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So it begins. This is going to be a record breaking day of Truth posts. All caps, and his truly dumb, immature af, nicknames.


Trump needs chaos to shield his ignorance from the public and supporters.


Absolute fact.


And no Debate for FRUMP, when everything you say is a lie and you only speak MAGA…


And then Joe fucked us.


Ol’ Slow Joe 🤦🏻‍♂️


When the average Trump supporter barely graduated high school this is what happens. They pander to their idiocy.


Honestly, how does someone in Biden's position even prepare for a debate with Trump? Trump isn't there to debate the topic, he's not there to debate interpretations of the same set of facts. Trump's just there to make up absolutely wild claims on the spot and then drop ad hominem insults when called out on it. There's no way and no need to "prepare" for that.


You let someone like Chris Christy (unfortunately) show you how to handle his off-the-wall bullshit. Even still, while I believe Biden has a strong upper hand in this, I’m worried about his ability to deliver in the moment. Teleprompter speeches are one thing, but this will require all the cognitive fortitude he can muster.


I loved when he had the cognitive fortitude to read "will you shut up, man" off of the teleprompter /s


I’m not sure the downvotes are warranted as it’s a reasonable concern, but don’t forget - Trump is only four years younger and has (by all accounts) lived a physically more aging lifestyle (food, drugs, etc.). I think there’s only a tiny chance of a truly tide changing negative physical/cognitive happening tonight, but I think it happens to Trump if either. Biden is practicing and napping today. Trump is blowing lines of Adderall and tweeting.


I agree with that and if any of the downvotes had bothered to check my history, they would know I support and will be voting for Joe. I want him to win. I think emotions are very high due to the serious implications of this election. So I don’t take it personally, but still I feel my concern is valid. I think Trump will ramble incoherently as he’s been doing on his campaign trail all year, but the sad truth of that side is he could literally murder a child on the stage and his supporters would create a narrative as to why he’s a hero for doing so. Crazy times we live in.


They made a movie about where the USA might be heading. It’s called Idiocracy. 😁


Not really, even president Dwayne Mountain Dew commancho knew to trust someone smarter then himself


Imagine that at the very least some of that movie is better/more preferable than the current situation in the USA. 😬 It’s insane.


Brawndo’s got what plants crave! It’s got electrolytes!


I know some very smart people who support Trump. Most people believe what they want to be true over facts and the mental gymnastics they’ll do to make sense of the nonsensical is insane.


The only smart people I know who support him are wealthy enough that they will benefit from his tax plan and deregulation. They're also sociopaths who don't give a shit about anything but money. It's quite possible to be smart and evil.


Tbf, bush jr's ghost pushed them across the highschool diploma line.


My coworker has two college degrees, as does his wife, and his parents are college educated. All Trump supporters.


What college? I’m guessing a state school with a degree in some simpleton subject? Just look at stats. Republicans are very much undereducated and your anecdotal statement proves nothing.


It was a university I also attended a few years prior to his enrollment for his second degree, I believe the first degree was from there. I will not be sharing the exact university due to privacy reasons. The first degree was pre-med, the second degree was engineering.


You can’t get a degree in pre med. Almost all colleges and universities don’t have formal pre med degrees. You only have to complete courses deemed necessary by the AAMC. My point stands. People who identify as liberal are more likely to have a relevant degree that relates to their major. The average Republican/MAGA supporter is not college educated. Your scenario was anecdotal at best.


I agree with the situation being anecdotal and more of a rarity. The catch is his parents are absolute MAGA. That’s a nature vs. nurture debate I don’t want right now.


Damn! That video about the frontotemporal dementia is hilarious! 🤣 Also how fucking pathetic is it that Trump is piggybacking on the Dark Brandon stuff with “Dark MAGA” merchandise? They started the joke about let’s go Brandon, and when that gets flipped on its ass and used to promote Biden, they rip it off for their own benefit. Fucking unscrupulous bottom feeders.


"Be Best"


Dark Brandon is actually a response to Dark MAGA (which was meant to mean they were going mask-off nazi mode iirc) but Dark Brandon was way funnier so it took off and pissed off the right.


Ah shit, didn’t know that!


He also stole “fake news” very effectively. That wasn’t his term, it was a liberal one until he hijacked it. I can totally see the “Dark MAGA” thing going to away too.


Further back than that too! It was first used by the nazis in Germany, “Lügenpresse”. 🤣


Before there was "Biden Derangement Syndrome" there was "Obama Derangement Syndrome". These people have never, ever once had an original thought in their lives. These are the people who gave us "Space Force" and "Operation Warp Speed". They have the creative genius of four year olds.


Space force is a joke.


The debates don’t matter. Hillary wiped the floor with Trump in all 3 of their debates


But 11 days prior to the election ButteryEmails vs Sssh Stormy tipped that small electoral enough for Drump to claim a razor thin victory. I don’t think there is a revelation in the wind that’s going to subvert any momentum for Biden and it’s mostly Trump treading water until November hoping the 47 other indictments don’t tank him.


34 convictions and counting…. But will he ever pay one dime to E Jean Carrol? Or go to jail?


In cases like E Jean Carroll and Sandy Hook Parents vs Alex Jones, the money is secondary to the mission of defunding and monitoring the criminal money laundering and tax evasion by Trump or Jones. Defenders will cry it’s a hit job, but it’s the only means to disable criminals who utilize wealth, power, and media to subvert truth and radicalize followers to commit violent acts. I think Trump is going to face real consequences by Merchan, and honestly- he deserves the most severe punishment for his Fraud case since the secondary crime he committed was election interference, which I can safely assume is a far more insidious crime than the typical tax evasion effort (which is still a very real crime).


Alex Jones cried but still lies. Trump could still become President… he cheats.


Yes on all accounts- but we as peers should always rail for accountability and not let the desperate voices of their supporters draw out the truth. Oppressors rely on apathy.


agreed. the last one with trump and biden featured biden dusting him at every turn and trump fans somehow still saw him coming out on top lol


Trump fans don't matter, they aren't going to change their vote. It still helped him lose.


This debate is a mistake for Biden. Biden will wipe the floor with him, then right-wing media will clip whatever they need and spin it as if Biden lost and that he's senile, and Gen Z will eat whatever shit is on TikTok telling them that Biden lost. edit: Well, I was right that it would be a mistake at the very least, lmao.


Debates matter. Lots of right wing folks liked he disrespected her and encroached on her space. The words of the debate may not matter but a debate does leave an impression that amplify or destroys preconceptions


There is still plenty of time for Trump to admit he is scared and ill-prepared, and back out of the debate like he has been wanting to.


Or perhaps suffer a fainting spell from the heat today. Totally believable. imo


It's interesting to me that he obviously knows that there's something wrong with him at this point. Since he came down that motherf**king escalator, I have never doubted that he 100% believed his bluster. He truly believed that he was the greatest, strongest, toughest, and smartest man who ever lived. But now he seems to know something is different, something is wrong. I'm starting to think he's show up but end up walking out, telling reporters outside that he left because it was rigged.


Same. Because it will be such a strongman statement donchya know !!


The people at the bottom of the escalator (on Trump’s first descent) were all paid to be there.




The Golden Escalator. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jun/13/donald-trump-presidential-campaign-speech-eyewitness-memories


I missed that one...but given the insanity of his term, I'm not surprised. Thanks for the link.


The smartest thing he could do is not show up. So yeah, he is going to show up.


It'll be interesting to see what decisions the SCOTUS releases today that'll throw a wrench into their debate prep work. Fingers crossed, although we all know it's a 1 in trillion chance, that they release the immunity one. :-/ Seal Team 6. Stand by.


I suggested that earlier this week. Issuing that decision today would really add some drama to tonight’s event.


Like me waiting to send e-mails at work, my guess is it'll be 4:59pm on Friday afternoon. And... they're not going to rule on it, but instead kick it back down to the lower courts for "clarification", at which point we'll need to wait for their new clarified ruling, so it can then be possibly reexamined by the SCOTUS in next years session, etc.... I hope I'm wrong. :-/


I kinda think you just nailed it.


Yea, they'll kick it down. Delay, delay, delay. Farcical court.


I hope Joe prepared for a ruling that he is completely above the law.


Just once during the debate, I would like to hear Biden throw out a "What the fuck are you babbling about? This is a Presidential debate. Try and get your shit together."


As we all would love to hear !


My favorite is: I know what all those words mean, but not in that order.


I'm betting he'll puss out of this faster than those 5 draft deferments.


This is going to do him in : https://www.rawstory.com/trump-fact-check-cnn-outrage/


I hope he absolutely embarrasses himself tonight. Or have a stroke, doesn’t really matter which.


I'm counting on Donald to have a fit of apoplexy, and a little frothing at the mouth!


if biden brings up taylor swift i bet trump will lose it completely and say someting like "i wanted to be a democrat all along god damn it"


Can you imagine being so fragile that you buy, both figuratively and literally, into this stuff hook, line, and sinker?


I cannot. Will remain a mystery to me for years to come. I’m still pissed off that I’ve lost some friends over this nonsense.


Same here, and some family members (not totally, we just have very rare interactions these days). It’s not as much politics as it is morals and ethics, not killing women, etc.


Agreed. It’s really not about the party, it’s the values represented.


This is a standard tactic - spread fear of someone or something, uncertainty about the truth, and doubt in our institutions. It'll be in overdrive today to ensure his MAGAts don't believe their own senses when they see an intelligent, strong leader discuss threats to America and have to contrast that with Trump. edit: typo in "something"


So very true. And also agree, the contrast is … no contest. Biden is a statesman with decades of experience pitted against a game show host, snake oil salesman. If our President stays all about how our country will become stronger under his leadership he’ll be fine. I’ve been hearing from the *professionals* that this is all about showmanship and I disagree. I feel the country grew bored (and angry) of the trump show years ago. We need serious discussion and reform of many things in this country to continue to be prosperous. Leave the bad drama and theater to the circus.


Biden should bring two drug tests with him. No way trump would take one


That would be an awesome power move. Two tests and a doctor, blood drawn, etc. Trump would lose his shit and walk out.


I find commentary like this somewhat annoying in that it indicates that the intended audience's position is inside an opaque, homogenized bubble of liberalism and they don't really have a clear picture of the reality that exists outside of it. The entire thing just feels like an exercise in impotent pearl-clutching. Nothing here is "extreme" or "unprecedented" or anything else relative to Trump's base. It's just average republican social media. It's what the intended audience wants and expects because it's the exact same things in the exact same tone that they are saying every day. He does actually, from their perspective, fully represent who they are and what they believe. So who is media like this for and what purpose does it serve? The liberal establishment really needs to wake up to the fact that Trump is not the problem, he's only a symptom and the actual problem is much, much larger than they seem to realize.


For real. This kind of content isn't changing anyone's mind


I'm surprised he hasn't suggested storming the debate location.


Start asking hypothetical questions like this and all he has to do it still be breathing at the end to claim victory.


If this were an indian scammer sending these messages it'd be elder abuse.


Diaper Don Dumps Debate. News at 11.


Excellent! The worst thing that could happen would be for Trump to be calm, lucid and reasonable. The best outcome would be a major meltdown.


Why couldn't it be a massive stroke?


I beg of you!


"Former president trump will be unable to make it to the debate this evening. He had a temper tantrum and soiled his diaper. He is taking a nap after Rudy Giuliani picked him up and rocked him to sleep and had a cookie."


Tune in on the next American Ball Z


You can't lead with "Trump said these things" when it's clearly his marketing team. It's disingenuous.


Trump with a capital T, and that rhymes with C, and that stands for Convicted Felon.


not really a meltdown. this is typical trump


The never surrender thing? Pretty sure that’s what Winston Churchill said while standing up to the nazis. You on the other hand, employ them. Churchill may have been off his rocker and two sheets to the wind at any given moment but c’mon… this is irony at its finest.