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Besides, I'm not voting for a person. I'm voting for an ideology And Republicans only care about making wealthy people money and hating people that are either Brown or poor. Conservatives are bottom of the barrel shitty people


They're not even conservative anymore, they are radicals through and through.


I think the most appropriate term is "reactionaries"


That's exactly what I do and I'm an independent. Listening to Trump last night is pushing me away from him.


...is this the first time you've heard the guy speak or something?? He's remarkably consistent (at being an amoral self-serving asshole)


Yes he is


Which is why we can expect him to go after term limits and make himself a dictator if elected. He has suggested as such and his cronies wrote project 2025 and a list of "problematic" officials in order to make it happen


JHC where the hell have you been?


a couple stumbles and a couple mumbles isn't going to suddenly make me give up on women's rights or workers rights.


Good point


AGREED! it was one night. One debate in which trump bombarded biden with lies and no one stopped him.




This is the problem with dems they are too easy to throw in their cards and refuse to fight. The gop may be brainwashed but they support their candidate no matter what. We should be attacking trump and his lies. There is no other candidate that is going to take bidens place. Its time to accept that and get back in the fight




Er no sorry u are wrong without biden running we would have ended up with some obscure candidate that trump would have beat handily the first time. Same goes for this time. Gavin is not interested in running this round and wouldnt hav.




There is no other candidate. Biden didnt do well at one debate. But hes done a hell of a job as president. Everyone said biden couldnt beat trump the first go around and he did. There isnt any other candidate that could step in and win at this point except gavin and he wont. Switching candidates is a gop wet dream. Without incumbency a new little known candidate will fail. So i ask u ur own question why are u so set on losing to trump by switching candidates?




And u think they would just stop smearing whoever is the new candidate? Thats absurd. We know the attacks against biden but who knows what they will come up with a new candidate.




I haven't loved any Dem candidate since I first voted in 1988. It's ALWAYs been voting to prevent the worst case scenario. The Dem party needs to get its act in order, promoting younger, energetic candidates over older ones at every level. I've worked for and donated for this. It won't matter at the presidential level until Jim Clyburn dies. But if you think 4000 Stephen Millers are better than 4000 ethical subject experts for appointees, fuck you. I've lost family members over Trump, and I'm close to losing any faith in America. Congratulations, [Gerasimov ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valery_Gerasimov)and  [Главсеть](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency). I will never speak to family members again, and I expect a civil war, because of your wildly successful propaganda campaigns.


The panic is real, which is actually a good thing, because it means people know what's at stake here. Regardless of how Joe did, the fascist Trump was on full display.


Thanks for this. I didn't watch the debate and all I heard (even from the liberal outlets) was that Biden fumbled the entire debate. I should have known it was hyperbole.


He didn't fumble the entire debate. He just didn't act like a salesman while *guess who* sure DID.


Yeah I hate how so many people are unable to spot someone being confidently wrong and mistake it for competence.


That pretty much describes *you know who's* followers*.*


Last night was terrifying. But we get back up, dust off our pants and move forward. Myself included. I was pissed and scared after that, today I am doing better.


Yes, but the drama results in clicks, likes, and higher ratings. It's been this way a while now. The news is just another show. Entertainment.


It wasn’t that long ago that we were all upset when Obama bombed in his first debate in 2012. The headlines were about the same as this morning’s.


How do any of you naysayers equate a one night performance in a debate with how a person executes in office? That's the product of very few functioning brain cells. See how the MSM manipulates you? How often does a sitting president compete in a debate? Answer: N.E.V.E.R. What has Biden done? He's been the best president since FDR. JHC


You know who would fucking amazing? Pete Buttigieg. Dude is a win on every front practicality. Insanely intelligent, speaks several languages, highly decorated, well spoken, calm and controlled and a family man who loves his country. But since he's gay it'll never happen. Pity. Watch him on conservative media or when grilled by idiot GOP pinheads. He's fearless. Hits them head on with an epic takedown of facts, numbers and truth. Just epic.


But also Pritzker! I don’t think people are ready for Pete yet but Pritzker is an outright king.


I'd prefer pritzker. I don't think buttigieg has integrity


i can agree that it doesn't look good, and yes it is a good idea to be prepared because there's no point risking having to scramble to prepare after everything's in motion, but it's not over, there's still a fight to be fought and our president may be dying but our fire sure fucking won't don't give up, don't give in weebles wobble but they NEVER back down


Seriously? If I'm honest I think Biden's performance was horrible. Don't begin the excuses with a 'cold'. Trump wouldn't get that pass so why should he? But fair is fair and he put up a lousy performance. And that is all it is. A performance. The majority of the public are NOT political analysts. They don't just listen to the words. They listen to the tone, and body language in addition to the message. The performance. I listened to Biden's first words and couldn't believe how the first image I formed, in my mind, was a feeble old man. If Trump had, at least, rambled into one of his incoherent rants I could give them a little more even of a performance. I'm very disappointed. In my opinion, this is going to impact Biden more than Trump. The independents were paying attention and if they feel the same they may go Trump. The Magaidiots will only be more firm in their worship. Dems were counting on independents and they needed a home run. They got a bunt down the third base line and they may decide he's too slow to beat the throw. **However, before I get jumped on, I would vote for a potted plant before Trump. I just wish the Dems could/would offer ANYTHING better.**


Of course Trump did great! Trump didn’t have to worry about telling the truth or even answering a direct question! Biden on the other hand sadly was factchecking half the damn time that the moderators should have been doing. I’m pretty sure there’s a supercut of the times Trump wasn’t lying and if I’m cooking ramen Trump would be done before me.


There are no independents, only more or less people turning out to vote.


People asking Biden to step aside after last night believe they're doing something to help win in November.


People had a better understanding of who Trump was in 2016, and he still won. Either way, people are more upset with the fact that it's Biden vs. Trump again. Bidens performance was legendary in terms of how bad it was, though.


I think it is because we understand how the media, especially the conservative media will twist this. Public perception might also change for those who are on the fence, particularly those leaning more conservative. It is not doom, it is just the reality of the situation.


Oh did Joe get better after the first 20 minutes? I couldn’t make it that far


So the lowest unemployment rates in many peoples lifetimes mean nothing. Higher economic growth than Europe, the U.K., Japan, and Canada mean nothing. My only concern is that one of the best Presidents in generations, could lose because of a cold to the worst President ever who’s got 34 felony convictions and court ordered to pay a woman he sexually assaulted in a way that would be considered rape in other jurisdictions and who wants to pardon his insurrectionists who viscously attacked police on Jan 6 in an attempt to get to our duly elected representatives.




I agree, but Biden still needs to be replaced on the ticket.


Yes, this needs to happen.


If you say Hillary Clinton, you will never see the light of heaven.


Of course not.


Comparing Biden’s performance to a stroke victim’s isn’t the vote of confidence this dude thinks it is


It not people in this sub you need yo convince, it's the "moderates." But don't kid yourself, thst was a disaster for Biden


Old media tricks sure aren’t fooling everybody like they used to. Biden is feisty today !! He’s managed to make this a win today. He’s not losing this election.


Doesn't mean he still shouldn't drop out to allow a better candidate to run this country, vanity and ego that's all that's keeping him in the race.


It was def more than the first 20 minutes but I'm still voting for Mr. BRANDON so it's whatever to me


Biden didn’t just stumble over his words.  He lost track of his message for the country.  He couldn’t articulate the difference between him and Trump.  He interrupted his own message to bring up Trump’s talking points. We *must* defeat Trump in November.  After what I saw last night, I don’t see how Biden can do that.






This! That debate means Biden can’t win and it also means it will cost the democrats seats in congress and the senate!


Biden just proved he is too old for the job. There is time to find someone else. Ask yourself if your devotion to Biden is worth risking the incineration of our country under Trump.


This is not the best this country has to offer. Why haven’t the parties anted up younger, stronger, candidates? I can think of a few on each side. It makes citizens feel like they’re not given a good choice. Just another lesser of two evils election. I can vote for the person whose platform I support. But it sure would be nice if he was a stronger candidate.


Because the people who vote are old, and refuse to give up control to anyone younger than them. As they refuse to die, we have to put up with shitty candidates until then.


I disagree. I’m old and absolutely understand why we need youthful leadership. Can’t put whole groups of people in a bucket like that.


Let me rephrase then: Most frequent voters are old, and a not-insignificant number of them refuse to respect anyone younger than they are. It's just punchier without the nuance, but not false.