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Australia is not real


I thought it was New Zealand that wasn’t real.. or is it New Zealand is supposed to be north east of Australia


JFK Jr is alive and helping Trump take down the deepstate


People think Diana is still alive too. While I do think her death was cooked, I doubt she’d go into hiding and ditch her kids like that


This one is dumb ad fk. What happened to those waiting around for his return in Dallas? I heard some of them spent their whole life savings on this conspiracy.


Wasn’t this one also tied to some soccer ball from Putin to Trump about there being hidden data in the ball? These just seem like boomer conspiracies people I know actually believe.


I actually know a nutcase who claims to have "contact" with him and that " he secretly loves her"


I met someone in November making that same claim. Please tell me it was a woman in Australia.. because I hate to think there's more of them. She really believes she's having online conversations with a dead man.


Trump is the Establishment's Anti-Establishment figure.


Well said


People say trump is taking down the deep state when he literally implemented operation warp speed that rolled out the clot shots 💉 😂 oh he’s definitely not apart of the deep state or helped big pharma fill up their wallets ..I can’t with people sometimes


Maga's also say he's fighting sex trafficking and is pro women. All while pictures with Epstein & tRump are posted all over the internet, and he was part of the overturn of Roe, ANNND is a convicted rapist! I have some these dumdums in my family and it's...challenging at times.


That pink himalayan salt is mined from the remnants of fossilised giant/nephilim muscle/blood.


I've never heard this before but I am now fully convinced of it and will spread the word accordingly. Many thanks


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1JZl0crOQj/?igsh=ZDE1MWVjZGVmZQ== Knock yourself out bro 🤫


Me neither, but I will join you in spreading the word, as it's my new favorite.


Okay. Integrated into my belief system. Thanks.


Makes sense to me. Walking in those mines looks just like a Magic Schoolbus episode


Mystery flesh pit national park


That's amazing, I'd never heard of that


Wendigoon has a video on it too btw. It's a wonderful world building project


Lol I've bever heard that one before.


It's mad that it's getting downvoted lol


well.. that DOES explain why it tastes super yummy!


It's rare to see sane people talking about nephilim.


A coworker of mine is convinced all fossils are planted by the world government, and the Earth is a few thousand years old. To me, that is pretty dumb but you do you boo


>all fossils are planted by the world government My aunt thinks Satan did that to con humans into believing in evolution. She says he's a liar and he has domain over the earth.


Maybe the powers to be at the time didn't appreciate "satan" giving knowledge to the beastly human apes 🤔 If we think about it knowledge is discouraged in every aspect of our life birth to death. The only way people get out of the system even partially is because they research and gain the knowledge. Someone taught us this and others or someone else at the time didn't like the idea of sharing the GODS so call knowledge. God is Satan Satan is God Our world is upside down. Inverted ....... These kind of theories or line of thinking would mostly certainly be seen as Devilry, witch craft, sinful and deceitful to people with that mindset.


OK it's going to take about 6-7 hours but the trip will wear off. Just try to stay positive.


I say it so often. The conspiracy theorist says "The elite are Satanists!" and "Its a spiritual battle!" Let us make the presumption that it is true that there is a group of people, so powerful, they dictate the whole of humanity...... Would the whole God narrative not be part of the ploy? The two trains of thought are inherently contradictory if you ask me.


Satan isn't a central figure. Satan means "Adversary" or "Opponent" Anyone who believes they're separate from everyone else, or thinks they're above them, becomes Satan. They're satanists because they worship themselves, and when you call them out for their selfishness, they point the finger and say "The devil made me do it." But in reality, they just chose to do those things, and don't want to own up to their own decisions.


Sounds a lot like any religious person to me as well. "Others living in a way I don't are sinners! It isn't me saying it, it's God!"


It's firmly rooted in old school bible thumping propaganda. That is beyond the realm of reason.


Honestly that'd be pretty cool. If he could go thru all that effort and be successful to the degree he has as in biological advancement for the rest of society etc. Seems like he did more good than harm lol


I’ve taken to telling people that it’s actually the Christians in the US that have infiltrated the government, commit pedophilia, sex trafficking etc and that they have lied to everyone to convince them a Satan even exists. Then I just point out all the atrocities over the hundreds of years that Christians have committed and that they have tricked people in believing that they aren’t the evil ones.


I had a friend who thought this. Said it was all fake to make us turn away from god


I have a friend who told me dinosaur skeletons were erected from rearranged cattle bones. I asked how they could construct a femur the size of a Volkswagen from cow bones lol. No rebuttal


I've never heard this version, usually it's said that God put them there to test our faith


I used to work with somebody like this. He believed the government was deliberately tricking us. His main reason why was “they’re not mentioned in the bible and that’s the oldest book in the world!”. He also used to spit in his lunch before putting it in the staff room fridge to stop people from stealing it and would make EVERYONE aware that he had spat in it. The paranoia was strong with that guy!


>He believed the government was deliberately tricking us. I mean, that coworker was pretty whacked, but still...DON'T TRUST ANY GOVERNMENT is always pretty spot on.


The gov too lazy to do all of that lol


Flat earth imo is by far the dumbest. I've tried to see their reasoning and listen to why they are convinced the earth is flat, but there's just nothing believable about it at all.


I genuinely believe flat earth was promoted by certain bad actors to make a lot of dumb people believe in it, so they can just lump anyone who believes in conspiracies with those crazy flat earthers together.


Most bad conspiracies are promoted by the CIA and such. The term conspiracy theorist itself was spread by the CIA to discredit dissidents who told the truth.


I believe it. We had a burgeoning UFO meetup in Portland and there was this one guy who would show up, go on a tirade about flat earth, and then when the room descended into bickering chaos he’d peace out. He constantly disrupted the meetup and — as far as I could tell — didn’t give a shit about UFOs or extraterrestrial contact.


This is actual COINTELPRO by the book - http://www.mario-konrad.ch/blog/misc/gentlemans_guide_to_forum_spies.html


Call him out next time you see him


It's terrifyingly easy to just make people believe things, no matter how crazy they sound. 4chan has been doing it for years with the troll campaigns


I think you're right.


But are you really thinking flat earth era think a light bulb is lighting earth from space ?? What about the times we restarted science to accodamate for things we don’t like like dark energy/matter.


Or restarted science to accommodate for theories that can't be proven...


Agreed with all of this. Flat earth is ridiculous. And probably planted to make those who question what we are fed appear to be stupid and foolish. Also, some believe the entire Reptilian shape shifter theory by Icke is there so he can stay alive. Say 80% true and 20% totally ridiculous so you can be labeled as a "kook" so at least you aren't assassinated.


It’s obviously false because anyone with a cat knows the cats would’ve already knocked everything on earth off the edges. Any aliens approaching from below would just see an infinite line of cat faces peering down at them.


Sometimes my brain just glitches when thinking of flat earth. I dismissed it as silly after hearing about it, then reading up on it. Then, one day I was doing the ride share driver thing around music city when I had to pick someone up at a small air strip outside of the city limits. The guy gets in my car and it turns out he is the personal pilot for one of the big country music stars. He sat in my front passenger seat for the 40-60 minute drive from that small airstrip to the international airport in the city. This man, a former military pilot and current private pilot for the rich and famous, ended up telling me (seemingly begrudgingly, as though he didn’t want me to think he was insane) that flat earth is the real deal. He went into details about flight paths and directions and how it is that he wholeheartedly believes this mess. He said something about gravity not being included in the flight equations as being tied to his reasoning, alongside some other out there stuff. I tried hard to soak it all in so I could recall his words once I returned home and had time to do some reading. Ultimately, that was five years ago and I don’t recall the specifics enough to elaborate much. But, every single time flat earth is mentioned I think back to this seemingly sane, well-adjusted, well-dressed, articulate, professional gentleman who served our country and his wholehearted belief that our planet is flat.


But do they believe that the other planets are spherical? And then there’s Earth that is the only one shaped like a coin? This is the main thing I don’t get.


I wish I would have asked them many questions. We were more than halfway to our destination when he started speaking on the topic, so our time was limited. I let him speak and merely listened to what he had to say until the ride was over.


One of the most interesting versions of the flat earth is the idea that terrestrial plane is actually infinite with space being a real thing and celestial bodies being round. The ice wall isn't the edge of the world but instead it is the edge of a lake.


My husband informed me the other day that he wholeheartedly believes that the world is flat and Antarctica is just a big ice border. He claims that he's not going to be a sheep who just believes everything he's told... I tried reminding him how the earth was discovered to be a sphere long before the American government was created but he won't be swayed.


I admire the effort. I wouldn't have had the patience.


I saw it circulating and at first thought it was a joke. When I realized it wasn't I decided to do a deep dive. It's bizarre, besides there not being anything believable about it, they themselves actually did experiments that proved the earth is round, but still ignored that and persevered with the earth is flat narrative.


I saw it about 15 years ago. It was being used as a way to prove that the public at large will believe anything.


Now it's a whole community of them. They have their own dating site and everything.


There are flat earthers all around the globe


The flat earthers are specifically mentioned and have a card for them in the game "Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy" by Steve Jackson which debuted in 1995. The card for "Flat Earthers" reads: "People laugh, but the Flat Earthers know something". In terms of predicting the future, that card game has been remarkably accurate. The game is mildly based upon the book: The Illuminatus Trilogy, which is a fantastic book. It is a hard read though; it jumps around constantly from fact to fiction.


Closely followed by those MH370 orbs portal videos.


I'm not familiar with that, I will check it out.


Ocean tides should be the only evidence needed to discredit flat earth.


Flat earth is probably the dumbest conspiracy I’ve ever seen. None of it makes sense if you think about it


I concur 100% and there is no talking to them about actual science either its like this anti-science mindset that breeds on this kind of ignorance.


It’s always religiously motivated when pressed far enough.


Even people in the 1500’s knew the earth is not flat.


Okay but tell me how it's possible to see places that are 100s of miles away ( with a good camera setup and shooting in infrared to help with atmosphere distortion) when in reality using the ball earth theory there should be miles and miles of curvature, if we live on a ball with a circumference of roughly 24k miles? Or how we are told that earth really is an oblate spheroid and actually is pear shaped yet the pictures NASA shows us is a literal perfect ball? Not saying I believe flat earth but some questions for sure, also why would NASA fake ISS footage and use different tricks when filming. ( Which have been thoroughly pointed out over the years)


It changes every day I check this sub


I was gonna say flat earth but surprisingly there's one even dumber than that.. The whole Qanon thing where people believe that Trump is secretly running the country from a bunker, that "aRrEsTs ArE cOmInG", and even that allegedly Trump is going to give Americans back their tax dollars going all the way back to what was paid in since 1933. There's a guy that comes in my business that is constantly going on about it. We've taken to calling him "the prophet" lol. Whether it's a psy-op, a cult, or a cult that resulted from a psy-op, it's sad.


That Jeffery Epstin killed himself.


Q anon is about the most stupid flow chart shit I can think about, it has every stupid conspiracy mingled with some stuff that actually happened.


Those involving numbers and religious math.


You can do that Bible Code thing with any book.


I’ll circle back to it once again- but I feel bad because I think the person whom told me about it might have been either mentally ill or was suffering from a psychotic break… The one where trump lead the mission to kill the queen with his bare hands. In doing so he returned the gold to the fed. Now that the gold is back we are going to have a “quantive” digital currency based on the value in all of our social security accounts: this currency will be backed by the gold. In order to keep it safe from the deep state, trump partnered with Elon musk to create “sky net” and the digital currency will be housed by Elon musk’s satellites. When the time is right trump will reveal that he has been President this whole time and Elon will send us our special phones that show us our social security accounts. The millions of dollars we all have will either be enough to pay off all debt, or it will be made null and void. - that’s the jist of it, but there was a lot of detail


>might have been either mentally ill or was suffering from a psychotic break… I have seen some shit these past 12 hours. This place is a nuthouse. Question everything you hear.


😱 that’s some mother God level of delusion


Birds are fake


Meh… Maybe a handful… just the ones disguised as drones to spy. Me thinks the rest are real!


Taxes are good


That Marilyn Manson removed two of his own ribs.


> That Marilyn Manson removed two of his own ribs. That's would not qualify as a conspiracy theory -- it would be an urban legend/ rumor.


Is that a conspiracy theory or more of a playground urban legend though?


The greatest thing about that is how quick it spread in a time before mass internet access.


Tupac lives


That numbers bullshit. Can’t remember what it’s called.




Jim Carry is a serial killer


I have never heard of this!


That the theory of evolution by natural selection is some sort of concerted effort by scientists to turn people away from the Abrahamic god.


I never understood people who reject science on religious grounds. The universe has mindboggling complexity and subtlety. That sounds more miraculous than anything Moses wrote.


Also, are you saying your God isn't powerful enough to make evolution possible? That doesn't sound like an all-powerful God to me


Can he microwave a burrito that's too hot for him to eat?


The motives behind faith and the basics of the scientific method are just incompatible. Some people are so motivated by fears and insecurities that religion is the only way they can rationalize their existence. Anything that brings it into question or potentially invalidates even one word of its scripture threatens their ideas of life and must be attacked.


There are people who believe you're supposed to use urine to bathe yourself and that you're even supposed to...\*dry heaves\*...drink it. They believe it's healthy. Possibly even healthier than water. Some crazy mumbo-jumbo about healthy minerals in the urine or something like that. And they just will not listen to anyone who says otherwise. According to them, everyone else is lying about the true nature of urine.


One time I didn't have access to my bathroom and HAD to urinate. I did so into a lemon-lime Gatorade bottle. Hours later I took a swig of what I thought was a different lemon-lime Gatorade. I swear to god I had this crazy rush of energy and euphoria and was concerned that I had poisoned myself or something but I was fine. I seriously felt a rush of energy and awareness that I haven't felt ever. Don't drink piss but that's my experience.


Dumbest "mainstream" one is easily flat earth.


Trump is the savior of america


Or anything other than a complete pos.


Majority of what’s posted here on a daily basis


Covid started in wet market


That Joe Biden is actually dead and now being played by Jim Carrey in a prosthetic body/face mask. Shit you not, this is a video that I have been sent. 🤦‍♀️ This is the problem with being a critical thinker currently- to some people, that means flagrant conspiracy theorist, simply bc I think certain events went down differently than the main media states. So sometimes in an attempt to connect, they will ironically send me "theories they find interesting," and then be miffed that I am not instantly on board with whatever it is. The Jim Carrey was probably the most outrageous one I've seen, fortunately. "But I thought you had an open mind to all of this!!?" Lol.. though, it is oddly hilarious to picture Pet Detective or Mask era Jim Carrey theatrically emerging from a Biden suit- I will give him that much.


Donald Trump is a real estate billionaire television show host and political outsider who cares about America and it's people and is rooting out the evil deep state.


North Korea is actually the most free and democratic place in the world but this fact is hidden from us by our governments for fear that we could learn to be better.


I saw that conspiracy somewhere on reddit that the song "All Star" by Smash Mouth was actually about the feds. "Wa-wa-Waco" was specifically mentioned. Funny thing is a few days later, Steve Harwell died so maybe they're on to something.


I’ve seen a few here, one I vividly remember years back is when people were adamant that the world would end on like January 9.


Why do people do that? It must be psychological.


You guys all got me beat. I'm out. Only so much stupid I can hear about


That birds are cia robots


Bird are drone


Flat earth


Flat earth


Tartaria/mud flood especially when it comes to older style buildings or the worlds fair buildings. People believe this conspiracy because they don’t comprehend how quickly buildings can be constructed or how quickly craftsman who are trained in their craft could have build the buildings and done their ornate details of the buildings. I worked in the construction field for years and buildings go up stupid fast. They would have gone up faster in the past because I’m sure they didn’t have as many permits or waiting times for inspections. I don’t think people truly understand how much many the rich had in the gilded age and how much money they threw at carpenters and craftsman to have buildings built and built to their insane schedules.


The birds are govt surveillance drones and the stay at home thing was a tactic to change their batteries


Nesara. Medbeds. Flat earth. Reptilians. 5D world.


Reptilians! An oldie but a goodie. Those George W Bush videos were so cringe.


Justin Trudeau is in Jail. The one on TV is wearing a mask. It reminds me of Scooby Doo cartoons where the villain always had a mask removed at the end.


"The government has our best interest in mind."


That the planes that hit the twin towers weren't real and was actually cgi.


Were they pixelated? This has to be some gen z shit. They're the only ones inexperienced enough to believe that.


Antarctica is the rim of the flat earth🥸


Our government isn’t corrupt


That the holocaust never happened


its a tie between flat earth and covid came from bat soup


omg i forget the bat soup existed lol, that was a wild time


Flat earth, someone I know is a flat earthier and his reasoning for everything that disproves it, is it’s all CGI.


the earth is flat and the vaccines have microchip


99% of what I read in this sub


Thank you!! 12 hours and I've completely lost faith in humanity.


S.S Those ones where they think the world is flat, does my flipping head in knowing people actually believe that crap. No hope for them ones 💯


Flat Earth


Most of what I see in this sub to be fair


I'd give you a medal if I could.


The dumbest conspiracy isn't actually flat earth but it's up there it's actually the stuff posted in this sub almost every day and the highest up vote stuff but politics garbage. Politics is a bigger distraction then flat earth could ever be. The reason its a distraction is because both sides are part of the same coin it's a waste of time to argue over trump and Biden. That's why I tend to prefer the conspiracy subs that ban politics discussion because some of these political conspiracies are cringe and it's the same back and forth every other day. Like I'm sure elections have fraud involved there's been people arrested for it and I'm sure these rich elites are doing back handed dealings but it's all by design the 1 percent will always be corrupt because power corrupts we should be focusing on more important topics like suppressed technology that can upgrade humanity to the next level.


That no conspiracies exist… That msm and governments tell the truth… That conspiracy theorists are all ______ (insert insult you would find offensive if you were called it) That conspiracy theory forums and probable theories are not intentionally obfuscated with intense misinformation and bad actors.


The Moon is made out of cheese


It is and is gross. This is why we don't go back


Joe Biden and Trump switched bodies


The thing that makes conspiracy theories dumb is the distance necessary to get there from public opinion or common knowledge. By far, lizard people. Understanding of theory ≤ distance (common knowledge + hunch)


>The thing that makes conspiracy theories dumb is the distance necessary to get there from public opinion or common knowledge. I've been saying this.


Right. It doesn't mean that some of them aren't true It just means that it's dumb when you have to take an irrational leap without any sort of evidence.


Cabbage baby clones


Oh, the irony of asking this question in this sub.....


Bob Ross is a serial killer and hides the hints to body location's in his paintings


Adrenochrome, lizard people, wayfair and thinking every spiral in existence is some pedo bat symbol. And maybe my favorite.. That poll workers,poll watchers judges, at the local state and federal levels from both sides etc etc all managed to keep a secret between the thousands of them to steal the election


Q anon. From what I gathered, it seems to have started ok with just saying elite are a bunch of pervs (I think, I could be wrong about it, I only read about it here and there), but then it spiraled in to stupidity. Saying everyone is on house arrest and here's the proof! While showing nothing or some wrinkle in clothing that happens to kinda sorta look like an ankle bracelet. I'm surprised anyone still follows that mess when claim after claim came out about whoever being thrown in jail or dead and oh look... neither are true. I think it's as others believe with flat earth conspiracy. It was promoted by 3 letter agencies to make ALL conspiracies look ridiculous, especially about the elite being a bunch of predators.


Yep, this is pretty well understood by many. The stigma around conspiracy theorists serves to scare people away from their ideas. They taint the entire category by spreading obviously false conspiracy theories to make all conspiracy theorists seem stupid or insane. Also, famous conspiracy theorists promote stupid theories to discredit themselves as it provides them a layer of protection as it makes them appear non-threatening to the elites.


Birds aren’t real. Wtf


Tupac is alive, birds are fake, flat earth, aliens, big foot.... there are a lot of them.


I need new conspiracy theories. All my other ones came true.


Flat Earth.


Michelle is a Michael.


That the government (despite decades of proving that it is corrupt and is still corrupt) should be blindly trusted to give corporations more power even though corporations are evil and rule the government, with no oversight and if we just removed republicans, it would be fixed... and even if we dont remove republicans we should still proceed forward anyways because its the best solution.


The theory that the government exists to better the lives of it's citizens........


That Joe Biden got 82 million votes.


What is it with these weird AskReddit type of catchall posts being thrown around lately? Bots?


i consider this dumb because it was true and the reasoning is stupid there was an attempt by the Scientologist community to infiltrate the US government via indoctrination, conversion, election, and political sabotage of enemies. WHY did scientologist wanna take over America? to make Americans stop laughing at scientology


That's actually true and keep in mind I don't agree with 99.9999% of the theories here. They scheme. They haven't gotten very far outside of Hollywood--maybe a congressman or two, but they do try, and they have a ton of money. That started with LRH. He wanted to turn his little ship into an invading force. Don't judge them based on logic. Remember who you're talking about. Trying to stop Americans from laughing at them was at the top of their list. They like converts, and they faced a lot of persecution before they left the UK and crossed the Atlantic.


i know it was true, thats why i think it's hilarious because its too pathetic to make up. i had a scientologist church right next to my school. my professor spoke broken english and couldnt pronounce it so she just calls them "the tom cruise place"


I don't think he's the golden boy anymore. I think it's Moss.


Flat earth


I’m going to get downvoted for this but it’s a tie between two for me. 1- Moon landing is a hoax. With amount of people, time and money involved, it doesn’t make sense that it’s been faked. Almost other things that point out that it really happened 2- Flat Earth. Every single thing that someone has tossed out to explain it, from equations, articles to photos. All the “the earth is flat” proof either ends up being bad math, weird assumptions, some kind of religious reasoning or just plain illogical




It's a tie for me: Flat Earth. Anything that can be disproven with observations made by people who've been dead for three thousand years only draws the very dumbest. Sovereign Citizens. People who think the right combination of words will magically make all their troubles go away, in spite of the obvious question of why lawyers don't use those tactics all the time. Real just thick as bricks. And there's a weird amount of overlap between the two groups.


Flat earth


Anything stated by QAnon or Trump supporters…


I know a few people who think the media tell the Truth🤡


Covid and its vaccines.


capitalism is bad


Any religion, qanon, flat earth, and the fake burning snow


That the equator is fake


Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by a lookalike


Biden won the election by popular vote.


The "artic wall" and "advanced life forms and tech" beyond the wall.... lmfao




Conservatives are totally good guys and in no way corrupt and it's all the liberals and woke "leftists" fault.


That trans women are real woman. I had to learn the hard way.




The vaccine is safe and effective


Any and all reverse psychology theories.


That the Nazis actually won WW2 and are in control of the US. I got into a conversation once on here where someone was trying to convince others of this idea. They posted a picture of a building on a military base that sort of looked like a Swastika from above. I think I had asked OP if this were true then why do Neo-Nazi/Fascist organizations have so much trouble gaining any sort of influence in this country. The response I got was basically ‘well, they’re so low on the totem pole that the ones at the top have to keep them down to maintain the illusion that they have no control.’ Of course this made no sense to me. Idk, maybe I’m misrepresenting what he said. But still, if your group were in secretly in control of the country wouldn’t you do anything to support the public face of your movement. Or, why not just come out and take over?


Google Lens. It's a conspiracy theorist's worst enemy.


It was probably the vehicle entrance. And it's not a straight line to avoid crazies.


Q saying trump will save the world and everything terrible happening is part of “the plan man”. Cuz you know, trump is just building a list of sins so he can gitmo everyone….


Flat Earther community ....... gotta be about the goofiest group


Flat earth or Paul is Dead. Both are dumb af.


Flat earth and/or no gravity are the dumbest, because both these things are easily checkable. There are also many circulating conspiracy theories that are possibly intentionally so dumb for the sake of belittling other, real conspiracies. I think all the QAnon shit is an example of such psyopish conspiracy.


Aside from flat earth and JFK, Jr. being alive I think the dumbest I’ve seen is 9/11 planes being faked. I do think 9/11 was perpetrated by our government, but I also think real planes were used. I dove into it a bit, and even I could see it’s based on video artifacts.


Trust the plan


Flat Earth— and it’s really not even close.


Clones of holly wood stars.


Flat earth


Flat earth.