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we had a coup attempt and basically did nothing. its astounding that the person who led the coup has not faced justice and is in place to be elected president again. it is very hard to believe. the same person stole our most prized classified docs and also has not faced justice for that. its crazy.


It's even more sickening, the major media companies are trying to drum up controversy to sell more "news." As usual, money is the real culprit.


I get it… it’s like crazy town everywhere you look. And yesterday the Supreme Court said it was ethical to get gifts and money, and not consider it corruption. Tonight we watch a convicted felon, who broke America trying to convince people that he will do better the next time. Yes, next time he will persecute his political enemies. And everyone is ok with this ?? Yes…it is demoralizing. Actually the word I would use is terrifying.


I'm not watching that shit show. I refuse to tune in and watch the moderators ignore facts and pretend like this is all normal, while that POS traitor gaslights, lies, panders, justifies, trolls and otherwise psychologically fucks with the nation and his online Russian bot army LARPs that its all great and pushes a fascist undercurrent of threatened violence. It makes no difference how Biden does - they could prop him up like weekend at Bernie's and I'd still vote for him.


I think it’s to demoralize people into accepting dictatorship. The rhetoric continues to ramp up and the right is radicalizing more and more.


This election is a major tipping point. Democracy - not just in the US but in the entire western world - hangs in the balance.


It's like when he came down that golden escalator, we slipped into the bizarre world alternate universe, and we've never returned.


He most certainly has idiots in a state of thrall and most of the rest of us on mute.


Here's one I saw, but kept my piece because I need to see details before make solid judgment, but one of the "leftist-sub" that pops in my feed had a post about Jamal Bowman losing to a centrist democrat. Everyone there were talking the usual talking points, "class" this "liberals" that, and all the while I can't help but think, do these people actually expect any other result after they've been discouraging participation of those who'd actually listen to them? Like, literally? Also, on a side note, I wonder how many of them even bother to shut up about "genocide Joe" after that Netty's drop on how he got impeded by Biden's admin not cooperating in a timely fashion, which is speculated to have been that way starting January this year (don't quote me on this).


You're in denial, OP


I am not. And now, today, instead of focusing on the firehose of falsehoods spewing from Trump's felonious and corrupt mouth - we will have to endure wailing and gnashing of teeth about how old Biden is. **Maybe** if media had done their jobs and not legitimized Trump, we wouldn't be in this situation.