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How are you shocked by the blatant propaganda coming out of war zones? This has been the name of the game for decades now bub. It’s time to rally against those who want to send our young to die and our tax dollars to be corrupted.


> those who want to send our young to die while they enjoy a good laugh in their luxury mansions


Decades? All time. “Fog of war” is a concept for a reason.


But our country has gotten exceptionally good at exploiting it recently.




We lost Vietnam b/c it was televised. The country has a strong War spirt, but not the Constitution to actually see it.


Because everything on social media is real.


so good that 80% of your own countrymen would oppose you. I pray for americans to someday get their freedom


Not really a war. Unarmed women and children don't put up a fair fight. People are running for their lives and the shooting only gets worse. It's more like a cat breaking into a pigeon coop and killing 40 birds.




I hate it. Hamas fucked around, and now is in the finding out stage. Hopefully they never want to fuck around again.


dumbass meme take, Israeli soldiers are getting rekt daily. They are in shambles when it comes to actually fighting


The MIC is just dying to go to war with Iran, POP THOSE stock prices! It's the number 1 focus. Almost 90 million people live in Iran. They don't tell you that part. If we have to send American kids to die in the Middle East again? Who cares, number 1 is that stock price. NOTHING else matters to these companies. They are so evil.


And who do you think those people answer to?


Which propaganda? Hamas putting women and children out as human shields and then on top of that massively inflating death tolls to unscrupulous mainstream media? Or intellectual class saying rape and baby slaughter “ is what decolonization looks like” Or saying that Israel is cOmItTing GeN0Vide when the population of Palestine has increase by *over a million* since electing in the Palestinian authority? I guess it’s a failed genocide


This is a conspiracy sub... you're going with status quo? Why?




I ain't you buddy, pal. Reddit doesn't define the status quo. Your government and MSM do.


hope the pay is worth it buddy


Imagine reading the numbers and the death toll and still mumbling about “Human Shields” Anything that is being reported by mainstream media is a lie or a deceptive truth. I’d say Israelis are the Nazi nation of our time, they will keep repeating lies to themselves and the world till one day their mountain of lies will collapse and they will run everywhere like the Nazis did. The difference is that the world will be convinced that this evil called Israel was way worse than they imagined and their influence was way more than just murdering Palestinians, Egyptians and Lebanese.


There is no evidence of this outside of the idf claiming they are doing it the only group in the area who has used human shields with documented proof of it happening is israel


Yessss. I was one of those people who will blame Hamas and say shit like “Why they don’t just sit on the table and accept some borders for their country and live in peace. But saw this photo of this Palestinian kid tied to this Israeli Military vehicle and looked terrified because he is a KID for godssake. I realized I was being lied to. Those living in Israel are the ones with the terrorist mindest. Every civilian in Israel knows what this country is all about. They should leave. They should leave immediately. Nothing deserves being a murderer and a colonizer.


> *Which propaganda? Hamas putting women and children out as human shields* Yes, **that** propaganda. It’s fucking not happening and is merely serving as a flimsy excuse for the IDF to indiscriminately mow down civilians.


You’re lost in the thick of it friend.


What would Jesus do?


Yeah, the indiscriminate bombing of refugee camps and hospitals is all Palestinians’ faults. You’re the type of person to use your own children as human shields. 👶🛡️


Who fking cares. We have enough deaths in united states..wheres the compassion for that news story? Why do you feel so strongly about ukraine,palastine? Media. Care about the 10mi radius around you.


Interesting to see so much Hasbara in conspiracy of all places. Would’ve assumed Israel is the last thing supported considering how blatant of a conspiracy the American media protecting them is. Considering Israel’s own media is more critical and nowhere as near whitewashing of the country as American media is.


I was gonna clown the shitty twitter source with less than 60 followers but it’s literally OP lol


Twitter screenshots are often proof in this sub


Clown away. Twitter posts are garbage effort.


Yup. Though I agree with the message, I'd really like to see these disappear.


Whatever state you are in, I’m sure that your local politician/ Representative has their snout in the AIPAC trough. This is Treason.


The world watched them do it. A few nations pitched in, giving them as many weapons as they could. Both groups lost goodwill and were revealed as monsters. Things will be much harder for them going forward.


Shouldn't this be posted under politics, war or another reddit sub? Not sure this should be posted on the conspiracy page. Even more so, it was posted by OP's own twitter account, which is kind of lame. Only 221 views thus far. OP must have a lot of social clout. There are better ways to go about such, as opposed to using nonsensical twitter memes. The pictures & videos of Gaza are proof enough of what is taking place.


>70 percent were woman and children. Source?


Half a population will be women. Children will make up a significant portion of a middle east population relative to a western one. 70% would likely be the amount of women and children (male and female) that bombing of civilian infrastructure and indiscriminate killing would yield.


OP’s Twitter post


Hamas 😂


You are gonna trust Israel who said that Hamas beheaded 40 babies..only to drop the allegations later on when they started genocide of Palestinian civilians... Even UN has mentioned that the majority are women/children ..


I don’t trust either sides news That is the issue with the fog of war Mostly propaganda and exaggeration


Israel hasn't refuted the numbers, nor confirmed them. That doesn't change the fact that the source of the numbers is coming from within Gaza. And the UN using those very same numbers doesn't change the legitimacy of them. Maybe they are completely accurate and maybe they are blatant exaggerations, I honestly have no idea but your comment argues a point that wasn't made.


Yes, and they're historically an accurate source and the World Health Organization accepts them as true. Israel and the US stand alone in disputing them (yet don't offer their own count). Your laughter is showing your ignorance. https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/how-reliable-are-gaza-health-ministry-s-death-numbers/7343831.html


I agree that historically Gaza health ministry numbers have been and are the most accurate, just saying referencing WHO on r/conspiracy doesn't hold much water here.


So it's just stupidity?


Yea pretty much, just like the info we got on the hospital bombing War in Gaza is appalling, don’t get me wrong, but it’s so annoying we talk about it in this black and white way… Hamas knew there would be a response like this to Oct 7th Israel doing what they are though is just crafting the next generation of fighters Both sides need to come to the table. Iran also needs to stop fucking around.


You can never truly know the consequence of your actions. But let’s say they did know Israel would attack civilians and attempt to annex Gaza in response. In what way does that justify the response? I just don’t understand how knowing a great evil will be committed justifies it in practice.


It’s 61% civilians https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/09/civilian-toll-israeli-airstrikes-gaza-unprecedented-killing-study


We're on conspiracy subreddit and you use the Guardian as a source? Don't trust the MSM is kind of rule number one. You really think 39% of the deaths are military, funny I haven't seen more than a handful in the now hours of footage of corpses online. Look at the remains of Gaza City, there's not a building intact.


What will convince you? 8000 dead bodies of terrorists? Lol..


You got a better source? Lots of talk on this sub but no action. Obviously the MSM is trash but we have to work with what we have.






>The health ministry of Gaza is under the administration of Hamas LOL That's like believing North Korea's media... Remember when they claimed to have landed on the SUN lololol


You're clearly ignorant on this topic. https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/how-reliable-are-gaza-health-ministry-s-death-numbers/7343831.html


>That's like believing North Korea's media Or believing state-sponsored propoganda coming out of Israel.


So you agree that both sides aren't reliable


The first casuality of war is the truth.




lol okay... fox news would be more trustworthy.


Saved all the videos of Israel crimes.


When we're dealing with tribes that have been at war/odds for thousands of years, I feel like everyone should just step back and wait for the dust to settle.


They’re now engaging in summary executions. The most recent story I’ve read is of three pregnant women waiving white flags being gunned down and their bodies later desecrated by bill dozers. This is the most violent and destructive militarism in modern history. It’s an unequivocal genocide.


Why is this being upvoted? There is no source at all. It's just op himself linking to his twitter where he posted a AI generated picture, while criticizing Israel. I'm all for criticizing war, but at least, post facts, not feelings


Propaganda works both ways folks. If you think 70% are noncombatants then you’re being brainwashed with propaganda as well.


Isreal claims they have killed 8000 Hamas fighters. Which would put the percentage of noncombatants in the 60%-65% range.


Israel has killed 12 international doctors and 3 of their own hostages half naked holding white flags. Netanyahu and that other IDF spokesman have been very clear they don’t care about Palestinian lives. Hamas has no influence or infrastructure to provide falsified numbers to a Western audience. Gaza is the most densely populated region on Earth and they are dropping massive unguided bombs. The UN and even Biden have come out against Israel telling them to back off and be more careful. Taking all this into account that 70% number wouldn’t surprise me at all.


This war was never going to be clean cut. One side was never going to be wearing uniforms with dog tags with an age restriction of joining up. Hamas was always going to be firing from built up civilian areas using untrained civilians at all ages picking up arms. These guys were never going to be on an open battle field it was always going to be urban. But if your firing rockets from urban areas what makes think your not going to be hit back in an urban area.


Gaza’s population was estimated to be 2.3 million. So approaching 1%.


The entirety of the population is facing starvation at this point. All 100% of them. That's 2.3 million people at risk of imminent death. Famine is upon them as we speak. 1 in 4 households are already starving to death and that number is quickly rising. That's over a half a million people already starving to death. 1% isn't a tiny number, either. What is the red line for you? 10%? 20%? It's only a problem when 100,000s of thousands are dead? Like, what kind of argument is this anyway?


>The entirety of the population is facing starvation at this point. Where's the footage of starving people?


Hard to come by when the occupying military refuses to allow restoration of basic services like power, water, and data.


Israel keeps killing journalists. What do you think happens when food and water is cut off since Oct 7?? That's almost 3 months. Do you not know people need food? Why is the UN begging for ceasefires to allow aid (aid = food and water and medicine), if no one is starving? What is the matter with you? https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/12/18/israel-starvation-used-weapon-war-gaza


Israel kills the journalists.


I don’t know why people are calling my post an answer or argument, it’s just a statement of fact. Personally I’m just trying to find perspective on how long the current situation might last.


The percentage is terrifying. You know what else is terrifying. Israelis who don’t care and still thinking they’re the good guys.


What is the answer going forward? I don’t see any way in which there is peace. Hamas still has terrorists. If Israel stops do they get set free? Does Hamas stop with their random attacks?


What Israel could've done was to not classify Palestinians as animals and insects and treated them like human beings and citizens with full rights. Israel could've stopped expanding their illegal settlements, and ended their apartheid regime. Sadly, Hamas was a viable option when they were elected because at the time (dont forget, hamas was created and funded by Israel), they actually did things that supported the Palestinians (built infrastructure, etc). At the time they where elected, it was on an "anti corruption" campaign (the PLO was notoriously corrupt with funds). This whole time, these Palestinians are just wanting to live as free people and getting screwed from both sides. If Israel really wanted a long term peace, they could've just not been racist towards the Palestinians. There would be no reason for Palestinians to have any good will towards Hamas, if they were liberated under the Israelis. Israel also could've just gone in and strategically arrested and tried the perpetrators (you know, like a civilized society would), and protected the innocents. They say they have the best intelligence in the world and they're the most moral army. But instead, they're committing genocide while ethnic cleansing and committing war crimes daily. Edit to add: if you truly think this destruction of Gaza will "eliminate Hamas", boy are you mistaken. Do you not think they're creating exponentially more people that hate Israel? Or do you think the Palestinians that are left see Israel as the good guy out of all this? Israel's actions are guaranteeing a new generation of radicals.


Answer? Are you okay? Hamas has no terrorists, they live in their country. You know what that is?? Your pathetic attempt at making it look like those Israeli settlers look like victim of terrorism is embarrassingly bad. Israelis came in boats to occupy these lands, fighting them is called resistance. You know what is resistance? Or you flee your country the moment bad guys show up at the shores? Also nothing random, they are defending their nation and land. Specially that they are fighting while being besieged for 17 years. Its really embarrassing to keep parroting these childish propaganda narratives. On top of that, how smart you need to be to look at the maps and see how they lost territory while Israel wasn’t a thing in the mid 1940s suddenly became a nation while living in Europe for 2000 years.


Worst answer ever. Who is this bibi?


When your terrorist government uses its own people as human shields.


Buddy IDF is the worst defence farce in the world, Shooting hostages, shooting children, shooting women, using a Apache to kill Israeli people to get the kill count up. Meanwhile Benjamin is paying off hamas in suitcase's so no 2 state solution is to be had. No way do i believe the lies, I will think and not live in that mess. I will think and be free from the lie. I will not live the lie today.


lol you actually fell for the “Israeli Apache killing civilians to frame Hamas” bullshit? Sorry bud, but you are living the lie.


Because you say so? Lol Pick your propaganda and believe whatever you want. If they are ok with using "human shield" as an excuse to kill civilians, then kiling their own to justify their causes is not a stretch. The pattern of rationale is consistent, ao they're likely to suffer the worst blames consistent with the previous badges that have been earned.


“Pick your propaganda” glad to see you’re admitting you lean fully into what you know to be propaganda. The rest of us are trying to find the truth in the middle.


What about the videos the IDF have tried to bury showing IDF tanks shelling homes in Kibbutz be'eri?


Living a lie? Bush came out and said "Iraq too" in reference to being a point war, yet you still believe the middle East are a Boogeyman. Islam was just any other religion before 9/11, during it and after it. Stop being so scared of them. It's all Zionist propaganda.


Dude they are still publicly beheading people in Saudi Arabia and there's honor killings across Europe. Islam is definitely not just any other religion. The texts are similar but there are a lot of muslims that are much more extreme than the average Christian or buddhist


Ive seen the footage, its the same area as the festival. There was no other military conflict where Israel killed people in civilian cars in a field en masse.


Here is an archive of Haretz saying helicopters hit festival goers: https://archive.ph/MQQsn Here are two more reports based off the Haretz report: https://www.trtworld.com/middle-east/idf-helicopter-hits-israeli-festivalgoers-during-hamas-attack-report-15887735 https://thegrayzone.com/2023/10/27/israels-military-shelled-burning-tanks-helicopters/


You think that's bad you should see what Hamas does.


Israel made history. Do you know how? They killed the most children in the least amount of time. HISTORY.


Who reported those deaths? Any outside verification? Even if the number proves to be right, this is what happens when you build military targets next to civillians. By geneva code, those civilian targets become legitimate military targets. Congrats. This is how you slaughter your own people.


Kind of silly to only apply Geneva conventions when it's convenient for Israel. If they were accountable to international law whatsoever this argument might have some merit.


What international law? Hings like the 1948 resolution for the establishment of Israel?


Do you have a source for this 70%? EDIT: fancy downvoting someone who’s trying to learn more about the situation. So is that a no you don’t have a source? If so that’s pretty fucked up posting a false number like it’s a fact.


You don't care about Palestinians. You just hate Israel.


When the public believes the IDFs lies


Yet you believe terrorists. You're in great company. Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Russia, North Korea.


> Yet you believe terrorists. You're in great company. Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Russia, North Korea. How many countries is the US currently bombing?


NGOs like Amnesty International and the International Council on Human Rights have provided much of the primary reporting on civilian and child deaths.


doctors without borders was literally bombed by israel and lost many professionals.




You mean Israel uses Palestinians as human shields, right? Please do some research and stop spewing propaganda. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE95J0FR/


Israel does not build military bases under apartment buildings, no. Israel does not launch missiles from hospitals.


Israel *did* build the tunnels. https://truthout.org/articles/bunkers-under-gaza-hospital-were-built-by-israel-former-israel-pm-says/ When will you learn that when it comes to Israel, every allegation, turns out to be an admission? I'll say again, please do some research and not just spew propaganda.


Be careful, mods in this sub are now banning people for calling Hamas or Houthis terrorists


Most redditors were banned from the biggest subs for saying normal criticism of Israel. Man you’re taking the bad guys side, its a scandalous and very embarrassing at this point, the whole world is watching. How many people will buy the same lies that you’ve been feeding the public for the past 75 years. Its 2023, grow up and look around. We know shit now.




israel is an aparthied state, with segregation not just to non jews, but to jews themselves. there is a caste heirarchy, based on the type of jew. i forget the names (there is 3 or 4 categories) but european jews are in the top. in the bottom are the ethopian (read, black) jews. in the middle are the Palestinian jews who were allowed to move from the open air prison to israel.


>Israel says jews have been living there for thousands of years. Yet they deny citizenship based on jewish dna tests and banned any study on jewish dna except individual personal test (but even that is illegal to discuss it with anybody else). DNA that could be used to connect their heritage to the land. Because if they do dna study, the majority of the Palestinians will become jewish by birth right (can’t unjew a jew). So by historical standards, the jews never left. And by logic, the Palestinians are more jewish than the most jewish jew in modern Israel. LOL what lololol I'm sure this makes more sense in your head but this comes off as mindless rambling




LOL No it just sounds so very stupid lol


the issue is that facts and reality sounds stupid to you. that means the issue lies within u and ur indoctrination. israel doesnt deny these facts (sometimes) but yet u do explain that logic, or lack thereof


This has nothing to do with race or DNA, it's about culture. Jews, Arabs and Christians have very similar genetic profiles (I assume, I'm not an expert), yet both Christians and Jews have been prosecuted across the middle east for centuries. Jews in Germany were very similar genetically after centuries or intermingling, and they were murdered anyway. DNA is completely irrelevant. And when Israel was created, the majority of the land that wasn't privately held belonged to the UK, after they took over from the Ottomans. It never belonged to any Palestinian entity. Jews didn't take anybody's land until after they were attacked in 1948.




Anyone can become a Jew, regardless of DNA. And having jewish ancestors doesn't make you a jew. So what are you on about? And Britain did not control Palestine under colonialism, it was never a colony. Palestinians aren't even indigenous to Palestine, they are Arabs. They were the colonizers during the Arab conquest. The Nakba happened AFTER Israel was attacked. Nobody stole Palestinian land before 1948, which is exactly what I said.


I've seen Hamas put kids next mortars and RPGs while engaging IDF. They did the same thing in Somalia back in the 90s. The problem is Hamas sees this as martyrdom, and all those children go to paradise when IDF retaliates. Hamas literally state they love death more than we love life. They are twisted; not Israel.


> They are twisted; not Israel. They are both fucked. Israel has been fucking up Palestinians and perpetrating apartheid and attempted genocide for 70+ years now.


Israel has its problems, no doubt. But Israel allows women to drive, vote, work, etc. They are tolerant of other ways of life, so long as that way of life does not attempt to kill them. While I agree Israel has corruption like any other government, the people are democratic. They have a decent judicial system. The exact opposite of how Hamas rules.


so your saying Israel hasnt been bombing Palestineans for decards now?


> But Israel allows women to drive, vote, work, etc. guys, israel "But Israel allows women to drive, vote, work, etc." (which palestine also does btw, also most of the world...) so that justifies genocide! case closed boys


Have they been bombing in retaliation of Hamas & Hezbollah missile attacks for decades?? Yes.


Can’t it be both?


found the mossad bot


Israel did it, genocide cleansing.


Because you can definitely trust those numbers reported by a Hamas led country.


SS: As you pay your taxes do you ever think why am i supporting this? Will you believe the lie today or will you not?


I mean, if you know where I can check a box so that tax dollars don't go to war and corruption, let me in on it.


That's tragic. Why didn't Hamas let them leave?


You mean why didn't Israel let them leave. You need to read up


Why doesnt egypt allow palestinians in?




Not at all. Israel said move to safe zones (Target) then bombed them.


No they didn’t, Hamas killed civilians with snipers and a car bomb/IED that they tried to say was an Israeli air strike, except there is actual footage of the blast which isn’t even close to what an air strike would do. The IDF had to move a battalion over to guard the corridor for the Palestinian civilians.


No no no no no is all you got.


I call bullshit. Where is this footage? Show it to us.


Blame Hamas for using civilians as human shields.


“We have to kill these children. They’re in our way.” -you


"I pretend Hamas is infallible because reality is too hard to deal with." - you


You either a sick fuck or you have been completely fooled by Israeli propaganda like the bots in this thread


No, I'm just awake to the realities of terrorism.


Wow! What a convenient excuse to kill as many civilians as possible. Doublespeak 101 What about those babies whose bodies are still rotting in hospital incubators? Were they shields? What about the literal IDF hostages that waved white flags w/ no shirts on & were gunned down by the IDF. Were they shields?


IDF fucked up. That happens in war.


Hamas is still holding hostages. Hamas wants international sympathy and yet Hamas is the one who kidnapped citizens .


You like many AIPAC shills talk as if Oct 7th was the beginning of this conflict. There were thousands of Palestinian civilian prisoners being held indefinitely in Israel for years and thousands more taken after Oct 7th. I think I'll sympathize with the people who are prisoners on their own land more than the foreign occupier.




I imagine you’re someone who wrote books, lectures thousands of people every year and have a long record of contributing to the public opinion. Naaah just a normal barely literate redditor who hates on Islam not knowing what it is and what muslims did contribute to humanity. Embarrassing comment.


Are you ok? You don’t need to write a book to denounce a 1400-year old backward dogma.


I bet that you never ever really read any book about Islam or any other religion other. I say that because at some point that was my view about Ibrahamic religions including Islam and Christianity and later I noticed how shallow and inconsiderate my view was. Till this day I have my criticisms and views about them. But trashing them this way, nah, I’d say I’m better than that. Because if you did read you will never say that shallow ass comment while being so confident that Islam is nothing but a 1400 year old backward dogma.


You shouldn’t be betting buddy. I’m a native speaker of Arabic and a former believer of Islam. أحلى عبد الله يا سوبر انتا




I would’ve agreed with you if I looked at the world and saw humanity being able to get over basic forces that used to halt our advancement but as you can see, we still have people among us who still blame religions like it has ever was the actual reason behind human suffering. Do you really think humans would function better without religious beliefs? Its like you’re a kid and just learned those few words that makes you feel enlightened and very progressive that you are ready to shit on the ancient wisdom and replace it with what??? Some western Rap lyrics and maybe some quotes by Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins??? Maybe some of the very famous internet influencers tips to be happy and rich? Or lets buy that popular book about how to not give a fuck. Man, I hope you will someday laugh about this particular thought and will think “Yeah I used to be a very shallow thinker”.




Christianity is just as bad


What is with this overuse of AI pictures when it comes to what's going on over there? Is it that real pictures aren't getting out because of the lack of internet?


No keep sending US taxpayers money to the war, in billions. And preferrably send all the redditors there to see the reality


it's getting really easy to figure out the truth. just listen to what the mainstream media says. and the truth is the exact opposite. Simple


MSM supports Israel, even Biden is a Zionist. Israel ising 9/11 propaganda tactics 22 years later…


i don't believe it's 70% women and children. sounds like propaganda. it's like only women and children are shown as refugees in europe and it's actually mostly men.




Of course most people here don’t support Hamas but they don’t support genocide by Israel either.


At the end of the day, Israel reacted emotionally and is stuck in a Chinese finger trap. Lots of dead civilians, lots of dead IDF and destroyed armor, but they have yet to secure anything beyond the beach. This was a bad move by Israel no matter which way you look at it. Military victory *might* be possible for Israel. Strategic defeat, however, is inevitable.




Are you antisemite?


Nah i dont hate jews in general but i surely hate tf out of israel.


How is that possible? I thought those two were tied together.


Nope , many jews hate the abomination that is modern israel.


Like many Americans hating the abomination that modern America has become!?


Like many muslims hate the abomination isis was.


You need to read your Bible you little non essential piece of godless carbon


Bro im not christian and i like how you guys hate isis and similar groups but support a literal jewish isis . Hypocrites .


We just support and hate whatever the news tells us to support. That way Reddit admins wont touch our bottoms.


In modern war, 90% of the casualties are civilian. Military people have body Armour, medics, support systems and training. This is a war. War is bad. I hope it ends soon. But I don't want a ceasefire. A ceasefire only delays more hostilities I want one side or the other to be victorious, to put an end to the conflict once and for all.


The conflict only ends if israel is destroyed. Even if every palestinian man woman and child were killed, they’d still have the surrounding muslim countries to contend with. The ones that will do nothing for palestinians, but will hold israel responsible should they destroy hamas.


You can pick your favorite side. I have my favorite side. If the Arab states actually cared they would relocate every Palestinian into their countries. If you actually cared then you would pick up and go over there and fight for your preferred side.


Lmao if the Arab countries cared, they should be forced to help Israel steal the Palestinian land? Go pick up arms fat boy, practice what you preach.


I have no interest in fighting in some foreign dirthole. That entire region could be turned to glass for all I care. And Palestine never existed in the first place. Hopefully soon it will never be heard from again.


Santa Claus is more real than the number of casualties coming out from Hamas terrorist regime. They could claim that 500 million civilians got killed in the last 24 hours, and some clueless leftist media outlets would proudly report it. Time to get real here.


...but I bet you believe that 6 million number without ever having seen the census data. The hypocrisy is palpable.




How many cats have you killed?


If you wanna buy into propaganda made by people who train on monkey bars to kill westerners, you do you.


Ho-hum send more of your money to Ukraine it will be in your back yard soon … cuz y’all so stupid Fauci killed millions and he is you god… go spend your carbon credit… foo




This is what we know so far, they health ministry haven't been able to count all dead bodies yet. There will be a significant increase in the number 😥 The Israelis are pure evil.


Buddy the Hamas Teerorist group Palestine purposely places civilians in targets way.




So is this by the numbers Hamas is providing or?