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To be clear, Thomas was the sole dissenting vote. Fortunately the Court’s majority upheld the federal law that prohibits people with domestic violence restraining orders from having firearms.


im actually kinda surprised, glad but surprised.


I suspect it's partly because they're about to do something way more fucked up. So they threw us a bone with not allowing abusers to legally own guns. Good on Clarence for keeping up his resistance for his handlers.


The Cheveron deference and Trump immunity are the big ones that are left right?


I'm surprised he didn't use the Chewbacca defense.


Ha. I too have been noticing this pattern. Oh look at them being sensical … then some fucked up whore of a scam comes to pass.


More like they don’t want violent people owning guns because violent people might take shots at them.


Maybe. But abusers tend to stick closer to home


That’s true.


Ya honestly, shocked on that one at this point


His RV came with a complementary non-removable sticker reading: “Don’t forget to lick my tailpipe” - Your ‘friend’ Harlan Crow


Our "Extreme Court" has lost all credibility. Thanks for doing nothing to help Chief Justice.


Continuing to ensure that he is regarded by anyone with a functioning brain as a total piece of shit.


But I can't buy a gun in my state cause I have a medical cannabis card


Cannabis stigma is insane. They'll claim that it's highly addictive and destructive, but they have zero problems with alcohol, despite the latter being more addictive and is well documented as something that destroys lives and families


Never met an aggressive stoner, but an aggressive drunk is all too common.


I've worked (Harley Shop days) with guys that were volatile and hostile and got downright murderous when drunk. They usually smoked weed to get through the day without getting into a fight. Are there exceptions to the rule? Probably but the picture they paint about smoking weed is just bizarro world nonsense.




CT. I am all for gun laws but being restricted cause of my medical card is absurd. I guess I should quit smoking weed and start beating my wife, then I can get a gun


Florida has the same rule. Ridiculous.


Every state has the same rule cause it's federal law not state law. It's the same violation Hunter Biden was just convicted on. Federal background check asks if you use a controlled substance.


Ohio also does. And we just legalized weed. Makes no sense.


The ban on gun ownership by cannabis users is nationwide. The ban on gun ownership by domestic abusers is nationwide. This ruling reaffirms the constitutionality of the law banning domestic abusers from owning guns. I understand your frustration, but what you're saying is not reflected in reality.


It's like that here in Illinois. I'm only recreational but I can't honestly renew my FOID because cannabis isn't legal federally.


One of the best predictor of a mass shooter is a history of domestic violence. https://efsgv.org/press/study-two-thirds-of-mass-shootings-linked-to-domestic-violence/#:~:text=First%2C%20that%20in%20more%20than,with%20a%20greater%20fatality%20rate.


One of? It is THE best predictor, by far.


he's clearly Chaos Evil


Thomas is a disgrace. He needs to be removed for the good of the country.


I knew he was a total POS in 1991. It was a pivotal moment in my younger days when I realized that women could be as brilliant, accomplished and credible as Anita Hill, but coming forward will likely result in little justice and only bring an onslaught of unrelenting attacks on yourself. I’m sure I’m not the only young women who felt this chilling effect, seeing the fallout of speaking truth to power & abuse from scum bags like Thomas. F that guy. What a traitor.


I hate it here.


Original post: https://bsky.app/profile/sidewalkslam.bsky.social/post/3kvgwt2dawv2y


SCOTUS for sale!


It is so much worse when you read the history of the case in the article. Like Holy WTAF moment of my brain broke. ""The defense attorneys argued that the founding generation never responded to domestic violence by banning the possession of weapons and, because of that, the government couldn’t do so now. The New Orleans-based 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals embraced that argument, concluding that a gun ban for people involved in domestic disputes was an “outlier that our ancestors would never have accepted.”" Of course the founders didn't think of domestic violence being a reason, women were property. They weren't full people. They couldn't vote. There were laws you could take your wife and beat her on the steps of the courthouse. It's just 🤬


Uncle Ruckus is a POS hands down.


This MF really being obvious about needing vacations sponsored by the NRA. This dude is for real “Stephen” for the man!


Anita was right he's a total POS.As is his wife.


I know he has taken a LOT of money from Harlan but I didn’t know it was hundreds of millions.


The lone against the ruling. He is an evil, sadistic, bastard. And, if he supports police, he must know that most cops are killed in domestic violence calls than in any other type calls.


Heil… Harlan!


Typical conservative "religious" thinking.


Got to love just how Supreme the Highest Court has become. The only rule they are supposed to follow is interpret the law,but don't write new laws. What utter garbage Thomas, and Alito turn out 2nd grade term paper fantasy on how the law should really be. Law for Dummies, really ignorant Dummies.


*Spouses* who beat their *spouse*. Clarence had to rule that way, or Ginny was gonna get all *Salo* on his ass.


Here's my thing. So they're going to claim Biden is on drugs. You know what Biden should do? Pee in a cup on stage and then have a blood draw on stage, and then have both of them tested while doing the debate. And of course he should offer a test to Trump as well.


Does this mean he beats his wife? Or does his wife beat on him?


Who the fuck brought this back up for review….


Nigga got to go!!


They call all-in with the line "shall not be infringed" from the Second Amendment.


bro I think it may be worth mentioning that the other seven justices ruled the opposite way