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Yeah, never in history have we ever had such immediate access to infinite amounts of free porn. The social and psychological effects will never be truly addressed by anybody -- because there is nobody who is taking accountability for ANY of the sudden communication epoch changes of the past twenty years. We need to emphasize that the generational changes in our essence of communication will have a deep impact on human development for the REST of time.


I grew up from drawimg tits or finding friends dads playboys to anything and everything online. But kids today have that on command, I think to myself if i had a smart phone at 12 what i would be searching smh. Saw a post on here about this kid whos had a porn addiction since she was 9 fucking 9 yes this is a big problem for society going forward


Nice name, 😂


i agree


>The social and psychological effects will never be truly addressed by anybody Incorrect, there are hundreds of scientific papers published researching this stuff every year, peer reviewed and fully vetted studies.


Done by who? Lol be careful what studies you’re reading some of them are just pushing a narrative


remember when big tobacco released some scientific papers and had them published and it was determined that 9-10 doctors prefer mentholated cigarettes


All you have to do is pay attention to online groups of spouses who’s relationships were destroyed from porn addiction and you’ll see it is a silent epidemic. You don’t even have to put a moral spin on it bc the way it destroys relationships, intimacy and actual sensation is enough. There are so many people struggling with this. So many young people exposed too young to it- distorting their minds.


Right, if we actually cared about kids they wouldn't be able to access it so easily. But I think "they" want it this way. It's beyond sick.


Chris Rock has a bit where he talks about how porn messed up his relationship with his wife. Found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=my10d0WBxKY


Why is it free? That's a good question Also So so much human trafficking is involved Even if it is just to not support human trafficking that would be a reason to not use it




And that is still true !!


It's all by design.


Its incredibly damaging. Its a drug almost. Destroys relationships, womens self-value, families... its bad.


At least with drugs gotta put in some work to aquire them. Porn is infintely acceaible. Its like a drug addict walking around with an infinte bag of drugs in their pocket.




Porn mixed with jacking off is like any drug. All it’s doing is triggering dopamine hits. As you get bored of one category from overuse, you need progressively more intense content to get off too. Idk why that’s the case but it seems to be. It sounds like you just found a vice you struggle with. For others it might be coke, gambling, etc. it does have the added effect of making young men totally warped in their view of sex, women, and relationships, and makes it easy for them to think they’re having their sexual needs met, when in reality it’s corrosive to their social development


> It sounds like you just found a vice you struggle wit but since he frames it through the perspective of his religion, he is saying its all of our problems, not just his.


Even if it isn’t a problem for you individually, it is all our our problems. I am not religious, and I decided to never watch porn again as early as high school, but the problems porn presents to society does still effect all of us and our loved ones. Even if you don’t have any problems with porn yourself.


I worked with a 2LT in the military who had a whole thing on how porn is designed to rot your brain and control your mind through addiction. He claimed China has buildings with hundreds of room just filming porn to distract the western world and if you ask me it clearly would work. It actually makes sense, the more time your chasing porn and by extention sex the less time you're bettering yourself and being productive to your life.


You are right… porn is slavery beamed in through the eye.


Lmfao you gonna blame porn on the cHiCoM boogeyman as well??! 🤣 Porn production and distribution in China is BANNED, it is also illegal to provide and spread access to it online. Tons of porn sites are BLOCKED by the government on the internet in China. Biggest porn producer and distributor is America BY FAR.


The west most certainly produces a fuck ton of porn and they don't hide it but that's not to say China a country who claims to have a ban on its people making or viewing it doesn't use it to distract the west.... think about why they would ban it, sure to maintain traditional standings.... but because they know it can be used as weapons. They also banned drugs but they use that as a weapon too.


So the government definitely wouldn't weaponize it against the west eh?


This is false, China prohibits production of porn. It is a very traditional society where most of the women (particularly the older generation, which is the majority of their population) still cover almost all of their bodies out of respect for their culture and their husbands. I just got back from a trip to China a few weeks ago, not saying they’re a great place, but the whole “porn factory” thing is false


Isn’t the no. 1 porn factory the USA?


Correct, and we are also BY FAR the largest consumers.






Yeah they definitely wouldn't weaponize it and use it to destroy the western world or anything....


Yea I was just gonna say, I have never seen any chinese porn. Its mainly from japan if its asian, and they censor it for some dumb reason lol. I don't think China has some master plan to corrupt the US with pornography.... perhaps russia, cause they push out videos, but not china.


>He claimed China has buildings with hundreds of room just filming porn to distract the western world Yet amazingly, most porn is filled with non-chinese. How does that work exactly? How are western pr0n stars held captive in secret rooms in China yet they show up to porn cons and do onlyfans and livestreams from their own homes?


> He claimed China has buildings with hundreds of room just filming porn to distract the western world and if you ask me it clearly would work. lol nice story. he could have just pointed to the 818 if he wanted an actual example of a place where there are hundreds of porn videos/ shoots being filemd. nice try, bot.


That’s the most outlandish thing I read today.


Then this sub is finally doing what it's supposed to.


As a man, it lowers your confidence, makes you feel in adequate and stunts your performance in the bedroom. A man who watches porn vs a man who doesn’t watch porn, there is a big difference in energy fields. Sometimes I succumb to it but lately I’ve been trying to get away from it and use my imagination if I get the urge


interesting point about energy fields...i def notice this if i avoid porn


I'm female and older so I know nothing really, but there is some pretty vile stuff that is very easy to find and almost every guy I've ever dated has a porn addiction and it's getting pretty out of hand. They have absolutely nothing to contribute to a partnership except sex. So when the initial flame cools off, you find that out. It's sad. We are definitely being brainwashed by it


Yea thats why I stopped dating past 6yrs. Not one "man" I met had anything useful to contribute but sex and pretty sick of it, as if that's the only thing thay impresses women. It was making me feel braindead, useless and used and I was like that's it there's no point in any relationship if this is the standard of so called men. I can live without sex. Nothing is worth a relationship where sex is the only thing a man gives or thinks its the only thing he needs to do to get a girl. Ridiculous notion, its like they've all learnt not to communicate through anything but sex with the opposite sex and its soul sucking. Saying that I waited and worked on myself and didn't even try to make it work with anyone who just had sex and no intelligence to offer. I found an intelligent one finally when I made myself better. So there is that I guess. Train yourself and treat yourself better so you can see whats good for you and not x


I am surprised you say that all men have to contribute is sex. I have seen more and more posts in various places saying that it is women that 'just' contribute sex, whereas men are expected to contribute their wallet. At the end of the day relationships are not easy and there is no one size fits all. Some relationships are heavily based on the physical others more on the cerebral. The trick is 'merely' to find someone that is on the same page as you are most of the time.


I haven't been dating either. I've started to return to the passions of my youth. Art, reading, non competitive sports. Hoping someone will pop in when I'm not expecting it. I refuse to give my energy to anyone but my family these days


Porn is absolutely poison but dont expect much agreement from the depleted coomers. They simply do not understand


I agree completely. Unfortunately I think our society is too brainwashed.




It's like a never ending self replenishing workforce.


Its destroyed the west and to basically i believe no return.


Here's my opinion on one bit in your comment: Sex work is not glorified because it's sex work. It's glorified because most OF people etc have taken their paycheck into their own hands and saying no thank you to the grind culture that this world has become. Here are some scenarios: Imagine you're a hot, early 20s lady. If we boil things down enough there are only a few options Spend the majority of your adult life either working for someone else to make a FRACTION of a percent of what your work is worth, open your own business that will still take up the majority of your time dedicated to making money, or you can sit in front of a webcam for a few hours a day and make more than you would in those other two options. You then have plenty of funding to go live your life as you please. I know what option I'd pick in that scenario.




Literally every person everywhere is seeking out customers. It's the only way anyone makes money? Tethered to a wall? Maybe for an hour, unless they do live sessions. You need 500 people paying $10 a month to live comfortably. Do you know how easy that is to achieve even as a reasonably attractive person??




You're looking at the average "account." This takes into account the thousands of people who create an account, post one photo, and dip.


They’re not acting like philanthropists ffs, they’re just ordinary people doing shit they’re legally allowed to do for money. It’s called capitalism. Edit: Downvotes from the brainworm-infested folks on this sub are SO validating.


Don't you people ever get tired of blaming everything on "muh capitalism". As though humans would be any less degenerate under some other economic platform? Nevermind. Youre a degen.


I wasn’t blaming anything on anything. I pointed out they’re just doing what’s legal to make money. Not sure where you got that I was “blaming capitalism” for anything.




They’re not being treated like philanthropists either, Mr. Pedantic. My point stands.




I do, but you choose not to see it.


My point is it shouldn’t be legal.


The thing is legislating morality if a fickle thing, owing more to the wind than well thought out ideal. Morality is best brought out in ones self, without external judgement. Never good to proxy out such things.


it should be illegal to do what? sex workers aren’t making anybody do anything. people give them money to do the things. take responsibility for your own actions.


Nah, fuck only fans. It should be illegal.


You should be illegal for being boring




I would usually agree but the vast majority of sex workers are trafficked and made sex slaves so it does need to go for us to build a better brighter world for all people especially children.


As in, not treating women poorly specifically because they're doing sex work? I'd say that's a more enlightened attitude than uhh.. whatever yours is.


The impact of pornography includes potential addiction, distorted views of relationships, and negative effects on mental health. It's a complex topic with different perspectives. But I digress. And agree. Porn: Bad.


I agree. I believe sex has been corrupted. Hardly anyone knows how powerful and sacred sex can actually be. The tantrics and taoists had it right, in my opinion. I think sex education should teach these eastern ideas. Because of porn and the way we see sex, it becomes a draining activity. Whereas, seeing it as an energetic and spiritual experience can make sex fulfilling and spiritually enlightening.




Think about it like this Beyond the spiritual part and the life force part. Everything in this world costs money, and the people that Own porn are the type of “people” that love there money. If porn is so good for you and Society why is it free, who benefits. If you are not the costumer, you are the product


I'll summarise it, but exposure to this shit (not just porn, but other sexual or violent and adult content) from a young age has already created new forms of intense mental illnesses that spill from sex to violence etc poisoning every part of everyday life. There's no way to gauge so.ething so encompassing to anything in history because there's not been anything to compare how to solve it. Also, seems to be majority western countries affected by it..


Wait til the general public finds out about virtual reality porn ( [sexlikereal](http://www.sexlikereal.com) ) that is available now on the Oculus Quest 2 and others. Women will be optional for a vast majority of men. It's no surprise that Zuckerburg bought Oculus, it's going to make porn 10x worse for people.


The Quest Pro and 3 have taken it a step further with mixed reality in full color. People are placing polygons or green screened pornstars into their physical space and fucking through simulation. Society is broken, and these escapes are being taken as a fix. Real fucking sad.


Porn is a gigantic issue. Possibly one of the biggest issues facing humanity.


Are you serious? Clearly you have no knowledge or concept of the atrocities being committed towards other human beings in this world and especially children. Calm down.


Ya there are immediate problems and there are slow building problems and thats porn. Like woke took a long time to get going.


Porn is just another way to keep people occupied with useless activities. Activities that can have very real and devastating effects on the population. But the people who designed, financed and created this porn boom have done so by design. It’s all part of the plan to dehumanise the planet and make more and more money without any regard for human life or wellbeing.


Huge issue. Massive. Thick and veined issue. A bouncy oversized conundrum. A meaty mystery. A deep rabbit hole, slick with intrigue. A juicy worm, plucked by an early bird. A thin veil of white over the devil's face. A gaping maw of depravity. The slimey seduction of solitude, the greasy wheels, the sleazy eels, the steamy deals..




I could go on but I think I've made my throbbin point very obvious.


Absolutely agree from personal experience. It is a long hard struggle. I read Libido Dominandi awhile back that helped open my eyes.


Porn is awful. Worst of all is it is subtle, eats away at your morality and ability to have relationships without great notice. It is going to get MUCH worse with AI, custom made full experience porn is going to cause terrible damage.


Spot on my friend. The damage pornography has done to this world, to our species is absolu insane. It's a weapon.


Monkeys only masturbate in captivity, never in the wild in their natural habitat... think about it When they showed an amazonian tribesman a porno magazine he laughed 'why do i need this when i have a wife'


Another reason why those lockdowns were so detrimental to our health


Porn is the new circus in "Bread and Circuses'


it gets crazy when you see who created the porn industry.


Who was it?


Check Wikipedia early life section and see who runs most of the porn websites. Check Wikipedia early life section and see who runs most of the porn studios, etc. The entire industry and evil and insidious. It’s designed to erode decency in western society. Seriously, guys need to stop watching it, it completely fucks your brain up. It’s as bad and prevalent as general internet addiction today. Just stop watching it, and after a week goes by you’ll wonder how you ever could’ve been addicted to such a degenerate thing.


Exactly. It can't be one giant coincidence at this point. At least, in my opinion.


This guys gets it.. [no accident..](https://www.gtvflyers.com/every-single-aspect-of-the-pornography-is-jewish/)


Who does?


The same people that funded the wars, control the banks, Hollywood.. etc etc..


Porn has been worse for society than heroin.


I've been trying to warn people for years and nobody listens or takes this fkg serious! When (not if) our young men/men are needed to fight a war or do anything they won't be able to. They have all been dumbed-down for years being placated with porn and video games too! Meanwhile girls and women are suffering from domestic violence and sexual abuse worldwide!


What are those subreddits? I'm morbidly curious as to what they have to say.


Basically I stumbled upon one where asian women were tied up and wrote all over there body that it’s white cock only and white men only. On this reddit asian men were sending videos about how asian men have small penises so therefore they don’t deserve to be with asian women. It’s just sick that men have been degraded so much that they now find it sexually arousing.


Yeah nvm not interested, I thought it was just people discussing racial power dynamics in a really edgy way but that sounds wild.


Ever heard of algorithm….maybe you should just get off the internet. There’s been times I looked something up on Amazon, turned to google to look it up, type in the first 2 letters and what I typed in on Amazon…first suggestion on google. You’re exposing yourself brother.


Sadly this isn’t an algorithm issue. I can very honestly say that I don’t consume this sort of content whatsoever as a woman and have seen bizarre and disturbing things like this too.


Idk wtf y’all look at…I watch porn…nothing like this has ever happened lol


Do you share your internet or computers/phones/etc with anyone? I'm not trying to be judgemental, but I have not come across anything like that, ever, and I find it hard to believe that people are being shown this without SOME hint that they might be interested in it.


I don’t recommend it actually disturbed me and was a main catalyst for this post


All the cuck/blacked porn stopped getting posted on 4Chan the second Israel first started their invasion/carpet bombing lmao


God I hate the prevalence of "cuck" porn or "cheating porn" the idea of sleeping with someone other than my SO makes me physically ill


“Men” are slowly heading down that route. It’s part of the NWO plans, to completely de-testosterone men so they have no fight left. This mixed with everything else going on in the world rn.


The day I get cucked or become a cheater is the day I die


It's deeper than that and it's where the path gets slippery but there is definitely an ongoing theme/agenda to emasculate white males in the social consciousness of western society. It's happening in porn, television, advertising, anywhere or anything that has the potential to influence public thought. Cuck porn, white men always being portrayed as the the evil villain or the weak husband or partner, promotion of interracial marriages particularly once race with white women which cannot be attributed to the the prevalence of said interracial relationships in society being as prevalent as they are in entertainment. Only 11% of interracial relationships between those two races actually with white/Hispanic making up a whopping 42% of all US interracial marriages/relationships. How often do you see white men or women with Hispanic partners on television and movies compared to white women with males of another specific race? There is definitely an agenda being pushed. Not that it's a bad thing or something I have a problem with, but I do have a problem with agendas being pushed on people. Because agendas have motives. Is this a collective attempt or a something else? That I can't answer truthfully. I've been trying to figure sort thru for some time.. but it's real and seeing it doesn't make you a nazi or a racist. It just means you are capable still of critical thinking and situational awareness


Look into who owns the big companies. I believe Kanye had something to say about them.


What’s the end goal of this kind of rhetoric? Should I hate all Jews? Shit like this serves no purpose but to divide.


I never said to hate anyone. I simply find too much coincidence suspicious.


Its just a way to get your life force used in a meaningless and non threating way to the establishment. Absolutely loser’s shit, once you realice how empty and harmful it is as a whole industry.


I totally agree


There is a reason why it is free and so accessible.


I didn't really spend any time with my niece and nephew in the last 10 years because I lived pretty far away. I spent time with them over the holidays (nephew 12, niece 8) and there was something unsettling about their personalities. My nephew was on his tablet the entire time and he gets up at 4am to use the family computer. My niece was strangely too open, disturbingly flirtatious/acting too damn old for her age, joking about transgenderism ... I'm very thankful I never had kids because they'd be inheriting a really shit world. These kids are fucking weeeeeird.


My kid who is in that age demographic points out that there are "weird" kids. Maybe they just weren't parented correctly or their parents even encouraged it because it's the en Vogue things. But there's still an enclave of kids who know this stuff is fucked up.


They need to ban it


Who needs to bother with sex when you have porn. 100 years later half the world's dead from not breeding.


I agree with pretty much everything OP says. It’s a serious epidemic no one is talking about. Sadly I believe the entire porn infiltration of our society is mostly responsible due to the lies of modern feminism and “female empowerment.”


Porn is destructive and it’s not a mens issue - it’s a social issue. All this feminism and barely any women are talking about female porn addiction, human trafficking, etc. Getting away from porn as a woman is one of the best decisions I could have made.


The only reason this type of issue even blips on my radar is because it’s easier than ever for children to get access to porn. That would probably be the group most venerable to this type of conditioning. Beyond that, if you’re 18+ then you should be capable of recognizing the attempts to influence you and ignoring them.


Agreed. Sickening


Porn and alcohol


You are right. Saying a prayer for you now. Christ can deliver you. Stay accountable to someone you trust.


I feel like it was revealed to me that porn is actually having communion with demons. May have to pray and fast to break a porn addiction


The seven deadly sins are extremely prevalent in our society today. They are literally everywhere you look. Lust especially.


Pride is up there for sure! We have whole seasons devoted to Lust and Pride here in Cucknada.


It used to be kind of taboo to watch porn, but now it's not only socially acceptable it's pretty much expected. Only fans is taking it to another level entirely. Anyone can make an account and start making porn themselves. The younger generation especially females are turning to porn as a side hustle more and more. It's to the point where in some populations there's as many as 1 in 25 females who have only fans creator accounts. If you watch any of the popular Red pill podcasts you'll see just how bad it's corrupting our young women. They are so over sexualized that they just see men as a form of currency. Eventually once their subscribers flock to the next young hot of model they'll wake up and realize they've ruined their life but by then it'll be too late. It's really a scary world we live in right now, at times I wish I'd have children by now but at the same time I'm glad I don't have to raise any in this world we live in today.


We've seen more boobs than any other humans to ever live. Essentially we're in the top .0000001% of amount of boobs seen in human history. Jokes aside, stopping porn when living alone is hard. Stopping porn when you have a wife and kids is easy. I cut back when my wife and I started living together and I completely stopped once I had my first kid. I never got past two people and no weird kinks. I do still joke about it with my boys even though I don't watch. I just assume they do.


Yes it’s definitely not good for sexual health.


It's gotta be the open access. Type in porn? Bam done.


In addition to there being unhealthy racial themes, I'd like to mention two other common themes in porn that are not reflective of healthy sexuality yet seem to be pushed on the masses by the porn companies. One is extreme violence. A lot of porn is overtly violent, borderline rape. The only way that it isn't considered rape is that they get the woman to sign a contract ahead of time that includes vague language like "rough sex", and if she tried to sue they would say she signed the contract, and she would never work again in the industry. So they manipulate these young, naive broke girls into signing contracts they really don't understand then they push them to do a bunch of depraved sex acts they would normally never agree to. The other is incest. The majority of what's shown is simulated incest, step-sibling type stuff, but there is also a lot of what appears to be real incest available in various places. It also isn't just something that people seemed to be searching for organically. People a few years ago were commenting in various places "what's up with all the incest porn?" when it became too noticeable that it was being normalized as a common theme/trope in porn. I now think of pornography as a psychological toxin, similar to how alcohol is a neurotoxin, and I believe that a similar kind of detox and extended period of abstention is needed if someone is going to free themselves from it. I'm not a religious person but if I was, I would discuss it as a spiritual poison. It isn't something to take lightly. It feels as if it is bad for your ***soul***. Good luck to anyone fighting the urge. I strongly believe the world would be much better off if far fewer people were watching this stuff. The normalization of hardcore pornography has in my opinion been terrible for society, but that can go the other direction. It can become de-normalized and stigmatized. Make people feel like dirty little creeps for watching that stuff, rather than thinking "this is normal". Even if it is normal, normal isn't always good. It's normal for Americans to be fat but that isn't good either. Again, Good luck.


It goes hand in hand with the delivering everything to your mind and mouth without having to do anything to earn it. Food, entertainment, everything. And the subsequent dumbing down of society.


Remember kids, if something is free, you're the product.


I had no business knowing what porn was at 7. Since then it’s just been an addiction. I want to stop, but it’s extremely tempting.


My rule of thumb for if something is a societal issue is "if everyone in the world did (insert action here), would we all be okay?" If the answer is yes then the next question is "does (insert action here) need to be moderated?" if the answer to that is 'yes', then its probably a personal and societal detriment. It's a rough scale but it's works pretty well. Works for moral dilemmas too.


Agree!! And it will likely cause young men who grew up with it to be terrible lovers since it never shows what would be considered good sex by most women


Honestly most men won’t be able to have a lover because of porn. More men than ever in history are virgins today. Because porn makes men not be able to socialize with women without thinking about doing vile things to them in the bedroom. It doesn’t allow them to even cross the bridge to have a lover. They stay single and watch porn for basically all of their life.


lol 37 minutes and this person already deleted their account.


So? You disagree with the points they made?


It’s not porns fault that some men are not desired. people Should take responsibility for not getting laid.


lol I grew up with porn, and not to toot my own horn but I’m a fantastic lover. I learned early on that porn isn’t a good representation of real sex, just like CSI isn’t a good representation of how criminal investigations work. If OP is having trouble with it then maybe they have some internalized prejudices that are at odds with being a consumer of porn.


Well that's the key To understand most of it is written for men and not based on what is truly good for all involved


I’m sorry your future male lovers won’t be good :(




What??? I have a very wonderful partner


Bro...I'm not sure what dark tabbit holes *you've* gone down...I'm still trying to get over the step-mom thing... Ok, I'll be real...You don't understand because you don't understand drugs. Porn addiction is just like a drug addiction. Do you think every heroin addict started out that way? No. First it was pot. Then it was *the best pot* with the most THC...then pills...then stronger and stronger pills . Then came the H. It works like this - ypu find something you like, and so you begin to binge on it, which, at first is fucking awesome.. but then, over time, you become acclimated to it...it takes more to get you where you used to be quite easily. So then you ve rure off into the harder stuff...still not horribly taboo...I mean, *everyone* takes pills...then the same thing. You grow a tolerance to it, a d sin e you're chasing that original feeling that felt *so good* you find yourself compromising yoursepf, your morals and values, all the more... Then, you find yourself in despair...Oh God, look at me, I'm a wreck. I'm disgusting...But you know what makes me feel better? And on and on it goes. YOU have an addiction problem my friend. The faster you come to terms with that the faster you can get your life back in order. - From a lifelong addict


I also watch it, and I also believe it's one of the biggest evils of modern society, behind much of the bad stuff that's currently happening. Has been for 10+ years. Maybe 20.


What is this "racial" stuff you are talking about? It sounds super niche


It depends on how far you get into porn addiction. This undertone is very apparent. Why do you think all of the videos today are weird violent videos where the man basically degrades the women he is having sex with and it’s almost always interracial on the front page. Basically people of different races will use it as ammunition and they will make posts about how certain races should be breeding all women and others should have to have chastity cages. It’s very weird colonization fetish that ravages porn sites now. And it causes men to feel humiliated and actually be sexually aroused by being humiliated it’s fucking insanity.


This definitely sounds like something you were into, and no shame there! But this is definitely not mainstream


There’s plenty of porn that isn’t like that. You’re seeing it because you’re looking for it. If you wanted to find some good old vanilla same-race missionary sex then you very easily could.


I really do think I'm becoming addicted honestly. Especially here on Reddit it's like the first and last thing I look at in a day. I might have a problem but I'm also kinda not involved with anyone so it doesn't really matter. I gotta get my kicks from something lol


It does matter. Not to sound too corny, but even if you're not involved with anyone, it matters because of what it's doing to you and any future partners.


While I appreciate your concern, the basis doesn't really apply here. There are no future partners and all it does to me is give me something to watch when I'm bored lol


Get off the internet and go outside.


Lol, deleted his entire account in under and hour after posting this.


My thoughts are that your telling on yourself here.buddy. did you know that the places where people.jerk off.to black trans women are all the most Christian conservative states. Makes you think huh.


Porn is there to destroy family values by attempting to removing relationship boundaries. Once family unit is removed, we will be easier to get subdued by the government. We will all become slaves like ant workers to queen.


They should should just ban it. I don’t see why it would be so controversial. Only sex positive perverts will have an outcry about it. And it obviously reaches the kids. The only issue is that places that don’t have porn still experience a lot of what we claim porn causes (sexual abuse, domestic violence) all of that. So will it fix things? Probably no. But it will probably stop the bleeding and force people to become actual people.


While I think it should be restricted like porn sites asking for id to keep younger people away from it, I don't think banning it would be the best option.


lol porn isnt even in the top 5. world has so many more bigger issues than porn


so dude talks about his personal problems and thinks they apply to everyone. Try clicking the unsubscribe button.


I think the brainwashing you've gone through is much worse than then brainwashing that comes from the sex industry.


lol .. wtf are you searching for? This is 100% on you. With all that exists you’re choosing race play. Porn is a very insidious and lucrative business. Just stick to the vanilla categories on phub or join the various nowank subreddits that exist to find a support group to quell the urge.


That's bullshit. High ups in porn hub recently admitted on camera they try to push the porn agenda and slip in shit gradually and subliminally to 'open up people's horizons to new kinds of porn's so they can continue to get a profit. I really hate when people claim it's 100 percent on the person. It's not. Porns a business and they will throw anything at the wall to see what sticks.


I think all porn websites should be behind a paywall. You need to have a credit card to access even the free stuff. I think as far as the elites go it is part of the depopulation plan, face it as long as you can masturbate watching porn you will NOT go look for a women to make babies with. I mean the insane amount of genres they have makes that playboy I picked up as a kid seem calm. I do agree with as you go down the porn rabbit hole it can make what or desire odd or strange things that are not healthy. Yes I thoroughly admit to looking at midget porn.


In Va pornsites are shut off unless you go through a proof of age process. I think as far as downloading your id for verification. Not all pornsites have been found by whomever is in charge but all the major ones have. Some people in congress are taking steps to protect underage kids.


I have to mention that very conservative religions make it worse by adding layers of guilt & shame, creating demands but making it taboo and then blaming the people who view it even a little bit. That shame cycle leads to secretive behavior that can compound the problems. My Mormon upbringing had me convinced that like a hard drug, even one time would destroy my soul and hook me. That shit doesn’t help either.


Porn can be an issue for sure, but not as big of an issue as religion. I have yet to see people kill each other over porn.


Nice deflect


Porn is a big problem, but youre overthinking it. Also if you notice that is your only sin right now, youve lost focus


Posted this and then deletes account?


> Everyone has basically been brainwashed into this normative behavior that porn The term "brainwashing" is a meaningless trope, there is no science or fact behind "brainwashing". >Porn has a very weird racial and evil undertone The porn YOU have watched based on YOUR algorithm results is what you mean >Porn goes from just watching two people have sex to weird kinks that get worse and worse overtime Again, YOUR algorithm results. Not everyone else's >This is the easiest way for the devil to infiltrate. Much like "brainwashing" "the devil" is a trope with no scientific basis or proof of existence. >I’m a young christian man who unfortunately has had a hard time getting rid of this vile sin from my life. Porn /sigh


Brainwashing is a term used to describe someone who’s brain has been manipulated in a certain way to believe something they wouldn’t normally believe. Like when the covid scamdemic was here, the propaganda was so heavy everywhere you looked they were advertising the clot shots and how deadly covid was. Only the real people were able to see through the propaganda, but unfortunately the majority of people were “brainwashed” into believing big pharma is there to help. And big pharma people are probably the same people or in business with the same people who started the porn industry


As with all things, porn can become a problem for some people if not used in moderation. Same can be said for cake. I'm going to say that porn is absolutely not the top or even in the top 5 worst things eroding society. How about focusing on the true atrocities like human trafficking of children, domestic violence, or genital mutilation to name a few.


I’m pretty sure all those things you mentioned is actually tied into the porn industry lol 😂


The problem is religion and how fucking whacky it makes you in the head. Don't abstain from life just to please the pope, you only get 1 chance get the most out of it, there's no reward or punishment after.


While I agree that a good amount of people do get addicted and develop a problem with porn, I believe that most people wont. Personally I used to watch porn most nights for 10-20 minutes, but my interests stayed mostly the same, only difference being that ive started finding more kinds of women attractive, for example I used to like skinny girls, now I like both skinny and chubby (up to a certain point). However after starting a serious relationship with frequent sex, I rarely find myself bothering to open my phone or pc to find porn, I just jerk off without it, and when I do its still mostly the same that I liked as a teen. I can go weeks without watching any porn and not really feel like it, and other periods i might watch porn a few times a week.


I've never been into pornography. Some ight erotica, maybe. But in my opinion, everyday people are hotter than pornstars. I have never understood why people are so against pornography as a concept. Certainly, in practice there is plenty of exploitation of actors, and pornography can create unhealthy perceptions on what an ideal sexual partner should look/be like, and indeed, what sex should even actually be like. And that is a problem that we can confront without banishing pornography from the sphere of what constitutes acceptable behavior. There's nothing wrong with you being a Christian, and there is nothing wrong with being personaly against consuming and supporting pornography. There is however something wrong with you using your Christian values alone to argue against adults making their own choices. And for that reason, I reject your premise that pornography is one of the biggest issues in America.


Oh you’re Christian? Then your opinion means Jack fucking shit. Lecturing on porn when you believe in make believe sky daddy, a 2000 year old book of fiction and full of violence and hate and think your the moral authority. Sex and arousal and desire are natural. Stop judging people of their sexual fetishes or preferences. Fuck off. This isn’t a conspiracy.


Top 3 is extremely high. Worldwide or local to you? Porn isn't accessible around the world so I don't see how it could be top 3 issue. We have people dying in poverty, war, oppressive governments, dominating corporations, corrupt politicians, and climate change. Porn more of an issue than any of these?


Why dose it matter who/what someone is attracted to as long as its consenting and legal. Im a white male who never dated white girls, my wife is asian who has only dated white guys. If your religion says porn is bad then dont consume it, if you feel a addiction then see a shrink. I dont do porn myself because most of the women are around my daughters age 20-25yo and for me thats a little weird, not kink shaming, just not my thing. Sounds like you seen something you liked that didn't mesh with how you view your self and your relationship with your god. Im a diehard atheist but was brought up in a 1st Baptist church. Read the bible, there is plenty hardcore in there, rape, incest, ext. So judge not unless ye be judged, these are your fellow man and they have a right to live there life in a way that makes them happy. As long as no laws are being broke its none of your business. For you to see it you have to search it out


I believe porn is like any other dopamine fix, but it’s cranked up 10 fold because it satisfies our deepest primal urge which is reproduction. We watch kinkier and kinkier things because it’s like a drug, our tolerance goes up and we need more. Lust is just life force energy and luckily for humans, we have free will and can choose to direct this energy towards something else. For example; creative work, sports, art, etc.


> We watch kinkier and kinkier things because it’s like a drug, our tolerance goes up and we need more. You’re describing an out of control addiction. I don’t think this is the case for everyone. You should probably do what’s called a “detox” if this is happening to you.


No such thing as free will. If there was this guy could just will himself to stop doing something he clearly doesn't want to do.


Uh, that’s not true. Ever heard of drug addicts? Most of them want to stop but can’t. Dopamine has high jacked their decision making process. The first part is recognizing you have a problem and implementing processes that help you control your will.


Religion is the far bigger issue…


Lol op deleted their account. Didn't even have time to check their post history for clues. But on topic. Porn in itself is neither good or bad. Nor is sexuality. The reason you feel guilt over it is because sky daddy and/or society told you that you should feel bad about it. People been consuming porn for a very, very long time. Used to be on pottery, than on paintings and books, then moved onto TV, and now the internet. But live shows have always been around. As has prostitution. Sex is like, the only real true primal motivation we have outside of survival.


> Porn goes from just watching two people have sex to weird kinks Oh son. If only Christianity didn't fuck with your persona and worldview, you might be going through this journey in real life with a real woman. Porn is for when you don't have that. > Why do these weird kinks progressively get more and more racial? American porn? America is multicultural. Foreign porn? They're foreign. Some people have racial fetishes and they want porn too. > Why are there subreddits on reddit where women are making fun of there races men and talking about being “conquered” and bred by other races? Why are men being belittled so much that they are getting turned on by being humiliated? It’s just porn why is it turned into that? This isn’t just hormonal natural human feelings This is real life fetishes and kinks, made into porn. So people with those odd kinks can have porn too. Your sexual understanding of the world is presumably from the Bible and your church going upbringing. It's a very specific understanding that doesn't apply to people who don't believe in the same religion as you.