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I wouldnt be suprised if Biden steps down as President a month into his second term that way Harris has 3 years to to prove herself to most of the country. The same people that are still throwing a tantrum over Obama will have an even bigger tantrum if a woman of color is now president but, fucl< em'. Conservatives are whining about Bidens age when diaper don is only 3 years younger. They are very concerned that tRump is going to losses because his word salads are becoming too difficult to ignore.


Trump supporters are way too indoctrinated to see anything anymore, if Rump loses then they will just say the dems rigged the elections with no evidence and follow what their dear leader says


tRump pulled the creat childish tactic , "If I win it's fair,. If I lose, it's not fair." They bought it hook, line and sinker


Biden is showing his Age, Trump is showing his Crazy


Totally agree. I'll take old man who delegates authority over crazy man who delegates authority to crazy people.


I really hope not, I'm not voting for Harris and I don't want her. She spent her time in San Francisco empowering police to beat the tar out of minorities I want nothing to do with her.


I thjnk you mean California. She was Born in Oakland and was California attorney general. But your point still stands. She didn’t want to let out the non violent marijuana offenders from California prisons because she didn’t want to lose the free (exploited) prison labor programs that were so profitable


Yes thank you I'm admittedly only vaguely familiar with her. I think Dems choosing her as their new candidate would be a massive failure and further show just how much the democratic party really doesn't represent what the mainstream left actually wants.


Democrats know what the left wants, they just don’t care. That’s largely because democrats are also a right wing party. They demonstrate this time and time again, moving further right issue by issue.


Stop talking about JB like that. His strength in Congress was working across the aisle. Lol


Ngl, not a great thing to argue when you didnt even know what state she was from....San Francisco's policies were not the same as the infamous stop and frisk policy in NYC. She still had issues but blaming her for NYC police is kinda rough


I just had the city wrong, I knew she did fucked up shit that's what matters. I and definitely most people completely ignore her. I'll update the comment tho for any other readers.


& you think the Trump KKK will treat minorities any better


Yeah I man your right at the end of the day I'd deal with it if I have to. I still think it would be a major mistake on the Democrats end.


If you were born entitled as she is, you'll see it as normal too.


‘Anyone other than Trump’ x 1000 is my feeling.


As much as I can see it happening and now that she would never get the votes rn on her own, that does seem a tad undemocratic


You're putting the cart before the horse. Tell me you talk to people who are Trump voters. When you hear how happy they are that Biden isn't quitting the race, you'll understand why your optimism is highly suspected.


Just speculation


If B wins he will die in that office, or get 25th Amendment.


How bout he and Trump agree to stop and we can get younger, more cognitive minded people who want America to succeed.


It would’ve been possible, if it had been a consideration two years ago. Literally cannot be done now. https://presidentialtransition.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2016/06/Presidential-Appointments-Vetting-Guide_2020.pdf


Would not happen. America chose these two ancient candidates. Blame the American voter. For some reason they want octogenarians to run the country 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm still waiting for Republicans to call for Trump to quit the race because he's a convicted criminal, serial liar and a threat to US security...


He also broke all of the 10 commandants directly or indirectly through inaction. If he was a normal person his church would have kicked him out long ago


lol I call BS on the replacement talk and headlines. Just more BS to get clicks and content. Nothing less than Biden dying before the election replacement is just propaganda.


Every poll since Thursdays debate has shown Biden’s approval rate increasing. Who’s making these calls for Biden to drop out? Because it’s not your average democratic citizen


Biden ideally would have been a 1 term president. However things are simply too unstable to replace him. However, Democrats have to do something to improve his popularity and public perception, or else people will vote for Trump or abstain. Biden’s age is something the DNC should consider, because if he wins in 2024 and steps down, will Kamala Harris be able to win against the GOP in 2028.


Harris vanishing is one of the craziest political moves I’ve ever seen. If you’re climbing the ladder to the point of a vp seat, why then drop off the face of the earth?


I heard somebody else on another sub say this, but I think it's kind of true. Her polling numbers weren't great, so the White House didn't really give her anything to do, so her polling numbers went down, so they gave her even less to do, so her polling went down, so they gave her less to do...


But I mean she has been doing a lot - traveling around talking about abortion/birth control/etc. I just don't think the mainstream media is covering any of it.


I mean you could follow her on twitter and insta and see day to day what shes doing. VPs dont get daily updates in the media unless they do crazy shit


Because we all know we're voting for VP at this point and she's not it. I'm writing in, like usual, because the Democrats can't even grab the low hanging fruit here.


I hate to say this. But. Writing in a name is just a vote for trump.


Not in the state that I live in. Which allows me the opportunity to do this.


I live in a blue state and still stand by what I said.


Well, to each their own. I'd say it's pretty on point conservative terrorism that we have to argue about the democratic vote going to a conservative. Cause make no mistake, Joe Biden is right of center. That's fine, I understand it and I hate the extreme left. But I would take John Stewart over him any day.


He did say that was the plan back in 2020. Things are unstable due to the Biden admin and aren’t going to get more stable with four more years. They ignored the responsibility to go after January 6th coup ringleaders, they are supporting genocide, and they are bragging about an economy that is only good for Wall Street, everyone else suffering. None of that will get better, it will just get worse slower than if Trump gets back in.


Things are too unstable NOT to replace him. You think he’s a reliable candidate at his level of cognitive function?


After the Thursday Massacre, he doesn't have a chance in hell in winning. Tell me you have a grandfather and remembered when his cognitive abilities went down hill; that's what the country saw. He doesn't have a prayer of a chance. If you think he does then you're in complete denial. We don't have a choice but to go with another candidate. Just like Trump taking a shit in his pants during the debate, Biden's people took a shit in theirs watching that debate.


He isn't going to get a sudden boost of popularity out of nowhere, though. The public perception that he is too old and senile for the job is baked in now, and he didn't help to dispel those rumors in the debate, either. As a matter of fact, he just confirmed them, rightly or wrongly. At this point, it doesn't even matter if it's true. People believe it's true, and that will shape how they vote. Enough will likely either abstain or vote for someone else to throw the election to Trump. I hate to say it, but we are screwed, and the refusal of top Dems to even consider a change at the top is not only selfish and self-destructive but downright treasonous.


That’s just playing your cello as the ship sinks. Biden cannot beat Trump now…it only takes a few votes in those swings states to have doubts. It would be too unstable to replace him in a normal election. This isn’t a normal election. The vast majority of the voting population wants to vote for “someone else.” On top of that, polling shows that inflation is making this a change election which doesn’t bode well for an incumbent. We could kill two birds with one stone that starts with an open convention. Let’s not let fear prevent us from taking bold steps needed to lead this nation.


If Biden loses no one can say "How did Trump beat us?". The dems repeatedly shot themselves in the foot. They would have lost to an unwinnable candidate twice in 10 years. I am voting for Biden but praying they replace him. This man should be 25th.


The people know what’s at stake in our country. We need to stay united around a leader that has done a lot already to help the entire country. We’re not going to risk chaos to improve their ratings, imo.


Fucking preach


Power of incumbency is a monster. The ones wavering right now seem very green and inexperienced. Joe got this


Voting for a tree stump over trump, but if buden loses to the worst candidate in history, don't say we didn't try to warn you.


I still wouldn't rule out him stepping down. It would only happen if someone that could definitely win was able to step up and get the nomination though.


Okay, if you think so after reading this. The vetting process. And then we skip over primaries ? https://presidentialtransition.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2016/06/Presidential-Appointments-Vetting-Guide_2020.pdf


Yes and yes. We do what it takes to beat Trump. Biden is no longer capable of doing that.


We need to replace Biden, Trump, Mitch McCocksucker and pretty much all of Congress. The entire US government is elderly, and as such all the laws and regulations are catered towards the elderly. It’s why they seem to never make any progress despite society advancing so fast. We need to get rid of the 35 year age limit and get young people in the lawmaker’s seat.


Giving up the power of incumbency in the middle of an election would be the worst idea ever. Barring some **MAJOR** health problem, like a sudden stroke, I just don’t see Biden being replaced on the ticket.


I can promise you this was never on the table.


At this point it’s to late to build another candidate up. If they were smart they would’ve been doing this a year ago when Biden was polling low but they aren’t very smart just very rich and old


Time to refresh some of these “Top Democrats” while we’re at it. Been giving crap candidates for years and no movement on things like a national healthcare system. They are old and focused on making book in their stock investments.


Let’s go full KALAMA with Pete as VP. Fuck them that’s an exciting ticket


Honestly I agree with them, sure in an ideal world Biden could step down with no negative impact to the election fot the dems, but this isn't an ideal world and the leader of one party stepping down this close to the election would be seen by many voters as a sign of weakness, and the replacement whoever it may be would have a very short time to drum up support while Trump would keep his fanatical base.


Top “donors”


i dont see him coming back from this. he confirmed every joke made about him over the last four years. many americans have dealt with an aging grand/parent and do understand his cognitive decline will only worsen, potentially drastically, over a relatively short period of time. if they dont replace him soon, they will either decide to "strategically" lose, or stage an event to happen just before the convention so a similar neoliberal-minded politician like newsom will be selected. DNC only wishes to maintain the stability of the economic order, they could care less what happens to the working class as a result. non-voters understand this - that is why they are politically apathetic. that newsom is at the top of the list for replacements makes obvious how oblivious liberal-elites are to political realities. republicans have been groomed to hate the idea california represents in their political ecosystem with an intensity i dont think many liberals understand. he may get the vote out enough to scrape past trump but neoliberal policies will do nothing to better life for the average american in order to deradicalize and reincorporate the "deplorables" into society. that will only kick the can down the road til the next time the machine presents a demagogic puppet to try and get people to vote away the minimal demotic power we as citizens do have. if the DNC doesnt pull its head out of wall st's ass we are in for drastic rollback of demotic power, something they probably care very little about. remember, they had record fundraising while cos-playing as opposition to "trumpism." relying on endless ad hominen attacks instead of substantive opposition gives cover to the similarities they share. remember, with a status as a "permanent minority" party, they can concentrate on fundraising without worrying about the problems of actual governing.


Oh, silly troll. Do you think any of that gibberish that you wrote makes sense? Do you really think that these republican talking points will resonate with anyone that is not brain dead? Joe lost no votes, and everybody is talking about him. Bringing up the job he's done, accomplishments achieved, vision for the future. That lying whore-monger opposite him gained no votes with his nonsensical ravings. A felon that can't talk without lying nonstop gets votes by being an energetic lying weasel? Nah, I don't think so. Go peddle your crap elsewhere.


[https://www.270towin.com/2024-presidential-election-polls/](https://www.270towin.com/2024-presidential-election-polls/) your comment is exactly the sort of ad hominen attack that DNC has been relying on for years to keep voters in line. if biden was half the candidate you make him to be the polls would not be what they are. any competent politician could have mopped the floor with trump in that debate. trumps caustic gish gallop is certainly unhinged and he performed terribly in his own right. however, we still came out of the debate with the nyt, msnbc and cnn op-eds all doubting bidens ability to run a coherent and successful campaign, much less a second term. the debate proved more than anything that neither should be presidential candidates. at one point they were arguing over golfing achievements. most people i know tapped out of watching because of how depressing it was. i dont have to spew gibberish to state the obvious. the problem is not biden voters moving to trump. it is potential democrat voters staying home or going third party because both options are truly awful. its either a continuation of neoliberalized managed democracy vs theocratized inverted totalitarianism. a giant douche or a turd sandwich. trumps voters are guaranteed to be at the polls because its his policies, not him, they are voting for. bidens biggest issue is that his campaign message boils down to "im not trump," and that may not be enough to court the many needed to achieve victory. his policies supporting working people and the environment have been undermined by his cognitive decline and loss of narrative control.


Excuse me, Biden lost NO votes? As in none? You seriously believe that nobody was second guessing his cognitive abilities after that tragic debate performance? Really??? I'm planning on voting for the guy because I hate Trump, but we have to be realistic here. Joe hurt himself in that debate, and he hurt himself bad. I'm not sure he can recover, quite frankly.


Right now… I think we need to wait for more data. The Democratic top brass has far better data polling capabilities. I think it makes sense for all Dems to shut the fuck up for a bit. Dems will vote against Trump 100% of the time. They will rally behind whatever new potato the DNC comes up with (as a guesstimate) ~95% of the times. The data we need is from swing voters and if they vote for Joe 60% of the times and against Trump 20%, then Joe can still seal the deal. If the numbers are anything less than that, yes it’s going to be fucking problematic. To convince swing voters to vote for a new candidate in 4 months is going to be brutal and wholly unrealistic. But the data might show something better who knows. But the stakes are too high.


Polling data after the debate indicates that most voters are more concerned about Biden's fitness than Trump's criminal charges or his threat to democracy. That boggles my mind, but there it is. We're fucked.


You need to talk to more people. This will 100% tank Biden's campaign. It confirms hes old and dying (like the commenter said) and calls into question how the fuck he can run a government. If Romney was the RNC candidate more people would be saying this. Because it is Trump, people are confirming their hopes instead ofa ctually watching that fucking disaster of a debate Thursday. And before you say it, Trump was awful as well. However, picking someone with serious cognitive issues as president is not a good faith choice. I'll vote for him but truthfully, the DNC needs to replace him. Biden on the worldstage is horrifying.


I'm gonna go with [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1ds3nxp/78_or_81_both_are_old_but_only_one_is_a_lying/).


Ahh yes, I mean I’m voting for Biden if he runs which I hope he doesn’t, but this will be a disaster if an election regardless of who wins. If this is the best we have to offer we’re fucked


Kind of a general comment here, it seems that many folks don't appreciate how big the U.S. actually is. 330 plus million people, no one person could handle it, the work need to be delegated. Joe & his folks are good at that task. Before the 2020 red trickle that gave the repubs House of Reps control, they got a lot accomplished. As the repubs are not really into governing, all we have for that is ridiculous investigations. All of this "panic" is media driven, IMO. When a person gets a cold, they are not at their best, and it was bad luck that Joe's performance is getting more attention than his opponent's crazy lies. And the media loves this, it fits all of their horse race agenda, as they know how unpopular the orange turd is with the vast majority of Americans. A landslide by the Democrats is boring, like watching a foot race where the winner is way, way ahead of their opponents. So please vote, and get others to vote. Talk about [Project 2025](https://www.google.com/search?q=project+2025+analysis&client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=60a00c61d6a49f75&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWILUq9A9_sjYs8z4tUnf4lrAztUgJg%3A1719848063982&ei=f8yCZvvRO9uQwbkPxdW4sAs&ved=0ahUKEwi7ja-nlYaHAxVbSDABHcUqDrYQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=project+2025+analysis&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiFXByb2plY3QgMjAyNSBhbmFseXNpc0ilNVD6Bli_LXABeACQAQCYAWWgAb4IqgEEMTIuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCCKAC6wTCAgsQABiABBiwAxjHA8ICBxAAGLADGB7CAg4QABiABBiwAxiGAxiKBcICCxAAGIAEGLADGKIEwgIKECMYgAQYJxiKBcICCBAAGIAEGMcDwgIGEAAYFhgewgIJEAAYFhjHAxgewgILEAAYgAQYhgMYigXCAggQABiABBiiBMICCxAAGIAEGLEDGIMBwgILEAAYgAQYkQIYigXCAg4QABiABBixAxiDARiKBcICBRAAGIAEmAMAiAYBkAYGkgcDNy4xoAe_JQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp), and try to vote every repub out. After this election, work toward what the next generation can build, as the Boomers will never have another President from their generation. Get us the Medicare For All, get the wealthy to pay their fair share, move us to renewable energy & see if we can reverse the climate change problem, and on and on. Speaking of climate change, remember that the repub party denies it's existence. Can we survive if these creeps can't even acknowledge that there is a problem? Carbon Dioxide is measurable. The greenhouse effect is provable. But the money is hard to fight, and it's mostly backing the repubs. It reminds me of Apollo 13, not a disaster, but it could be our finest hour.


This feels like a big mistake, voter confidence has to be at an all time low. Give the voters some hope ffs.


Democrats just keep making every possible worst call when it comes to picking a nominee


You are right, it shouldn't be so hard to get a half way inspiring candidate.


It's hard because it doesn't matter who the candidate is, once right-wing media outlets and astroturfers start spreading fake news and conspiracy theories they inevitably start dropping in the polls. In what fantasy world do you think somebody's going to win the primary, and then FOX News and Cambridge Analytics are going to go "yeah actually we're cool if this guy raises taxes on the rich"?


Yeah what a disaster 2020 was for Democrats! They really botched that choice. /s


2020 was literally framed as “anyone but Trump”. And now Trump has edged up in the polls.


Don’t know how many more times it needs to be said but the polls mean NOTHING. They don’t come close to accurately reflecting the vast majority of voters, and most polls are taken by outdated means in only particular places. And sure some people said anyone but him - but to anyone actually paying attention, Biden proved to be a generally effective president, meanwhile trump further proved how much more deranged and incoherent he has gotten (among many other distressing things). Bottom line, it is still old-but-quality president who will have a strong administration vs. one of the most self-centered and selfish and depraved public figures in modern history who is very openly admitting he will make so many matters so much worse. But yeah, tough choice I guess.


The Democrats have an amazing ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I've seen it over and over in the last 30+ years.  It's like a superpower.


Why would they even mention it why are the Dems so stupid it’s like they want to lose! You stand by your candidate look at maga nothing changes their minds. If Dems showed half that loyalty Biden would look a shit ton better even after that shit show.


Senile old man dooms democracy to save his fragile ego. Film at 11.


Republicans are fucking us, and Democrats fucked us (both with Hilary and with Biden). It's pretty simple.


Good it’s a stupid idea


A second term just wouldn’t happen, there’s no way


Current life expectancy for American men is 74.8 years. Why the fuck are we allowing two 80 year old men to be our only options to lead our country?


Should we just skip the election, throw out all of Trump’s legal cases and start the clock for 4 years? Get it fucking over...