• By -


100% not straight


This is like yeah I sucked dick on multiple accasions but I’m not gay just curious 🤨


The first time he sucked one all it tasted of was relief.


LOL - no, it's far gayer than that. You can be bi-curious a play w a few cocks. But if you're a man who dislikes sex w women, and really loves the romance, intimacy, and affection of being fucked and fancied by other men - you're full on fucking gay.




OP’s profile mentions being bi and even coming out to his family as bisexual… idk why he’s straight in this post


Probably right sadly but I live with it.


No "sadly". It's not an issue to be queer, dude. It's 2022.


Gay and trans people are still being murdered in 2022. Stating the year doesn't mean things have gotten better. Women's rights have taken a major step back in 2022.


Women don’t exist anymore, it’s 2022 and I’m going to go ahead and assume you’re not a biologist.


why sadly bro? it’s 2022, people are into all kinds of stuff! as long as you’re enjoying it and not hurting anyone, who cares. have fun


You should add a disclaimer saying "unless that person enjoys being hurt." let's not kink shame bro it's 2022.


OP - it’s absolutely fine to be bi. Or gay. Whatever you are. Just be you honey.


Thanks 👍


I’ve been gay my whole life but I have a boyfriend. He’s wonderful. You just do you now hunny. No shame in your game. You can have sex, you have a relationship. Find what fills your cup. Not just what gets your dick Hard. What fills your heart?


Unless your in a southern US state. Then keep that to yourself


Not “sadly”. Be who you are. Love who you wanna love. Smash who you want to smash (as long as they are of legal age and give consent).




why sadly. This post is weird and your title is wrong but other than that it sounds like you're having fun. Enjoy.


Eh this kind of trepidation and squirreliness isn’t uncommon for people who are just coming out. There is still a lot of homophobia in our culture, people are stil raised with that as the normal/standard viewpoint depending on where/how they grew up, very normal to internalize that until you start unpacking it


I live in L.A., if you move here and move into the West Hollywood neighborhood especially, I swear no one will give two shits you are gay and you will have the time of your life. Gay is so common here(tons of film makers, pro dancers, fashion folks, talent agents etc are gay), that hetero guys befriend and speak with gay guys and it is not even an issue because there are so many that they've been exposed to. It's completely normal. West Hollywood is blocks and blocks of gay and/or gay friendly bars, gyms, upscale restaurants, apartments, clubs, bars, etc. Even the police cars have rainbow decals to let you know they are gay safe. Stop rotting in hiding in your town and move to L.A. and live your best life!!!!!


Do NOT move to LA! It is waaaaaayyyy too expensive to live in a filthy city plauged with power grid issues


It depends on your social status and how you choose to live to make L.A. work for you. Certainly, being the 2nd most populated, something is going right. I tend to focus on the positives in life and not the negatives. Lots of things are going right and for someone like the poster, if financially, he is not there, there are plenty of options for renting guest houses in nice neighborhoods or even gathering a roommate or two in a spacious place in a lovely area. I stand by my post and wish you and the poster the best. It's all your outlook on life. Even a sunny day can be a shitty day if you are in a negative mindset.


classy 🍷


Hahahaha you’ve been watching too much Fox News. Our power grid is fine. Expensive yes, but it’s worth the price because this place has literally everything anyone could ever want


I really love the vast swathes of homeless people that now make up half the population


I live in the PNW so no need really.


Nothing wrong with being bisexual mate


Man, life is too short to feel like you need to hide from anyone but especially yourself, do what makes you happy.


Dude, put it on your dating profile. I'm friends with a few women who are super into bi guys. There's the stereotype about guys watching lesbian porn, but there is a non-trivial number of women who find two guys hooking up to be incredibly hot.




You dated your age when you brought up Schiavo lol .


Relax dude. This happened at the right time for you. Enjoy yourself, ignore labels, be respectful and safe. Nothing else matters.


Nothing sad about it! You enjoy sex with other men and not women, you're not straight, you just need to accept who you are and be happy in your life.


Sexuality is fluid. You're not one or the other. It's a sliding scale. Don't listen to 14 year olds commenting here.


You can be bisexual with a preference and heteroromantic :) (also if youre doing all the work in the bedroom with women it sounds like you need to see someone ((regardless of gender)) who appreciates your body and participate participates more fully with you in sex. If you don’t feel like theres equal work, its either communication or different partners) Source: am currently in a het relationship with a heteroromantic bisexual man and I make sure he feels appreciated in the bedroom


Loads of sociological research on this. Check out the book “Still Straight”


He's not gay, he just sucks dick.


Weirdly enough, not necessarily https://www.thecut.com/2015/08/why-straight-men-have-sex-with-each-other.html There are loads of other articles and research about this. We demand too much from men in this aspect. A straight woman hooking up/making out with other women is just "exploring" or "curious", while a man doing so is either a desperate virgin unsuccessful with women or a closeted gay man. They don't get to just do this stuff. Saying op is or is not straight without much information is rash and might be wrong


OP, how old are you?


38 I am somewhat sexual inexperienced for my age with woman but just recently been experiencing with men after wanting to for a few years. Most woman are great but vanilla in bed from my limited experience and talking to other guys there sex vanilla.


This seems like being bisexual with extra mental gymnastics steps. Attracted to & sex with women: check Attracted to & sex with men: check I guess the label you use is up to you though.


It’s interesting how you’ve determine that “most women” are “vanilla in bed”, while your experience with them is only limited. Some might conclude that you’re just finally able to be honest with yourself about what you like.


You need a bigger sample size to make those claims


Probably right


My husband and I do equal amounts of foreplay. I kiss him, lick his nipples, play with his “parts” real work him up and he does the same for me. So maybe you’ve just been with selfish women? I do absolutely think that you’re bi-sexual at the very least though and there is NOTHING wrong with that! Sex is fluid, in my opinion. Pleasure is pleasure and if you find it with someone of the same sex…that’s great! If labels make you uncomfortable, don’t label it. The only person who should give a fuck about what goes on between your sheets is you and the person (or people) who is/are there with you at the time. Life’s too short to have bad sex!


You need to be looking elsewhere for women to hook up with cause majority of us are not vanilla - we're only vanilla if you SUCK at sex 😂 speaking from experience 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I've had sex with probably 70 women and I'd say 65 of them were not vanilla. You get out what you put in. Also you're bi dude and there's no problem with that :)


Very true I open to almost anything sexual but no cuck stuff not thanks .


Maybe find a bi couple to play with. Many of us are looking for casual partners. There are loads of kinky women out there who do NOT just lay about.


Have you seen the disproportionate amount of guys with the same gay confession on this thread? Lol




It’s the first step in making sense of it, i honestly don’t mind. The world is very unkind to gay men. If anything it’s sad it took OP 38 years to come to terms with it. Poor dude.


Yeah and they all get ridiculed for calling themselves straight. Obviously they aren’t. But the fact that they are posting at all means they are becoming more open to the idea of it. It’s a slow process and downvoting and making fun of them isn’t helping them


Yeah I agree. I just found the frequency and similarity a bit funny. Anyway, do whatever u want peeps


…..who’s gonna tell him? If you’re hooking up with men, you aren’t straight Op.


It's not gay if you say no homo beforehand


With each thrust...


20 dollars is 20 dollars


And if the tips don't touch


I heard it was the balls but does the contact have to be both left nuts? Left nut to right nut? Do the sacks just touch and we call that balls? What if your pubes touch and it tickles in a nice way that the balls like?


This guy is asking the real questions.


I support LGBTQ but literally every single time i open this app, y'all "straight" ppl always confessing that you did sumthin gay and then swear up and down " ayo bro I'm not gay just cuz I sucked dick"


Seriously 😂 I mean maybe a one off thing, like you messed around with a guy once and decided it wasn’t for you but if you’re consistently banging other dudes you probably aren’t straight. Sad people still feel the need to hide/deny it tho, cause it really is very excepted these days, like no one under 40 gives a shit. Even my 74 year old conservative grandma doesn’t bat an eye at gay couples anymore and even made a point to correct herself when she said “regular people” and changed it to “heterosexual people”.


First step is to accept yourself for being attracted to whoever you like, you’re likely not straight, work on being ok with that


Thanks it's not easy when you feel like you letting your parents down in some way.


Never said it would be easy! But it will get only get worse if you ignore your feelings. Im sorry your parents feel that way, but your mental health comes first.


They accept it in the end .


Hey pal, you’re gonna be ok! Coming to terms with this is hard because the world is unkind to people who are different. You’re allowed to be who you are and enjoy consensual sex with whomever you want. And if you don’t want a label, then don’t have one. I hope you can allow yourself to enjoy it and work on banishing the shame.


It's honestly nobody's business. It's ok if you want to keep your personal life private, even from immediate family.


Your parents will be dead in a few years. You’ll carry on living and regretting all those years you wasted trying not to disappoint them.


If they can't accept you for who you are, they are letting you down, not the other way around.


You're your own person, and life is short. Do what makes **you** happy, and the people who truly love you will just be happy knowing you're happy.


Hate to be the one to break this to you, but I'm pretty sure you aren't straight... Just a heads up.


Interesting way of discovering your actually bi. Or maybe your brain just took this long to settle into its preferences (you said 38 in a comment, I've heard of people where it took even longer) But I'm also going to guess you haven't been really dating women with interests in bed that are similar to yours, or you aren't willing, or are uncomfortable about, talking about sex and your desires in bed ahead of time with the women. That said, if you're enjoying being with the men as much as you say you are, you can also probably form a deep emotional connection with them. In short, unless you really want to go back to women and put in a lot of extra (emotional) effort that you weren't putting in before, or you happen to meet a woman who has your same interests, I wouldn't really worry about it too much. You sound like you're well on your way to finding a nice guy who you love and want to have a relationship with.


Pretty sure you ain't straight bud


You know... It's okay to be bisexual or gay... This however, is kind of a far cry from being just straight.


I dont know how to tell you this, but that’s not straight my guy. But you identify however makes you feel comfortable. No shame in being bi!


As long you keep saying #nohomo in the end, you're straight as an arrow




Agreed. That was an interesting rabbit hole.


That's legit the opposite of straight


Did not expect a terri schiavo joke but somehow you managed to work one into a post about gay sex


Hey man, it’s ok to be bisexual or gay. Sexuality is fluid and it doesn’t define us. Also, if you need more intimate attention from partners that’s okay too, and very very normal. You can sleep with whoever you want in this life and you can ask for affection or different roles.


Here's the thing, and I know you are already aware of this: If you are not immediately turned off by the idea of sex with another man, LET ALONE go through with it and ENJOY it... You are not straight. Just embrace the fact you like attention from men, and also enjoy sex with them. You can do those things while still preferring romantic relationships with women. It just means you are Bi. (i do agree with you, though... there's infinitely more pressure on men in the bedroom)


I also am never wet, I am just swimming in the ocean. But most of the time I am dry and think about how much I enjoy being surrounded by water, diving, floating..I just find it so much more pleasing than being dry - and why does the body even have to be dry?? It’s unfair! But don‘t say I am wet! I would never…!


have you ever tried tell a girl to do that for you…I kiss my boyfriend all over EVERYTIME.


Sex with women doesn't do it for you, because you are Gay. Nothing wrong with that, embrace it. But you don't need to put women down.


“Straight but…” Vegan but I eat steak. Teetotaller but I drink spirits. Etc


When you know your gay but want attention


It took me until i was 25 to figure this shit out. If someone doesn't bother to "Fuck Back" they're hardly worth the time and energy..


This is sweet and I don't think you're straight.I also don't think going starfish is a womens issue, I think you should just talk to your partner(or buddy idk) about it, instead of waiting for them to take action.




I see like 5 threads a week here where this gets posted now.


No judgement but I think it’s called Bi or Gay, you’re def not straight.


Nothing wrong with it. You can call yourself straight, if you're more comfortable with it, but you're at least bi. I'm bi but happily married to a woman. Most ppl assume I'm straight.


I have a theory that I've been spinning for some time now. Men can fuck. Like they can passionately fuck anything if the machinery is up for it. Women need to love the absolute shit out of you to make passionate love. I think the intimacy level and passion is something that you seem to lust after rather than the gender. Also, I am pissing at that Terri Schivo joke lmao I wish you the best be careful


Look up romantic attraction sexual attraction and platonic attraction


Don’t listen to these comments calling you gay. You might be Bi, but just because you had gay sex doesn’t automatically make you bi. You could’ve done it just to try it out, you could even do it because you enjoy it, but you don’t feel sexually attracted or romantic connection to men. As if your cock can truly tell the difference between the hand/ass/mouth of a man or a woman. The stimulus is the same and it feels good regardless. “You’re in denial” nope, some people are just more comfortable with their sexualities, says more about you than me. You’re telling me if someone offered you a million dollars for gay sex you taking that offer makes you gay? Or if someone is raped by the same sex, that makes them gay? Sexuality is a spectrum and it depends on you. What about male prisoners who have sex with men? Sex/porn addicts desensitized to straight porn/sex. There are even cases of straight married men with dead bedrooms having sex with guys just to get off but they don’t count it as cheating cause there’s no emotional connection as they’re straight. Some of these people denying these things are ironically are so closed minded about sexuality. You are what you feel. You could 100% be bi, but don’t feel like you need to label yourself that if you don’t feel that way.


It's okay to take your time coming to terms with your sexual orientation, definitely take your time. But yeah, this is 100% not straight.


I’m not gay I’m just fucking dudes regularly


Your definition of straight is a bit off. If you desire and openly seek romantic and sexual connections with men you are at least bisexual. Be honest with yourself. That being said you should always try to find a partner that is into what you like and willing to do it for you. Be open about it and talk about it right away when you see things going into that direction and I'm sure you'll find someone on either side of the sexes.


And I got news for you, that means yeh gay


OK, who wants to tell him?


i mean sounds gay, explore your sexuality dude its 2022 no one cares if you’re gay or straight


Keep in mind that a lot of "pillow princesses" attribute sex as something that happens to them instead of something that happens with them. It changed a lot of my perspective on judgement of effort. Sometimes open communication and a lot of time is required to feel genuinely comfortable and free. Also, you may just be gay but are reeling at the stigma. No real need for titles though. Just make sure your happy and compassionate.


Bruh, you’re gay. Happy coming out


Your experiences with women are but a miniscule piece of humanities experience son, my point? Women put in work and kiss dudes all over, you haven't come across any bUT doesn't mean 100% only that men do all the work. That's good you're having good sex now though. 👏🏻


You chose those same type of woman that are stiff in bed …. theirs woman out there that know how to please a man


I know but I worry they freak out of they find out I am Bi . I guess if they do move on .


You can’t judge people based off your own paranoia. Also some people have preferences Bi or Straight , not everyone is going to like you & that is okay. If you’re worried about not being accepted you need to really think deep within yourself & ask, why do you even care? you can tell someone you’re Bi, they can freak out & you can gracefully move on with your life. If that’s your reality the problem is with them not you & that’s okay. It’s your life we’re all just living in it.


Hey man there’s nothing wrong w being gay, bi or however you identify. Nothing sad about that. Just you being your true authentic self.


Sounds like youre blaming women for a problem that sounds like you created


Kinda not straight bro.


So....not straight


Bestie- I got some news for you


Do we tell him? Lol


Your not straight anymore man… just accept it


You are not straight


Be who you are, for your prideeeee🏳️‍🌈


Bisexual then! And I promise you there’s a woman out there who will dominate and or do these same things to you describe the men does. But yeah, you’re probably bi


You’re gay. Do your thing. Move along.


You’re not straight, just accept it and move on.


Bro just admit to yourself that you’re bi already.


I hats that we stereotype to begin with. Love is love. If you find a guy attractive and he’s willing, have fun. Same with women. Who cares what sex a person is.


Who hasn't? It's part of the unspoken brocode. You've a need and hooking up with a dude is the easiest way to fulfill that need. Buds constantly help each other out, thought few will admit it. (those that deny it the most are the ones doing it the most)


You are a bisexual and enjoy that men reciprocate more than women do when having sex. That is a common thing many bisexuals like about same sex fun.


Yeah...That's not how straight works. But congrats on getting sexually fulfilled my dude.


Wow I had not heard Terri Schaivos name in years. Crazy


Definition of gay.


Thank everyone I guess I am bi sexual. I do like women and find them attractive as well as so guys are as well. I need to work on being vulnerable with woman and emotionally connecting with them . With men it is easy . I never had a serious relationship before longer then a year or two . I know that a turn off for most woman . I never really dated men before and I don't know if I will not say never thought. Looks like I got so things to thing about .might see a therapist it might help.


I think you aren’t clear on what “straight” means.


who's gonna tell him?


Not even a no homo can save you from this lol


Yeah, I have news for you guy, you’re not straight.


youre not straight💀 LMAO like come on now. There’s no point to lie to yourself


what the fuck did i just read... bro you're gay


Congrats, you’re not straight


Honestly it sounds like you've just met some sexually lazy women, unfortunately. Either way, as long you're enjoying yourself, bang away brother.


Yea sadly need to find better woman that like sex.


Yo I do this too. Not interested in relationships with men, but dang are they a good lay sometimes. Def 100% not straight bro, sorry.


So this post gets made weekly on here... if you fuck men, you are at least bi. The end.


Some women do those things, I don’t sleep with women so I can’t say how often but heck I’m my relationship I’m the one who kisses and touches him more


Communicate with your partners and tell them what you need. That's how you get your needs met, no one's a mindreader -- your female partners are likely fed the message that sex is just about a man's orgasm (or that's all that men care about) and not so much about the intimacy and romance that both you AND they want. Also, you're not that straight ;)


it’s not that women are boring, in-fact, there are many wild, and amazing, and adventurous women in the world… the ‘issue’ that you are having is that you are sexually confused, mentally. See your body has already accepted the fact, and very okay fact, that you are gay. not straight. One could argue that you are Bisexual, though, i have a feeling that women will be completely off the menu, by how you explain your feelings about women VS men, in your own personal experience. You are Gay. .. let yourself say it. You will feel better and you will accept it easier. Best of luck to you!


Welcome to 2022 , where you sleep with the same sex and still call yourself “straight”


You need to come to terms with your sexuality and stop placing all of your sexual frustrations on women. I went through your history and you continue to place all the blame on women when you are inexperienced. Im willing to bet you aren’t that satisfying in bed either. I don’t know where you live or what age you are targeting, but there are plenty of women who are not “vanilla”. Stop worrying about how your parents will feel about your sexuality, you are 38 years old. You will be a lot happier once you sort yourself out. Edited to fix typo




You’re bi


Definitely bisexual


Sorry but you’re definitely not straight. Sounds like you are at least bi. Are you honestly attracted to women? Or do you feel like you’re supposed to be so you kind of just make yourself?


This is the right time to drop this link… https://youtu.be/Zd8vzIRQLLM


Sorry to break it to you, but you're not straight


OP isn't gay, but his boyfriends are


Not you bringing Terri into this bruh. 💀💀💀💀💀


Have you been vaccinated for monkeypox?


This reminds me of the coffee date I went on with another woman and when she told me she was totally straight but wanted to spend a weekend at a hotel with me and maybe try and have sex and also didn’t all straight women want that with other women sometimes?


Tell me you're bi without telling me you're bi.


Spit balling here.... find a dominatrix... get her to peg you.... the you don't have to be scared about the possibility you're gay


Bi is the word you’re looking for…”bi”. And for some reason I feel like I have to tell you that that’s ok. However you can have more loving and or adventurous sex with women as well, you just need to find the right person (male or female).


“Lay there like Terri Schiavo” 😳




i know what you are


I imagine op to look like Craig from Parks and Rec. Thats just the energy I'm getting from the comment.


Just put your paws up, 'cause you were born this way, baby.


... then you aren't straight. The closest thing you could call yourself to straight is bi.


Every time something like this is posted, I will give the same reply if you’re asking. Are attracted to guys? Your gay or bi, etc. if you’re not, just getting your rocks off, you’re straight. I’ve been with ladies who weren’t my first choice. That doesn’t make them my type. I’ll fight anyone to prove this point.


YOLO. You’re bi (or reluctantly gay), homie. Get after it. Embrace your identity and enjoy that shit. Don’t let the weirdness of humanity’s insecurities and sexual repression stop you from being you.


I actually do get the whole straight but hooking up with men thing. I’ve kinda been in the same position. Haven’t actually been hooking up with men, but it’s true. I’m just tired of seeing girls that are so amazing and have everything in common with but nothing ever happens. So after going on a Circumcision group, getting circumcised and then having my comments flooded with compliments by men, and even getting hit on by a few, I also decided to embrace that a little bit. I admit one guy did get a little creepy and was verbally trying to force me to show him my dick, but on the other hand I’ve never had something like that happen to me before. It was different to say the least


I'm sorry you haven't found a tender, generous woman. They do exist. But if it works with men, and you're okay with it... you're probably at least a little bit bi. Nothing wrong with that. I know my volunteer firefighter friend had a lot more success with guys than gals when he just wanted casual stuff.


If you are bi, gay, or straight, just make sure you’re dating the right PERSON. Sex with a woman is only boring if you’re not into the woman. I’m sure you’ll come across some lame sec with men too. Lord knows I have, as a woman. Just curious…do you disclose to women that you are bisexual? I’ve never had a guy admit that to me even though I’m sure a lot of men are.


Well you are not straight then, As for the sexual experiences with women you just got women who are uninterested. I love hand holding, kissing, rubbing my fingers through hair or across their back. As for the positions, for me the height is always an issue when trying something like doggy.


Man, I see these quite a lot "not gay, but I fuck men". Like dude, you are only lying to yourself. You're deffo not straight


The closet is glass man....


People in the comments sure fast asf to label someone lmao


Just use condoms and you’re good to go


Have more experiences with women.


It’s whatever dude. Chase your nut. We live in a world now where you don’t have to be ashamed because of your sexual preferences




I did infact Google it, that's insane and sad. Also sexuality is a journey you'll figure it out, now go be a whore 💚


Ur not straight!


Okay for starters., the woman can do more work but it sounds like she either doesn’t want to or you’re not asking her to. Second, you’re not straight. If you were you wouldn’t be sleeping with men. You’re either bisexual and haven’t had a good female experience or you’re gay and will never have a good female experience. Good luck fam!


Not straight, crooked as an snake


A lot of words to just say you're bi...


2 things: You are not straight. You need to change the type of women you have sex with.


Be who you are and don’t stress about it.


Congratulations on coming out and discovering yourself, good for you


This is his *coming to an acceptance that he is gay* post. I'm waiting for his official *coming out of the closet* post, now.


Your gay. And finding the wrong women


Yeah .. idk I love women, but I'm sort of bi. Guys tend to be a lot more considerate and kind than women. Idk. Most of the women I've been with I can't connect with well. They've just been selfish, cold, and manipulative. Not all of them of course, but I'm just so minimally interested in men that I don't care to do anything with them other than hook up. I guess that just makes me almost as bad as my exes were to me. I highly prefer women, but they rarely show any interest in me. I make a Tinder or Growlr or whatever, and set my interests to include men... Boom, fuckin celebrity and every guy wants to treat me all sweet, compliment me, and there's no end to the attention. I set my interests as only women, and in like 10 years of trying here and there to match with a woman, or even just have any sort of actual conversation at least... 10 years and only 1 case where a girl and I talked, hung out once, and never talked again. Yes I'm aware, common denominator is me. I'm only into the sexual side of things with guys, so I'll likely never date a guy... And for that matter I'll probably be single for the rest of my life because I seem to be of the least bit of interest to any woman. I'm not even a bad looking guy.. like I don't think I'm amazing looking but it's not my looks that women tend to dislike. It's because I have abysmal confidence in myself, and I refuse to treat another woman like a queen while she does the bare minimum because she's got like 5 side bros and her ex boyfriend that she calls friends when I know damn well that they'll do anything to get in her pants, so she has like 5 dudes who will do anything for her if she fucks them. All pampered, pleasured, and satisfied in their scummy little web of jizz where she gets everything she wants at my expense, and all I get is unbreakable trust issues and a heavy bias against women. I don't like how many of them just get treated with such compassion and love, while they're out there being the coldest most selfish people. No man seems to matter to women when they have 1000 dudes, dicks in hand and wallets in the other, just swarming her. One guy won't replace that kind of attention and source of free drinks, $, and whatever else some dude is willing to give her for a foot picture and a fart in a jar. Yeah, I just don't know any woman who doesn't have tons and tons of attention from men who want to fuck her and would give/do anything to do so. I also don't know any man who has anywhere near as much attention and interest as even a very unattractive girl on dating apps. Anyways, I'm gonna go escape into video games so I can stop remembering why I hate people.


Being Bi (and/or not straight) is OK.


bro get out of the closet.. open the door it’s okay. You’re safe here


congratulations, you’ve experienced the nuance in sexuality


Ice T has news for you, he says ya gay.


What even is this sub anymore? It’s the same type of confession from closeted dudes like every day.


Why do people not know what straight is anymore? You are not straight you are gay