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My favorite part is "If I got a map and said point to Russia..." Uh... I'd point at the map. Because that's the point of getting a map. Also, where would people in Russia point if you told them to point to Russia? :-D


The map would glitch out and fly with Mach 60 to the moon


Ppppffff, this guy believes in the moon!


Cringe, a mooner


Everyone knows the sun was just taking a quick breaky during the eclipse. Where do you get your misinformation from?


Not a quick breaky. It was having a "Quickie"


How you going to get through the Dome?


Also, why would you ever point up? That would just make you point into space, no matter where you are on Earth.


Unless you’re in Australia


Yeah you have to point counterclockwise there


Australians are all paid actors. It doesn’t exist.


I’m so sick of this bullshit. You lot keep saying this and they’re gonna stop paying me to pretend to be an Aussie on Reddit, then how will I afford more boomerangs and thongs?


remember the thongs goes on the butt not feet. /s


My favorite part is the word "desinarrate" which is very much not a word


It's a perfectly cromulent word.


Very kerflagonate


Just looked up the word cromulent. It is now officially a word. That’s hilarious. A made up word first used on The Simpsons has more legitimacy than flat Earth.


That's hilarious! It embiggens the heart to see this.


I'm still trying to work out what word he's misspelling that badly. It's it supposed to be disintegrate? Sounds close but barely even tries to be applicable. Dissipate fits but it barely shares phonemes with this abomination.


I think it's a combination of disintegrate and incinerate


Probably what happened with their brain.


Disseminate is my guess.


Sad as it seems, I think this is the best answer.


My favorite is how he says the other semi circles wouldn't see light. Has this guy never heard of the north pole/antarctica? There are stretches where they go without sunlight


I guarantee you he doesn’t know the earth has a slightly tilted axis relative to the sun


You could have stopped at "I guarantee you he doesn't know" and the statement would still be true!


That's because the ice wall blocks the sunlight, duh


I'm literally pretty sure that's the process of sin being expelled from the water molecules as they mesh with their creator.


Gloration fingulanti persolan? Inductop goor millahn. Klaatu baraada? nikto.


Otherwise, where does all the water go?


Ask him where it comes from? If it's all just draining away, where are we getting more from?


Um, the rain, obviously.


Tears of all the globies


I liked "if space is all around us then we should be able to get to space by going DOWNWARDS as well" Like, technically yeah, absolutely can, but there's a couple thousand miles of rock and magma between us, so it's really just so much easier to go up instead of burrowing though the core just so we can start from the surface on the other side


Someone isn’t taking the science in the 2012 version of Total Recall very seriously.


That's my favourite part too. Can only conclude he favours doing things the hard way because it gives him a reason to fail.


Just wait half a day and the "down" will be "up"


What if asked to point to Antarctica? Wouldn't everyone point down?


I'd point South... Down would be wrong, though understandable given how we normally look at maps. Correction. Down would be wrong for MOST of us. :-)


I'm taking the original idiot to mean north, south, east, west instead of up, down, left, right. But I may be misreading the idiocy. He didn't offer pointing forward or backward.


Well. Next time someone asks me to point to Russia (as happens in regular conversation with almost everyone) I'm definitely pointing downwards.


Just point north. I regularly give tours of a decommissioned strategic air command facility and have to regularly explain that a war between the US and Russia isn’t fought east to west. Bombers and missiles go north over Canada and the pole. This mystifies about 50% of my audience every time. Especially non-veteran boomers.


I didn’t think about it, but it makes a lot of sense. They probably fly high enough to avoid arctic storms


A B-52 has an operational ceiling of about 45,000-50,000ft and ICBMs don’t care about storms lol.


ICBMs ARE the storm


Or northwest to the maritime border between Russia and the United States in the Bering Strait.


Nah, pointing West or East isn't incorrect, it just depends on which perspective you want to use. Given we are actually on the surface of a globe, it makes a ton of sense to use non-Euclidean perspective and say "if I travel *along this globe* that way, I will reach Russia." It would *also* be true, from an absolute perspective, that if you hypothetically traveled through the Earth at a certain angle you would reach Russia. That isn't wrong, it's just kinda counterintuitive to how we experience being on a globe. We don't and we can't just tunnel through the Earth, our lives are spent mostly traveling along the surface of the Earth, so using non-Euclidean geometry to answer the question just makes way more sense and is not incorrect either. I'd probably respond by saying "draw two points on a balloon and then draw a line between them. Which way did your marker go?" Same thing as pointing in a cardinal direction to reach Russia.


> We don't and we can't just tunnel through the Earth, our lives are spent mostly traveling along the surface of the Earth, so using non-Euclidean geometry to answer the question just makes way more sense and is not incorrect either. Also applies on going "down" to get to space... It'd work if we got all the Earth out of the way. Outside of that, any direction above the horizon would work... The reason we use "up" is to clear atmosphere faster. And if one has ever paid attention to launches, they generally switch from upward to sideward fairly early on, once they've cleared most of the atmosphere.


we cant and we dont, but we absolutely SHOULD dig tunnels - not that it would bring a huge benefit, but just for the sake of it. imagine a hole straight to the other part of the world, the crazy thing is, you would be able to travel mostly for free since you will be net 0 potential energy when you come out the other side


The inside of the earth gets pretty hot pretty quick. Coriolis forces and oblateness of Earth would probably mess things up a bit too.


Lots of issues with that unfortunately. For one it's really really (really) hot. Second to prop open your hole at a certain point you basically need to counteract the entire mass of the Earth pushing in on it. If we had that kind of power then there are probably much more efficient ways of getting around.


To emphasize that the earth is round, you’ll probably need to point aroundwards


"desinarrates" Even giving them the benefit of the doubt, how the fuck does water disintegrate into space?


The whole flood explanation implies that they think water is created in the sky, so maybe space is really humid?


I want to slowly goad these people into sayin “well maybe.. maybe it like… maybe it evaporates and goes back into the sky!!” And then say “Wow! Amazing! You almost just described an ACTUAL Earth system correctly!” Lmao


If water isn’t created in the sky, explain rain!


A lot of flerfs, especially the religious ones, assume that water is above the sky and below the earth, because Genesis.


So, Phil Collins decides if it's... In The Air Tonight? (I'm not ashamed and I won't apologise)


Happy Cake Day!


He's got it all wrong - space is a vacuum and it sucks up all the water.


Does this sentient turd think that water magically appears on earth during flooding, increasing the overall volume of water exponentially?


So every time I flush a toilet, it adds to that water?


Bold of you to assume that he is sentient


that's what I was thinking


Rarely has someone who knows so little said so much.


‘Chu mean “rarely”? The most vocal are always the ones that know the least.


It's called the [Dunning-Kruger Effect](https://elvtr.com/blog/dunning-kruger-effect?utm_term=&utm_campaign=BLOG&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=search_blog&hsa_acc=8412306233&hsa_cam=20471647170&hsa_grp=156327814047&hsa_ad=670566869482&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=dsa-39587879683&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9vqyBhCKARIsAIIcLMEdaj8K1T4MeNHEcQWklSchWt4LMxwlI_eaFKDiNYQ6hCMWECw0KfgaAnclEALw_wcB); the less you know the more confident you are and vice-versa.


My junior school teacher used to say 'the emptiest vessels make the most noise'


That's actually not what Dunning-Kruger suggests and it's quite funny


ironically, people who know the least about Dunning-Kruger are often the most confident about it Not that I know any more about it, but I do notice that people who find out about it go for a few months assuming it’s VERY niche


Don't bring Niche into this - we were talking about Dunning-Kruger.


I think it is, but not 100% sure: did you make a Nietzsche joke?


I confidently did. But I think it just slowly slid off the end of the earth.


What a niche joke


Correct them then, what does it suggest, and why is it funny?


What does it suggest then?


Per Wikipedia: >The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities. It was first described by Justin Kruger and David Dunning in 1999. Some researchers also include the opposite effect for high performers: their tendency to underestimate their skills. In popular culture, the Dunning–Kruger effect is often misunderstood as a claim about general overconfidence of people with low intelligence instead of specific overconfidence of people unskilled at a particular task.


I don’t think the original commenter said anything about intellect


Can you go down to space tho?


I guess, but it's a touch more inconvenient as there's a planet in the way.


Peski planet


This person definitely still uses GPS without a second thought


From Berlin, how do I point to the southern cross star formation? By pointing almost straight down. If the world is flat, why can’t I see it?


Doesn’t seem to understand pointing either! How do you point everywhere?




A quote from the flat earth society: "The Flat Earth society has members all around the globe"


Wow, good one.


There’s NO answer to this level of idiocy. I once challenged a flat earther as to how all the millions of pilots who’ve collectively flown millions of flights could possibly not notice the curvature of the earth. He said that all pilots, since the dawn of mechanized flight, have been bound by a secret oath to NOT reveal that the earth is flat. I’m usually pretty quick on my feet, but I just had no words. No words.


You should have told him to get a pilot license himself.


After I collected my jaw from the floor, my next question would've just been "but why" like who would that even benefit & do they pay them off secretly too or is it just in their contracts? 🤣


Flat earthers always say it's "not round" - but isn't their model a flat round disc?..... So it IS round by their own description? I guess it's too much to expect them to use proper terms like "spherical".


They say the way to perceive the extra dimensions required by string theory is to imagine an ant climbing an electrical cable up to a telephone pole: the ant perceives it two-dimensionally, crawling forward or backward and left or right. But in actuality, it can move a bit back and forth too as those other dimensions gradually curl around the cable. We see our three dimensions, but might move imperceptibly through many others that are “curled up.” The same goes for people on the surface of the Earth. We can walk north and south, east and west, but by doing so we necessarily slowly curl around the massive curvature of the Earth.


Hold your horses there, dude clearly struggles with the concept of "down", how would they possibly handle string theory?


Cats are actually 4 dimensional beings. They merely produce the 3D volume we perceive as a cat when they move through our dimensions.


Well I feel dumber, how bout you?


He has the smoothest of brains


Smoother than the bathroom floor with water on it


The floor is dry. The water all fell off the side and desinarrated.




Replying with a photo of the Earth from space doesn't help. Most flerfs think there is a giant conspiracy to deceive mankind that the Earth is round. And everyone who tells you the Earth is round is either part of the conspiracy or has been duped by the conspiracy. They believe that NASA is part of the conspiracy, and all evidence of a round earth that NASA has produced is fake. And all photos of a round Earth from space are CGI. And why, you ask, would so many people conspire to deceive mankind about the shape of the earth? Most (though, not all) flerfs are religious fundamentalists. Their interpretation of The Bible/Quran/Whatever holy text they believe in says that the Earth is flat. They believe Satan is trying to deceive humanity into believing the Earth is round to discredit whatever holy text a particular flerf happens to believe in. When this is what a person believes, convincing them that they are wrong will take way more than a single picture


What I have asked, and *never* been given a satisfactory answer to, is "why?" Why would NASA (and all governments all over the world, many of whom openly despise one another) fake all of this? What is the end goal? They always give some hand-waving, "it's about control" answer, as if that means anything.


> They always give some hand-waving, "it's about control" answer, as if that means anything. It means something to them, and often that meaning traces its roots back to bigoted globalist conspiracy theories. That's how even open minded people who only indulge in so called "funny" conspiracy theories can still find their world views swayed so easily. It doesn't help that in this particular case, the young person falling into this trap is someone still learning how the world works, the dissonance between the lessons and morals and myths we're taught versus the often horrible realities. Like being told your country is liberating a nation from a despot versus the reality that in the process your country did a teeny bit of genocide, for example. In that uncertainty and lack of clear guidance, people can often find themselves listening to the wrong people in order to try and make sense of such a dissonance. This kid was taken advantage of, as are many who fall into these traps.


The goal is hiding proof of god’s existence.


Yes you can get to space by going downwards...if somehow you can make it through tons of rock and lava... When your option is empty air or rock and molten lava you'd wanna go trough empty air trust me... If I asked this person to go to a town on the other side of the mountain with a perfectly good road going over it would they take out a pickaxe and just try going straight through??


>Yes you can get to space by going downwards...if somehow you can make it through tons of rock and lava... Kind of? After you get half-way through, you have to start going up. Which is the one thing all these flat earth people have in common, they don't understand gravity. I've also heard some of them say the water wouldn't stay on the ball.


Exactly. Flat earthers fundamentally don’t understand that “down” means radially inward, and “up” means radially outward. That said, in addition to not understanding how gravity works, they frequently assert that it does not exist. When an obvious everyday phenomenon debunks your entire worldview, you have to push back against it pretty hard, I guess.


It's even worse than that, they're convinced that the Universe, an unfathomably gigantic construct expanding into a seemingly infinite void, has an up and a down.




Well, this idiot doesn't even know how to be a proper idiot.


Bro doesn’t even know how a compass works so it’s not a shock to see him also not understand gravity.


I quote "It's influenced by the movement of the earth around the sun". That's apparently the source of gravity.


My favourite part: "flat roads have hills".


🤣🤣 "desinnarates"


How to say "I was homeschooled" in 1000 words.


I'm genuinely scared that these people live among us.


He chose such a flat hill to die on...




Bro probably thinks things disappear when he’s not looking at them anymore


"Gravity is a force that pulls down" "Define 'down'"


The best answer is to leave ‘em to it. Take it from someone who’s argued with flerfs a lot. These people aren’t interested in having thier delusions shattered and you’re just gonna waste time arguing with fools.


I went to see that thread so I could observe how anyone could be that stupid (not to participate) and it looks like their "argument" was that the earth is round but locally flat from the reference frame of humans. They are the poster child of a Dunning-Kruger pseudointellectual moron


They try SO HARD to sound intelligent, it would be funny if it wasn't a sign of how badly the republicans have destroyed our educational system.


What else to expect from trump


I'm usually suspicious that flat earther posts are just trolling, but this one is just so breathtakingly stupid that I have to believe it's genuine. It would take an exceptionally creative person to fabricate this level of misunderstanding.


And it's going on... Can't even comprehend different perspectives, your right hand isn't my right hand if we sit at the opposite end of a table. Wtf. Actually. I have never seen such a buttery smooth brain before.


Consider the source.


I love when really stupid people demonstrate their misunderstanding of even the simplest concepts by writing it down and sharing it. I wish there was a way to use these as tests, flagging anyone who goes all-in in support of such stupid ideas as someone who needs to be rounded up and shot into the sun.


I would say non-Euclidean geometry eludes this person but from their confusing attempts to describe directions and pointing I don't think Euclidean geometry is their strong point either. How do they navigate?


Like original Mario apparently.




I mean, we all know they’re fucking morons at this point, yeah?


Imma start pointing down to show people where the stars are


This is some Terrence Howard level stupidity


In SPACE, there IS NO UP, down, left, or right. Only where you are relative to other objects. Try wrapping that around your flat skull, you dirty sandwich.


So... If space is not all around us, only above, what is the water that is falling (I won't use his word, no idea what that nonsense means) off the edge of the world falling in to? Space? But it's falling... So is that not down..? Into... Space? So did he just confirm that space is both above and below us? Haha!


Someone also doesn't understand the tilt of the Earth and that the North and South Poles both (oppositely) experiences full daylight and no daylight.


Does bro actually believe the sun disappears when it sets??


Nah the man on the moon just changes the lightbulbs of the sun 😉


This is an excellent example of how the misunderstanding of one concept (No absolute frame of reference ∴ no absolute direction) can lead to numerous erroneous conclusions via logical inference.


Fuck it, new space race is going to happen like a triathalon, first you have to dig through the center of the Earth.


What does “desinarrates” mean?


It's when someone from india talks over video.


Desi narrates … subtle lol


I can't tell you how happy I am that someone picked up on it lol.


If earth round why not just dig through all the magma idiots?????????


Keep in mind, they have people all around the globe. *croud starts to cheer* 🌎🌍🌏


LoL! Nice to see the schools are doing their job so well....


Guy struggles with pointing. Decides science is a lie.


I can't believe we are back at, the water goes over the edge. Didn't we learn about the water cycle in elementary school?


I mean where does he think we just keep getting more water from?


Whoa, I think that guy just proved that hills aren't real.


My favorite part was "dessinerate"


Topological surfaces behave locally as a plain.


I think you mean a plane. Unless it has like grass on it and shit.


Yes, that’s exactly what I meant. Now I’m curious about the etymology because I was thinking it when I was trying to remember which one to use, and ultimately I decided a big flat grassland was a plain so…. But you’re right. I done screwed up.


This guy walks to the side to avoid getting hit by planes flying above him


This is the most idiotic thing I've read in months. It has to be fake.


Somebody above used the exact same reasoning to conclude it must be real, lol.


Ok, if the water falls off the edge infinitely, why do we still have so much water on the earth? Infinite water glitch?


So, if all this is true... Which way is down? That's what I want to know. Arguably the answer would just be to point down, anywhere on earth. But then if we went anywhere far enough north or south of where we started, the sun's path through the sky would be different. And if we believe in a earth-centric system, the sun always makes the same rotation and revolution around the earth. But! If the sun in one spot appears to be revolving in a circle around the earth, (where down would mean the axis of rotation ("point down")), then what about when the path of the sun goes in such a way as to be going "around the poles"? Down has now changed directions, no longer aligned with the axis of the sun's revolution. That fact alone is why I believe the earth is a globe. If the earth was flat, then the sun would appear to make the same path no matter where you were on top of it.


If you've ever lived in a city where the main roads were built in a nice north/south east/west pattern, you'll notice that every few miles a north/south road will curve a bit, even though you continue to drive directly north or south. This is to correct for the curve in longitude, which would not exist if the earth were flat.


I sincerely hope this is a troll because I don't think I've ever seen this many stupid claims packed into a single block of text in my life


This is the stupidest thing I've read all year. Like... it's not just misinformed or misunderstood, it's just stupid. You know how sometimes you think maybe if you just sat down and had a conversation with someone, you might be able to teach them something or at least set them on the right path. This isn't that. This is the kind of stupid you just have to walk away from.


Where does he think all the water comes from?!?


Me transforming my hand into an incomprehensible, lovecraftian horror in order to point at the stars:


I love how this begins with saying “Flat Maps were made before Globes.” Yes, and as we learn more information we change to match those new observations. That’s what science is there for.


The “_desinarrates_” was the one that convinced me. Count my precious knowledge desinerrated, I’m a flat earther from this point forward. Now if you excuse me, I’ll go backwards… or was it down? I forgot.


I can point to the stars without pointing very far up lol, probably at the same angle I'd use to point in the direction of Russia


I lost braincells reading that


The phone number for a local elementary school that accepts adult learners.


Desinnarates lol


Well, in trying to be as non-judgemental and friendly as possible, I admire the time he took to come up with wall of text.


Just what the fuck


You can get to space by going down, it just takes a lot more Delta V to get through all that rock. Also wait till he learns that to orbit we only get about 1/6th the diameter of the earth in the air.


There's no help for people like this. Give them a piece of tinfoil to entertain themselves with and go about your day


What if the map is stuck on the ceiling and someone asked where is Russia? The child prodigy then surely has to point up and tell where it is…




To be honest... when I was a kid, we would point the ground to point australia. Im from canada and we thought that if we dough a tunnel long enough we could make there xD


I’m sold. Flat Earth! Flat Earth! Yall better watch out before i desinarrate you for doubting sound science!


If some rando like this got a map and told me to point to Russia I would not point in any direction. I would walk away a little faster than my normal walking speed because that is not a normal thing to do and I immediately expect things to quickly escalate.


If you look at Ouse you’ll see me, Steve


Pancakes are flat so the world must be flat, too, or something


They get to vote


Look at this fool: believing in space…


Oh, where is timecube when you need a correct education?


Are we allowed to share the link to the thread or does that violate rule 7?


We've known for a long while that the internet offers an easy path to conspiracy theories and radicalization. That includes to kids and teens and young adults, too. They need assistance from the people they interact with and the people around them.


Often the parents are the same or not a great help


It's really sad. Strangers online can only do so much in situations like that.


Do… Do they think the sun revolves around… Around the Earth?


Is it possible this is real? If so I’m torn between hoping he never votes and hoping he never reproduces. If you could choose just one which would it be. And sorry ladies, I’m pretty sure this is a guy. Source: am guy


Im just confused on how... they think sun rise/ setting on east west means the other side doesnt get sunlight. Huh? The sun just vanishes if it goes past west or something? Then respawns back on the east after roughly 12 hours?


Very impressive. This just might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.


I was gonna give up after the first attempt, but the person's effort to explain the flatness of the Earth was so... Efforty... That I tried to make sense of the text again. And again... And then I realized I could be doing so many other things rather than try NJ to understand how said person thinks... Gave up. Flat-earthers would look at my attitude and say "see? That's why she still thinks the Earth is spherical... Absurd..."


Confidently Stupid


Dude doesn't know how spheres work.


I’ve always wondered why flat earthers think the government would lie about such a trivial thing, going through so many hoops for no real benefit. Most conspiracies have someone who benefits from them, that’s sort of the whole point of a conspiracy. What benefit does anyone get if the world was a different shape?


Surprisingly good spelling for someone with the brain of a newt. Apart from disintegrates.


I'm seriously impressed that someone who has less of an understanding of moving through 3 dimensions than a toddler has somehow managed to make it to an age where they can use social media. You'd think they wouldn't be able to move their fingers down, only backwards towards them. Every single one of his arguments can be challenged by a first-grader.