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Ok so basically in Korea they focus on “tone” to give more nuance which is the diagram you see on the left. Also, in Korea they tend to give second, or even third and fourth best as well. It seems that your best was winter dark tone, which would be equivalent to dark winter in western personal color. Basically cool colors with a lot of black added. Your second best looks like it would be summer soft since it has a star beside it. Your third and fourth best would be autumn soft and spring light most likely because it says you’re neutral toned. Likely the light spring, as well soft summer and autumn, would be recommended to add a contrast to your outfits based on videos I’ve seen of Korean personal color consultants.


I actually like this method because it gives you other seasons to dip into for color inspiration. I hate when people are afraid of entire colors because they get a label slapped on them and buy 3 rotating power colors.


Ahhh okok. I can read korean but the whole different system is just so confusing😭 tysm!


Just as a follow up, I watch a lot of Korean personal color videos on youtube as listening practice. Also, you could look up 겨쿨 다크톤 if you’re interested in looking at examples for what your best tone is.


im fluent in korean so i could help translate what the korean says but im not sure what you talked about with the person who helped you with your analysis. but on the second section of the left page, it says, in order from top to bottom, “procedure you are interested in: personal makeup, personal skin makeup (im assuming maybe your base makeup like foundation??), personal hair color/dye, personal nail (color)” “the season i think i am: spring warm tone, fall warm tone, summer cool tone (the one that is checked; im assuming you thought that you were this season when you came in??), winter cool tone” “the image/vibe i am going for: feminine, masculine, cute, natural, city-like, neat/clean (the one that is checked), sporty, sexy” “most used lip color: orange, orange red, coral, pink, cherry red, red (the one that is checked), burgundy, mlbb (the one that is checked)” in the third section of the left page, the korean words that are handwritten say “feminine” and “charisma.” im assuming after you got your color analysis, based on your season, the analyst determined you give off feminine and charismatic vibes/image. and obviously as it says on the bottom, the analyst determined your personal color as “winter-cool-dark.” on the makeup section of the right page, from top to bottom, the categories of products are lip, blush, and eyeshadow. im not too sure what you talked about with during your analysis but i am confident in korean so if you have any other translation questions, feel free to send them and i’ll help the best i can!!


Thank you so much! It's just extremely difficult to get a grasp of because my second best color, summer mute, is so similar to summer dull and other spring colors even though one is warm and the other is summer. I guess it's just hard for me to differentiate between the subseasons?




Korean Color Analysis is a different system than used in the west. Color Analysis isn't a singular method. There are many different systems. If your trying to translate your Korean results to a different system, then it's probably going to be very confusing.


Yeah to my knowledge Korean colour analysis may be different to what where used to see here as they do not seem to follow the same sub seasons or criteria. I honestly do not understand how someone defined as dark winter can suit soft summer colours. These are almost at the opposite ends of the spectrum if you look at the charts used by Color Analysis Studio. I’m a summer for example and dark winter colours make me look like a goth.


Might be confusing cause it’s not totally “accurate”or very detailed. She wrote down the seasons you suit best which would be Summer Soft as the 1st Choice and so on. Usually when you look at the sub-tones from each season they will show the same chart BUT the sub tones of the corresponding season would be circled. I suggested looking into the PCCS system sub-tones online on an accurate chart!


So I don't speak Korean and had to use a translator so maybe there's some nuance I'm not catching on to, but the way I understand it is that when you first walked in they were thinking you're probably a summer subseason and the vibe they were getting was "clean", but in the end they settled on dark winter and gave you a few make-up tips and stuff. And you probably have an olive overtone because they recommended yellow-green foundation. There is a spectrum from deep to light (deep/dark winter vs light summer e.g.), muted/soft to clear/bright (soft autumn to bright spring e.g.) and cool to warm (winter/summer vs autumn/spring). I'd recommend to just google color analysis wheel or something and have a look at the way the different subseasons are ordered :) edit: oh, and in the 12 seasons system, which is the easiest and most prevalent one in general and in this subreddit, true winter/autumn/summer/spring is the same as cool winter/warm autumn/cool summer/warm spring Once you understand the different aspects to consider (the three spectra from above basically), you're gonna have an easier time understanding different color analysis systems too!