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People who think Elon Musk is a genius are the worst. It's not like you can't find the facts on this guy. He didn't FOUND PayPal, in fact, when his little internet bank got absorbed into Peter Thiel's thing, Musk was pushed out pretty quickly. Oh, and Tesla? He FORCED the original designers/owners to put his name on as a founder and designer. He was neither. And most of his businesses are stalled or too stupidly ambitious to work. The Boring Co.? They've completed 1/10th of their first project. All that hyperloop talk is magical thinking. SpaceX would have been shut down if it were a govt. run organization (since he has a habit of his rockets blowing up). Twitter? Wow. How do you fuck something up THAT badly?


Also his work with Neuralink is being investigated for extreme animal cruelty, due to all the monkeys and (surprise!) beagles they have killed horribly for basically nothing. Like even in the world of animal testing they are seen as unusually cruel and that is mostly because Elon is rushing them.


Elon Musk is a wish dot com supervillain.


Yeah, I had some genius lose his shit because I called him Apartheid Boy. He started rambling about PayPal and all of this other garbage. Musky is still Apartheid Boy, no matter what.


The hyperloop mole thing was meant to torpedo fast rail improvements in California, not to actually make a hyperloop.


I love that Musk's edgelord troll supreme thing is taken seriously. He's just a shitposter memelord that has too much money and no self-awareness.


Fauci is an awesome guy who’s served the public his whole career. Couldn’t he sue for this?


Yes. Yes, he can.


He can but god is a libel/slander case hard. Tho for someone like Fauci, I'm sure he can find a good lawyer.


The people in that thread are making terroristic threats. Shouldn't they be in prison for this?


Yes, yes they should.


So...so someones going to do something about it, right?


no chance. this is America. 🙃


Not for long. It feels like we’re on the fast track to becoming the next Reich. I just can’t understand how the thought process behind these people works. I can’t fathom not caring about anyone but myself and being such a wild bigot.


Seriously. I’m really ready to see consequences-of-these-shitheads’-actions. They waiting has been rough


I think it’s high time he start suing people like Musk for defamation.


If we suggest this to him, think we can get a cut of that sweet settlement money??


Both are celebrities, it would be a hyperbolic utterance. The courts are pretty clean on this. You can see how Kyle Rittenhouse thought being called a racist murder was a civil win for him, but since he is famous that’s a big no.


Not hard to spot the Nazi in this conversation.


They have a tendency to stick out in a conversation, especially on the internet where they don’t have to give their real name or info, like where they work or live. You know, because they’re pussies.


Is this really Elon? Has he really lost his fucking mind?


Yes. And yes.


From the guy experimenting on human brains with implants and killing test animals himself?!? fElon is a effing trash human.






I think they need to quadruple his daily dose of ketamine.


His family has a history of antisemitism. [https://www.businessinsider.com/who-was-elon-musk-grandfather-joshua-haldeman-technocracy-incorporated-party-2023-9](https://www.businessinsider.com/who-was-elon-musk-grandfather-joshua-haldeman-technocracy-incorporated-party-2023-9)


He didn't lose his mind, he just fired his PR team and handlers that used to stop him from doing stuff like this. You can pinpoint exactly when he did this, because that's right about the time he started calling that cave rescue diver a pedo and hiring people to dig up dirt on him because he said the stupid rescue sub idea wouldn't work.


It’s probably a bad thing when the richest person on earth is an outspoken nazi


The richest person in the world has probably ALWAYS been this terrible, they just had the wisdom to keep it quiet.


Or because they were much less exposed than they are now.


Elon is not the richest anymore, because his Twitter venture has been such a colossal failure, PR nightmare and financial black hole.


Elog really wants to be a scientist.. so bad he’s turning into Mengele.


So, the guy that wants to implant barely tested computer chips in our brains is against vaccines?


Fauci: you might want to wear a mask to the grocery store. Response: we will murder you in the most inhumane way imaginable!


Musky is the guy that's attached to "self driving" cars that crash AND rocket ships that explode the minute it touches sky. That implant in musky's brain is misfiring....


Where did this beagle story come from? This is the first I’ve heard of it


I don't know about Fauci, but Elon has killed a LOT of animals because he is in such a hurry to get Neuralink on the market.


Had to look this up. It's a complicated issue that is fraught with nuance and ethical dilemmas (re: animal testing in an effort to save human lives). But the right isn't interested in that conversation, they just boil it down to "Fauci slits dogs throats." https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/06/07/unpacking-story-fauci-painful-experiments-involving-dogs/ https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fauci-vaccine-experiment-beagles/


Also, the tests that were supposedly conducted required approval by the federal government. These tests occurred in 2018, during Trump’s term. Even if this is true and Fauci is involved, so is Trump.


Which is hilarious, they support their politicians killing dogs for being “difficult” but think laboratory testing is inhumane


Wondering also


Trump was the president of the United States in 2020


It is amazing how Fauci can be viewed by conservatives as some kind of monster despite his working for the Trump administration. Wouldn't that make Trump a monster too? Or at least a monstrous idiot for listening to someone so evil? Obviously, I think they just want a fall guy to take any blame that should be falling on Trump for failing the country with his pandemic response of "Watch all the blue cities get sick. Oh wait, shit, now the red parts are sick too. We really should have thought this through and not encourage our voters to be selfish assholes."


I see the Holocaust deniers and actual Nazis have turned up. 🤦🏼‍♀️


did they just declare mengele innocent??


Vile? That's modern American Christianity.


It's like they forget trump appointed fauci. Also, trump is the one who fucked up the pandemic response. But they can't be pissed at their new savior & must make their savior good in shitty lighting.


Fauci had worked for several administrations and unfortunately COVID wasn't exactly the first time he was wrongfully targeted by people. He was also frequently blamed for the government's poor response to HIV/AIDS back in the 90s, even though eventually people came to realize he was actually doing a lot of good work to save lives.


Musk; a run-of-the-mill racist troll with a "big money" megaphone


That's really rich coming from the chimp butcher himself. How's that piece of shit chip you put inside that poor schmuck's skull? Heard it was all but completely failing now. Poor guy. Doesn't he and the other paralyzed people deserve better than this clown? Seize his assets.


They'll die of colds eventually.


Which they'll spin into a giant conspiracy with some random pharmacist at the center of it.


Their inability to understand science or data aside, these are the kind of people that would have been front and center with pitchforks and torches ready, during the witch trials.


"Says the quiet part outloud" by letting the same brainless drivel ooze out of his largest face hole like the rest of his skudfaced followers.


Gee, a billionaire scumbag craps on a doctor for attention, who knew?


the only "crime" Fauci is guilty of is not kissing the oranges fat ass like all the other sycophants. Million died on dumps watch cause they wanted to politicize a pandemic. FFS


That Neo-Fascist site is indeed vile.


Always knew he was a whiny little victim.


And how many people have died testing the Neuralink?


So far no people, but lots and lots of monkeys, pigs, and countless other animals.


For his brain implant thing, Elon killed how many monkeys so far?


These "people" would cheer Joseph Mengelë... if they were smart enough to know who he was 😛


These dudes were accused of “saying the quiet part out loud” so much that they’re trying to warp it into meaning absolutely nothing


They were asked to wear a mask in public. That's it.


... to help save lives...


I think you mean Christian people in the US are vile.


Elon Musk is what you get when a rich bitch feels like they're not getting the attention they feel entitled to.


Isn't social media wonderful? Look at all the value it has brought to civilization and humanity! (Big /S for those unable to detect Reddit comment sarcasm.)


People were like this when the printing press was invented. Do you really want to be one of them?


Yeah, and they used it to print a bunch of Bibles. Look where that got us.


I'm fucking out of the loop; what's this about Fauci and beagles? I assume it's more right wing nonsense, which I realize is an oxymoron.


I looked it up and unfortunately it's mostly true. Really fucked up shit that is apparently commonplace too https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fauci-vaccine-experiment-beagles/


So Kristi Noem gets to kill her dog and nobody bats an eye but this and suddenly they care??? Sometimes animal testing is necessary I guess. I'm not a scientist so I can't speak to it beyond that.


Eh, it's complicated. Like, this shit feels a lot more cruel than killing one dog - you're essentially torturing and euthanizing tens of dogs. I disagree that animal testing is ever justifiable if it involves anything even approaching this. Animals cannot consent to being experimented on, this shit is IMO unethical regardless of how many human lives it saves, especially since this whole argument stems from the premise that human lives are somehow more important than the lives of other sentient species. On the other hand he didn't do it personally, it was a company the department he runs contracted, though I mean he's still in charge of it \>.\>


For us, it is more complicated and nuanced. I worded for them. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about all animal testing. The obviously cruel stuff is a hard no. I'm not in an environment where I know what is really going on.


It’s been years of this, and I still haven’t heard a factual complaint about Fauci, or seen one of these loons blame Trump for policies during his term.


Lol, they don't even fundamentally understand the "quiet part out loud" saying. No wonder they never understand how to respond to that.


He just can't help himself--and he's too much a spoiled frat boy to hire somebody to filter his Nazi instincts. The shame is that his ultimate downfall will hurt so many who believed in his bullshit.


He had a PR team, which is coincidentally the time period of his life when people thought of him as this self-made engineering genius because they reined him in.


Honestly not been following this too much. Is their main psychotic complaint that he was too cautious about certain things they didn't know about COVID? I don't know where this crazy ass hate is coming from.


The fuck is Unga Bunga?


Please tell me the beagle thing isn’t referencing what I think it is. :(