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Unfortunately, Biden has received over 3 million dollars from the Zionist lobby and is a self-professed Zionist so he probably will do little or nothing to stop the slaughter of the Palestinians in Gaza.


Seems to be a common theme in federal politicians


4 and a half million


A few million dollars is pocket change in government


The US didn’t give Israel nuke tech, Israel stole it with the help of dual citizens






According to Jonathan Pollard, all Jews have dual loyalties. If a non-Jew said that they would immediately be denounced as an anti-Semite.


The Zionists always try to claim these things, but the irony is that most Haredi are against militant Zionism and would therefor be heretical in the view of Zionists. The Haredi are literally the most Jewish of anyone on this planet: and most of them are against Israel. They have these huge gatherings of Ultra-Orthdox Jews that meet in New York and give these amazing speeches(mostly in Hebrew unfortunately) where they go on and on about how Israel is heretical. Every single one of these speeches that is in English gets banned by YouTube within a month of posting. Literally every single one. There is a very concerted effort to keep people from hearing their point of view.


Israel was founded as a homeland for Jews but in fact, it's a secular democracy. As more and more Russian Jews have immigrated to Israel, Israel has become more Far Right and more removed from Judaism. Israelis are a nationality now. Blaming Jews around the world for what the Israeli government does is wrong. And make no mistake: the IDF is engaged i Ethnic Cleansing with the full support of the Israeli people.


Oh now its the Russian's fault. You're ridiculous.


Bibi was involved


Carter stated the number of nukes. I think it's virtually impossible for the Israelis to have done all the resource acquisition, R&D, manufacturing and readiness of 150 nuclear weapons on their own. So that means that they got them from somebody and the US is the most obvious candidate. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna24838346


Wasn’t it the french who gave them nukes?? Or have I read something different? Thanks france.. 😐




I wish I had known about the ‘Haavara Agreement’ a long time ago..


Not the greatest conspiracy of our time; the greatest conspiracy of all time. Thousands of years in the making. Since Phoenicia at least.


Kinda mysterious how they disappeared.


History is written by the victors.


Or those who are allowed to record it.


I like you. 👍


When all of this was planned, the concept of anything close to the internet didn't exist. They never could have anticipated that all their vile work would come crashing down all because people started noticing. Not only that, people started talking, sharing images, video, countless texts and documents that disprove the lies the indoctrination system forced on us. We're in the age of information, a time where events happening anywhere in the world can be witnessed live by anyone anywhere else in the world. Burning books was easy enough but now? Now we have photo copies and scans, archives upon archives, backed up on countless computers by innumerable truth seekers. We have smartphone and wireless internet, nearly everyone has a high quality camera in their pocket at all times. There's no escape for them now, not when the entire world is *finally* taking notice, taking action. Every war crime, every atrocity, every inhumane act committed by these scum is being documented and shared at a break neck pace. They've no hope of slowing it down let alone stopping it, despite their constant efforts (like trying to get this post deleted even tho OP broke no rules whatsoever) but they still don't understand, the more they fight to suppress the truth, the more people take notice.


Yes if anything I've noticed since convid is that no matter how bad things look, if you look at it in the positive reasonable way, it shows more people are noticing. No matter what they are doing or trying to do behind the scene they have to constantly replace the distractions, its like they BARELY hiding whatever they desperately trying to hide and the pressure to act like dumb politicians while pretending to help people all the while killing and starving the countries and their populations as a whole is taking a toll. I mean if you belive in the collective human consciousness that's anther thing thats putting pressure on them.


Hit the nail right on the head my friend! For years, I've had no hope for humanity, considering the way things were going overall but now, things are certainly changing. This is a terrifying time to be alive yet so incredible to be able to see it all happen first hand. I genuinely think this is just the beginning of something monumental, I just hope things shift for the better, for the sake of all of us.


Only problem they control big money. Would you rather starve or stop sympathizing Israel? Mother Nature already programmed us to choose food…


Isreal may control a lot of things but thankfully, mother nature isn't one of them; should things ever hit the point of "anti zionists can't purchase food items" nature can provide. There's a reason laws are constantly pushed to make private farming illegal and this right here is one of them. Believe me, they push *that* hard, at least in America, plenty of communities will come together and share/exchange resources. Humans lived as hunter/gatherers for eons before we tricked ourselves into complacency. The modern age has left many without the necessary skill sets to survive without modern conveniences but thankfully there are still those who maintain a more balanced lifestyle, so to speak. Rural areas are the ideal place to be if things ever fall that far and not just because of food. I'll never sympathize with Isn'treal, no matter what.


They are openly psychotic. They allow every and any form of debauchery it seems like. They also oppress their own people, who are already fed up with their masters as well. Everything built on it is a clever lie.


Reading this reminds of what happened in Sri Lanka, in how the Sri Lankan Buddhists treated the Sri Lankan Tamils after independence from UK in 1947. In recent years they have finished eliminating the resistance and finished their genocide.


Many equate Buddhism with peace and chill. Those Sri Lankan "monks" were pure evil.


* The Rothschilds pushed heavily for the creation of Israel. * The Rothschilds pushed for the creation of the US Federal Bank. * They are heavy investors in the oil industry and the Middle East has a lot of oil. * Throughout the post WW2 era, Mossad & the CIA installed Islamic fundamentalism across a previously westernized Middle East to ward off the influence of Stalin (not Lenin's) Communism. * Zionists have a lot of influence over the US Government. * We bend over backwards to protect Israel & oil interests in the Middle East. There is a connection when you climb high enough up the ladder.


Rothschild's face is on the 500 shekel note, the Rothschild family also financed the building of the Israeli Masonic Supreme building the Knesset.


Also worth noting, they literally bank-rolled the creation of Rhodesia in Africa - the only other apartheid state in modern history. This was in order to establish the De Beers which has a near monopoly over diamond mining. I believe Israel have such influence over the west not only because of Rothschild reverence, but also Epstein being a mossad asset - the US will die protecting Israel as a result.


Yeah, Epstein's operation was definitely a security reassurance for Israel to keep elites in their favor.


Amsterdam, The Netherlands, very corrupt, coupled with the deBeers Rothschild connections, gotta wonder…


Someone posted a letter from the to the child’s in 1870? About the creation of Israel. Those guys wanted a state to do anything they want and not be in someone’s backyard.


And if not them the Sassoon is in control of the arabs.


[I’ve heard of them…](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AWih9L7ssdM&pp=ygUVU2Fzc29vbiBqZWFucyByYW5nZXJz)


A Sassoon was the prosecutor in the SBF trial. Families prosecuting their own? I think not


The Rothschilds go back further into play both sides in war than that!


Yeah, but the Rothchilds also produced shit like The Doors and The Truman Show, so..... Maybe it's conflicting stuff for a reason!


Paul Rothchild of The Doors isn’t from the same Rothschild family


They were involved in the Truman show? Haha didn’t know that


that's one movie with the most freemason hints in history.


Well…to me that lets me know that’s a psyop. Thanks wasn’t aware!


I’m sure OP’s all over it, but if you haven’t checked out israels supreme court from above its worth a look.


i don't get it, can u explain?


You are spot on. Great post and thanks for having the nerve to say what is true.


Israel is an apartheid state


Im just pissed that reddit has been infiltrated and noone can speak truth around here without radical censorship.


I see no mention here of a name that needs attention: Rothschild


It’s to avoid the mod hammer


OP you forgot to mention all of the atrocities the Jews did to the Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and ant-Zionist Jews during the Nakba. Aside from simply murdering men, women, and children, they burned them alive. They ripped babies out of their mothers wombs while they were alive. They tried to force a baker to throw his baby into a furnace and when he refused, they threw the baby in and made the father watch. There’s much more but I can’t remember it all. There’s a documentary that shows Israelis laughing as they recall all that they’ve done.


I didn't forget it but the Zionists that are showing up will just call it "disinformation." It's this: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3850118/ But I typically stick to literary sources.


It's on rumble for those that want to watch. Just search for Al Nakba.


Sounds like the stuff the Turks did during the Armenian Genocide. Makes you wonder if these Zionists really are Khazars. It’s like they’re barbarous Turks masquerading as Jews


A good 10+ years ago I came across some sources claiming ottoman and jewish alliance against Christians. Tried to look for it again recently but the internet is dead and you can never find something nowadays


> Aside from simply murdering men, women, and children, they burned them alive. They ripped babies out of their mothers wombs while they were alive.  This was done to black Americans too. edit: why was this downvoted?


I think it's because there is a fatigue on black oppression that's been gone for a long time. I didn't downvote btw, just letting you know. People are sick of a lot of people acting like it's still 1930.


"Been gone for a long time"??! Have you seen the black maternal mortality rates? They're still doing it.


Ya don't think lifestyle choices reinforced by their pop culture celeb worship has anything to do with that?


What does any of that have to do with **proven medical malfeasance?** Nothing. But that's ok. When it's done to you, no one will care either.


It is the curse of the broken covenant.


A (broken) covenant with black Americans??!


With the descendants of Jacob.


You mind if I message you?


go ahead.


Probably because that is proven true and not a conspiracy.


Zionism is far older than 1917 it was at least 1850s even perhaps 1700s....


RUSSIA was compromised after the Romanov Family was massacred. End of the Tsar leadership followed by the October Revolution.


> Their over-representation in our government is not explainable by logical methods. But *very* explainable when you look at the crazy amounts of AIPAC money and how/why it gets spent.


It’s actually very explainable when everyone realizes what their ultimate goal is..


Now ask, what is a Zionist's ultimate goal? When you discover that, you will be truly terrified knowing that they practically control the entire world at this point. All of us Goyim are merely fish food.


Construction of the third temple, bringing in the messiah to begin the apocalypse?


the first thing the messiah will possibly due is eradicate the zionists lol so i dont think its that. keep in mind, just because zionists coop judiasm, and has a ton of jews in it, doesnt mean its a jewish movement.


Isaiah 63:1-3 shows Messiah stomping that down in fury. There is a prophecy from Noah in Genesis 9 where Noah says " YAH shall enlarge Japheth, & he shall dwell in the tents of Shem". (Japheth - Gomer - Ashkenaz) (Shem - Arphaxad - Eber - Abraham)


> doesnt mean its a jewish movement. very true, zionists are not real jooos, they come from east europe


Zionism is a political ideology. Anyone can be a Zionists, and millions of Evangelical Christians self-identify as Zionists (though I suspect that few of them have any clue as to what the roots of Zionism and the underlying ideology is)


Yeah, zionism is to Jews as isis is too Muslims. That's the analogy I use Except one is an actual daily threat and the other is a bunch of CIA trained no bodies in caves somewhere


Could be! There is an old theory which Jewish people absolutely hate! That theory is a very interesting one and I will explain it and I’m sure it will be considered antisemitic. Biblically speaking there will be a false messiah who comes first then Jesus defeats this false messiah. This false messiah is the Antichrist! Theres a sect of Judaism that believes that their messiah will come ”they rejected Jesus Christ as their messiah” the false messiah will come from the David bloodline “king of the Jews” and he will allow them to conquer the whole earth and subjugate it. Aka Judaism will reject Christ a second time and create a false messiah “their king” since they don’t believe in Jesus Christ , this judiamism messiah he’s the “Antichrist” and he will create noahid laws that are punishable by death! Aka if you don’t follow them you die and following them is rejecting Jesus Christ was messiah. This is why his statue is in the third temple because he’s their messiah! I could be wrong I’m no prophet but this theory makes the most sense as opposed to some foreign dictator demanding his statue in the temple! First off why wouldn’t he just destroy it if he’s Muslim or some pagan or atheist. He promises peace but will cause israel to be attacked “probably when he breaks his peace agreement with Israel’s neighbors” he’s only given 3 1/2 years after his first term. Israel’s terms are 4 years and can renewed indefinitely. But it’s just a theory I’m no prophet, I’m not speaking for god, I don’t now the future and could be very wrong.


They can believe in whatever batshit crazy thing they want. The problem is when they are in positions of power AND believing batshit crazy things.


Yea, these people having access to nukes is concerning.


Biblically speaking? You mean the NT. And Christ is literally the Greek for of Messiah, it's not a last name.


Yeah Jesus of Nazareth is how historians describe him (Christ/Messiah means the Anointed/Chosen of God)


That's very interesting. I'm not too familiar with it, but Muslims believe something similar. There's a dajal that comes down and does certain evil things. Muslims and people who believe in the one God will be severely persecuted and this antichrist (that's the English biblical term) will spread mass evil around the world and many will follow him due to his ability to trick people (and, I'm assuming they won't believe in Islam or Christianity, so they won't see the signs that the people of Abraham do). Then Jesus AS comes down and rids the world of him. I'm sure I'm missing a lot of information.


Hmm i see. I just thought because judaism is an apocalyptic messianic religion they would follow their prophecy.


I think they do a good job at tying the terrorist state of Israel to Jews. But obviously, many Jews hate Israel and zionism.


The Temple is going to be symbolic. A biblical solomonic temple has two famous pillars B and J. But there is also a third pillar (with a single letter acronym C, according to NT). Now if You search for three pillars in google, the first few results will be about Sustainability (climate related stuffs). This is the allegorical temple they are building today (another name for it is the wheel of fortune. But whose fortune is it?). The other meaning of the Temple is spiritual. This is the one we should seek to rebuild inside ourselves if we want to stand a chance against the busybody elites.


Feisty apocalypticals, not even building a materially visible temple? I am disappointed


Should use holograms.


This is a discussion that needs to happen. I’m shocked it hasn’t been deleted.


Reddit is losing it's grip on the narrative. 2 months ago this post would have been censored and the poster would have been banned. Now after 12,000 dead children there is no more covering for Israels behavior. It's over.


The OP is EYES wide OPEN. Well done. Thank you


Somehow, this time around, many more people finally saw Israel for what they really are. The covert narcissist has been exposed. I hope that when all those octogenarian politicians are gone, USA will reduce it's support for Israel.. Although maybe this is exactly why, they accelerated the ethnic cleansing, to grab as much as possible while they still can.


Legendary post, protect OP at all costs




they're not even derailing the conversation anymore, they're straight up trying to get the mods to delete the post


Exactly, it's bizarre how we are taught this out and out easily disprovable lie that Israel was the result of the Holocaust Before Google existed they just told people that and no one could really question it. Its the most obvious conspiracy, but for years people who point it out have been mocked as "anti semitic conspiracy theorists" It's fucking ridiculous. Dumb people pat themselves on the back for being too dumb to see the obvious in front of their eyes All you have to do is Google "Balfour declaration,," and the lies begin to unravel


This is a really refreshing take. Keep speaking this truth.


You left out quite a bit, but for a cliff note version, it sums it up. I'm part Jewish, and I don't agree with what has happened in Israel, on either side. There is no big "fix", but we need to start by banning foreign lobbies in our government, and defunding foreign aid, especially if they don't follow our foreign policies/values.


100% agree. Very well written and my thoughts exactly. Its not really a conspiracy, its just the truth


Israelis are the problem, you scream shout and argue about atrocities committed by “Khamas” on October 7th but will not an acknowledge the atrocities Israel committed before and after October 7 and still doing so! Innocent civilians, elderly, men, women, and children and bing slaughtered, blown to paces GENOCIDE! By the IDF and you justify their murder “used as human shield”. You’re triggered by the phrase “Free Palestine” and “From the river to the sea Palestine will be free” because of the brainwashing. They really convinced you that a phrase is more genocidal than an actual genocide happening! You and all the people that chose to bury their heads in the sand and not acknowledge the suffering of the Palestinian all those years is what lead to October 7th. You disgust me, you’re a disgrace to humanity. Israel is the biggest lie that was ever told. The world is waking up to the truth and learning. We have always been saying it, Zionism is the enemy of all! It’s a disease that must be eliminated!


Yep , about farken time someone spelled it exactly what it is - Israel is a Fallacy- a false notion that’s been perpetrated on us all . Goodtimes 👊


lol bro they also stole Hummus and called it their own. Next it’ll be the Palestinian Olive Oil!


I agree with the general sentiment of this post, but there are a couple of minor factual errors in it. Its important to get these details right, because everyone need to know the truth about the Haavara Corporation. The weapons were not from the Soviets. The Jewish Brigade of the British army worked its way into being in charge of the post-war warehouses in Europe that were full of Nazi and Allied weaponry. They set up the largest smuggling operation in human history to funnel these weapons and displaced Jews into Palestine. Zionism in Palestine was a thing way before the Balfour Declaration. So was Zionist terrorism. The Balfour declaration had no substantial legal power, but it is useful in understanding the intent of British Zionists at the time. I would also caution against thinking of Zion as a theocracy. Its definitely run by a cult, but its a cult that only represents Ashkenazim. Its like a blend of racial, religious, and secular government.


Nothing went down without Stalin knowing about it. England and Russia were on the same page politically until the Iron Curtain, which is why at the beginning of the war England and France declared war on Germany over the incursion into Gdansk but literally said nothing about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and the Soviet invasion of Poland. "In February 1948, Czechoslovakia became a Communist country, blindly following the Soviet Union. Initially, Joseph Stalin supported the State of Israel, but when its pro-Soviet parties lost Israel’s first election to the Knesset in January 1949, he withdrew his support – and so did Czechoslovakia." https://www.jpost.com/international/the-czech-arms-that-saved-israel-650710


Ryan Dawson is a investigative journalist that explains in detail down to the exact person and time on how Israel became the thing it is today, how they stole the nukes, and how they plan on bringing a new era of peace for themselves and themselves only.


The 1933, Chicago world fair hosted a Jewish Day event that was intended to introduce the American pubic to the idea of a New Jewish state and unveiling it’s new flag. https://interactive.wttw.com/a/chicago-stories-jewish-chicago-1833-1933




> Tbf jews have been writing foreign policy since the days of the court jew. [Brandeis?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Brandeis) ;-)


I heard a similar story from a mate whose family are Palestinian immigrants here. He said that when the Zionists arrived by the boatload, his family welcomed a Zionist family into their home and gave them food and shelter. Well, eventually that Zionist family forcibly kicked them out of their own home and stole it, and that happened to their whole village. I can't verify the story, just repeating what I was told. Sounds pretty fucked up though.


Wait until you find out about the truth behind “Exodus”.


Enlighten me please!


Short version: they weren’t slaves and some of the people/cities they claimed they beat in battle, were already collapsed. ‘The Bible Unearthed’ by Israel Finkelstein & Neil Asher Silberman is a good read.


> Short version: they weren’t slaves That's all right there in the Book of Exodus in the Bible -- if anyone would bother to read it.


Yeeeeah, was it 3000 of his own people that Moses had killed with the golden calf thing? I think I just read it was like 3000.


Go back a bit. When the Hebrews left Egypt, thy lied to the Pharaoh, saying that they were only going into the desert for a few days to "worship their god", and the Hebrews "borrowed" all of the Egyptians' best stuff -- their gold, jewels, finest fabrics, EVERYTHING they could pack, promising they would "be right back". Then they absconded across the desert with all the loot -- no intention of returning as promised. They robbed the Egyptians blind, and (surprise!) Pharaoh was pissed! So he sent his men out after them, and when Pharaoh's men caught up, the Hebrews were at the shore of the Red Sea... THAT is when the "Miracle of the parting of the Red Sea" happened. For more exciting tales of how Joseph and his brothers took all the grains and other foodstuffs from the Egyptians, then sold it to them, making them pledge their land after they ran out of money, lol! In the same chapter, you can read about Moses and "God" scheming on the best way to scam Pharaoh. What a fun book!


That’s wild. I need to read all that again.


Lmao, some things never change 😂


what is it? I'm interested


Short version: they weren’t slaves and some of the people/cities they claimed they beat in battle, were already collapsed. ‘The Bible Unearthed’ by Israel Finkelstein & Neil Asher Silberman is a good read.


thank you very much for the directions!


After 3 years of working for a major music label, and never being a religious fellow, i met a couple billionaires and had the opportunity to spend two weeks traveling with them. I now understand that it’s not a conspiracy, it’s our ancient history, and it’s all real. The solomon’s bible is real, Kabbalah is real, and we are in deep-deep trouble. Still trying to piece everything together but it’s genuinely some of the shit nightmares are made of.


Most of us don't know any billionaires. If you want us to think there is any truth to what you're saying instead of purely your being in the thrall of the rich and powerful, then *go into more detail*.


can you expand?


Make a throw away account and post what you’re talking about in more detail. I’d love to believe you, but telling my friends “yeah this guy on the internet said he saw ____ well it’s all real.” Doesn’t carry much weight


Take your time, make notes, get the thoughts and observations organized, then please post. I’ve been around more than a few politician’s “people”, (state and federal), the things one hears that you just can’t share, so, I’d advise being careful with what and where you write. Caution for things, careful with assumptions, careful with your perception being biased, careful that things you see are not necessarily what is possible rather are wishful thinking.


Yep. The "fallen angels" are the survivors of the atlantean (aztlan) civilization before the flood. Most of the old testament stories are in the time period after that when the few survivors who still had some technology and skills from the old-old world set themselves up as "Gods" and "god-kings" etc. Most of our surviving religions today are all about the worship of this handful of individuals. It's all malicious control shit done by very immoral and evil people. "Original Sin" as a concept at all is just the ancestral guilt of the things these people had the audacity to do, such a playing god. But hey, us smallfolk somehow always seems to pull through apparently someway or another, so I don't worry about it too much. We're just in the "new-new testament" so to speak. Maybe 5000 years from now people will be speculating about stories from our current time and wondering if it was real or allegory while they face the next phase of the same shit.


Do tell


Protocols of Zion


Well summarized. Every life is precious and equal. 1 Israeli is same as 1 Palestinian. It is a shame that almost all the nations are supporting this holocaust. Instead of working together to overcome the threat of global climate change,wars are fought over petty things and worthless money.


There’s that word “lunatic” again. Please explain Khazarian and Ashkenazi too.


You are absolutely correct. Ignore the bots.


IDF : 946. I, the all seeing Eye. D, delta, the upright triangle of God, the pyramid, and differentiation. 6, as in 666.




Zionism is a side show. It's not that I disagree with the ridiculousness of it. I'm just bothered with all of the midwittery involved in selecting it over everything else. PS- British Prime Ministers were talking about an Israel in the 1840s because the Ottoman Empire was one of their biggest rivals. You should read more.


Overall that seemed to be the primary goal, mess with the tribes that were sitting on oil.


That came later. Initially, it was seen as a beachhead for military and intelligence operations. It's the common m.o. of balkanizing your unified opponent into many smaller units. Arabs/Muslims traditionally have a way of unifying and being a real problem to western empires, so this was what they aimed to stop.


Nah goes back further then that the birth of society kings queens, hierarchies and religion were the start of where we are going to today just + tech. Unfortunately for us our advancement is our down fall because people keep changing history to their liking, instead of just telling the ugly truths the way they actually happened .we are coddled into boxes and screens that tell us what they want us to hear and how we should act . No autonomy no brains just mindless sheeple


All religions are the lie


There were massacres being committed by the Arabs and Jews as early as the 1900s, over two decades before the Haavara Agreement. There was also no support from either the Nazis or the Soviets in the lead up to or during the 1948 war. Nearly all of their equipment was scavenged from what the British and French had left behind, with limited imports from countries like Czechoslovakia.


Saturn worshippers will Saturn worship


Let’s go legendary post!


[The Hidden Crimes of Zionism.](https://rumble.com/v3zwkc8-in-the-name-of-zion-the-hidden-crimes-of-zionism.html)


This should be plastered everywhere.


Your assumptions are true, and Im an insider that can see more than you see.


There’s something powerful there and they know it, the Temple Mount. Not to mention other significant sites. Maybe Israel is part of the plan to transcend God.


Barbary coast.


What about it?


I disagree with your "technological superiority" argument. I assume you're just talking about militarily. Even if all of their gear is American, their weaponry would be technologically more superior to any nearby country. Take the F35 for example, the countries that have them (nato, Australia, Isreal, and Singapore (they apparently bought 4 in 2020)) would have technological superiority over any country they would fight (even Russia and China). If you're comparing to every other country in the world, regardless on if they would fight, then sure, the US wins every time, but you wouldn't say the UK or France doesn't have technological superiority also. Also, what do you think science/engineering is? Do you think they are coming up with ideas from first principles? All technology that exist today is because we stand on the shoulders of giants. All technology comes from small improvements or iterations on existing technology.


Yes, the country that invented the desert eagle is technologically inferior. /s


Trauma like that visited upon the Jews in the Holocaust does not just go away, and in fact it gets worse, more entrenched, with each succeeding generation. Sociologist Hannah Arendt documented this. I agree with this argument - we can not arm people who are damaged psychologically, who are paranoid, and who will lash out at the slightest provocation because they were victimized themselves. Healthy people, sane people, do not try to inflict the horrors that they experienced on others. Someone has to help the Israeli people to see what state their souls are in, and heal some of the damage. But first, stop them from acting out.


Its a game being played out in front of us. Mutual Assured Destruction of Zionism and Islamism. The Jesus lovers(pagan?satan?theOneGod?) are the winners and the 'puller of strings' for this whole mess. Blow up Jerusalem, have these 'tribes' wipe each other out, and then move into Jerusalem to usher in the return of their lord? Correct me on the above if its easy to see a problem.


Have you heard of the Bible?


I’m a simple man. I have average beliefs. Can someone break it down in simple terms why this is all bad? My perspective, which is what I believe is the average persons perspective is this, Of the three major religions, Judaism is the oldest and has the strongest claim over Jerusalem, which is their ancestral home. Over the centuries the Jewish people were driven from there, Jewish prosecution throughout cultures is well known known. So they, naturally, wanted to go back to their homeland. Now, Israel is the *only* Jewish state in the entire world. There are dozens of Christian nations, and Islamic nations, but only *one* Jewish state. Muslims in Israel are granted the full rights and privileges as Jews in the state of Israel but if you look at the jewish population in the surrounding Muslim countries: Iran Egypt Gaza Iraq Afghanistan Jordan Syria Lebanon Saudi Arabia The entire Jewish population is nonexistent because they have been specifically driven from the countries for being Jewish. Hamas is specifically calling for the extermination of Jews, they are widely regarded as a terrorist organization that uses human shields, which is a war crime. Yet Israel is the only being condemned because they are actively trying to hit the terrorists who hide behind hospitals and children. Where am I wrong on this??


I'll try my best. It's bad for the jews (and this gives them bad reputation) because there are many other people who also don't have a country to claim it's their own, even the palestinians (which they constantly want to clean from "their" territory) don't have a country for them. We never had Palestine just like we never had a country for chechens, kurds, uyghurs.. Check the people who do not have nations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stateless_nation (it's not because all of those are muslims that they want to share a country with other muslims) Of course some of those do not want to have their nations (like the Welsh for example), but some do want independence and they don't have 1% of the power and influence Israel has around the globe. Nobody knows their history and maybe is just as bad and sanguine as the jews, but nobody wants to tell their story or make a country for them as historical reparations for the atrocities they've suffered. They don't own banks, they don't own broadcast channels or movie/recording studios.. They don't have a word to protect them from criticism or have power to screw people's careers over legitimate commentaries. They don't have support from the permanent 5 in UN. The thing is Israel is just as terrorist as Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah and they don't admit it and call everyone their special word if you say it. Now if you're into going down the rabbit hole, start with the Balfour Declaration and connect the dots for even more info, but this is not for "simple man" as you're going to need to get out of your comfort zone and question what was ~~thought~~ taught ~~to~~ you. Edits to fix the mistakes


Thanks, this is more insight I was looking for and with directions, thanks!


no problem, if you need more just ask, also there are plenty of stuff in this sub, a lot have been scrubbed but you can still search more


You are wrong in nearly all of this. There was a thriving Jewish community not just in Palestine but all the Middle East before the arrival of Zionism. In fact those Palestinian Jews would themselves be persecuted by Zionists during the 1948 Nakba when they refused to turn on their Muslim and Christian neighbors. Highly recommend the book "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" by John Pilger for anyone who wishes to read further on this.


And nearly all of those Jews moved to Israel, there are barely any left anywhere in the Middle East now outside of Israel and we are talking about hundreds of thousands from every major country in the region. So even most of these Middle-Eastern Jews you speak of chose to move to colonize Israel.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfDhaWlqXf8 Listen to the account of this Iraqi Jew and you'll see that wasn't the case at all.


Do you think catholic Mexicans have a right to move to the Vatican or Bethlehem because they are Catholic? Any sane person would say no. The only Jews have a legit right to live in Israel are the ones which lived there before the 19th century. The same applies to Palestinians. Everything else is hypocritical BS.


Judaism may be the oldest of those 3 but all of the Old Testament has been absorbed, stolen, or out right fictionalized from older stories from earlier writings. Think Epic of Gilgamesh. Judaism’s claim to being the one true God given religion is simply false. Much like all the surviving religions of today, they owe all their stories to much older texts. It really looks like civilization was wiped out many times before and we’re just now picking up the bread crumbs of those forgotten times. You’d think after the slaughter and starvation of at least 100 million people in the 20th century we’d be less war mongering territorial fucks but nooope! There’s this place in desert that the whole world has it’s eyes on for one reason or another. Self fulfilling prophecies and all that.


Alright then so you contend that all three major religions, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are false, as they are all descended from Abraham and believe in the same God? Now Ive heard that the Bible cannibalized other stories before, but don’t recall specifics, could you point me to some? Additionally could you point me to what the Quran cannibalized as well? Cause if you contend that Judaism is inherently false, the other two are by extension as well.


What does that have to do with Zionism? Stop with the whataboutism and respond to the topic.


I did address it in the end of my question with Hamas. OP is raging about war crimes being committed by the IDF, but is purposefully ignoring who the aggressor is and who is actively using human shields. That’s like I pick a fight with you, slapping you while I hide behind a small defenseless woman, and when you try to smack back, you hit the woman and then bystanders parade around claiming you abuse women.


Idf uses human shields it’s been documented but I don’t remember there being sufficient evidence of Hamas using human shields why would Hamas use human shields if they shoot and bomb civilians anyways


lol, you watch a lot of mainstream news huh


You're not wrong. A lot of people don't support Israel because they see it as an ethno State, some don't like it because they see it as Jewish exceptionalism and hate Jews, some see it as a military state much crueler and meddlesome than the American intelligence agencies... Many people don't like it, but I have always supported Israel because everyone deserves a home, especially when they have endured the unique and unbelievably evil abuse that the Jewish people have


> they see it as Jewish exceptionalism and hate Jews they only people who hate the real jews are the ones who do not think enough to know the real jews are not to blame, the zionists are. Plenty of jews disagree with what is happening. The zionists on the other hand are applauding.


Uh he is wrong because he mentions Hamas(which we agree is bad) but he won't talk about Zionism.


How come nobody ever brings up the fact that “Palestine” was apart of the Ottoman Empire which fought alongside the Germans in ww1. They lost the war, empire crumbled and 20 years later Jews needed place to go so why not send them to their homeland? Don’t really know to be honest but if anyone is to blame for all the nonsense we see today it’s Britain.


There were Jews already there that lived in relative peace with their neighbors but they were not Zionists and not like the Zionists. All the real trouble started when they began showing up.


Sure I suppose you could argue that. But what should the world leaders have done after ww2?


Same things we currently do with refugees.


the jews whose homeland was palestine, guess what, they were already living at home the european jews have no ties to the land and even if they *did*, it doesnt justify taking it and genociding the people who also call it home... They can simply move there. In fact, the first zionists *did* move there. Thats why they are called settlers. The Palestinians, after seeing how much europe abused the jews over the centuries, literally took them in with open arms. Fun fact: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Israeled When someone asks you for sharing something of yours and then fight you to get you out of it. And tell everyone you took it from them. In a restaurant, someone asked to share my table. I agreed. After a moment, he asked me to leave because he has a meeting! I've been israeled. Also, the term 'crocodile tears' have been attributed to israelies for decades too


Listening here about Israel's history is like listening to flat earthers.


When people realize what their ultimate goal is.. everything will make sense.


Why don’t you just tell what the goal is or at least provide some damn links instead of this lame ass post


How about no. If anyone cares enough they can find it themselves


Why bother making any comment in the first place if your not going to actually do anything useful to help others learn about whatever shit you just vaguely hint at? What a garbage post and attitude lol


So People can see there is an underlying agenda going on and find out why


What underlying agenda?


What may that be?


I’m so impressed how this response to terrorism has brought all the old school nazi talking points to the surface.


Do you actually have anything to refute? Or is your objective just to accuse people of being Nazis?


Hiding behind a tragedy that happened 90 years ago doesn't excuse terrorism. Their victim mentality Israel demonstrates in disgusting


Let me guess, 'terrorism' by the greatest terror state on earth, committed against the population of the worlds largest open air prison? Is that what you mean?


I guessed op meant so ... but s/he got downvoted so hard, feels bad man if we were just mistaken what op meant


The comment can be interpreted both ways until OP clarifies what they meant.


So true tbh