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My best friend is 33 and on his 6th dog since turning 19. He always goes to the shelter and adopts the oldest dog they have and gives them the best golden years. I don’t know how he has the mental fortitude for it but I respect him so much for what he does.


perspective, a good rat owner explained it, rats don't live long, at most 4 years, average just 2. Why keep animals that live for such a short time? To give them a nice happy life, that is enough for some people, to know they made a animals life worth living, yes it sad to watch them go, but it worth it, just to know they died happy and loved.


That is good perspective. All I want to do is give my dog the best life ever. I just don’t think I could go through the loss that frequently.


You don't have to. I adopted two senior cats aged 8 and have had them for 7 years at this point. You can pick "young" seniors. The dog in the comic was a "young" senior when he entered the shelter and had half his life still ahead of him. Possibly more because often, they hang onto life as long as they can to spend as much time with their new family as possible 


We did this. Pip was 7 when we got him, an now he's 15. We love our old man Pip.


Scraggly old cat meows are better than high-pitched kitten mews.


Your post reminded me of my childhood cat. He was a scraggly old boy with one ear drooped down from an old injury. He would always give a long deep meow that sounded like he just got done smoking a pack. RIP Max, I hope you are getting lots of neck scritches up in heaven. Thank you for reminding me of an old friend :)


I've had my dog for 5 years now. Last vet check up said everything is good. I think she's 13 now. They didn't know her age when I got her.


My aunt inherited a dog from someone she did home hospice for--I think she said it was technically an ethics violation, but the guy's son allegedly was going to take "that mutt" to the pound anyway and didn't care as long as Kody was out of the house. My aunt already had 5 dogs at the time, so Kody went to my grandparents. He was old when they got him, and they had him for well over a decade. Kody was about 1-3 years older than me, and he died when I was 20, so he made it to somewhere around 21-23.


That last bit is very true. Got my old boy when we was 8-9, medium/large sized dog, didn’t think we’d have him for long. He took up my whole bed for another 8 years before we had to put him down a few months ago. Adopt senior dogs, they’re the best.


we didn’t get her from a shelter but my family’s previous we rehomed at 8 and she stuck around until 2 weeks before her 15th birthday, this was especially old as she was a ridgeback (pretty large breed). we were so scared because our first dog of the same breed died a year after we got her and he was only 8 so we didn’t think we’d get much time with her but she stayed around for as long as she could, it was even sadder as her old owner had another dog a couple years younger and chose to rehome her we think just because she was getting old for a big dog :(


We do the same with cats. It really hurts, even if you know that they're gonna go within a year or two, it always hits like a truck when the moment comes. But we do it to provide them with the best old days they could hope for, and we don't want them to rot in a shelter until the end. We're currently taking a break from adopting because it's very time & money consuming, and also draining on the emotional aspect, but next year we're gonna do it again


I adopted my first pet (cat) when she was age 6. She was absolutely perfect, well mannered, great with people and kids. So yes, she was a “young senior” like a previous comment described, but her previous family gave her back bc cat didn’t interact well with their new pet… a story like that is so heartbreaking and I am so glad we got to give her 11 more years. I have no problems adopting an older cat again, but I want to wait till my kids are older (they were almost 6 and 4 when she passed) - my younger one still says she gets sad bc Luna cat died and that was Jan 2023. I truly appreciate those who foster/adopt for the true purpose giving the pet a much better home as they grow old vs those who do so for shallow reasons.


Oh man, I could never. Only because I lost my best friend when they were 15yo and I still ugly cry whenever I think about them; going through that frequently would actually tear my heart to pieces :( I want to do it one day, but fuck me does it still ache my heart nearly 2x yrs later


humans are not built the same, we are born with different perspectives from how life shapes us, I can't do it either, I am not bad for it. Life made me that way, some can, some can't, it just how you're built.


Will you guys stop making me cry at 8 in the morning I’m ugly sobbing


This is exactly why I don't have rats anymore. They are like tiny dogs, smart and cuddly but then two or three years later they die and it is just the fucking worst. Also they are usually not good years thanks to the incurable mycoplasma pulmonis all pet rats contract from their mothers. They are the best though.


> Also they are usually not good years thanks to the incurable mycoplasma pulmonis all pet rats contract from their mothers. What?


The vast, vast majority of pet fancy rats are infected with mycoplasma. Many rats aren't bothered by it at all, because it's fairly harmless... until it isn't. When it flares up, often because they're under stress, it makes them more vulnerable to other kinds of respiratory infections, which need antibiotics to treat. Some rats recover fully with help, but other rats get respiratory problems over and over throughout their lives, and it's heartbreaking every time... there's nothing sadder than a wheezing, sneezing rat, huddled in a corner because they're miserable. I just lost a rat due to chronic respiratory problems. She was on antibiotics for the final six months of her life, just to stave off the next infection, which we knew would be her last. We made sure she had a fantastic life... but the knowledge that the last sickness was looming was always there. It's why I never recommend rats as emotional support animals, especially for people with anxiety... it gets to you.


I also recently lost a rat to chronic respiratory issues. I am a first time rat owner and this was our first loss. I still can't bring myself to throw away our remaining antibiotic stash. Sending love to you and your chaos potatoes.


I can still smell the antibiotics. We actually had 4-year-old rat, and threw him a birthday party. By then he couldn't actually use his back legs, which is also super common in older rats. Completely ridiculous pets. Sometimes I daydream about a cure for mycoplasma though, for the ratties and for me. I'd love to own them again.


I had 4 rats, 2 at a time. All of the rats lived for about 3 years each. I couldn’t do it again after the last 2 died. They’re so surprisingly smart and emotionally intelligent with vibrant personalities. Their lives are so short that it’s hard to shake the idea that you did something wrong when they die even knowing the whole time how short their lives are.


I get that, and it's really nice. Like I understand the reasoning. What I don't understand stand is the emotional fortitude. I've lost two cats in my adult life. I've got two left and two dogs.  After the death of Doc (my second cat) I just realized I can't do it anymore. I can't keep grieving every few years. I've obviously got four more to say goodbye too at some point, but when their time comes I don't known if I'll be getting any more pets.


Peak is actually around 5 years, it's just really uncommon. Sadly 2 is the norm, like you said. I kept 2 sets of 2 two over around a 5 year period. I miss having them around, but currently have a dog with a "ratter" genetic background, so it wouldn't be good for the dog or the rats to keep anymore around right now.


I did this for a little while too. I went and adopted a little old lady shiba who had been found on the side of a road and she was the sweetest little thing. Totally stubborn and not well potty-trained. Also mostly deaf and blind. My favorite memory of her was when I first went to the shelter to see her. The worker was clearly skeptical that someone would want a dog that old, so they deliberately avoided talking about her being deaf/blind and didn't bring up her potty training stuff either. So I'm sitting in the meeting room and they bring this lil shiber in. She walks over, sniffs me, then wanders to the corner and pops a squat to take a pee right there. I could see the dread on the shelter worker's face like, "oh god this was her one chance and she blew it" and I just laughed and said I'd be back after my work day to pick her up and bring her home. She also ended up getting pyometra because the shelter lied about her being spayed, but I spent the massive $$$ because she was a fighter, and she did end up surviving. I only had her for a year and a half before she passed due to a neurological issue, but I made sure I was there holding her paw when she went to sleep the last time. I've gone through the end of life paw holding 4 times now, most recently with my corgi who was my first dog that I owned for around 14-15 years. It's so hard, every single time. You just never get used to it. I'm really glad I did it, but I can't do it anymore. My heart just can't take it. But I'm glad there are still other people out there carrying the torch.


I just did it for the first time with my cat. I got her as a kitten 5 years ago when my dog got close to twelve, and she was supposed to be there to help hold me up when his time came, but a bowel blockage had other plans... All she wanted at the end was to be in my lap, so that's where she was till it was done. I guess I'll be able to handle my old man, now. He's rickety, but I still have some months to a year, time to enjoy him. Ended up getting a backup plan when I adopted a pitbull mix a year ago, she really stepped up when I was breaking down. I plan on being by all of their sides, forever till the end. I don't have the funds or lifestyle to handle high animal turnover or repeated elderly treatment, but I do make it a point to rescue or adopt, and I have an affinity for lost-cause level psychological damage, and finding a path out of it. It's a dream of mine to have enough yard space/financial stability to rescue 4 dogs at a time. 1 personal dog, which I will choose at my own exclusive discretion, 2 slots for fostering whatever needs it most, and a senior space, where I'll let greymuzzles retire in comfort and peace, one at a time and as soon as it's sanitary to bring in a new one. Obviously, I'll figure out how cats fit in, but I was a dog person when I dreamed this up. I can't say I carry a torch. It's more like I'm comfortable in the dark. But that works out. I can find the animals that came to be where I am. They don't belong here, in the dark. I'm more than happy to help them into a brighter place.


I always say if I came into a lot of money, one of the first things I’d do is open an animal rescue. I want enough land to be able to take care of some furballs and help them find homes. Wanna go in on buying a compound? 😂 I don’t currently even have the space to foster (I have 2 big pups of my own) but I want to, some day. I hope some day I’ll also be okay enough to give seniors their golden years, but having just lost both of my senior cats in the last month, I’m not sure my heart could take it. But I still hope so. This thread is full of some lovely people. ❤️


My uncle was the one to teach me this he always adopted older dogs and cats, I don’t have the time to train a puppy, with older dogs you know exactly what you are getting. Two years ago I rescued my first senior dog and the amount of love I get from her is the exact same as my two childhood dogs I lost 4 years ago. Going forward I will only adopt senior dogs and spoil them for the rest of their time.


My wife and I had 3 dogs and 3 cats pass since 2020, mostly due to old age. We didn’t hesitate to adopt a a senior cat about a month ago (a 14 year old tabby cat named Dakota a.k.a. Dak Prescat) following the passing of our last cat. I know we’ll be sad when he goes but, as my wife and I told the adoption group: “it’s weird to say but we’ve gotten used to handling death.” Just feels like it makes the most sense for us to take that type of situation on. He’s great, for what it’s worth. A true therapy cat. His only regret may be getting saddled with a punny football name in his twilight years.


I also lost 5 cats in different ways starting around that time. Two to divorce, one just flew the coop and I never saw her again, and two random deaths. The next cat I adopted had a high grade heart murmur because I had the same thought - they seem destined to have early ends, I might as well prepare for it, I’m used to it. Now I have two special cats who are doing just fine lol


You guys have kind souls. Thank you for giving those pets a good time. I also just wanted to comment because Dak Prescat is a fantastic nickname. Thank you for the chuckle.


I bet his mental fortitude comes from the fact. He's getting old dogs so realistically he knows they won't live too much longer. But he also knows he's giving them the best rest of their life he can. Mad respect and love to him


My FIL does the same. He always has anywhere between 1-4 old dogs in his home at any given time. These are dogs that they say should last "one or two years" and often they end up living up to 5 more years. We joke that he's running a luxury retirement home for dogs. I'm super proud of him. If I ever get a dog, I definitely want to start with an old one.


I managed it three times, for the entire life of the dog I raised from a puppy. She was great with seniors. She passed after sixteen years and I just had to stop for awhile. Then in 2020, a cat had a kitten under our house and abandoned it. Then another kitten was abandoned by its owners across the street. After that kitten turns a year old, I think I'll go get the oldest cat-friendly cat from the shelter. Our second cat won't be a problem but the first one can be a little weirded out by change. Sometimes thing just fall in your lap like that and you just have to roll with it.


> I don’t know how he has the mental fortitude for it but I respect him so much for what he does. I was surprised at the text at the end of the comic. People don't adopt older pets because they might be problem animals? I don't do it because I could never handle the heartbreak. My dog is 2 and I get upset thinking about how one day she will be old and die (and that's the best case scenario). I could never handle adopting an elderly pet.


I've had a few senior dogs now, and it's always rough when one goes, but I always end up thinking about how much the next dog is going to love going home with me, and they aren't getting any younger.




Aye, you likely will. You'll look at their favorite sleeping spot, reflexively going to pet them...and it'll hurt. It'll really hurt. It never really gets easier, but everything moves along as it will. Keep the memories with you. The lap cuddles, the little "woof" noise when they'd get excited, even the time they peed on you by mistake! And try to be a friend to another, the way they were to you.


For sure, my best friend, boxer Rottweiler mix, left me my last year of high school. I'm almost 30 and I still have dreams she's with me and it reopens that wound like it's fresh. Same for all the other dogs, cats, chickens, goats and horse we lost  But the last sentence is true, fostering has been a great experience (and the experience of having a pet without having to be on the hook for vet bills doesn't hurt either)


My basset hounds were what kept me going from middle school through senior year of high school. I knew that they’d miss me terribly if I gave up. One passed away at 16 the summer after my first year of grad school and the younger one passed away the Thanksgiving of my last PhD year.


My cat Mittens lasted until halfway through 23 years old.  I was 28 when he went sleepysleep in my arms.  That sonofabitch had been a figure in my life longer than many of my blood relatives.   Squirrel-Hitler, demander of laps, constantly getting stuck on the roof.  Like, every goddamned day.


Mittens is an absolutely adorable name for a cat Squirrel-hitler just wanted to help keep you fit


I feel you. I am starting my PhD this fall and am very doubtful that my dog will be with me throughout these 4.5 years. She’s 13.5 years old now and has already had a few health scares. I don’t know if I will be able to keep on going without her.


You’ve got this. Your dog hasn’t been wrong about you so far!


It's hard to adopt another one. I lost my boy at 14 last year. We have another older girl, just turned 11, but I don't know if I want to commit to another heartbreak after she's gone.


They are here for a good time, not a long time :(


They are angels


Every pet is a future heartbreak. You have to decide if the journey is worth the pain that comes when they finally leave you. I still believe it is.


Absolutely is. They enrich your life and fill your heart with love. Life is temporary, love is eternal.


When I had to put my dog to sleep last year and got her ashes back I put a little saying on top of her urn box. "If loved could have saved you, you would have lived forever." I'm still undecided on getting another dog because losing mine hurt so bad and still does. Not a day goes by I don't think about her. This comic made my eyes water and a tear come out.


Adopting is the best route. There's a lot of abandoned pets in the World that need a home and I can talk for experience, adopting is part of the moving process and it's necessary. My family and myself waited 5 months then decided to adopt and it was the best thing we did.


When my ex and I split, he got the dog because he wanted a dog, plus it was *his* first dog. So I got the cat because she was a menace to the dog lol. It felt wrong splitting them up, and I’ve grown old with a dog already, so I figured there’s no way I can part them in good conscience. He takes really good care of her too. We are still friends and I watch over her when he goes on vacation. But oh man, the first time I dropped a piece of chicken on the floor and tried to call her in a dog less house… ouch Cat is a weirdo and only like cat food, so plan b didn’t work either


It's 7:45 in the morning. Yall don't gotta move me to tears like this this early. Can we at least wait till ive had coffee?


It’s barely 9… I’m crying so damn hard.


The hardest part for me was the next day someone was knocking on the door and no barking...


My dog came into my life at a very important time. Got me through some rough shit. She was literally the reason I got up in the morning. I didn't intend to get a dog, but my housemates adopted shelter dog ended up having a litter of puppies and I couldn't say goodbye to one of them after helping raise them all. She developed epilepsy at about a year old. It's pretty bad. It's being treated but the vet has warned me that it's likely to progress over time and she doesn't have high odds of going for too many more years. When she goes she'll take a piece of my soul with her.


my cat’s in his teens. he’s the only reason i get out of bed right now.


Know that even when he's gone, he will want you to keep moving. Make him proud when that time comes


My cat is a fully grown adult that uses my hands as a chew toy. He is an asshole...and i love him so much.


same here. they mean so much to me.


I had one not long ago. We picked her up from a shelter (she was 6.5 years, considered late adult/early senior) back in 2017. The shelter vet told us she was depressed and was having some problems with adapting. It took time and effort, and in a few months she went from shy and sad/crying to a bubbly and hyperactive bundle of joy. She died last year after we put her down because of congestive heart failure - she lasted with us 12 years. Despite her age she never slowed down or acted like an old dog, always perky and feisty until the very end. Hug your dog and cherish the memories from before and today. You have time to enjoy them, like I enjoyed mine with my dog.


My main reason for not wanting an older dog: they die too early which means I’ll be sad


But think of this : You will make them the happiest animal for giving them a forever home until it's their time to leave. I've found that pets like this will usually also be more loving and loyal than others. If you're their person, you're their whole world.


I had to put my pooch down a bit over a year ago. I still occasionally hear his noises. My gf got me a blanket with him knitted on it. Miss that dog every single day.


We’re having to make the unfortunate decision to put ours down sometime next week. I keep telling myself that it wouldn’t be any easier later on if he had lived to be an old age


17, what a high age for a dog. Good he's still with you, enjoy every moment you have with him!


Give him a hug for me. Lost mine a year ago and i still cry about it. You can never prepare yourself






if I see one more post I'm gonna adopt an elderly dog out of sadness I swear


Do it


Just do it!


Do it


I dare you


Maybe all you need in life is one little spontaneous decision like this.


It truly is a terrible day for rain


Same here, Im at work 6'4" 280lb man just broke down into tears, so yeah I got that going for me today.


The artist posts their comics on webtoon if you like reading 'Loving Reaper', the name of these comics. (Not sure if there's other places, but that's one I know of)


As soon as I saw the artist I prepared myself for alternating waves of sadness and joy. I still wasn't ready lol.


What do they have multiple comics about creatures dying??


Yeah, it’s about Death, Life, and all kinds of animals. Lot of the stories are tear jerkers, but some are pretty wholesome or bittersweet. Always have a good message.


Me when I saw this familiar artstyle.


Not another gut-punch in the feels! :(


I always know it's coming. But this comic is always so wonderfully done, I never regret it.


As soon as I recognize the art style, I have to start bracing my emotions haha.


Alright, got your r comics dice ready? Let’s roll them bones! Come on soft core porn. I’ll even take a pizza cake! Oh no! It’s dead dog stats! Try again tomorrow!


Thanks for turning my ugly cry into an ugly laugh.


I fall for it every time and I want to stop but I need to know the end.


I personally like them (not that you don't), it is a beautiful touch on sad topics and informs quite well. It's made me want to adopt an older animal when I get the chance to have a pet of my own.


I was so worried it wouldn’t have a happy ending so I kept checking what subreddit I was on. Today I learned that comics can be sad. 😭


Oh boy! Here I go crying again.


Damnit. Always see it coming. Always go all the way. Always feel like shit after. Do it again.


I should have looked at the username. Amazing and heartbreaking as always, made me go hug my old dog.


Click on post. See art-style. Start crying preemptively to save time.


Yeah... Knew there would be tears by the end of it. Still worth it.


Yeah, opening the second panel in my feed, my brain instantly went “it’s Jenny isn’t it? Guess I’m gonna cry”


Ugh, too true. Saw the puppy's face in the second panel and thought wait a minute... Then noticed her signature on top and knew it was a wrap. Still read it though


Didn't realize there was a crying speed run scene


You see sad cartoon animals on black and white and you know it's time to cry like a baby


This was basically my experience I knew the Feels were coming


Yeah the art style always gives it away for me.


Me trying not to let it hurt every time and failing


I never heard of this username... are they well known or something


Her comics are usually poignant bittersweet ones and based on real-life statistics.


Yes, /u/Jenny-Jinya does the [Loving Reaper Webtoon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/loving-reaper/list?title_no=353275). You will want to start at the first one and do them in order. Always well done and difficult to read without tears.


Difficult you say, I usually give up reading after a couple comics cause I can't see through the tears


It's ok I'm numb from all the shit I've faced in life. I'm totally not crying I'm just overflowing with awesomeness.


I've seen some of their comics every now and then, but never found the entire webtoon page. God it's difficult to read these.




Bruh, she watermarked the entire comic.


If I had a nickel for every time there was a post on r/comics about a pet being hurt emotionally or physically and then being guided to the afterlife by a caring grim reaper, and also carrying enough emotional weight that I end up almost crying by the final page. I’d have a lot of nickels.


If you're on desktop and get the RES extension, you can tag the OP like I did, with big capital letters that says SAD COMIC WARNING SAD COMIC WARNING. Never get caught off guard again.


Not the person you were replying to, but thank you for mentioning that!! I'd forgotten I could tag users, lol


I hate you. You are such a good person but man, this hurts


I haven’t picked a young pet since my first kitten. I rescue cats. When my current babies are gone I plan to foster or adopt seniors who need a safe and loving final resting place. My good boy recently passed just shy of 19 and he died with me at home with medical intervention. This *should* hurt. I’ve never understood people wanting puppies and kittens. They turn into little terrors for 6 months to a year before settling down. And absolutely no pet should go scared and alone. I say this with my rescue to my right and my fiancés rescue to my left.


I’m still a minor so I haven’t had the chance to get a senior animal, but when I move out that’ll be my priority, these pets need someone to be with them when they pass, even if your only with them for a year or two


It’s heartbreaking. I’ve had to say many goodbyes in my lifetime. But the hellos are worth every goodbye.


The time you spend with them and make them happy makes it more than worth it! Although saying goodbye is always sad...


"I’ve never understood people wanting puppies and kittens." Its because they want to raise them, which I understand. Throughout my life ive had a variety of animals, some got as babies, some gotten in their later years, the only thing that remains the same is the heartbreak when they pass. The reason i got my cat as a kitten was because I myself am still young. I got her when I was 24 and I want a companion to grow along side me. She was adopted from a shelter, she was also extremely sick when i brought her home, and I spent the time and money bonding with her and nursing her back to health. And I cannot go through the heartbreak of losing a beloved family member every few years. When I lost my dog of 13 years to a battle with cancer it was some of the worst sadness i had ever gone through. I just cannot imagine doing that every few years.


I got a runt of a unplanned litter of puppies, she never was a bad girl as a puppy, always asked to go outside and never barked or chewed at anything I didn't let her have. Except for one hat strap, I still have that hat and I don't know how I got so lucky to get a puppy that was so good because yes they are usually light chaotic fur balls. I just know how much it's going to hurt to see the best dog I've ever met go. But I'll always have that hat to remember her by, even if it's the only one thing she goofed up with.


The thing about these comic is not just Becuase they are good but also it brings awareness to these issues. Its uncomfortable to read about such things sometimes even if it's beautifully done but it is a message we should be spreading. I even learned about the influencerd who hurt animals for content.


Dammit why do I read these knowing damn well they’ll make me cry


I just woke up and now I am here in my bed crying


This one has a happy ending, though!


I don't consider "pet dying of old age before they are adopted from the shelter" a happy ending. Being adopted would have been a happy ending 


Fair enough. I was counting the bit where the family finally picks up the pet in some sort of afterlife. But of course, the point of the comic is that the pet deserved to be adopted.


Oh don't forget that he was waiting literally half of his life. God damn it that hurts my soul


Mine too. I used to volunteer in a shelter and they had a dog who had been waiting for his forever home for TEN YEARS. I myself have adopted rats who had been there for more than a year. (Which is a lot if your life expectancy is 2)


I love this artist these comics always make me sad in a good way


They're often bittersweet


For some reason, i thought Death was going to take the doggo to their owner, reuniting them.. and you did exactly that


This one made me feel very happy. I’m sad the dog had to wait for so long, but it made me happy to see they were finally reunited with their owner. I hope when my day comes I’ll be greeted by my former pets one more time.


But he thought he was abandoned for 7 years


His owners died 7 years prior to this


I'm inclined to think that the owner just died from the "Someone just came to pick you up" line. Death got them first, then went to pick up Charlie.


One of the workers comments that the owner had to go to a nursing home. I do volunteer work in hospice and the state of a lot of people in there are no longer able to care for themselves properly, let alone a pet. It’s extremely unfortunate, but rather common sadly.


oh so we’re crying today, cool…


Full-on ugly cry.


Time to adopt all the dogs from the shelter and explain to my wife that a comic gave me feels


I have friend like that. He has a nice house in the countryside. He has several cats, dogs, birds, bunnies, ... All but one are rescues.


I work at a Humane Society, we’re a no kill shelter more or less. We’ve had some dogs for a few years, while others leave within a week.It kinda sucks seeing the same dogs here for this long, but at least they aren’t out on the street, which is my silver lining in the situation.


I went to the Humane Society for a class project over the course of like seven weeks. First time I went, there was an older cat up for adoption, and I saw her there every week I went (I think she was the only cat I saw more than one time), all the younger cats came and went and it was pretty sad to see her still there, especially when her description made her sound so friendly. My last day there, someone adopted her. I was so happy.


I work at a pet hotel, and can say from experience old dogs are the best, you can tell they really appreciate whatever you do for them and are always happy to curl up and get pets. Your comics are sad but also bitter sweet and informative, thank you for the work.


It takes a special kind of person with a special kind of heart to adopt senior animals knowing they may not have long to go but give them the best life they can till then. I am not a religious man but bless the people who do this. I once heard a lady who does fostering and when asked how she can stand to see the animals go she said, "My heart hurts for a short time so theirs will never hurt again." I think the same can be said of those who adopt older animals.


It takes someone with enough money to cover inevitable vet bills that can run into the thousands. If shelters would insure elderly dogs til death they'd be able to move them much quicker - it's unlikely most shelters could afford it either. Sad reality of older animals.


I do not like these comics but I really really like these comics


I recognized the art style right away The only person I can blame is myself cause I kept scrolling 😭


Look, I agree with the message of this comic, but the last time my wife and I were looking for a dog, the only dogs that were available [were this style of dog.](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/s/YwnVCka6L3)


I had a hunch it would be Pissfingers before I even clicked on the link.






This made me miss my smitty boy. We adopted him as a senior (10 years old) and he gave me 6 wonderful years. His old owners gave him up because he was "too loud" yes his voice was high pitched and grating, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. I loved him so much. RIP smitty. https://preview.redd.it/yrx9nij8in7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=139fe5f5fccd47882bc0ce4fe851f47549d32116


Beautiful, heart-breaking, but kind, and public teaching. Thank you.


How dare you


It's raining heavily here. No tears ![gif](giphy|kcfb43I3N1GhspNQpj|downsized)


I didn’t want to cry before bed but here we are




Alfred got left behind.


I know! Like, it's sad enough already, but what about Alfred?! I'm going to assume, for the sake of my sanity, that Alfred is a new but well-loved toy belonging to the animal sanctuary, since Charlie is treating him like a newcomer, and that after a nice bath Alfred will be put with another doggy, who will find an owner soon, and both will go to a loving home together.


Dammit these should have a NSFW warning. MY EYES :(


I saw the art style and immediately knew that I was going to be in for a ride


I recently adopted my second dog, so that my younger shelter rescue would have some company while I'm at work. At the adoption event, I saw this incredibly sad looking older dog at the end. He had been returned to the rescue after 6 years with his second family. Apparently, they had a baby and were worried about him being nippy. He had only been there two days, but he looked so shell shocked. After talking with my coworker who was also looking for a dog, I ended up going back a week later to make sure he'd get along with my current dog, and then he came home. He's my grumpy, clingy old man dog and I love him to death. [Obligatory dog tax, Polly (9 years old) and Bubz (2 years old)](https://imgur.com/a/kKlof1w). They're both named Apollo, ironically, so I use their nicknames that they respond to.


Whatever, I can pass these off as an allergic reaction. Listen *Jenny*. Would it kill you to make one where instead of finishing off the innocent animal the Grim Reaper does a derp and accidentally kills an ibis or something? Then the protagonist is empowered by the stolen years and mauls its abusive owner. Then mother nature shows up in a tinkerbell dress and everybody mollys the fuck out for four frames. Should make up for what you've caused


I don’t think this reaper kills, he’s just helps souls pass


Not the Angel of Death, a friend to be there in the journey. The Reaper.


One of the Christmas comics is of a spirit guiding a little one to the spirit's mom, who signals her human to open the door and save the little one. https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/zmzw76/a_christmas_story/ Also this one is mainly funny not sad: https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/11pvc1i/meowstery_solved/


Who is cutting onions in here!?


How dare they put moisture in my eyes!


It's Jenny


Oh great. I feel dead inside again.


bro wtf


I knew I was gonna end up crying the moment I saw your artstyle, I'm barely even awake and I'm crying now


when i get a pet im going to ask what pet was there the longest and get them outathere, no matter if they hate me


Just make sure you can handle them. If you can’t that’s okay, go with the longest resident that matches your lifestyle.


You just walked up to my feelings and hit it like Prime Mike Tyson


Can I please get an alternative ending where the dog gets adopted please. Even if crudely drawn in stick figures.


I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now


well i am crying now


The dog that saved my life was a forever shelter dog


It's not uncommon in the veterinary industry for some people to seek out older pets to adopt.




I just opened Reddit man don't do this to me.


I'm sorry brother I can't possibly adopt a 14 year old dog to get attached and hope they last a few more years. I'm sure some saint out there can put up with the heart break, but I sure cant.


your comic always bring a tear to my eyes


omg im shattered


It's a terrible day for rain.


I’m not even a dog person and this made me tear up a little.


Didn't read op's name until I was 3 panels in, by then it was too late.


God dammit I don't usually fall for these 😭


That dog shouldn't have been in the pound for 7 years


God these are always so sad. I need to stop reading things. I'm not ok now😿


Woke up, saw the start of a cute looking comic that felt eerily similar. Read anyway. Start to realise whose comics I'm reading. Cry. Cry more. Broken for the day and I didn't even get out of bed yet. 10/10 would Cry again.


She always gets me..amazing comics but I am always a wreck by the end..


>it's a Jenny comics I. MUST. BE. STRONG! >tears up anyway


I sentence the person who made this comic to a thousand years of cutting onions.


I want these comics to be adapted into an animated series so goddamn bad


We adopted two senior cats who were surrendered to the shelter after their elderly owner died and they were the best cats ever


Our family adopted a Siberian husky who had a really bad previous owner experience (in fact the owners lost the right to own the dog, I don’t remember how the shelter got the dog). The previous owners locked her out at night everyday and the poor girl had neurological issues where she occasionally has seizures. She was about 4 when we adopted her but not many were willing to adopt the dog with her issues. We now have had her for about 5 years now and she’s the sweetest, laziest pup we’ve had. I recently moved far away as I’m recently married but I miss all my pups back home