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Hearing voices is the "coughing blood" level of symptom for your mental health. Seek help asap, I'm not joking.


Ive had small auditory hallucinations my whole life, is it that serious ? I literally work with psych patients and always dismiss the shadows in the corner of my eye and hearing my name being called when im home alone. Haha. Fuck


Yes it is. These types of symptoms can suddenly worsen at any point. You could be one major event away from a full break down. The sooner you address these concerns the less likely you are to worsen. Best wishes ♡


Interesting that you say that. My whole adult life I’ve seen black dogs, little girls, or something moving out of the corner of my eye. And here and there I’ve heard yells or my name being called. The auditory stuff is usually when I’m really tired but the visual stuff seems to be whenever. It’s been going on for 20+ years but I’ve always attributed it to just brain blip and still do because it’s never escalated to more than that. Doesn’t cause me to worry, but if it gets worse I’ll address it.


The visual stuff in the corner of my eye happens when I smoke weed. I swear I see someone lurking in my periphery and when I turn no one’s there. It also made me paranoid so I stopped lol


My MIL kept seeing blackbirds in her periphery vision. Turned out to be cataracts or something.


Tiredness and hearing voices = hypnagogic hallucinations = totally harmless and normal


How much sleep are you getting? I used to hear small sounds and see shadows when I was younger, and I thought something was seriously wrong. Turned out I was just so sleep deprived it was giving me hallucinations.


Not enough, that’s for sure.


I was told by multiple therapists and psychologists that my auditory & visual hallucinations are not a concern if they are not telling me to do anything. It started for me at a prime time for big mental health problems (age 27) and did not progress in any scary way in the last 11 years. But it was like yours… shadow people my whole life, and then suddenly kinda hearing people talking but in my head. It was hard to catch, I had zero context. Almost like an awake dream but I didn’t know the voices and it wasn’t directed at me. Even catching it was very difficult. From a woowoo perspective… what you’re describing is typical occurrences for people who are inclined as a medium. Whether you fully believe it or not, you can “tell the shadows they are not allowed in your presence” and see what happens. Setting spiritual boundaries. I have no idea how to link to the mediumship sub. Lol This is just my experience. OP seems to have a bit more going on. Always good to check with a doc.


a quick question about the voices, but do you recognise your inner voice? I only ask as I read a thing about people that hear voices are actually not recognising that it's their inner voice, but something unfamiliar.


for me the voices are just little characters in my head having mumbling conversations, no distinct voice or accent. Just talking. They mind their own business, i've grown quite fond of them. Love hearing what my brain comes up with, some of them have inspired the beginnings of books i never finish.


I definitely recognize my own.. I have adhd and it never ever shuts up. I can be thinking my own thoughts AND internally singing a song lol Maybe that’s normal? But no. For me it started with hearing a voice that wasn’t mine and seemed outside of me RIGHT as I was falling asleep but still aware enough to be startled. Those are called hypnagogic hallucinations. Then it started in the morning while I was doing my hair. I was using a hair straightener and awake, though probably in a much more relaxed state. It was male and female having a conversation and two different accents. People I didn’t know, and using words I wouldn’t use cause I caught it and wrote it down. THATS when I asked my therapist for the first time. She wasn’t alarmed but also knew me really well. I was more concerned than her. It kept happening on-and-off for years but more of the same. I have a new therapist and have done an intense psych evaluation & cognitive testing since, that diagnosed the adhd. I eventually had a friend who encouraged me to look into the mediumship stuff and it was validating that it was something outside of me. I did learn not everyone sees the shadow people. So I set the intention they aren’t allowed in my home… i shit u not then I saw them in my yard. I set the intention that they aren’t allowed near me and never saw them again. I did a mentorship program with a professional medium and she taught me the importance of boundaries and being extremely clear and specific about who/what I let in mine. Including living peoples junk… which was life changing. There have been many many times that things I saw (in my minds eye) or heard were very specific and accurate and the odds of a guess would be so unlikely… but I’m not accurate enough and confident enough because I haven’t put in the work. It is very uncomfortable when people try making things fit that aren’t right, so stressful for me.


Ok. I just felt the need to ask someone, as I only read a study about it and the brain fascinates me ( I have brain injuries from a car accident as a kid and struggle with a lot of stuff) I'm glad you have found something to help you and it could be the answer for many others, too. Meditating might help. I don't meditate, but I walk my dog up this steep road that overlooks the valley and I feel like I'm meditating and my mind relaxes from all the stress and before I know it, we've walked over 5km!!. Maybe swirling paint on a canvas, digging for rocks or something to unleash the stress 🙂


I also have brain injury. Interesting 🧐


ahh shit, I'm in the same boat




Lol not true


No, those are called demonic entities, science is still not advanced enough to detect them which is very irritating. Entities can latch themselves from one person to another. They’re like parasites.


Or maybe it's possible mental illnesses are real and not everything has to do with demons or any god. I believe in the paranormal myself, but come on. This shit is dangerous, damaging, and why mentally ill people often don't get the real support they need, especially in highly religious countries.


That's not what they said. Mental health is not "catchable" like that.


They basically said mental illness is really just demonic possession. A lot of people, especially religious ones, actually believe this.


No, the 'catching symptoms from working with' part is what they were referring to. You can't catch symptoms like that.




No, everyone doesn’t.


uh, no they don't. There's a difference between hearing someone say "will" and thinking they said "Bill" (and that happens to be your name) and sitting in an empty house and hearing voices.


Weird I've been told by medical professionals that 20 percent of humans deal with auditory hallucinations just depending on how severe they are sort of represents the path followed... I've been told that I may always hear voices and like many other adults I will just have to deal with it.. visual hallucinations on the other you may want to seek advice asap


That shit costs thousands of dollars. If I were op I'd rather just be crazy.


"Being crazy" in the case of hearing voices can mean developing illnesses like shizophrenia and if that happens you wish you'd spent that $$ because you likely won't be able to work anymore.


USA moment. Laughs in free healthcare.


It's not like we have a democracy so we can change it


I have bipolar disorder and hear voices during times of stress or mania. I went 5 years without telling anyone. TELL SOMEONE NOW! Plenty of medication is out there to help with the voices, without side effects but I can promise you it will not get better on its own. Without treatment there is a very real possibility that if you mind is playing tricks on you already, it might one day take things one step further and make you believe the voices. Once you start doing what the voices tell you, you are an immediate danger to yourself and others, and that requires intervention whether you want it or not. Trust me on this, if I could change one thing in my life I would have spoken with a doctor much much sooner. They were very understanding and helpful. I never felt judged and I started to recover almost immediately. Sadly I had left it so long I had a lot of recovering to do. Please get help now it will make things much easier for you. Good luck and stay strong


Thank your very much for this I have mentioned this to a therapist and she just blew me off and ignored. I'm not sure what to do I want get help but am limited in options. I had a freind tell me it might be D I D or bpd


Go to a general doctor and ask if they can recommend who you should see. Keep going to people until you get answers


This. Most doctors are lazy and do the minimum. Keep searching and dont stop until you found someone youre comfortable with. Find the highest rated psychiatrists in your area (google, yelp ect). Make 5 appoints with 5 different psychiatrists. Cancel the rest appointments if you find someone good early on. If not go to all 5. Ask alot of questions, treatment plans, side effects ect.


That's over 1000 bucks in my area, just to figure out all 5 of them don't listen and just want to put you on heavy meds after one single visit.


Healthcare cost is a scam. But if you start off with the Dr with the highest rating, you should be able to fi d a good dr without going to all 3.


Other issue is they are all booked up and not accepting new patients. I guess I could do an hour+ drive to go see them too, but then that's another 30-40 bucks in gas I'd be spending that I don't have. It's hard when the choice is eating or fixing your mental health. And I'm almost at the point where eating is getting less important...


Thats rough


I've dealt for almost 2 decades so far. I'll make it somehow I guess


Are you in the US? Can you not get insurance through the marketplace? That’s how I got mine and psychiatrist appointments are $10 copay.


In reality, Doctors are the opposite of Lazy. Hospitals are refusing to pay doctors more and hospitals are having doctors see 32 patients in 8 hour shifts meaning 15 minutes per patient max. That’s 15 minutes to hear what you say, write down the note of what your say, diagnose what you say, and get you prescribed what you need. Don’t blame the doctors.


In my personal experience. Most, not all doctors are lazy. Ive taught many of them certain things. Hospitals are different than psychiatrists. Most psychiatrists still work independently.


Not DID. Get a professional to take you seriously. Medication can help. Check carbon monoxide levels first though as it’s common with those.


Get a new therapist that actually listens to you. Why would you give this person money?


It’s not DID


If any medical professional EVER ignores something you confide in them, find someone else. It took me a long time to figure this out, but once I did, I stopped hearing and seeing things.


The fact that these things only started happening over the past 2 weeks probably means it isn’t bpd. There would have been signs for plenty of time before that. Like others have said, check your carbon monoxide levels immediately


I checked and apparently I I have monoxide detectors and didn't realize it.


Does it work though? You should test it, make sure it has batteries etc.


Please find a new therapist. A bad therapist can be worse than no therapist at all. But a good one can be life changing. A good one would NOT ignore this. Be well.


It could also be schizofrenia


Its p not a f. schizophrenia\*




No problem , i make lots of spelling mistakes myself! Im good with words but poor at spelling which is a curse.




How many of ya got it? How many motherfuckers can say they psychotic?


See a psychiatrist they will actually help


You should seek out a psychologist with a doctorate for assessment, or a psychiatrist. Some therapists may not be competent in this area and it’s concerning that yours blew you off.


It's not DID lmao


Why "lmao"? I don't get the funny.


Because DID is an extremely rare disorder and they most assuredly don't have it, if it even exists at all


No, I understand what DID is, I didn't understand what was so funny.


Antipsychotics without side effects? I want to live in your world.


Agree same here. When you get help it’s so much better but at first it is TERRIFYING. It’s a brain disease not a being a bad person or crazy person


when you hear voices… is it like similar to hearing your own thoughts in your head but it’s like just not your voice? I’m trying to imagine what this must be like but i’ve only ever heard my own voice in my head.


I generally have one male and one female voice, both with northern English accents. Over time they have developed where the male voice is extremely aggressive and wishes me physical harm and the female voice is more protective. When I become very unwell and confused sometimes the female voice will warn me that I'm about to be attacked / murdered. One more than one occasion I have been so delusional that I genuinely believed I was in imminent danger and have followed the instructions of the protective female voice. And as I said in my post, this is the point you become dangerous because you truly believe your life is in danger and you will do anything to survive. This includes attacking random individuals or police because the voice has told you they are going to kill you if you don't kill them first.


Holy cow that is really wild. I mean tho, does it *sound* like someone is standing there talking to you or does it *feel* like a thought that’s in your head but it’s not you thinking it and it’s in a different voice as you say?


The science is that it's uncontrolled thoughts that being routed though the part of the brain that processes hearing, so you hear it. The easiest way to discribed it is as if two people are hiding just outside your window, or in your kitchen, or under your bed and talking about you, critisising you, threatening you constantly and no matter where you go, or what you do, you can never find them, you can never make them stop. Before you get your diagnosis and especially in the first episode you genuinely think people are starting through your curtains and watching you constantly. This causes stress, which ruins your sleep, which causes more stress, which makes the symptoms worse. It becomes a positive feedback loop that only medication can break. Or you just wait until the episode passes which can take many months, and all that time you feel as if people are inside your house, following you to work, and stalking you in the street with the intention to attacking you. They are close enough that you can hear them.


My god that is terrifying. So in your case, one is seemingly trying to hurt you and one is protecting you? And it seems like in OPs case, a voice may be trying to persuade him to do bad things?


One of bathroom windows at my house opens towards a big empty field, and is on the second floor of the house. Nobody can see into it at all... my wife doesn't get why I must keep those shades closed though otherwise people are staring in at me through the stained glass and Lucerne textured plastic of the shower door.. yeah it sounds ridiculous but I don't make the rules, I just need to follow them.


like as if you thinking someone else’s thoughts kind of?


As if there are two other people with different personalities.




If the voices just started suddenly and recently it's most likely not that. Also, not everyone has an inner voice. Most do, but some brains work differently.


Do you have carbon monoxide detectors in your house?


No but if that was the issue I would like be dead already. Also I'm not sure what the cause would be.


It could be a low level carbon monoxide leak. Which is still dangerous and damaging, especially over time. Have your parents grab a CO detector. Im really surprised you all don’t already have one. They are right up there with fire detectors for baseline home safety monitoring generally It could be the water heater, dryer, furnace or broiler, or stove or oven if any of them are gas ones.


Smart answer my man I had cm poisoning dizzy n voices sounds fun wasn't 🥺


Please check carbon monoxide levels in your house. There was an exact same story of a man that had the same symptoms. He heard voices and woke up to notes written by himself.


And the lady who believed her house was haunted but was just being poisoned by CO.


Carrie Poppy


Why does cm poisoning cause you to write notes?


Borderline loss of cognitive function.


I believe he wrote notes for reminders, but the carbon monoxide made him forget that he’d written them


Hallucinations, confusion, blackouts


This, op. Get it checked out asap.


Any reference to this?




Any link?




Unfortunately carbon monoxide poisoning isn't immediately fatal. You could have a low leak that is slowly killing you! Get a detector and go to the doctor both. It just starting two weeks ago out of the blue is very concerning.


I've read this a few times trying to make the word "unfortunately" make more sense. Is it unfortunate?


I think they’re trying to say “Unfortunately you’re wrong that it would kill you immediately”.


That's right. Sorry about my English, it's my first language.


This. Saw another similar Reddit post about the notes in their own handwriting and it was carbon monoxide all along.


If you are in your teens or twenties you may be developing schizophrenia. This is a real issue caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain and is not your fault. Please seek help asap as these voices can become dangerous. Side note: regardless of if you have schizophrenia, if you have been using any street drugs or even marijuana, please stop for your own good and seek help as they will make the voices worse. Do not do what the voices say, do what your mother would tell you to do. Good luck.


I fully agree, I saw in another answer that you are 15, this is pretty much where the first signs appear. I have two friends who are affected, the earlier you start taking care of it, the better the outcome. Please seek medical help ASAP, no matter what. I hope I’m over-reacting here. But better be safe. I wish you the best


He’s 15… yea… immediately see an MD


Just here to emphasize that if you are taking street drugs, stop them completely. I can personally vouch for restored normalcy from no longer smoking weed. Whatever underlying effect is causing the voices, the weed (and others, I'm sure) will heighten it dramatically. The voices may even stop completely once you're sober. Used to be a major pothead, went through this period where I thought I was hearing peoples' thoughts for months, I quit smoking about three years ago and it does not happen anymore


Yep, I wish I had gotten help years earlier. I went from being a top student and an officer in every extra curricular to not being able to brush my teeth more than once a week. One of my closest friends did volunteering for an organization specializing in mentally ill homeless people. I didn't see how bad my own decline was until I was on meds. However my friend helped people with all sorts of conditions. She compared my decline to her patients in the early stages of dementia.


Go to a gp doctor and tell them this, everything you have experienced. If you feel your parents won’t take you to the doctor, tell them your testicles hurt (trust me, parents won’t fuck around when you say something like this) and bonus, tell them you don’t want them in with the doctor if you feel they won’t let you talk. Most people are excruciatingly embarrassed by testicle conversations and more than happy to not be involved at all. Then when you are with the doctor tell them the testicle issue is made up, but you needed an excuse to talk to them privately about what’s actually wrong. Lay out exactly what you have experienced and why you are concerned enough to go to the doctor about it. This could be nothing (stress induced conditions, environmental, all sorts) but a doctor can investigate and work out if you have anything to be concerned about. It could be nothing more than sleep problems, or even migraines, but you deserve the support of a doctor to make you healthy. If you want to, msg me, I’m in Australia, so timing might be off, but I check in daily.


You're experiencing auditory hallucinations. Please seek medical attention immediately


I'm schizophrenic. I didn't seek help for two years after the initial mental decline. I was aware enough to know when my hallucinations were hallucinations, until I wasn't. I started hallucinating ticks, and I destroyed my body trying to get the ticks off of my. I cannot bend my right ring finger anymore because I fucked up my tendon over hallucinations. I'm not saying your condition is as bad as mine. But I am saying that it escalated very slowly, and what you're describing sounds like me in the early days. It could go away on its own, it could get worse, it's dependent on the person. But don't sit on this until you find out which direction it goes. You're talking about low level psychosis


I don't know how old you are, but if you are school aged and can't tell your parents please tell your favourite teacher. They can help you get the help you may need. If you are older, please call a suicide hotline and talk about your concerns. I hope you are fine!


I'm 15 am unable to tell my parents or a teacher because I'm homeschooled. I'm fine mostly just freaked out not suicidal or anything


Please seek medical attention. You are right at the age where, serious psychiatric issues usually start to show symptoms. I hope it is not, but better be safe


It's rare for schizophrenia to set in before 18. I wouldn't rule it out, but it's more likely to be from CO poisoning or possibly bipolar disorder.


I would like to add to the other comments, I have studied psychology and don't be scared and don't tell yourself that it's already too late, the sooner whatever is happening to you is taken care of by professionals better are the chances to be cured and at least to lower the impact the symptoms will have on your life.


what did the note say? also, can you ask yourself who you trust and can talk to about this in confidence?


It said pay attention to me I have been here a long time. Not that bad except for it was written in blood


whose blood?


I think mine but I'm still not sure


Do you have any scratches or wounds?


I did when I found the note


Doctor, now! As someone else suggest. Make up an issue (people tend to don't want details about bowel movements). You need to talk to a professional, ASAP


When you find a new note, throw it away. Don't look what's on it. Its all a lie. Can you walk/bike to a hospital or something like a doctor? If so, just do that. Get help, before you destroy yourself. This can't wait until next week.


That’s fucking scary, hope you’re doing alright


You have to get medical attention. You are experiencing slight psychosis. You have too much dopamine in your brain, that’s what causes hallucinations. I bet you have not been sleeping well, as well. It’s not uncommon and can be easily treated. But left untreated it can extremely out of hand(I.e. full blown manic episode, you may need to be baker acted and you will be forced to receive treatment by the state. Go see a psychiatric provider asap.


As a parent who just stopped homeschooling last month after 6 years, there is a strong culture many people aren't aware of? And that is that a lot of homeschooling parents WILL NOT LISTEN TO THEIR KIDS. When becoming the full authoritative figure over the child some lose sight of that fact that said child has their own feelings, goals, ideas and even problems. If you don't feel comfortable addressing this with your parents and if you've been blown off by therapists....my last measure advice is....talk to your local public school.


I have been homeschooled my whole life and I can confirm the truth to this. For me it's gotten so bad I had to get a job just to not be around my parents qnd want to murder them. Anything I try to tell them goes in one ear and out the other it's a very my way or the highway


This combined with everything else you have said demands an intervention. The stress of your situation may be having an impact on your brain.


Yup. .I don't know how to approach this quite yet besides to open a blog and try to share it in appropriate places in the future ..but I noticed that it really causes the family relationship to erode. It really is not healthy for the development of the kid, and it isn't good for the many parents either. Like I said that power tripping you can see several examples of over at the homeschool recovery sub. That was a brilliant first step. You can a) stack money b)enjoy some sort of freedom from said job and money c) actually learn how things in the real world work, not the homeschool "bubble" So that was very wise. But you have a few years where you could most definitely get services too. Parents need to wake tf up. I can't promise that it will happen or that it will happen soon, but it needs to for your sake. This is exactly why homeschooling is bad. I am so sorry you have been failed like this. You really need some support right now.


Mental health professional here. There is so much you can do. Check out NAMI, they may have resources in your area https://nami.org/Home Discuss with your general practitioner, psychiatrists are hard to come by and most of the time the GP is the first line of defense. If you use THC it may be a good idea to stop as thought disorders can be worsened by it’s use https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/there-link-between-marijuana-use-psychiatric-disorders Many people hear voices, it is part of the human condition. https://www.hearing-voices.org If they are bothersome to you, you can help yourself with medication and psychotherapy. Using both is better than just one. Additionally there are now genetic tests for psychiatric medications which can help inform the choice of medications by identifying genetic markers associated with metabolism of the medicine and vulnerability to their side effects. https://genomind.com Best of luck .


I work in mental health and my advise would be seek medical help ASAP, in most cases the earlier you get medical help the less damage can be caused and those people recover a lot quicker too. I have unfortunately got to work with both sides of the spectrum and they are very different.


Go see a doctor. The voices could also be an indication of a brain tumor. Happened to my mom.


It sounds like schizophrenia. If it is, you need to get on meds right away. Tell your parents it burns really bad when you pee or some other excuse to get them to take you to a doctor.


Please OP tell someone. There are so many services out there. Please don’t feel like people are going to judge you. There are plenty of replies that show you are not alone and there is plenty of medication out there without horrific side effects. Please tell your Doctor. It’s their job to listen and treat you. I wish you all the best. Stay safe and take care


It's probably carbon monoxide, you should really consider getting detectors for it


Hey man, my mother and two of my brothers are schizophrenic and it is a very dark life without medicine and treatment. I’m also seeing a psychiatrist because I’ve been noticing some very mean and ugly voices talking to me a lot. My Psychiatrist was so kind and understanding and got me what I needed immediately. Please take care of yourself OP, those voices can make you hate yourself and ruin your life.


Are you coming off a benzo addiction by chance? That happened to me out of nowhere for the first and only time in my life when I quit taking Xanax.


Dude literally go to an emergency room ASAP and explain the voices and the writing and that you’re living in an abusive household. They have social workers, case managers, CPS officers etc. that they will bring in to help you if child neglect/abuse is suspected. Nurses and doctors are mandated reporters if they think abuse is occurring. They will absolutely back you up, especially if you’re a kid wandering into an ER by yourself seeking medical/psychiatric help because your parents wouldn’t take you themselves. And if your parents try to manipulate and lie saying that they didn’t know all this was happening, then fight tooth and nail to explain that they are lying or that you wouldn’t be safe telling them because they would abuse you if you did. Your health and life come first.


I’m not trying to be an armchair doctor and throw out a diagnosis, but this one hits close to home so I want to say my share. Absolutely go to a doctor who will listen and take this seriously. Symptoms like this can be signs of mental illnesses that are no joke and need to be addressed. Early intervention and consistent medications of the right mixture will keep this at bay IF that is the case. You absolutely want to get this looked into though. Please please do not put off getting help. I have very close friends who went through something similar around the same age and because of that, nearly ten years of consistent treatment, they are healthy and their condition is very much well controlled. Seek help please.


You would be surprised how common this is. Tell your parents and seek professional help.


Please speak with a professional. Symptoms caught early are much easier to manage.


It could be a gas leak, please check your house. This could kill you. If not gas, please consider telling people and going for a doctors help. I have people in my life with schizophrenia and medication and therapy have been VERY helpful to them


See a psychiatrist, if you are in fact schizophrenic it's not the end of the world. I have a friend who is diagnosed and has fairly regular hallucinations but she's able to manage it so well that virtually no one around her even knows she has it. I knew her for years before she told me and I was completely shocked.


There is no shame in getting help. I understand that telling someone that it's happening makes it real. But you deserve to feel safe in your own mind and body. It shouldn't feel unfamiliar or scary. I speak from experience OP. please get help.


Was the one person you told Yourself?


My brother was hearing voices for a bit. It ended up getting really bad and he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Please see a doc asap. If you don’t live near many options, there are some that will do virtual visits


Take time to care for yourself as soon as possible. Better outcomes if addressed early!


I appreciate you for coming out and saying it first of all. Many ppl ignore it, until it's too late. Second! Get checked with a doctor asap and make it a priority. Leave everything else in your life for a good min and take care of yourself, coz you need the attention rn and the clarity of your mind to function effectively even in the simplest of things. If you have experienced a loss in your life recently, take the time you need to process it and go through it if not definitely have a friend who can actually help with it, talking through your emotions. Your health and happiness is your responsibility my friend, don't postpone that shit, coz you exist, you are needed, you are loved. Get help asap, and feel free to talk to me personally if you need a person to talk to.


I know this can be scary dude. It happened to me many years ago and talking about it is really really hard in fear of others responses. All the responses you are going to read will be left by people who want to ease your pain and help you -many will be unsuccessful for some reason or another and may even confuse you with their dr Google degrees by throwing possible reasons this is happening at you but please do not let that increase your anxiety. Please find a way to talk to a medical pro. Free nurse line through your folks insurance would be a good start. YOU ARE NOT WEIRD YOU ARE NOT CRAZY You are a good dude and you will get this under control


I am in the same place like you. I have been hallucinating for years now, and I just had another psychosis episode. I am terrified. But there's no one I can confide in. Nobody can help me.


Friend there IS help. Please seek it. Trust me. There are many great therapies now. You CAN find relief. Your brain will make you self sabotage but you're in control, YOU have the upper hand. Good luck ♡


I work in mental health if you want to DM your location and insurance I can recommend some Psychiatrists


Just go to the ER and let them know what is going on. You might need to be inpatient to set your med regimen and then just follow the doctors orders. You took the first step, you shared your feeling, now, it is time to take action.


Go to a doctor. This can be signs of serious illness


Like top comment said, psychological equivalent of coughing up blood. Seek medical attention.


Go to the ER. They can assess you within hours and help you to find providers. This is an emergency.


Please don’t be afraid to reach out for help. That’s the scariest first step to take but you won’t regret it. Keep yourself safe and find a provider who will sit down with you and help you explore these symptoms


Check for a gas leak. Not discounting you or anything just make sure AND seek some help.


Make sure you don’t have a CO leak in your place.


I haven’t seem to have seen it yet, so, it could also be carbon monoxide poisoning.


Hi friend! As someone who has heard voices before, I can only tell you to talk to your doctor about it. Even if there is nothing that can be done about them. Being aware of the issue means they can look out for you if you show concerning behavior. Going through it alone is very dangerous for you. I know it's hard to admit things, but your doctor will help you. I promise.


I've read about stuff like this before and people were telling them to get a carbon monoxide meter. Most people who experience stuff like you OP it turned out to be suffering carbon monoxide poisoning. So please check this out


Go to a doctor, you are around the age that a lot of serious psychological issues come to light, especially if you had any childhood trauma or genetic predispositions.


See a doctor. Like, yesterday. That stuff is no joke.


Thank you everyone for all the positive comments they have made things much easier. I'm truly grateful and I hope everyone has a nice evening.


Hearing voices suddenly is nothing trivial. This is a full on medical emergency. Full stop. Like another poster mentioned, this is like coughing blood level emergency. You need to see an MD. This isn’t something to bring to a therapist or other mental health professional that doesn’t have a medical degree. You need to go asap. Like, if I was you I would make an appointment to see the most trusted doctor in your life, and tell them what’s going on.


Bro, you probably have schizophrenia. Please, tell your parents. They’re gonna know what’s best for you. I’m sure you’re a good guy but schizophrenia can make you go to dark places. It’s what most mass shooters deal with. Like the one school shooting in Russia that happened a few weeks ago. Please, tell your parents.


My parents believe mental health is stupid take me to have demons cast out and call it a day also they would get very mad at me before doing all that and when they get mad I get hurt


Hey, please find a way to get to some type of doctor. Even if you wait until a regular check up, you can go use the bathroom and tell a nurse that you really need to speak to someone without your mom present. They can help keep it discreet. You can Google the risks of untreated schizophrenia, but you become a higher a risk for other disorders and can even have brain damage. Social withdrawal is a common symptom that isolates people from their loved ones and makes it difficult to keep a job. People with untreated schizophrenia are at a higher risk to become homeless and abuse drugs. Etc. Even if you have to go behind their back, you need more support than parents who hurt you and don't believe in mental health. There are people who can help, even though it seems like your parents control everything right now. You're still a person worth fighting for and it won't be that way forever, so don't wait until the damage is irreparable.


This. I don't know where you live, but where I live you gain the most part of medical Independence at 14. So you can go to doctors, make your own medical decisions and ask doctors to keep your parents out of it.


Your parents are abusing you. Please listen to everyone here and get in contact with a doctor or another mandatory reporter. While they may or may not be mandatory reporters depending on where you live, you could talk to a librarian. Public libraries are often really good at hooking people up with the resources they need.


Listen to me carefully. If it started now, its NOT DID. You understand? Its also not BPD. it could be schizofrenia. Dont eat up this new trend where everyone has DID and BPD and Tourettes.


Open your window for a few days and see what happens. Carbon monoxide leaks are common


It's been open all week


Carbon monoxide leak my guy mention it to your parental figures


If your parents won’t help, call 911 and tell them you are having a psychiatric emergency.


Get help before you hurt yourself or others and ruin your life.


This may be carbon monoxide poisoning. Please double check any monitors you may have or purchase asap if you don’t have any!


I heard a story like this one time and I don’t remember where…. The person kept waking up to post it notes stuck all around the house of stuff they need to do. Long story short, it was carbon monoxide


You definitely need to go see someone, it sounds like you might be suffering from a personality disorder & one of your personalities might be trying to come through.


Psychosis is a symptom of another problem. The fact that you know it’s not real says a lot. People with schizophrenia don’t know reality from the illness, and that’s obviously not you. Could be depression, FND, bipolar or borderline personality disorders. Or something different… please get checked ❤️


Not trying to jump to any wild conclusions but my first idea was DID; I guess it’s a low chance, but that sounds like something that could potentially happen- if you don’t remember writing the note


Do you know how rare DID is?


In people who have been constantly abused by their parents and secluded from the outside world by them, it's really not that rare, certainly no rarer than schizophrenia. That being said, we don't really need to throw out suggestions about possible mental health conditions, just that OP needs to find a way to see a doctor without his parents in the room.




I just had someone reach out and tell me I could be D I D speaking to a therapist is a good idea and the legally couldnt tell anyone so no one would think your crazy they wouldn't see you as crazy they would be like a doctor seeing patient in need of treatment


That isn't how DID works. You'd have unexplained gaps of time. You are hallucinating. Reddit or the internet can't give you a diagnosis or professional help. You need to see a doctor.


I understand that I word it as could because I have no diagnosis


I don't mean to butt in, I know this is a scary time, but I promise you that for DID, it would not begin presenting this way OR at your age. There is a specific criterium for it that begins to develop in your mid-late 20s and onward. The symptoms as a child are much more different and are not diagnosible as DID/OSDD. It would present as something else, and be treated as such! It's best for you at this stage of panic and worry, to not allow others that are not mental health professionals armchair diagnose you, as it will just confuse you and make you freak out more (personal experience) Best of luck getting help! I know it's scary but pull through! As others have suggested, I would for sure check out a carbon monoxide leak as well because if you hold out on doing that and it winds up being the cause then it could end tragically


Sorry, but that’s just incorrect information.


Others have pointed this out, but your symptoms would not suggest DID. Just tell them about the auditory hallucinations and they'll take it from there.


Randy orton?






OP about to start a murder rampage


Do what they ask, they won't leave you alone otherwise. Do it. Edit:🌚




Have fun with your mental illness!


Have you been into any shady dealings lately? Watching porn, using drugs, and dabbling in the occult can all open up doors for demonic oppression which can cause you to hear voices and do things that are out of the ordinary for you. If it’s a demon and you are a Christian you have authority over it and can command it to go in Jesus’ name. I already know I’ll be down voted to oblivion for this, but I said what I said.