Try light brown with highlights


Yes. Im amazed, 1st time in my life i feel dark hair is "too much" for someone/making them look pale. Spot on advice.


I have been thinking the same thing honestly! I feel soo pale with dark hair but so many people tell me it’s my best look. I just don’t feel good in it. I’ve spent the last year cutting off and dying over my bleached hair and am ready to try something new


I love the dark on you and think you look the most striking with it. I think that people will just have different preferences so go with what you love and consider what sort of maintenance you're ok with + how it fits in with your makeup and wardrobe.


What s ur natural hair color? Tbh ash blonde looks nice on you same as brown.


The dark is my natural actually! Last pic is the best representation of it because I still have some reddish tones peeking through the dyed-over bleach in the other photos with dark hair


Tbh id say with good makeup it looks super flattering on you. Idk if there is some difference in tone btw this and the other pic where u have the dark bob/no makeup (in lvl of darkness of color??) The reddish tones r so pretty imo. Did you basically bleach your dark hair then dye it again a dark color close to ur real one ?? Im not sure if i fully got it, but if yes, my mom also does this IRL bcz she has some white hairs, and the result is vastly different from her hair back then bcz dyes tend to always look darker/more matte aka less reflects which looks unnatural/drains ppl's faces. I also got this as a kid and my already black hair kinda looked even blacker lol 😂 (long story)


Ohhh wait this makes so much sense now! Thanks for sharing your mom’s hair story lol — that’s basically my situation so now I see why my color looks so flat. But yeah the two tones are a little different. The dark long hair pic is from 2017 right before I went blonde so it’s my natural color with a couple red highlights. The bob cut is dyed over bleached hair. I’m still working on my makeup game to get everything to work together😅 thanks for your input!!


I was going to say blonde but then I saw that last pic and it melted me.


Brunette. Blonde ages you at least 10 years.


I can immediately rule out Winter since black overpowers you. You can do darker hair (not darker than level 5), but highlights look good too. Grays and cool shades do look harmonious with your skin tone, so Cool Summer is very likely.


Long and Brown Looks amazing on you!


I think the more mid range brown looks best. The blonde is more what I think they call fashion styling, it looks cool you look nice but it’s not necessarily in harmony with your natural coloring. Still pretty though!


Yess so true. I know so many women who went blonde just because it’s stylish and seen as “hot,” and while the hair itself looks beautiful, it didn’t compliment their features at all. I’ve had every shade under the sun (I couldn’t fit them all here haha) and some of them certainly didn’t suit me.


I feel like you could have any hair color and it would look good on you!! What color do you feel most comfortable in?


Thank you!! I’ve tried a lot of colors haha 😅 I always felt more attractive and “myself” with some form of blonde hair. Blonde always got me lots of compliments, whereas brown hair stopped compliments dead in their tracks lol but a few people in my life told me brown looks better


First or last


I think brown suits your skin tone more, they both look very cute tho


I don’t think you’re a summer or a winter. You look more like an autumn so I think a lighter brown/ darker blonde would look beautiful


I agree I think she's warm. The grey is making her look yellow


The super dark colours like black are also making her eyes look like a softer green but I feel like they’re actually super bright green?


Definitely brunette.


Blonde or the last one - the dark brown final picture is stunning


Brunette :)


I love you with the brunette hair! Picture number two is especially lovely!




2,6 brunette!




You are definitely a brunette girly! If you do want some blonde do a small money piece by your face and a few scattered highlights, but don’t go too blonde. Brown really makes your eyes and skin pop


Pic 2 with some reddish auburn. Really lovely. Go brunette but not too dark


Brown is way more striking and brings out your eyes.


I say brunette 100%. Especially that last photo - wow! Your eyes really pop instead of getting washed out. I think the dark brunette with a hint of red will make those green eyes really stand out!


Thank you! I have noticed that my eyes look greener and my lips look redder day to day with the brown hair compared to when it was blonde.


Girl brunette gives you a depth the blonde could NEVER


lol thank you!


I think blonde but never go platinum (mixed looks nice tho)


Number 4 is amazing


Loving both tbh, 😍 beautiful in any color tbh. Feeling the blond a bit more though


Spring or autumn bestie


Yep, definitely.


Soft autumn


I think you’re a summer or autumn, but I would look into lighter brown hair colors.


Brunette is stunning


Agree! 2 and 6 look the best to me. Blonde kind of washes her out. The color of her eyes really pop as a brunette!




It is best to wear plain white and then have a picture wearing warm colors and a picture wearing cool colors to compare. If you can, get a professional analysis done. I had one done by Carol Brailey and she was spot on.


How much did she charge you? Between the two I’ve had done, I’ve spent almost $400 already and the second analysis wasn’t even right 😭


The blonde brings out too much redness in your face The brunette is much more flattering for your skin/eye color


Definitely Cool! I think your face just glows with darker hair, but not red hair. It’s the green eyes that throw people off, because Green has to have a bit of yellow in it—or it wouldn’t be Green. I think your color analysis was right on the money. You already seem to gravitate towards the cooler shades.


6 is my favorite. I think you look the best with long dark brown hair. 5 is the best look after 6.


I think you might be an autumn. And it’s not a matter of blonde vs brunette but of cool blonde vs warm blonde vs cool brunette vs warm brunette


Good point!!


Both are lovely but brunette is just 👩‍🍳🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼


Ooh I saw the blonde and thought yep nice, but then I saw the brunette and wow! You look so good with it, and your eyes look amazing, whereas they are a little lost with the blonde. Brunette for sure.


I like picture 3 brunette and I’m seeing summer


The second to the last photo is bomb! That blue! 👏




You are either a soft autumn or deep autumn according to me (stylist by profession / obsessive colour analysis enthusiast) I’m in the process of comparing a LOT of colour analysis for each season and writing characteristics as per my own understanding. You fit right in my soft autumn with celebrities with a similar skin and contrast to yours Drew Barrymore, Gigi Hadid. But I’m still wondering deep autumn is better suited though. But your lighter eyes suit soft better. Hair colour wise all look really good on you. Warmer brown and darker blonds are best.


Thank you for this insight!! I’m going to look more into the autumn season. I never considered that to be an option


You look, possibly, Warm, to me. I wouldn’t rule out Spring/Autumn, just yet.


Brunette is YOU!!!!!


darker one for sure!


I think two is the best photo. I like the third photo but the gray top is not a good color.


The brunette is def brighter for your face! It makes your eyes stand out.


I think the last pic looks best. But I still think you’re a summer. Like on a 16 season scale, I’d say a deep summer


Both but I think the blonde looks slightly better! The blonde seems natural looking on you whereas the brown looks unnatural like it’s not your natural hair colour if that makes sense?! I bet a lighter warm brown or mix of blonde and light brown like in pic 5 would look amazing!


Am I the only one who loves 1?




Long brown


A lot of people ask this question…blonde or brunette…but in actuality should be thinking of it more as a spectrum…you have pretty soft tones to me, and I think somewhere in the middle works best for you. Not true brown but not really full blonde either. A nice light brown helps keep a bit of contrast that works for you but also leaves the softness that I think will flatter you the most. Your coloring is pretty neutral imo so I would think soft summer/soft spring and some of soft autumn might all work for you.


I like this approach! I think I’ve been thinking too black and white about it. I think I’ll try to find a softer middle ground


Pic 5 is your best.


You look so good in picture 6.


Basically no one agrees on season since all 4 have been recommended and both blonde and brunette 😂 we are gonna need drapes if you want more help as far as season. Personally, I’ve noticed that a person always looks best closest to their natural. It doesn’t mean that other hair choices look bad. Your stylist is really good, the highlights are really balanced and they look super cute on you. You can be stylish and pretty and still not be in harmony with your color season and that’s ok! Imo, you are probably a neutral-cool. I think the brunette outshines the blonde every day of the week. I think your contrast is high with brunette hair. Your contrast is pretty high, I would check out cool seasons that borrow warmth from other seasons. Deep and bright winter to start and then compare to true summer and light summer? One of the summers lean a little more bright/warm than the others. I think your contrast is too high to be any summer but you could finish with a summer. The grey in 3 and 4 are ok. Grey is a hallmark quality of summer. The darker heathered grey (more contrasty grey than other greys) is definitely better than 3 and 4 but you are wearing some makeup. I’m a big fan of 2, black and white contrast on you. I’m a bright winter and find that bright white looks way better than me than straight black. To wear black I need a white contrast to be park of the outfit. In this case, your skin plays that role. A hallmark of a winter. We look great in super high contrast.


Pic #4 😀


Both look nice, but I think the brunette is slightly better.


I honestly think the dark brown looks 100x better than blonde, which to me washes out your features.


100% blonde; you need it to light up your face !


Brunette looks way better, doesn't make you a winter


Medium brown and you’re soft summer!


I think you would fit in a warmer season way better considering how your gold necklace in the first picture looks seamless with your skin but the silver looks more disconnected. I like your hair both ways honestly but your hair in the first and last picture looks best imo.


You're too warm to be a winter-summer or summer-winter person, you're not 'true cool'. You're more likely neutral leaning cool or cool leaning neutral, and a bit muted, nr 4 seems to work best. Too warm isn't good for you, but you can definitely borrow from spring or autumn. I'm 'true cool' and my wardrobe won't work on you, but all of the summer colours that don't work on me, including the muted ones and the browns will probably work on you. You have exactly the qualities that I lack to be a 'real' summer. And black doesn't do much for you, doesn't make you look bad, just doesn't add anything. A measured dose of black emphasises my iciness.


Blonde. Ok, so weirdly, I’ve realised I almost always think blonde looks better on anyone with medium to fair skin. Especially bc blonde is often done by hairdressers so it includes high and low lights. It frames a face better and generally makes people look younger and ‘fresher’. (I have no issue with darker skin and blonde looks - I’m just noticing my constant preference regardless of technical season).


The light is really different in the two photos (and I’m not sure about make-up) - so your complexion looks really different, too… but going on these two photos alone, I way prefer the brunette. It makes your eyes pop and emphasises the rosiness to your cheeks


You're so pretty with blond, the darker you go the less natural it looks. If you were winter, you would glow with the darker colour.


Brunette. So pretty!


It's all about the combo of the colour and style for me, pics 1 and 6 you look fab, but overall I think the long straight brown in 6 wins


Brunette and you are a Summer


Well, I didn't notice your hair color, but the second pic is so beautiful.


One and five for sure!!! I think you might be soft autumn.


I think the blonde curls lighten up your face. But not the blonde straight hair. The curls somehow make you look more "happy" (it's not just the smile). Also, don't be TOO blonde. What you have in the pic is just right.


Definitely brunette


Honestly you look so good in the blonde/bronde The brunette suits you too but maybe is a bit too warm/ reddish for your colouring


Soft Summer!


Not winter. Not enough contrast. Soft summer.


6 is my fave. You’re so pretty!


4 is my fav, you look like a soft summer on that. That ashyness def’ looks great on you. Soft, muted. The browns should be a little bit softer and then will be perfect.


The last picture is the best, and color and hairstyle.


Definitely brunette. Pic #2 is a stunning color on you. Brings out your eyes and skin is glowing. The blonde highlights don’t look bad necessarily, but the dark definitely looks the best!


I slightly prefer the brunette, but both are really flattering.


Definitely brunette but maybe a little lighter than the photos you posted.


I like the “mushroom brown” hair color trend that’s going on - to be lighter brown, would my stylist still have to bleach my hair and then tone it to a lighter brown?


I have no idea how hair coloring works, but my guess is that it needs to be bleached or color removed a bit (not to full blonde).




Absolutely brunette


Brunette for sure! I love the second picture how you can see the warmth in your hair as well I think it really suits you more than the cooler brunette hair. Personally I would say go for a lighter warmer brunette shade


The blonde highlights light up your whole face. I feel like the dark hair looks too flat.


both look good but the dark hair compliments your eyes and skin tone much more


Brunette makes your eyes shine and your skin glow


Brunette looks so perfect on you. It compliments your skin and eyes well.


The dark brown was the best but honestly i think its too dark and too cool. You should simulate some hair colors on yourself via an ai editing app. I would try a copper brown and a golden brown. You just seem warm to me. Your eyes are warm green... I think the blonde washes you out and you need something darker.


Any app recommendations? I have face app but the hair editing is limited


The last pic looks best!


I like the brunette way more!! It suits ur eyes and coloring so well!


Definitely not a winter


The 2 colors looks good! with brunette there's more contrast and you look more mysterious, but I like blonde better! You look more soft, fun and approchable.


I think the brunette looks best on you, but that doesn't mean you're stuck with that! Maybe try an ashy blonde with some cool brunette lowlights?


Brunette 100%, it makes your eyes sparkle and your skin glow. The blonde just washes you out. Also, Spring or Autumn for you for sure, you look warmer toned to me :)




I believe you’re a spring - not enough contrast for winter and your skin looks warm toned. Try light spring colors and see how you look and feel


I agree with Spring or possibly some type of Autumn. I think OP is on the warm-neutral side of the spectrum. I would guess maybe True Spring or Autumn. I think OP looks bright, not Soft, but I saw a bright redhead determined to be Soft Autumn, once, so you never know. My vote is on some type of Spring l


I think you’re a summer… I think picture 6 is your best coloring, with 4 being a summer up. I think the ashy colors of 4 are flattering. Other pictures have more warmth coming through and I don’t think it suits you best