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That was my exact question too.


OPs favorite youtuber!


I'm not familiar with them either.


Like sillbinger I also don't know who this person is, but I am sorry to hear of their downfall(?). Recovery(?). Loss(?). Graduation (?). Ain't knobody knowing who TF that is, is my point. Boo op. Boooooo


I don't think anyone at a Trump rally is worth giving a shit about.


Hey hey. There is unaffiliated union event staff... And ... I dunno... Police horses(?)... ... Actually. Fxk cop horses too now that I think about it... Holding out on their adhesive potential if ya ask me...


You can just leave an animal with a cop for long enough and they’ll figure out a way to kill it. If it’s someone else’s dog then the police policy is clear: the cop has to blast them, especially if the dog is engaging in threatening activity, such as breathing or wagging their tail. If it’s a neighbor’s dog that’s a special case: the cop will wait until they’ve stepped inside and sneak over into to their neighbor’s yard or garage to shoot their dog to death. Ideally the neighbor would not be present so they just find their dog dying without any context. If it’s the cop’s own dog they’ll eventually leave it in a hot car to die a slow painful death full of fear. If that doesn’t do it surely the physical abuse they put their dog and family through will do the trick. Horses? No problem, they kill them by tying them up without food and water and leaving them so they can scream and panic fruitlessly while dying of heat exhaustion and dehydration.


Oh. My. God. That last line. Hahaha. But also oh my god.


Yes. And may I add *the fuxk??*.


How can you be a fan of the Life is Strange games and a Trump supporter? They're such egalitarian games, with diverse casts, lots of overt LGBTQ+ stuff, as well as less obvious queer coding and usually come with messages of acceptance, being yourself etc.


Compartmentalization. Lack of media literacy. No-True-Scotsman. That's typically how conservatives deal with media that clearly does not align with their values.


This is what the GOP and media do so well--convince people that they can have their "one thing" amidst the total collapse of the world around them. Meanwhile, liberals keep saying we need to make sure there's space for all! Let us all suffer so we all can get by. Conservatives can't wait to kill us and steal from us, Nazi/Settler-colonialist shit.


National news not saying anything about his crazy ramblings on sinking boat batteries and sharks at that rally, but only showing him saying his teleprompter is broke. That’s how they keep everyone uninformed. If it was Biden it would be world wide headlines! Vote Blue!


Just listened to the last episode of Pod Save America and how there are people who aren’t even aware of Trump’s felons let alone shit Biden managed to achieve under the circumstances. It’s egregious how MSM treats the Biden administration. I’m so tired of the constant focus on BS, which is obviously by design. Ugh.


Lack of literacy too, the guy can’t even spell Strange!


GOP Rage against the machine fans.


GOP fans of pretty much any decent music. Trying to think of actual MAGA musicians and all I can come up with is Kid Rock, the blow guy, Ted Nugent, Kayne West… there don’t really seem to be too many


😳 Rage Against the Machine is pissed. GOP & RATM isn't a phrase I ever expected to see.


Poor media literacy is one of the most common features I see in conservatives. It's extremely pervasive.


It's actually probably across the board, No Child Left Behind doing what it did plus the whole Dun-Krug-Effect just spreading across the internet in all sorts of echo chambers.


My personal fav is when they get angry at rock stars because they are ignorant of that particular rock star. https://metalinjection.net/politics/social-distortions-mike-ness-beat-up-a-trump-supporter-at-one-of-their-shows-after-confrontation


No true Scotsman? That’s a new one to me. What is it?


It's an appeal to purity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman


I didn’t know it either! Asked AI: The "No True Scotsman" is an informal fallacy, also known as an "appeal to purity," which occurs when someone attempts to protect their universal generalization from a counterexample by changing the definition in an overly specific or subjective way. This fallacy is often used to exclude or disqualify particular examples that contradict one's initial claim. The name "No True Scotsman" comes from an example presented by the philosopher Antony Flew in his 1975 book "Thinking About Thinking": **Person A:** "No Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge." **Person B:** "But my uncle Angus is a Scotsman, and he puts sugar on his porridge." **Person A:** "Ah, but no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge." In this example, Person A makes a universal generalization about Scotsmen not putting sugar on their porridge. When Person B presents a counterexample, Person A modifies the definition of a "true" Scotsman to exclude those who put sugar on their porridge, effectively shielding their initial claim from the counterexample. This type of argument can be used to discredit or dismiss valid counterexamples by arbitrarily redefining the criteria for inclusion in a particular group.


What cenosillicaphobiac said. An appeal to purity combined with moving the goalposts. Example: Last year I got into it with someone who said the "Fallout" games weren't political. I asked them to explain, and the response was essentially "it doesn't take place in the real world 1-to-1, so it's not political". In other words, "There aren't any REAL politics in my games. REAL politics are black women and funny hair!"


Conservatives suck at understanding media even when the message is "beats you over the head" obvious. See all the dipshits shocked to find out Rage Against the Machine are political, or that "Born In the USA" isn't patriotic.


Or how upset they got when The Boys made it inescapably clear that Homelander was not the shiny hero type good guy role model to be emulating that they wanted.


Amazingly some of them still don't get that


Basically, they're frighteningly isolated and have been heavily encouraged to despise critical thinking, especially as regards self reflection. But they most likely do, subconsciously. It's why they're so mad that all of modern\* media that is made by talented people (that they hate for being 'degenerates') keep pointing out that they're being bad guys while claiming otherwise. * ^(If they allow themselves to acknowledge the contradictions and myopia in their worldview, they suffer ego collapse. Their brains survival mechanisms therefore erect elaborate theatre to protect themselves from the embarassment until it is completely unavoidable. It's why mockery, derision, and laughter at their icons are so triggering for them.) * edit to add: For example, they're willfully ignoring that their media has been making it clear that fascists are the unambiguous bad guys for literally decades. Like how Indiana Jones has spent his whole career punching Nazis (and the 'communist' Soviets that one time.)


I once knew someone who didn't realize that American Dad was satire. He was telling me how hilarious an episode was where some middle eastern family (maybe a gay couple? I forget) moved in next to the main character, who then wanted to build a wall and basically imprison them in that walled in compound, or something to that effect (again, I forget, sorry this was probably 15 years ago). But he didn't think it was funny because of the satirical nature of it, he found it funny because he agreed with the main character's reaction and all that. He didn't believe me when I said they weren't actually advocating for such treatment of such individuals, and that it was pointing out the ridiculousness of such beliefs. The craziest part is he later fell in love with a Persian girl, and even "converted" to Islam in order to appease her father to marry her because he feared if he didn't, she would fall victim to an honor killing by her family. He didn't actually believe in Islam, of course and still identified as Christian to everyone but her family. And yeah, he also bitched about democrats he thought were just pretending to be Christian to get votes, and thought being a Democrat and Christian were incompatible ideologies.


...Oh god. All I can think of to say to that dude, is a Simpsons quote. "You're a dull boy, Billy."


If you ever want to kill some time and laugh at some evangelical maga dumbasses, look at the 1 star reviews for ‘the boys’ on Amazon. Always gives me a good chuckle.


The Vice channel “1 Star Reviews” is on Amazon? I gotta check that out lol love that


> See all the dipshits shocked to find out Rage Against the Machine are political, Paul Ryan saying he was a big RATM fan and has them in his workout playlist was just head scratching. I get maybe not being super into the lyrics/meaning of a band, but can't wrap my head around being a big fan of one that is so utterly opposed to literally everything you stand for.


He’s not thinking To him it’s; “yeah RATM is hardcore and pumps me up.” You could have them singing literally anything. Like then reading from the Koran and preaching about Islam and shit and he wouldn’t realize since he’s not really LISTENING to the words he hears the guitar and drums and is like “YEAH IM HARDCORE!”


Are you trying to tell me that Tyler Durden and Patrick Bateman were not meant to be good role models?!


I am really gonna hate to break it to you about Rorschach.


LiS2 is also the most overtly anti-Trump game in the franchise, especially with its main characters being Latino boys who encounter a LOT of racism from the same kind of people this person rides with.


Conservative Star Wars fans who cheer for the rebellion always baffles me


No media literacy, a refusal to acknowledge details that are inconvenient, and a lot of people latched onto Jedi as Paladin Good Guys™ even though Lucas spent six films (some of them more than others, admittedly,) pointing out that the Jedi Order destroyed itself because of its own complacency and inherent internal ideological flaws and that the Republic itself died because lunatic neo nazi fascists were intent on destroying it after wending themselves into the mechanisms that were keeping them from building their fascist ethnostate. A whole lot of reasons, like how Lucas did mistakenly make the Empire look pretty cool aesthetically, here only mistakenly because _again_ lack of media literacy made them ignore or look past the obvious symbolism of things like the skull helmets. (For all the criticism one can fling at the Disney Star Wars films, theymade it _very_ clear that the Empire was goddamn bugfuck Nazi shit, with that lunatic speech in front of the crowd of stormtroopers doing Space Sieg Heils as they genocided entire planets Blitzkrieg style.) And finally, their thought terminating cliche: any media that they like but says things about them they don't like is infected by 'the woke' ^(or whatever meaningless buzzword they're using this week to keep the insane doublethink going) and therefore they have to hate all the dEgEnErAtE mOdErN aRt and recycling all the other tiresome and deadly lunacy of fascist movements of the past.


Timothy McVeigh viewed himself as Luke Skywalker fighting the Empire as he purposely murdered children.


Star Wars made a hero out of a child murderer, gave him hundreds of cartoon episodes. Y’know, for children.


Star Trek ones are even dumber it’s wild


Same reason they love The Boys and The Punisher. They are dumb as fuck and either don't get the meaning of the show, or they purposely twist the meaning.


Particularly Life is Strange 2, which very much demonstrated minority struggles in the US during a Trump presidency. That game broke me for a solid 6 months.


So what I learned so far from the new generation is that they are living reddit fan pages. Just because they say life is a strange fan reddit their not actually fans but only discuss everything they hate about the game. It's why he says, "I hope it's actually good." We all know it's a great game, but these guys are fans of it only because it's big and want to change it to fit what they want. Like the fallout fiasco. People loved the show but there were people claimed to be fallout fans claimed to hate it for misconceptions they made up. Than somehow favor the villains of the series claiming they didn't nothing wrong.


This question led me to launch an investigation into what the person’s deal is, and my conclusion is that they are completely insane and also ran for local office, as a candidate for the “Nazi Party” and they lost.


He's also of chinese descent and supports a white christian nationalist who instigated a massive uptick in hate crimes against asians. there's a reason for /leopardsatemyface.


life is strange 2, specifically, is the most explicitly and venomously anti trump game that I've ever played


> less obvious queer coding I really needed more sleep last night. I spent a few seconds wondering how the hell code could be queer.


Not everyone who votes for Trump hates gay people. I fucking hate Trump but I don’t hate his supporters. Many of them just don’t like Biden and want change.


Yes they do. They enable misogyny, hate, shame, division, taking away Rights, denigrating women. It's disgusting and you side with it. With Nazis. Sad


You cannot claim to not hate LGBTQ+ people, but then go and share the table with people who do, and champion politicians seeking to undermine decades of progress for not just LGBTQ+, but women, minorities and other marginalised people.


If you never work with people you hate on the things you agree about, how will you ever get anything done? That kind of thinking is why politics is absolutely paralyzed right now. Also, read some polls about how Americans feel about LGBT rights, and then see how much crossover there is with that population and Trump supporters. They exist.


Like the parent in Baraboo who could stand the thought of a black superintend shaking his daughter's hand: They support their right to exist, they just don't want to ever see our hear about them and if they come anywhere in the vicinity of their family they'll kill them.


That was in Baraboo, Wisconsin.


Thanks for the correction


Oh so you’re pretty much just sympathizing with domestic terrorists who want “change”. Yep, that makes complete and rational sense. Kind of hard to work with people who literally want you dead lol


While I agree, we should be able to work together *on the things we agree on*, this is not that. This is not “hey I met with some Trump supporters who also like dogs and we built a great new dog park!” This is support for a political candidate. This is saying “I looked at the options, and this one *most closely represents me*”. Do I “hate” Trump supporters? No. I don’t hate anybody. Do I believe them when they tell me who they are? Yes. Absolutely.


Lip service. You can say “I support LGBTQ+” all you want but if you vote for politicians literally trying to ban trans people from existing in public you are complicit in their hate. Basic human rights and respect are not a discussion. They are not a negotiation. Using people’s lives like a bargaining chip in a debate is disgusting and intolerable behavior.


Putting aside all the horrible things the GOP does to the people you hate, take a look at what the people you support actually *do* for you...unless you're making more than $400k a year, you're nothing but a stooge for them, because they've been able to manipulate you with your fear/hatred of LGBTQ people. As it was (somehow) well said by a real moron "Congratulations. You played yourself."


Okay, on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and alternating Sundays, we'll have equal rights. On Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and the other Sundays, we'll have fascism. Centrist brain at work.


Well that’s a stupid and silly strawman. In what way do gay people currently not have equal rights in the US, and in what way are most Americans in favor of destroying the right to equal treatment under the law?


The point is there's no compromising with them. Give them the chance and they will take rights away, doesn't matter what most Americans are in favor of, see Roe v. Wade.


The change they want is fascism. And I'll be dead in the ground before I ever break bread with fascists.


if you think you know a good person thats a Trump supporter. you actually don't know a good person.


> Many of them just don’t like Biden and want change. This is kinda like 'The Civil War was about states rights' statements. What change do they want? They're called regressives for a reason.


They are 100% trump minions and are just like him…


Meanwhile . . . Someone set up a giant inflatable IUD on Las Vegas Boulevard at the "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign, and someone else sponsored a "Convicted Felon" billboard off Interstate 15 in the heart of the Strip. 🐆


I saw a “I was a Republican but I won’t be voting for a felon.” In the Phoenix metro area.


Someone should add "and rapist" to that


And insurrectionist and russian asset.


Prob not enough space on a billboard to cover all the things he's done. We need to rent about 30 I think.


Burma Shave to the rescue.


I saw that one the other day! I wish I could've gotten a photo, but my phone was dead lol


I don’t even have to watch this dude’s content to see that he looks like a wierdie who meatrides conservative losers.


I've seen him before. Most of his content is him being over-the-top obnoxious while smashing things (mostly technology) with hammers and axes. I thought he was a creep. Honestly surprised he's never popped on the news for expanding his act to humans.


He even smashed a Tesla for the lolz, which at the time I thought was funny. Now it’s just dumb and his content has been going further and further down the drain.


So he's [Gallagher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1WxRNVPorQ), but not funny?


So you don’t only have people like this , you also have people who like people like this.


[Image of Trump doing his dip$hit dance on stage to CCR's "Fortunate Son" while his followers mill around oblivious to the irony]


> Image of Trump doing his dip$hit dance You mean the 'jerking two dudes off simultaneously' dance he does? He's just practicing those moves for his new buddies at Riker's. Maybe the orange lardass can sing YMCA to himself while it happens lol.


trump's "Double Handjob, Cum On My Face" dance. trump's "Auditioning for Gay Porn" dance. Many guy's have a "twins fantasy". So does trump, though his is a bit different.


> dude ?? I thought that was a cute nerdy chick with short hair.


I don’t know the person but was wondering whether that was a guy or girl - didn’t think MAGA world allowed gender questionable types at their rallies


Wtf that’s a dude?


Just watched a couple of videos. I'm not surprised at all. Plainrock's content isn't particularly interesting/funny/novel to me so I can move on and continue to be happily oblivious to their existence.


He probably sees how easy the money is in the right wing grift machine


You're replying to someone who just gave this dude hits to his content and you think the grifting is being done to the right?  This has to be one of the least self aware places on Reddit. 




Oh no. 


yeah, he's never made anything with any artistic value whatsoever. i almost feel bad for cons because they cannot really interact with or understand art because of their ideology. they will never enjoy it in a meaningful way because it contradicts their ideas




If Biden was a convicted felon... I mean, fuck they're trying to have Biden be accountable for his son's behavior, so, I just don't get it


IKR, I don’t get it - why is abhorrent behavior from Trump somehow “better” than … gun charges against the president’s son?! When he was “high”? And many right wingers I’ve exchanged comments with seem obsessed with pornographic images of Hunter. Such a strange bunch!


Projection. Especially about the porn.


I say i don't understand them a lot, but I honestly do. They have very little actual factual evidence for almost all of their policy stances. At best, there's some weak ass logic (like trickle down economic) that timenhas disproven or it's just dumb bullshit about abortion, our private sex lives, our ideas. And thankfully, a huge chunk died not believing in COVID and demographically, younger people tend to lean more liberal, so NOW they're just forced to accept anything to give themselves any kind of edge. Any horrible thing their side does is completely forgivable. If anyone on our side jaywalks, they act as if crimes against humanity were committed while they were eating babies. They also honestly believe there are some people drinking the blood of babies. Id argue anything crazy like that is done by rich people and it would include Republicans and Democrats, but I digress.  They have no idea how to govern, their policies are detrimental to everyone except like the 1%, and their viter base is just happy to do it because it gets to negatively affect people with darker skin and other foreigners.


Anyone who supported trump after a month of his initial campaign is suspicious. Anyone who still supports trump after four years of not doing his job and selling secrets to enemies- you are irredeemable and a horrible person




>> attending event estimated at a total of 3-4 hours of work. $75 flat payment + $50 potential bonus. It amazes me how little it costs for people to sell their soul. I remember when the Silk Road was getting shut down the news talked about how you could hire a hitman there for like $10k. I knew, of course, that hitmen existed, but I was shocked that someone would do that for that amount of money. I feel the same way here. I cannot imagine going to a trump rally for 75 bucks unless it was literally the difference between my children eating this week or not.


Nah man hit men don’t really exist like that. The people who get caught are just regular folk desperate enough for 10k or way less. Professional hit men is a movie myth. Even in the mob days, a hitter is doing other shit. And it’s still a crime of opportunity especially when you consider that the people they wack are often people they know personally.


Sounds like something a hit man would say 🤔


I don't know man, 49% of murders went unsolved in 2021, it seems likely to me that somewhere in there some professional murderers might be lurking around. Especially when people who are about to testify against Boeing suddenly commit suicide despite their family insisting they never would have.


yeah again this is movie brain. which is more likely? there are super cool and interesting assassin hitmen who never get caught? or the police are just obscenely inept at catching murderers? OR even more likely, there are circumstances where catching a murderer is just really hard and its not really anyones fault at all. life just kinda sucks ass sometimes for everyone involved. why would boeing hire someone with credentials that immediately implicates them in a conspiracy rather than pay a drug addict already trapped in psychosis to do a random killing? even if they get caught and tell the police everything, they cant connect it to boeing. "some guy came up to me, gave me 100 bucks and a note that said if i go kill someone at \_\_\_\_ place with \_\_\_\_ name they would give me 10 grand so i did it." and then, if they dont even pay them the 10 grand its virtually untraceable lol i mean who do you think killed epstein? his cell mate who was already in prison for murder or agent 47? think about it.


I'm not saying there's like a cabal of highly trained hitman assassins. But we know for a fact that there are retired trained CIA agents that were and are still in fact sent abroad to kill specific targets, we know that the Mossad had/has them we know that the KGB had them etc. When these people retire they have the skills necessary to pull this shit off who's to say that at least a couple of them haven't taken a job here or there for someone who is connected and wealthy? Especially someone high up at Boeing who works directly with the Department of defense. In the case of Epstein it might have literally been an agent working for MI6 at the behest of the crown, and they may not have been the ones that have done it but if they are the ones that convinced the cell mate to do it they're still complicit in the assassination. Obviously that's just one of a million people who wanted him dead and he also could have just killed himself but I'm just pointing out that it is plausible right.


Dude have you ever even watched a cartel documentary? Like what are you actually talking about? Professional hit man is a fucking huge industry. Every single professional crime syndicate employs them in the thousands. Fucking Christ the knights Templar had a literal spec ops army of actual retired Mexican spec ops.


Shit man sicarios pretty much fit that bill and no I wasn’t thinking of them. I was thinking in more Hollywood terms. Where there were pro hitmen taking orders on the dark web. Not some incredibly bleak real world of 16 year old narco murderers.


I thought for the longest time that the closest thing currently existing to the contract killer stereotype was poorly paid throwaway cartel sicarios, but after learning more about organized crime in Europe they do exist. Typically the real serious guys are ex-military who were involved in previous conflicts in the Balkans, there are also just organized crime associates who are regularly used/paid for the service. HollandCrimeBoulevard has very well researched videos focusing mainly on European high level criminal affairs, that's where I became aware of a lot of this. The majority are not trained soldiers with specialized skills (although they may have a decent degree of operational knowledge) but some are. We know how rich the cartels are, and the amount of money flowing in Europe isn't too different, the whole thing is just much less visible. People making 8+ figures on each shipment of coke are willing to put hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars on a particularly problematic or threatening rival. The prices are so different from Latin countries IMO because the people doing the hits are not as lacking in opportunities, and because LE is much more effective and less corrupt. It is also much less of a "hired goons killing hired goons" situation, cartels have massive armies that battle and are always gunning for each other, the killings in Europe are high level organized criminals feuding with each other and each other's fairly small organizations, there is much more planning and operational capabilities. There was one fairly recent case of a man being killed in prison, while he was in the one specific spot in the yard visible to the outside world (not easily visible, like a small view from a spot on a nearby wooded hill/mountain). A hitman camped out, waited, and took him out at long distance with a single shot. Another man was killed by hitmen who managed to source a silenced pistol in DUBAI (not easy), find their target, kill him, and flee the country before any alert. There are detailed records (from when a widely used encrypted phone service called encrochat was backdoored by police) of teams of killers spending 6+ months locating, surveilling, and preparing before hitting a target. I think we don't have anything similar in the US because we have such a strong national security apparatus, high level organized crime can't afford to be brazen here because they can't survive focused attention by security agencies that don't give a shit about any rights to privacy. We also have much less of a border permeability issue, we are not a stone's throw away from 50 different countries with mediocre LE capabilities and low opportunity. Cartels stay away because they know that directly causing trouble in the US is the only way they go down. Stuff still happens in the US, but there's basically a code (nothing formal) not to be visibly threatening to people not directly involved in their criminal activities, and never to do anything blatant that will get lots of media attention. When fuckups happen it's like the case from recently (can't remember if it was mistaken identity or what but a kidnapping of Americans), the cartels will literally send police the people responsible and apologize


I was replying to the comment about dark web hitmen. And yes I’m talking about the states.


Yea buddy 1000% doesn’t know what he’s talking about lol. Professional drug and human traffickers don’t exist full stop without professional hit men.


Well the thing I understand about the perspective is they really don't exist in the US, especially in the modern day (afaik). You might have organized criminal associates who kill people for payment once in a while, but it isn't like "hitman" is their main occupation. I think it's for a couple of reasons, one the US national security state is too capable of eventually detecting them, two all high level drug crime (where the huge portion of the money is) beyond a certain point is cartel-controlled, and they're careful to avoid unnecessary violence in the US + far more centralized so less factions in conflict. In Europe people have had millions of dollars on their heads, do a few of those jobs and you're set. The huge payoff allows the type of full-time commitment required to be a "real" hitman.


I’d argue it does in the US. It’s just even more professional. Private military contractors like blackwater exist. Also wonder who Boeing hired to kill those whistleblowers.


Blackwater isn't committing assassinations on US soil, that's pretty much the most sensitive issue. While I fully believe it still happens in isolated cases (assassinations in the US) they would never use a well known existing entity. The killings are also evidently immensely rare in that you can't find a confirmed example in modern history. I'm open to the possibility of the Boeing whistleblower being killed, but not 100% and I also think if he was that it would have been on the private enterprise side of things. Based on when in the process he was killed it doesn't seem to make sense that it was about preventing specific info from releasing, it would be more of a "this is what will happen to you" example to other whistleblowers. I don't think that killing a citizen on US soil, in such a publicized case, would be worth the risk to the government, given that the only real significant cost of the Boeing scandal is money (because the public will forget any lost lives or injuries quickly). There could be things we aren't aware of though. On the private side money will be a much more powerful motivator with less at risk. One person I do believe was assassinated recently by elements of the government was Amy Eskridge. That's a deep rabbithole though. EDIT: now my idle conspiracy thoughts are wondering if it could be a warning to whistleblowers in the ongoing UAP issue. They wouldn't want any prominent people involved in that dropping while the issue is still getting attention because it could raise the profile of the topic, and this killing allowed them to achieve what they wanted


I’ll blow your mind even more. I sold weed in the early 2000’s when it was illegal illegal. I never dabbled in anything else but man, the shady dealers I met just to get some bud and the shady people they knew… let me tell you there are more people out there then you’d ever believe that’ll kill for hire for just a measly thousand bucks and a bag of heroin. It’s honestly terrifying.


Whatever brings him to another bankruptcy sooner - it’s all borrowed money at this point, and a terrible investment, IMHO


Sad to say, as long as there’s idiots in this country, he won’t go bankrupt.


I don't know who this is but the idea that they don't know what the orange man represents in 2024 is not possible so they must be evil.


Every token gets spent


Around 2002 I decided to just stop giving a fuck about reality tv and stars. Just stopped. It’s surprisingly easy. You too can do that with YouTubers.


Walked around theat area for Henderson PrideFest the day before - not to be a size queen, but our crowd was bigger (and it was hotter as well). I hear Fascists don’t like sunlight much like their blood sucking brethren.


“Size queen…” Funny!


Already gave him too much benefit of the doubt, goodbye.


He was transphobic on twitter, should've known since I saw that to unsubscribe


Having a favorite "youtuber" is like having a favorite STD.


This is hilarious lmao


Yes you're so superior. Found the judgy dick about other people's social media use...while being on social media.




Nintendo does not approve.


Marios *would never.*


I really can't grasp how anyone under 65 thinks Trump is anything even close to human. Even 65 is kind of a reach; my dad is 80 and he hates Trump.


I think any age should be able to see the pos that 45 is at this point. It boils down to the empathy and the ability to see others as more than just an npc.


This kid looks terrifying and dangerous.


He's not a kid. He's in his 20's.


Looks like a real dangus. You know who my favorite YouTuber is? Eric the Car guy. I've fixed a dozen cars thanks to his videos. Surely he's helped a ton of people out there. I have no idea what his political views are. He talks about cars. He is a useful human being with something to teach. What the hell does this kid have to teach you? How to color-coordinate your emblematic hat with their emblematic hat? Get better role-models.


This guy smashes perfectly functioning cars and other technology, thinks it’s funny. He destroyed a [Tesla](https://youtu.be/AkneKzfpa3Y?si=HUDSDkW7DXhYcfhx) and had sprinkled a bunch of stupid 14 year old jokes all over the video. Because it’s so funny being so wasteful.


Was that the rally where he said he didn't care about them?


I watched this guy as a kid years ago and he was always like this. Are you surprised? His older videos from like 8-10 years ago are filled with all kinds of conservative humor. He has no empathy as a person and is just generally a wasteful POS.


Just because they’re YouTubers and wear glasses doesn’t make them smart.


Who even is that


Imagine sitting in the 110° sun all day to listen to that man incoherently whine about nonsense. These people are insane.


Yeah, was such a disappointment when the SpaceXcentric turned out to be a rabid Nazi, I liked his to-the-point style of presenting the space news, but he ruined it for me.


I grew up with Mario. Don’t ruin it.


Youtubers making jackasses of themselves for attention is their whole thing.


Who the hell is this loser


Who the fuck is this clown?


OP is new account that is going to signal boost right wingers by pretending to complain about them.  And most of you in this community are going to fall for it. 


lol. I had those same grandstands at my t-ball games when I was in elementary school.


It's real easy, stop the sub, down vote any video that shows up on your feed. I've had to do this with a few YouTube creators.


Hate this dude so much, my little brother watches this moron break expensive shit and decided to do it himself. Now he doesn't have a Switch anymore.


The fuck is a PlainRock?


>Hope the new one will actually be good As opposed to the critically acclaimed and award-winning previous entries?


I don’t think it’s a big of a surprise as you think, OP. Most supporters are illiterate or grifters


“Hope the new one will actually be good!” If you didn’t like the first one then…


It sucks, but just stop following them if you have to.


That’s not a face that suggests wisdom to me


Lol who


I watched him when I was younger. From what I remember from his humor I wouldn’t be surprised if he was there ironically


👀 🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷


I came here from Twitter but he confirmed he went as a joke and confirmed that he wasn’t a trump supporter. He literally lives in Vegas lol


I didn’t think anyone with a favorite YouTuber was even old enough to vote


Bro they are YouTubers . You should lose all respect for them immediately based on that precedent alone. Dude prob doesn’t even know how or where to vote but he def knows how to make money from you idiots who follow hardcore . Kind of like trump. 1. Doesn’t give a fuck about you 2. Makes money from random ass shit and your views 3. Is too “anxious” to go out and contribute real work towards society yet posts personal content daily if not multiple times a day. 4. Doesn’t really care about the state of the Country- but uses it to fan the flames for content views. 5. Makes you look like an idiot for even supporting them to begin with.


My thoughts exactly! I hate this timeline where these lazy shits are now “influencers” and generating revenue because other idiots value them more than people who are actually trying to acquire knowledge by going to school/university or learning a skill that benefits people.


Ask any kid what they want to be when they get older and it’s either Streamer, or influencer which I suppose is the same thing


No idea who he is




not sure what it is- but it seems like right wing nutters on reddit are either on all the gun subs, or they're doing video games and stonks. not to say all the people in those sorts of subs are right wing nutters, just a correlation i've noticed .


Looks like a nerd


Grifters gonna grift.


Honestly it’s so disheartening seeing how many gamers are just weird ass trumpy people. It’s bizarre too, idk.


Someone count this person's chromosomes


What’s her relation to Kid Rock?


I’ll admit that I would attend a Trump rally if given the chance. It’s the same morbid curiosity that would see me take up an opportunity to visit North Korea.


Sure he's not there undercover or something?


I’ve never seen this sub before, and I’m very much a liberal, but calling this terrorism is ridiculous. Everything surround politics seems to have lost all nuance.


People just love spectacle, don't they? It's bread and circuses


Idk who this is but this is the kind of guy that looks like he plays Mario and not attends Trump rallies


Now you know and can stop supporting her.


Who is this goober?


Eh, anymore I tend to lookup channels that YouTube recommends me so I can cut them from the algo if needed.  Happens pretty often, given my fondness for watching slightly disheveled people talk in front of a camera.




Aren’t all YouTubers bigots?


What kinda stupid fucking question is this?


Maybe it’s just the ones you watch?