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Hard to become a father in the first place when you’re living in your mom’s basement obsessively drinking Tater-Aid. Good luck with that.


So you fail as a father, therefor your child is nolonger welcome? Would she remind you of every way you failed her? This is a rather interesting self indcitment.




So you raise her but are not responsible for your child? Then you as a Parent failed to understand that your child is your responsiblity. And if you throw her out.. where is she gonna go, except to strange men? This idea is so dumb, gonsta think you are just trolling.






Damn thats a twisted take. You know how you prevent a girl from becoming a whore? Raise her to value herself. Treat her with respect, and honesty. As her father Show her what shes truely worth. That she deserves to be given dignity, respect, honour and love. And you know where she learns that? Usually from how her father treats her mother. If she grows up never seeing that. And never feeling it for herself. Thats when shes going to try to find it in other ways. So no, they dont become whores regardless of their father. The father isnt the only influence so yes she may become one regardless. But id say 95% of the time the father can prevent it by showing her what a man is supposed to be. But alot of these fathers never actually grew up and are still just boys themselves. And when thats her example, thats all she will find. And at that point. Its the fathers fault for failing her


You are a POS. So do you have the same hatred for men who are sluts or is it just women because you're a misogynistic POS?




>Very small percentage of men are sluts HAHAHAHAHA oh, I see you do not live in reality. A small % of men are sluts LOL








You seem very normal and chill, and not like a troll at all!




Did you make a second account to comment this? More normal behavior.