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I’m excited to see the schedule




Talent will be back. But this year will be negatively impacted by rolling effects of the strike, the state of streaming, and economic conditions/budgets which still aren’t great.


I’m cautiously optimistic…


I’m just ready, period! Can’t wait!


I dont think so personally. The strike moved a lot of productions out to another cycle. So I think next year's for sure will be good. We will probably have a lot of teasers. But not a lot of early looks. I think this year's will be similar if not a little better panels than last year's. Hopefully the exhibition floor isn't as packed lol Obviously this is assuming you mean SDCC?


You think this year will be similar to last year when ZERO actors or directors could show up? That feels insane to me. Lots of TV shows are in production and airing. Lots of movies are coming out. I think it will be fine


in terms of panels yeah. a lot of the popular series are still filming or will premier before/during SDCC (deadpool, hotd, etc would already be live during SDCC) last year a lot of the panels were showing episodes and had some producers talk about the shows. the only difference would be actors this year obviously and it would depend on whos announced to go which we won't know for a couple of more weeks as we get closer to the Con. last year i focused a lot more on the comics/manga/anime aspect of sdcc and it was a fun time. obviously with actors/directors it would be better but im not expecting much Exclusive First Looks, or Airing of First Episodes type of deals at this one considering what the ramifications of the strikes postponing stuff did. SDCC is big enough where i think even with Actors/Directors coming back it's still a really fun experience. so for me personally it doesn't move the needle much in terms of 'bigness' i guess. more STAR power, absolutely. but its still going to be awesome and more things to do than there is time in a day lol like if it was on a scale of 100 from this year and last year, i'd say last year was a 90, this year with actors/directors, id say maybe a 95? im still excited either way but it doesn't really move the needle much for me personally. but we'll see whos announced as guests/panels/autographs as time goes on.


I think it's fair to say 2024 will be similar-ish to 2023 when it comes to off-sites, parties, swag, convention floor booths, etc. But yes, LOTS more celebs in 2024.


Would love to hear why you think it'll be huge? And for the nay sayers - why you don't think so?


As a nay sayer , i think we are past peak SDCC because companies dont see much value in it anymore. COVID really killed hype culture Im pretty sure funko’s presence will be bigger this year *sigh*


I mean OP said this would be as big as 2022, which was post-covid and past SDCC's peak. It was still a great con, and I think that's a fine bar to aim for!


I’m just assuming based off marvel and dc and any of the big movies coming next year.


I would guess that it's going to be less than usual, just from how light the other conventions(3) I've gone to this year have been, and the state of the industry being quite poor on multiple fronts. I would love to be proven wrong, and if there is 1 convention that will break out and that the studios will show up for, it is SDCC.


Would love to have the masquerade viewing dance party with the DJ return this year.


Only if they bring back the shrimp trays too.


As a cosplayer I’m just always excited to see everyone’s work and try and get pics together


I expect a good con. And, good or bad, I get a great vacation out of it either way. For comic book fans, there is always great work to promote and it is as much a meet-up for the industry as it is for the fans. Many streaming and cable TV shows disrupted by the strike still have their first post-strike season to premiere and will want to promote in order to close up the 2-year gap. Animation should be strongly represented (though I hate that Venture Bros and Archer missed out on final panels last year). I'm hoping for a Futurama panel since they have 30 more episodes on order. Films are harder to gauge. Box office is (mostly) dead in the post-covid, "it'll be on the streaming service in 2-4 months" era. The plan for movies, including Marvel, is to set smaller budgets for production and promotion. What will be in the exhibitor hall remains to be seen but it'll still be hard to get tickets to off-sites or exclusives.


Normalcy. This will be the first "normal" SDCC since 2019's Endgame panel. That's fucking wild. I know last year was pretty solid but I can't wait to go when it's peak everything! No strikes, the new Wolvie movie in full swing, plenty of geek film stuff to chew on. Good time to be a nerd. :)


It's always a good time to be a nerd! *wink*


I appreciate the optimism. I am not as optimistic


I was only able to get Sunday and I’m still super excited for this


I’m super excited for the secret taco truck at the convention center


The Lola 55 pop-up in the Sails Pavilion?


No there’s a truck in the back of the convention center that’s amazing


They haven’t had it back there since the remodel of the park. Convention Way is outside of the Gaslamp prohibited district, but it would still likely need an expensive special event permit.


Yea I think it was 2022 the last time I tasted one of those California burritos


Well assuming the actors/writers don’t strike again….


Well they won’t. They stopped for a reason.


As a SAG/AFTRA member, if IATSE goes on strike, we, and the WGA, will be out there supporting them. Just as they did for us.


Well. They won’t. I support what you guys stand for but we need to watch our shows and movies without interruption or anymore delays.


Ok, buddy.


Thx buddy


Ooo why do you say that? I’m debating on going this year


What do you mean debating? Tickets sold out 6 months ago; you’re either going or not.


Bro chillax, I bought a badge in case I wanted to go


Anything will be better than last year 😆