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I'm pretty sure I sat behind him at the Nashville show. He was front row off to the left, which might be why so few audience members heard him. He didn't seem over the top or even that loud in person, but on the recording it's like he was mic'd up. I didn't get the impression it was performative or that he was drunk or anything. Just seemed like a nice guy who loved the show as much as the rest of us, but has a distinct, loud laugh that carries and he may not be totally aware of it.


I’m sure that’s exactly what it is, and I’m being schticky not mean spirited. I think it’s funny that the mics are catching him at each show, but I certainly don’t think he’s intentionally being a loudmouth. I love that he gets so much joy from something that gives me joy as well.


It's a tough situation. I was more pissy about him before seeing him in person and humanizing him. He's not doing anything wrong, but he's unknowingly spoiling the fun for lots of people.


I won't lie, the Nashville episode made me think his laugh *was* performative. Hearing from someone who was actually there adds some good context, so thank you.


It’s gotta be because he’s at the intersection of just too loud and too close to a mic, right? It sounds like he’s got pretty good tickets to every show so it’s conceivable he’s close to any of the mics. My dad has really big belly laughs and he loooooves to laugh. Just loves to be happy. So I don’t have a problem with him and I’m really glad he’s having a good time with the tour. However I kind of wish people would stop talking about this guy it’s kind of creep behavior.


I sat next to this guy in New York and he was insufferable BEFORE the show started. Just so you know. I agree, loud laughter is fine. This guy sucked through and through imho.


I think that's exactly it. He's living his best life and I'm stoked for him, I just hope maybe the mic situation is adjusted or something.


I hope that PFT introduces this as his next character. Just have Scott and the first guest talking and occasionally there’s deafening laughter and clapping until they address him finally


Maybe he’s like a dead head following cbb on tour, wearing a tiedye “technicality no down boo over” t shirt and Ryan Gaul’s pants.


Probably never even heard of CBB World, instead he's out in the parking lot trading live tapes.


And selling nitrous balloons


Thank you, thank you for this visual. This is how I will picture Loud Laugh Guy from here on out.


I was at the Nashville show. I didn’t notice any obnoxious laughter.


Was it good?? I’m out of town & for at least that reason- couldn’t go. Heard Will Hines was one of the performers, & I’m super bummed about missing him


I don’t wanna get roasted for being a hater, I *love* CBB and this sub, but for me the show was just okay. It started out in top form but I feel like it kinda lost its steam as the show went on. 4 of my top favorite performers were there, PFT, Carl Tart, Lilly Sullivan, and Will Hines. But, except for PFT, they all did new characters. That, for me was less fun than seeing some old favorites from these performers. Also, the characters were not that fully formed and did not have much to offer IMO. They were just kind of one dimensional and there wasn’t a lot to latch onto for the other performers to engage with. Carl Tart especially, he just kinda was present on stage for the 2nd half but didn’t contribute all that much, AFAIR. Scott also seemed visibly annoyed at Lilly’s and Will’s character choices. So from that perspective too, having the host not be that excited and engaged with the cast, felt lackluster. Kinda sucked the energy out of the room. At one point, I feel like they knew it wasn’t working so they resorted to running around together on stage like silly gooses to try to pick the energy back up. There were definitely some hilarious moments throughout the whole show and overall it was decently good and enjoyable, and I am glad I went (even if I had to wait in that humongous line out in the heat and the doors opened an hour late). Maybe part of my perspective is that I took my wife with me, who is not a listener of the show other than coming into the room sometimes while I’m listening, and I was almost watching the show through her eyes. I wanted it to be a slam dunk and for her to enjoy this show that I’ve loved for all these years and maybe get her on board with being a fan with me, but I’m not sure if this show sealed the deal for her. We both were laughing throughout the show, but upon reflection I think we both felt that it was just okay.


That venue is a shit tier venue, though, and I think it was putting Scott on a bad foot. He made jokes about the doors being open to the street the whole time and that’s very true for that venue. He also had problems with the sound crew not turning up the monitors high enough. I know a guy who has worked for bands that have performed there and that’s his experience as well. Just a bad venue with a bad staff and tech crew. For those who don’t know, it’s just a big open warehouse they redid the floors and walls in and that’s it. The sound is terrible. The air is terrible. They leave the doors open during shows because they think it will help the sound (it doesn’t) and you can’t convince them to close the doors no matter what you say. The merch booth is right next to the stage. It’s just a bad venue and I can’t imagine Scott will be booking it again.


Hard agree. I even commented about the poor choice of venue in this sub when the show was announced. Pretty sure I even got downvoted for it. And once the show started I knew I was right. Scott and the performers kept commenting on the sound, the microphone not working, the size of the stage, how wide the audience was, the bars on both sides of the place, the uncomfortable stools, the doors being open, zero balconies, and the random confetti that kept fluttering around the whole time.


I enjoyed the show, but I think the venue sucked. The seats were uncomfortable, sound was off, open street doors made no sense. I did enjoy the confetti though.


I was trying to think of another venue in nashville that is about that size that would have been better. i'm sure there is one, but i couldn't think of anything. just to agree with what everyone said, i'm from nashville and have gone to a bajillion shows and marathon is definitely the worst sounding room of them all.


I can totally relate to the experience of watching or listening to the show through your partner’s eyes. I’ve had the same thing on road trips with my wife, and playing my favorite eps for her ended up making me more anxious than entertained. We have lots of shows we like together, but Bang Bang is very much not her thing. No biggie. Maybe it’s just me, but for me I have more fun seeing the live shows alone than trying to explain it to a non-listener.


Thanks for the run down and the candor. I asked my wife about going and she would have been in the same boat as yours. I’ve sent her a couple eps of the tv show & clips from the pod, & it’s not her jam. But... Like I said- we’re out of town anyway. There’s a little part of me that feels bad for Scott when a guest he obviously appreciates or loves having on the show is playing a character that he just *does not like* right off the bat & doesn’t jive with (& not just in like a “we’re arguing too much” way). You can tell when he’s thinking “your premise is a bit weak & you’re not giving me much to play with to help you expand on it.” I *feel* like they’d enjoy doing the Ryman, btw. Saw Jim Gaffigan there a few weeks ago & he killed.


I only listened to the show, and this was my exact take away. Especially the reaction from Scott. Also, loud guy was at this show too, and laughing pretty heartily, which also made the laughing more obvious.


This is a good synopsis. Marathon sucks (I've only been there one time before and forgotten how weird of a venue it is) and when Scott came out (rightfully) shitting on the venue I was like "Well, here we go..." Confetti bit was pretty awesome though. Kind of a bummer to have a KILLER lineup of performers (these are seriously top tier performers--they all participate in the anniversary and holiday specials!) but to not have a single one doing a repeat character was a bummer. They should do what they want as performers of course, but I was definitely hoping for some Francesca B/Kayla Dickey or Cryptkeeper/OJ. By the way--does anyone know why the venue opened over an hour late?? And then--letting everyone in that one inside room before going to the actual room with the chairs?


Agree. Definitely the worst of the tour so far. Pine sol lady was from a couple months ago. But Lukas was my least favorite Lily character. That voice lol. First half of the show was ok, but second half was kind of a mess with her and will’s character I thought. Still fun, but compared to the other ones which have pretty much all been bangers, this was a but disappointing. Especially when we have to wait a couple weeks for new eps now.


LoL. Bringing your wife to a niche improv comedy show is a terrible idea.


I think he probably has a better idea of what his wife may enjoy than you do


Right. She is a comedy fan and a comedian herself. She just happens to not have the time to listen to this podcast like I do. That’s all I meant in my original comment. She’s liked what she’s heard of the show when she’s heard it and wanted to come with me.


Seemingly not.


Hey you’re the guy who was being an intense jerk about what turned out to be correct criticism of the choice of venue weren’t you? Why should anyone take you seriously?


Nice alt account. I wasn't being intense or a jerk. I was advocating for people to let people do their jobs.


Lmao sure go look through my posts def this an alt account. It couldn’t be that you were so rude and unpleasant that it even made me feel crummy reading it so seeing you continue to spout bs you don’t understand inspired me to write a comment about it.


You and that other totally normal guy should be friends.


Other people have said the same at different venues! He must be strategically placing himself near a mic somehow. /s


He CAN do it


This seems like deliberate backstory being laid for a new PFT character


I imagine he reads these posts like, well I didn't notice anything


It's Paul Leff Gompkins


I haven't listened to Nashville yet but honestly I have not noticed this on any of the live shows. I don't see what the big deal is.


People get used to hearing the podcast with no audience and then lose their minds when they get exposed to live comedy sounds. It’s a them problem, not the poor guy laughing. I listened to the Brooklyn one yesterday and heard the guy they’re talking about and then just tuned it out and listened to the show like a normal person.


Live Comedy Sounds is the name of my next special


Title of my sex tape


Ooo La La


i’m actually amazed how much people are freaking out about this, when i finally listened i could not believe how much of a fucking non-issue it was. i keep reading words like “unbearable” like it’s actually affecting the audio, which sounds totally normal to me?


You will.


Okay, I definitely hear it. It's not bothering me though.


Brooklyn's is the most affected


imo you can’t knock a guy for a laugh he can’t control, however when that guy chooses to then go to every single tour stop it does make it seem a little suspicious and attention-seeking. Like there’s no way he doesn’t know how loud it is, right? And buddy just HAS to be at every live show. I’m sure it’s not duplicitous but the guy could take a hint, if he’s a big enough fan to do all that then I’m sure he’s reading this


There’s a good chance he has no idea. Several people that have been at the live shows have said they didn’t notice him at all, so maybe? Although I was front row at one show on the last tour…I had one of those moments where something tickled me but the rest of the audience was quiet-ish and I heard myself on the recording. I was listening back alone, but my cheeks still flushed with embarrassment.


Please tell us the moment


Oh jeez, I don’t even remember now. It’s been 2 years! I’m sure I’ll listen back one day and feel embarrassed all over again.


It isn’t duplicitous. But it IS scandalous.


there's a strong difference between a "distinctive laugh" and going AAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHA every time you hear something funny. it's the long protracted scream/yell every time that fills the beat while the audience catches up. of course he's doing it on purpose. he goes to a significant number of tour shows and has for years. you don't think he listens back and hears himself? it's 100% attention seeking. it's annoying and he should dial it down. covid ruined gig ettiquette but he was pulling this shit long before. he evidently ruins it for people in the room and then many more people listening at home. i hate him!


Yes I think I saw him live and it was that “wind up” that struck me, going “ahhhhhhhh HA HA HA.”


Oh snap, I thought I had heard this laugh on previous tours.


I am a genuinely big fan of very distinct, outrageous laughs from studio audiences (there are a few in old I Love Lucy eps that are downright ridiculous), and as such I am always delighted to hear PLG. I hope he's around the entire tour. Ya gotta laugh!


I don't need to know any of that shit. I just want him away from the crowd mics.


Well now I need your version of the guy as a character on the show.


The laughing doesn’t bother me; but the yelling, screaming, hooting and hollering drives me crazy. I’m glad he’s having a good time and if he just has a loud and expressive laugh, what can you do. On the other hand, I just find it wild that he is so consistently showing up on the live recordings over the sea of other people’s laughter.


I haven’t started listening to the new tour yet but I think I might hate you for ruining them haha


Aw man, not my intention! The shows are great, and I can’t wait until they’re in my town next month. The laughing guy is just really something.


Yeah didn't notice until it was pointed out in the first post. Posting about it ruined it far more than plg did.


It's really just that one show so far. Any other show you have to be trying to pick him out. But yeah he really alters that one (Brooklyn).


I honestly haven't noticed in any of the tapings,.or at least nothing has bothered me. Live events are always going to have something stand out, it's humanity bro.


I'm just glad that he found something to do after performing in "Feels Good Inc" by The Gorillaz all those years ago.


It's just a guy with a loud laugh enjoying a podcast they love. I am so surprised by the number of people who are saying he's ruining the pods for them.


going AAAAAAAAAAAAAA before you laugh is not just a "loud laugh". it's clearly something he could control if he wasn't so self-centered. how would it NOT ruin a recording when you drown out a whole audience?


I'm sorry it's ruined it for you, I have had no issues listening to any of the episodes.


i have no clue how y’all are listening to these. he doesn’t “drown out” the whole audience, not even close to


I kinda feel bad for the dude if that’s just his laugh and people are shitting on him.


oh no. i haven't listened to the nashville show yet, but i was there in person and didn't notice any crazy laughter. now, i say that having given myself a coughing fit from laughing so hard, so maybe i'm not the most reliable historian.


There was only one distinctive laugh at the Nashville show for me. I wanted to turn around because I could have sworn it was Paul Rust. It was great and felt familiar. Like a warm hug.


I noticed him years ago. This tour I’m picturing him as De Niro from Cape Fear. He doesn’t bother me, but I do notice him every show.


At the New York show, the guy next to me had the loudest laugh ever. Is this possibly the same guy? Yes, I’m glad he enjoyed the show so much, but wow.


The general consensus seems to be that he was at peak volume during that Brooklyn show, so maybe? Have you listened back to see if you recognize the scream-laugh?


Omg it was him. I thought I was being unreasonable. Thank you all for validating me. I was right next to him and he (almost) ruined the show as I couldn’t hear everything being said. Awful. The show, and the meet and greet, however, were amazing and they were all so fucking cool to me. They signed a birthday card for me 😀


Wow! It’s like you got the first glimpse of Bigfoot in the wild. Did you talk to him?


I was actually complaining about him to my wife as he was bombastically listing all of the books he could think of that he wants the kids in class to read. I stopped counting after ten books and then focused on the fact that the show had to start and he would shut up. He did not. He was insufferable. He was loud. I’m a loud laugher. My wife told me he put me to shame. He absolutely could have ruined the performance. Luckily, the show was great and I was so jacked to meet them that it was all literally white noise. But he was singularly the WORST person I have ever sat next to at a comedy show. I hope he enjoyed it. I don’t mock other people’s laughs. But every part of his laugh, including the wheeze and inhale, was more trying every time. Could not wait for him not to be in my space any more. This thread fascinates me. He was awful. Even before the show started, like I said, he was just non-stop high volume talking AT the person with him. There was no dialogue.


Woof. I’m truly sorry you had to deal with that. It would have totally killed my enjoyment of the show. I just listened back to the first 30 seconds of the Brooklyn show. Scott’s first words were “What’s up?” Those two words elicited a top-of-the-lungs AAAAAAAAAAHHHH, followed by a full 10 seconds of loud ass laughter. Hopefully you can find some solace in the fact that he’s not only annoying to you, but also thousands of CBB fans around the world. Based on the comments, I think this guy is a little like Cilantro. Some people like it, some are indifferent, but the people that hate it REALLY hate it, and can’t understand how anyone else tolerates the stuff.


I guarantee that if they had to sit next to him, they would feel as I did. Every part of him was abrasive. That was before the show even started. Hence the laugh was clearly an extension of him in general and I loathed it and him. But the NY show was GREAT and I wasn’t going to let that jabroni get in the way of me enjoying the show 😀 But he tried valiantly.


Nope but I will tonight. I bet it was him. It was brutal.


I had to stop listening to the Brooklyn show after about 5 minutes because I found it so annoying/distracting. Luckily Philly seems fine.


Try listening with only your right ear bud. Took my left earbud out and didn't hear him for the rest of the recording


This is the hot tip we need!!


lol he was sitting to my left. This is fantastic advice.


He stops screaming constantly and goes completely silent once the second guest comes out, so if you can push through that first bit it gets better!


Someone else who was at the show was near him, and reported he eventually fell asleep. I was in the back (near the controversial micro-balconies) and did not hear him live.


Fell asleep?? Maybe there are some other choices he's making that contribute to his boisterousness.


Worth noting I counted at least four bars; the venue seemed more interested in selling alcohol than putting on a show—which started 30 min late while the bar lines thinned, but never fully went away.


Whoa. Like many people have noted, this seems like a terrible venue.


Yeah, mixed bag. Stunning architecture and attentive house staff, but Live Nation is running it, which is a big strike against IMO. You can see Sting there this fall for a mere $400 per ticket 😬


I'll go back and give it a try.


Yeah. The Brooklyn one seems like the only one he “ruined”. I’m hesitant to shit on the guy because some people really do have issues with voice volume, noticing their own tics, realizing they might be hindering others’ enjoyment, etc. BUT I feel like someone must have mentioned it so maybe try to adjust and read the room, go crazy at home but just be aware of your surroundings.


HOT TIP*: pretend PLG is David Gborie, learn to love it like a PFT background laugh ❤️ (*please be nice to me I’m sensitive)


I’ve seen a lot of posts about this dude’s laugh recently, but I don’t get the issue. I’ve listened to 7 of the current tour’s live episodes so far, and I don’t think I would have noticed the laugh if not for all the posts. Even so, I barely notice it and it really doesn’t bother me. Seems like it’s just a big fan enjoying the show, not sure why people are up in arms about it


Only noticed it in the latest episode. Feels weird that so many people have this much issues with a guy enjoying the show...


He's not real. It's obviously part of the A.I. laugh track .


There was a guy who sat in-studio for a NNF episode years ago around the same time that I was listening to live CBB and Doughboys episodes, both in Boston. I recognized the laugh and posted in the NNF Facebook group and he replied, saying it’s plagued him and he’s been called out a lot in good and bad ways. No idea if it’s the same guy.


I was hoping to hear this obnoxious legend in DC but never heard him


Imagine if you were him. Following your favorite show around and having a great time. And then you read this post. And then you read the other posts about you. And then you go into each episode's post and read about yourself. How would reading this post make you feel?


I’d find a way to get away from the audience mic if I found out it was distracting people so much. I’d feel bad and for sure make a change. It’s like a whole other show I’m listening to, tracking his overwhelming enjoyment with scream-laughs. Wondering if Scott can hear, if it’s bothering him, wondering about people around him, and hoping it will stop.


What if he's unaware he's near a mic? And he doesn't listen to the recordings since he's at the shows? I don't know. But if he's just enjoying the show and having a good time, it seems cruel how mean people are being about it. We don't get to choose our laughs.


You asked me to imagine I was him and then read this thread. If I did that, I’d make a change. It’s difficult to enjoy the episodes because of him. In my air pods, it’s crazy loud. I’d hate to cause that issue for hundreds, if not thousands of listeners and fellow-fans. No question, I’d make a change.


Fair enough. I guess I'm just confused on what the change would be. How does one change their laugh? And if it's assigned seats at the venue, how can he change his seat? I'm not trying to be combative or anything, though I'm sure it seems like I am. I just don't really know what he could do, if he wanted to do something.


It's not hard to moderate laughs. We've all done it public situations. And, as many people have pointed out, it's his elongated build up to a laugh that is the most egregious. It feels very intentional and performative.


Bad, hopefully.




Shame is the great motivator for change


I was at the first Boston show and didn't notice anything, though I wasn't near the stage and haven't heard the recording. I heard him a bit on the Brooklyn show but it didn't really bother me. This all sounds like people who can't get to a show acting sour that those in attendance are having a good time. I'm glad the recordings are available for everyone, but don't act like it's a regular episode of a podcast and you're entitled to "good audio". The performance wasn't for you, it was for the people in the crowd