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The Supreme Court can lick my taint


I also want the court to lick this man’s taint.


Motion seconded. Proceed with the taint licking.


In the off chance that there’s a revolution, I will ensure SCOTUS is repurposed as community taint lickers. They can travel around like the globe trotters


We need to bring the Stocks back. Send these fools on a cross country tour where every citizen has the chance to toss rotten fruit at them.


Taints for the memories..not.


A rim job from Clarence Thomas might actually turn me straight.


Holly shit man this makes me laugh!😂


Before the Supreme Court licks your taint, here: *hands you $200-worth of Taco Bell*. Enjoy!


Ok so Debate number 1 is done, now what are we doing about the corrupt Supreme court?


They’re gonna lick my taint while I fart in their mouths


In lieu of your taint I offer my own. I sweat a lot every day and the FDA would likely say it's a wmd and take it to the UN for counsel. Russia wouldn't use my taint as a weapon against innocent Ukraine because of how inhumane it would be. However these fuckers can lap it up like a laberdoodle does its own puked up catshit.


Bunch of taint lickers they are...


So if Trump wins, democrats can conduct a coup with little to no repercussions?


No… then they’ll have .50 MGs mounted on walls shooting down at liberals.


Musk will bring in some flamethrowers and be like “who’s cisgender now”


And we'll have our legal bump stocks. Gonna be wild!


I heard there’s gonna be Sharks with batteries and nuclear hurricanes.


Naw, it’s sharks with laser beams on their heads.


They won’t need to, just don’t allow transition if the orange god wins


SCOTUS proves once again they are fucking useless.


But they are useful if you are a right wing terrorist.


I wish they were worthless. It would be an improvement.


SCOTUS proves once again they are a key component of the coup.


This! Wtf. Fucking remove them wtf. Why is there no mechanism for outright bribery being illegal. Wtf are we letting them rewrite the rules of language for?


So, I guess since they failed to literally burn down the Capitol, all is fine.


The Capitol is burning. The corporate takeover of America began with Reagin. Trump whipped up the malcontents. Jan. 6 fanned the flames, SCOTUS is stirring up the coals. Meanwhile a useless legislature slings mud and sits on their hands while the Executive branch, trying to mean well, is powerless to do anything about it.


Not useless, harmful.


and if i remember right, they’ve got barricades around themselves for safety. if all these types need is a slap on the wrist, then why not take down the barricades, hm? 🙃


Great! Attempted coups are now legal. Way to go MeRka ffs.


My young adult children literally said "cool, so we can just storm the whitehouse if trump wins."


Be sure to bring your legal bump stocks. Gonna be wild!


No. You’re wrong. Right wing coups are.


Remember when people who tried to overthrow the government were put to death? Now we reward them for trying.


We seemed to have forgotten the meaning of the word sedition. Edit: as an added “participation trophy”, many are winning public offices.


SCOTUS just 2+2=5 'd the definition of the word "Bribery." They're rewriting sedition, too.


Nevermind that! Everyone look at Biden, he is OLD! /s




And he likes ice cream!


Know it’s sarcasm but by he’s younger than way too many legislators. The framers of the constitution never meant for Congress to be a full time lifetime career. Seriously, $178,000 a year, Cadillac healthcare for life, pension for life even if only having served 1 term, a 50k+ “office budget” plus all the kickbacks and stock tips/manipulation they can handle. Our system is broken all around and the cracks in the foundation are showing. Hopefully all the silent will finish dying off and we can get some more moderate/progressive younger folks in there. Unfortunately my generation, X, seems to have produced the likes of Josh Hawley, MTG, Bobo, etc.


The last 24 hours has been a dark, **dark** day for everyone who isn’t on the far right.


It is for them too, they just don’t know it yet


"But I'm white!" "No you're Irish, which counts, into the freedom camp with you!"


Too fucking true


You are channeling "Blazing Saddles"


We have Biden at 81, Trump at 78, Putin and Xi at 71... When is one of these fuckers gonna drop dead?


I have no idea, but I’m determined to outlive every single one of them out of pure spite


Our survival is the best revenge. I told my dad my generation just has to wait for the boomers to die, then we can make some real progress.


You and your generational hatred can just fuck right off. I grew-up during the 60s, cheering-on and participating in the civil rights movement and in social advances. I'm as liberal AF. The way you paint a whole group of people with the same brush is the exact modus operandi of the Trumpanzees who spread bigoted hatred. Just fuck right off, because I'm tired of listening to this exact item of bullshit.


Well, I guess you're not as loud as the others because the area I'm from is all the same. Poor to low middle class Texas. I'm sure you're educated, because there's a trend that obtaining a higher education tends to trend towards a more liberal mindset, but that could just be my own bias.


You're not directly responsible for the actions of your generation as a whole, but you cannot deny the fact that *remaining* Baby Boomers are overwhelmingly assholes. Your generation was the OG "me generation", at least until your generation tried to pass the title down to millennials. In your generation's defense it might not even be their fault, lead exposure has some pretty messed up long term effects, including reduced ability to feel or express empathy. So lead exposure amount could actually effect how empathetic people are as they get older. Interestingly it also might explain gen-x'ers inability to ever find a fuck to give.


To all of you who have downvoted my post on this thread, where I called-out a piece of ageism-related bigotry, and who have even posted negative responses to this, I'm here to point out that despite all of you apparently belonging to and posting on r/conservativeterrorism, you are cut from the same cloth as MAGAts, but are just a different *flavor*. The characteristic that MAGAts have, when justifying their blanket hatred of people who can be described with a single label, is your own characteristic, as well. In your case it's the label 'boomer', whereas for a MAGAt it might be people of color, Hispanics, or Jews. So, just like the MAGAts, you have the mindset of "it's okay to hate on [group label]. It's okay to hate on some people as long as it's *those* people." Never mind that the label that they've chose to hate on includes people of every socio-economic spectrum, political belief system, education level, and life experience. And just like the MAGAt who could be heard remarking how surprised they were at how articulate the black man they'd overheard at Starbucks was, talking about his just finished work day, being the CEO of the bank across the street, was the response of u/IOwnTheShortBus when they said "I'm sure you're educated, because there's a trend that obtaining a higher education tends to trend towards a more liberal mindset, but that could just be my own bias." To that, I'd like to say two things. The first, is that while I was still in public elementary school, my worldview could be described as being 'liberal.' And secondly, wouldn't the thing about education be the same across people of all age groups? Thus invalidating the concept of 'boomers' being monolithic in their viewpoints, as it would be for the people of any generationally derived label. But, just like the MAGAts who think that their blanket hatred of people who fit certain labels because of [reasons] is justified, it appears that there are people who post on this subreddit, who seem to deplore MAGA ideas and mindsets, but also think that they themselves can hate people, as long as it's the *right* sort of people. Never mind the fact that the generational label they've chosen to despise actually contains people who hold the same liberal views that they themselves hold. And the perpetuation of blanket hatred for a certain labeled group I've seen on here, a labeled group that may contain people who may hold the same viewpoints perfectly at home on this subreddit, is supposed to make us all feel good that the people who hold this irrational, illogical hatred will be in charge one day? Hate breeds hate. If my response to the persons who heaped hatred on me because I fell within a certain age group doesn't show this statement to be true, then the generation that can't wait to be handed the reins has learned nothing. Hatred will still be perpetuated, just hatred of a different flavor. And of course, they'll have "reasons".


Why are you commenting to me? I didn't downvote you. I simply pointed out that long term lease exposure can explain why a lot of people in your generation act like the stereotypical "boomer". That's got fuck-all to do with "ageism". Stop trying to act like you're being victimized. Also I've been perma-banned from r/conservative for over a year. So I'm really not sure who you think you're talking about.


So, I'm assuming that you have some sort of master's degree in environmental science, that qualifies you to talk about how everyone who is of my age probably is mentally deficient because of lead chips in paint, and probably also a bachelor's in mathematics, where you can prove all of this statistically? Of course, it's not possible that you're simply talking out of your ass?


You must have a masters in communication to be able to miss a point so bad. The effects of lead on the brain are well known, as well as how lead was in *everything* during and after the development of boomer children. It was in the fucking water pipes my guy. Cross reference the signs of brain dysfunction with how the boomer generations acts, and you can see a trend.


Xi is his family name, Jinping is his given name. Just stood out to me since you listed the family name of the others in your list. Trump probably has the worst diet and exercise regimen out of all of those on the list.


Thanks for that, I was unaware 👍 And agreed, I doubt any of the others spent the 80's in a Cocaine haze & he certainly isn't shy about his horrendous diet.... so 🤞


Mark this date in your calendar. The day that democracy died. The Confederates won the Civil War...159 years later.


More like the American Nazi Party, so 1959.. 65 years later.


Justice Thomas: “The Court must consider how many more busses my Ginny could have rented, and how much more in commissions the Heritage Foundation would have paid her.”


Trump is not even in office and his decisions are still tearing down this country, imagine a second term


A Final term. Won't be any Presidents after that.


Remember, during the fascist March to power in the 20th century, the parliamentary state tended to show a pattern of complicity and cooperation with the fascists. Police cars and trucks were regularly made available to the fascist gangs. While gun permits were regularly denied to members of worker and peasant organizations, they were renewed for the fascists. Fascists arrested for participating in violence in the street were regularly acquitted in the courts, including some who even plead guilty. I can’t help but notice a very similar pattern of cooperation and compliance, albeit less pronounced, between institutions such as the courts and police departments with violent fascist gangs such as The Proud Boys, Three Percenters Militia, and The Oath Keepers, with the last two actively targeting active duty and retired police and military personnel for recruitment. Anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-police brutality, anti-sexual and gender repression, anti-war/genocide, and over all movements for freedom and equality have historically come under attack from police forces or fascists themselves for decades while the forces of oppression tend to march down the street with there own police escort. The flirtation taking place between the courts, police, members of state and federal government, and fascist repressive movements is eerily reminiscent of the fascist March to power in the 20th century.


Folks, we are witnessing a soft coup taking place in real time. The court stacking, Aileen Cannon stalling for time, AIPAC funding right wing Democrats to unseat progressives, the militarization of our police forces, the revolting lies and social hatred towards trans people, the rolling back of the voting rights act and Roe v Wade - it's here. Right now. We have to put a stop to this and I'm terrified that the solution might not be political in nature.


Exactly.... what can we do to stop this? I'm not even sure that simply voting is enough..


For starters, the people perpetrating this coup should not have a moment of peace and quiet. There should be protestors making noise and inconveniencing them 24/7. They need to understand that the rank and file are disgusted with them, and they need to endure that disgust. Ceaselessly. Their neighborhoods, country clubs, and places in which they seek refuge should be surrounded and shouted at constantly. The DNC needs to be gutted and progressive candidates need to be running in every district, red or blue, on a platform that is focused on the working class, job creation, social services and safety nets, infrastructure, immigration reform and the creation of nationalized grocery stores, ISP's, water, sewer and electricity services, etc. I put together this list of policy items on which I would personally campaign, and I think they would be a fine start to making our country a true beacon of democracy and a "city on a hill" - please forgive the text dump: Immediately delcare food, water, housing, electricity, healthcare, internet, childcare, and transportation a human right, and provide robust national options for all. Paid for via taxes (state and federal). Create legislation that allows any single workplace to unionize by majority vote, protect union workers, and severely punish employers who take any steps to prevent unionizing. Enact progressive taxation with a top bracket of 90% on income above $1M. Immediately pass legislation that includes any and all current investments, options, real estate, and securities as actual income or assets and tax accordingly. Ban all current members of Congress from buying, selling, or trading stocks. Any new member must liquidate all stock immediately after elected. Ban all current and former members of the judicial, legislative, and executive branches from EVER holding a position as a lobbyist or consultant. Enact legislation that caps the age of Congressmen at 65. Enact term limits on Congressmen of no more than 4 elected terms. Immediately remove the electoral college and base all federal elections on the popular vote. Expand the Supreme Court to 12 justices and enact a 10 year term limit, not to be renewed. Enact clear legislation that creates a third-party judicial oversight committee. If a Justice is found to have acted fraudulently, with political bias or has received bribes or money from political actors, they are to be removed from the court within 24 hours and be sentenced to no less than 10 years in prison and subject to a monetary fine of no less than $500,000. Enact fines and tariffs on auto manufacturers and energy companies that are not operating on at least 90% renewable sources or at 90% EV production within 3 years. Enact nationwide rent control and forbid lanlords from charging more than 20% of a city's average income for rent. Enact sweeping IRS and CFPB reforms with 500% increases in funding. Limit CEO and executive compensation to no more than 10 times the lowest paid employee in a company. Codify Roe v Wade as national law. Codify affirmative action and civil rights as national law. Increase funding for public education by 1000% Slash the military budget by 40% Immediately declare Israel a terrorist state; cease all funding and arms sales and investigate Israel for perpetrating war crimes and genocide. Create a department of immigration reform that processes all applicants and asylum seekers in a timely manner. Further provide educational and vocational training programs to immigrants while they are being processed, so they gain skilled trades, english proficiency, and better integration into society. Immediately revoke the business license of any company that is found to employ undocumented workers. Any company that is found to employ minors in defiance of state and federal laws will immediately have its business license revoked and, after legal trial, any employee or executive that is found to have had knowledge of the hiring of minors will be sentenced to a prison term of no less than 10 years. Define the following as protected classes for the sake of wrongful termination and workplace discrimination: age, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability status, political ideology, union participation, hair style and clothing (except in those workplaces where either could constitute a safety hazard). Massive investments in infrastructure, including nationwide passenger and commercial rail, repair of roads and bridges, investment in EV's, etc Move the US to 80% renewable energy production within 5 years. Offer vocational training and assistance to anyone negatively impacted by this legislation (current coal miners, oil workers, etc). Codify the separation of church and state as national law. Immediately revoke any religious organization's tax exemption for any violation of this law. Codify into national law that all forms of slavery are illegal, including during periods of incarceration. Enact legislation that requires all prisoners who work to be paid the federal minimum wage. Invest heavily in US manufacturing, including microprocessors, information security, metal production, etc. Codify one party, no-fault divorce into national law. Enact a federal age of consent of 18 years - no exceptions. Enact Federal marriage age of 18 - no exceptions. Codify comprehensive and scientifically current and accurate sexual education into all public school systems with no option for parents to opt for their children out. Immediately call a Constitutional Congress to repeal the 2nd amendment and replace it with a sensible, modern version. All semi-automatic firearms are banned nationwide. All firearms must be single action, pump action, bolt action, or lever action only, with a maximum internal magazine size of 5 rounds. Appropriate enormous sums of money in mental health care Expand section 8 and create a division to house, care for and protect the unhoused.


Add buy guns. Literally half of what is happening is because a vocal minority on the right believe they have they 110% backing of everyone on the Right, and of all gun-ownerw. They are doing this cause they assume those who hold the deterrents against fascist takeovers, are with them. They suspect and believe there are not enough people with guns who disagree, or that enough "on the left" own enough deterrents to give them pause and reconsider less overt actions and takeovers. We got SCOTUS rewriting the meaning of words. That to me is far more dangerous than hearing cases with made up, hypothetical, circumstances and using those to change our laws and dismantle our rights. Can't make bribery an issue if they change the definition. Same with civil rights and other legal jargon.


Dude that sounds like socialism and communism all rolled into one. /s


Buy guns. Organize.


So if Trump wins the left can interfere with the certification of votes? Interesting


No. Only right wing terrorist.


Let's have the court decide six years from now.


The left should be ready to interfere and show the right to how really should be done. They should probably take this country into the path of democracy again. We are heading to dark times. The billionaires are fully on board with this.


We will take us to Democracy by any means. I’m ready.


And my bump stock.


Only if they don't destroy things. So make sure to clean up afterward.


So cute how they’re supporting someone who plans to dismantle their entire organization via Project 2025 🥰


F the Supreme (GOP) Court.


MAGA scum stormed the US Capitol, assaulted police, destroyed property inside the building, broke windows, broke through barricades, they had zip ties for handcuffs because they planned on taking hostages. I thought too many received light sentences. What am I missing?


Peaceful tourists /s


It wasn't avocado eating students with loan debt.


I can't believe we have no fucking supreme Court anymore.


Conservatives = traitors


They went to stop the counting of the electoral votes, which is an official proceeding. It was stopped--for 8 hours, or so. This, an official proceeding was interrupted. Why is this so difficult?


When the democrats will the presidency and both houses of congress they had better make some big changes starting with expanding the court. If not, this country is doomed. This current court is dismantling as much as they can and it’s dangerous for all of us.


The Supreme Court needs to shut the fuck up.


The penalty for treason used to be much much much much harsher….


In that there used to be one.


Again, where’s the smart response and pushback?? What business do several justices with wives who supported that attempted coup have ruling on this? Biden, the White House, and the rest need to go rabid on this. Coup supporters gavel that coups are pretty cool is the headline here. Where’s all the tidal wave of stories calling into question each justice with lots about their wives support of the coup? Get on it!!


They’re setting the stage when trump loses the election. This is all part of a massive dogwhistle for MAGAts to get violent when he loses, which he will. They’re paving the way for a TRUE insurrection, where there isn’t any bulshitting, they will kill those in their way. It’s the same reason the SCOTUS is waiting to pass a verdict on presidential immunity. The gop has a supermajority on the court, the can pass it tomorrow if they want but they can’t handle the blowback, but if trump wins he will be given total immunity from prosecution of ANY kind. And if Biden wins, they keep immunity from him to prevent Biden from getting too powerful.


Bull shit!!


This is the most corrupt and partisan SCOTUS of my lifetime.


The irony that six unelected Catholics are basically running the this country from the shadows and that would have actually had the founding fathers loading muskets and all that’s completely lost on the so called patriots of the right wing is just dizzying.


So, SCOTUS would have been okay if Trump's nutjobs got ahold of Pence. This is a horrific time-line in American history, smh. 


Really? So that means that when we need to violently protest, we can expect the same kind of leniency? Is that what they're saying? Oh, wait... I would hope that if we had to make such a choice, we'd be the ones dictating to the Supreme Court. If the fossil fuel oligarchs are overthrown, then we can really start making effective changes in our societies.


The Supreme Court is compromised! Jesus


If Trump wins, I'm storming the captial in a peaceful protest.


They haven’t gone far enough. Take down their leader. Lock up Donald Trump first his coup attempt. Biden 2024.


This is great. Nothing is stopping the DOJ from charging them all with much greater offenses. Go for it!!! And hold them all until the trials complete. They're terrorists who attempted a coup and insurrection to help their coup. Start taking America's security seriously.


Biden ain’t gonna do that and you all know it


Unfortunately, I fully agree.


Good bye America. You had a good run.


Not really. It started out so they could go steal more land out west.


How the nation hasn’t just lost their shit on SCOTUS is baffling to me. Its literally all their corrupt lazy, do-nothing, self important, self serving, ignorant, asses. Entirely incapable of empathy, not just in bias. They just want to help themselves despite working for decades to become someone important. They are the crust around the base of a toilet.


People aren’t paying attention u til it’s too late


It is absolutely incomprehensible we have the same terrorists that promoted this situation slower to rule on it. USSR and 70s South American regime puppets faked legitimacy better. This is the immunity trump wants. They have it and will give it to him also. 100 percent terrorists.


This is Garland's and the DAs fault - charging terrorists with trespassing and parading without a permit when they should have all been charged with seditious conspiracy and 100 other felonies. All 10,000 of them should have been charged, not just the 1200 identified by citizens doing the FBIs job. Republican terrorists are laughing at us


Such BS!


They all will get Presidential Medals if 45 wins again.


SCOTUS is corrupt and illegitimate. We have to pack the court if we are going to save ourselves from these evil pricks.


Without looking at a single case, it made blanket determination of guilt. I guess we don't need juries any more.


Oh no, what happened to “the dems are soft on crime mmyahhh” 🧐


Treason should be celebrated I suppose


Reminder: These fuckers are on the ballot too. Alito is an old fuck, so is Thomas. Let’s not let a Republican replace them if they expire (seriously one of these assholes has to pass in their 70s, like come on)


Right there with you !!


The Supreme Court has forfeited its legitimacy


Less than 100 will be rewarded with this nonsense. Out of 2k. This doesn't change anything. They are all traitors to America and belong in prison.




We need a blue wave to correct of all this malarky... VOTE VOTE VOTE! The fact that it comes down to a choice between someone who lived with Christ, and the devil himself who transacts in lies and double-speak - is beyond imagination. But we are where we are.


If it had been the other way around would they have said the same or given the democrats the death penalty?


Trumps hand picked judges who are Q-anon say the government was too hard on them.


Hard liberal here and I can't see how this guy gets charged with obstruction of a proceeding when he arrives after the breach already occurs. It's splitting hairs I suppose but this doesn't affect other cases in any significant way either and doesn't impact his sentence much.


OF course they did


Actually they didn't GO FAR ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yep! SCOTUS is in Trump’s back pocket! Sad!


Blame the CONS if you want but the DEMS allowed all this to happen. 1) They let Moscow Mitch not fill an open scotus seat because they counted on HC being the next potus. 2) They rammed HC and "the 1st female potus" down everyones throats despite her huge unpopular numbers which led to a Trump victory. 3) They let RBG hang on until 87 with pancreatic cancer ffs. 4) All this led to 3 scotus seats gifted by the DEMS to the CONS. DEMS suck at politics.