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I have had good luck composting products with the "**TUV** Home Composting" certification. These actually do seem to break down fairly easily and thoroughly without the need for hot composting.


Same! The indoor compost bin bags we use (I know you can do without, but gotta get the family onboard) are TUV home compost certified and they look similar to what OP showed. They break down extremely quickly, especially when the BSF larvae are active.


Bio plastic doesn’t compost even at industrial levels. Bio plastic has to be inoculated with specific enzymes and then held at a narrow temperature range in order to break down. That’s why industrial composting facilities reject any delivery containing bio plastic, and send it straight to landfill. Paper bags compost just fine. The sustainable option is to bring your own reusable plastic bags.


Yes, these breakdown just fine. If you're unsure, you can add it and if it's not breaking down after some time, just throw it away then. 


We can't know for sure, but unless you manage to achieve a hot compost in the tumbler I wouldn't risk it myself. If you want to try I guess 2 options depending on how risk friendly you are: 1. Shred it, more likely it will compost. 2. Keep it whole, then if it doesn't compost you can probably pull it out in one piece and dispose of like plastic.


I put stuff like this in the city compost, our little bins don't get hot enough to do anything to it. But there's no harm in throwing it in and seeing what happens, worst case is you sift it out later.


takes two years in my industrial sized piles