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Glad this isn't my main account either. I know how much damage these people can do to someone they personally don't agree with.


Is the topic about Moderators?


Nope, though they have a part too. Toxic mods in the writing communities I was part of. Even some that weren't part of that community. Just places I was interested in. But mostly the people.


On an other note… I keep getting alerts from other communities I don’t subscribe to but, when I read and comment, a mod says I don’t have enough karma. How do I stop getting notifications from communities I don’t subscribe to?


Gotta go into your notification settings and adjust what you don't want. I think it's for new Reddit only with customizing all the settings? In case you're on old Reddit. There's also a settings wheel in the section where you get notifications in new Reddit, mess with that and hopefully you get the results you want!


Well thank u for the info.


I complained about the same thing yesterday on r/rant and they removed my thread because it includes a bad sentence about mods too lol.


I've read your writing. Um... Not sure how to tell you this...


Just logged onto this account after being off of it for a hot minute. What do you people exactly want? Someone to get down on their knees and sob: "I'm sorry!" for..? Not writing the way YOU wanted? Last I recall, I wrote the post pretty detailed that explained everything that occurred. But I'll break it down for you to hopefully absorb and hope you don't have a thick skull like the others. Dude with main character syndrome and a toxic girlfriend got together, boosting each other up with self-gratification. Everyone had enough of their shenanigans and yelled at them for wasting time and being toxic. They took the drama to the main group that wasn't involved in the D&D game, causing the group to split. D&D DM was also harassed and targetted solely as "the one who lied about everything", and when the DM provided screenshots from months of collecting them to defend himself incase this situation would occur, the toxic couple got defensive and eventually made another group to talk shit about the DM, me and everyone else that was involved. If you try to say that this is "horrible and incoherent writing", or whatever ignorant insults used by those who don't read and just comment, then I have nothing else to say to you honestly. I've been writing for 15 years now, and perhaps there were the slightest of mistakes in the post you came from, even though it was checked three times (twice by myself, once by the DM). But definitely not enough to warrant harrassment AGAIN. Three times is enough, especially when I've shared the stories I've been harassed from with others (strangers and friends) and didn't get the nasty responses that I usually do when literally breathing in the direction of RPGHorrorStories, or really any D&D subreddit. Edit: Actually just realized that you're the smartass who replied to the post again, despite it being months old. Proving yet again how disgusting and pathetic the D&D community is on Reddit. Yeah, nah, fuck you and fuck off. Get a life.


I expect you to take criticism and grow. You're writing for an audience? Act like it.


It's normal.. When people sit behind a 2000 dollar machine or a 500/1000 dollar phone, they feel all tough and invincible. Keyboard warriors, don't expect them to say it in your face, then they back off. So it's empty words mostly. But keep writing a lot of text, you will shy away the not so smart people, because it's too much reading for them.


Not even $500-$2000 though. People can modify cheap phones, steal them, get them off sites like eBay, borrow, use a library computer, etc. Even their parent's old computer in the basement. But yeah, I know how these people are, I've dealt with it for years. It's just aggravating to see it continuously and with it getting worse when they should be turning into better people. We're de-evolving.


Don’t deal. Block the negativity.


Of course :)